I Can Talk to Cats

Chapter 54: 54

When song Xinmin went back to the store, his face was deeply affected by his mood.

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"What's the matter?" Lin Lan looked at his face and said, "boss cat is angry with you today?"

Xiao Song, who helped the manager to close the teahouse, shook his head. He didn't want to open his mouth, but when he saw the boss of cat language level 10, he seemed to think of something. He turned to Lin Lan and said, "manager, can you persuade a cat to leave its original place?"

Song Xinmin tells Lin Lan what he saw and heard during the day when he took pictures of the cat boss. Soon it's Lin Lan's turn to accept this appeal, and he begins to take on the same expression.

Until she closed the shop, went upstairs and came home, she pushed the door and entered the room in a state of meditation.

In the living room, the floor mats used to heat the cats are still in place. After all, even if all the cats in the teahouse are moved to the new house, it's the same to make room for people.

Just like now, Granny Lin is sitting on it. She uses the big cushion as a mat to spread the floor and sews her own quilt and bedspread on it.

The old lady took a long hook quilt needle and sewed the quilt cover and cotton core together along the corner of the quilt. From time to time, she pulled the tip of the needle on her head twice before stitching.

On the quilt of the brown peony head, a pure white cat lies on its side. From time to time, it stretches its claws to catch grandma's sewing.

"Why did you sew the quilt all of a sudden, grandma?" By this one attracted attention, Lin Lan temporarily forget the empty nest cat thing, "not years ago the quilt has been washed?"

"Then ask your father." Lin Nai didn't lift her nipple either. "When I drink a cup of tea at home, I can accidentally pour water on the quilt. If I don't find something for your mother and me to do for the new year, he may feel uncomfortable all over."

When she was answered by her grandmother, Lin Lan noticed the sound of hair dryer coming from her parents' room. She moved her steps to look around the room and saw her father sitting in the room, holding a hair dryer to dry the wet cotton tire.

On the other side of the balcony, the drum washing machine made the sound of the end of the work. The mother standing next to her opened the door and took out the quilt cover from the inside. She also had a bad look: "every day, you can't walk well at home. You can watch TV when you watch TV and drink tea when you drink tea. Why do you do three things together. Even if someone trips and falls on the bed, and throws the cup up, I really want you to sleep on the wet quilt at night! "

The more he said, the more angry he was. Finally, they all yelled at someone in the room.

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Soon, Lin Lan saw his father's expression, which was even more withered.

The sinister atmosphere at home has no effect on the snowflakes rolling on the new quilt. The big white cat is lying on its side in a horizontal strip, with its little claws stretched out, following grandma's needle and thread. It's a lot of fun.

Just as it happens, the place where grandma wants to get the needle is where the cat lies. Snowflake is still in front of the cat. Grandma grabs a corner of the quilt and shakes dexterously, and the white cat in the way is overturned to the other side.

Lin Lan's heavy heart recovered at this moment. With a smile, she took the cat away, moved it to the sofa, and patted its small head: "snowflake, don't interfere with Grandma's sewing quilt."

Grandma looked up in the gap: "it's OK, it's not in the way once or twice." Is completely accustomed to the rhythm of kitten trouble, "but it's you, come in face is not very good, is the shop and what bad things?"

When Granny Lin said this, her father and mother were all together. It seems that they are caring. Opening a teahouse is different from a tobacco and wine shop. It's a lot of trouble to deal with guests, and it's hard to deal with some bad tea guests. Although my daughter never complained to them once, the elder didn't pay any attention.

"It's all right in the shop." Lin Lan said quickly, "it's Xiao Song. He asked for three days to go out to collect wind and take photos. When he came back, he told me what happened today. On the other side of the street behind our village in the city, an old man is gone, but he keeps a cat and still stays in the old house... "

In a few words, she finished what song Xinmin saw, and the elders of the family were silent and sighed.

"I can't help it when I'm old." Granny Lin sighed that she was also half of the body into the loess. She also had a cat at home. She felt more deeply about this kind of thing. "It's just pity for the cat. It's silly to wait in the same place."

"Won't the old man's children take the cat back?" Lin asked.

Lin Lan shook his head: "I didn't care about it at all. The neighbor said that he had done a funeral for the old man and then he locked the door and left. He asked him if he wanted to take the cat away and take care of it. Anyway, it was a stray cat. When no one in the house fed it, he would know to run away."

"What the hell!" Lin Fu couldn't help scolding him, "it's tiring for him to take care of his old man's cat."

"No one took it away because on the one hand, and on the other hand, the cat refused to move its nest." Lin Lan is also helpless, "know that the family really want to let the cat live and die, neighbor uncle is want to take over to raise it, but it only shrink in the old house, every day at that time, just wait behind the window of the gate, waiting for the old man to go out as usual, open the door to come back."The family was silent again, and Lin's mother couldn't help sympathizing with her: "poor little cat, how can these stupid things live without people?"

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It seems that whether it is a cat or a person, the more loyal they are, the more stupid they seem to be, even if everyone knows that it is not the case.

"Maybe It's really stupid... " Lin Lan sighs, remembering that Xiao Song couldn't bear to ask for help. How could he have the heart. The cat has to look forward when the man is gone.

Just then, a cat's cry broke the heavy atmosphere in the room.

"Meow --" (LAN LAN, it's not stupid! Because that's its home!)

Lin Lan looks at the sofa in surprise. The big white cat lying on it is calling at her.

"Meow --" (it's like this is my home. I want to guard you here. Don't run around any more!)

Meow meow, it has jumped off the sofa, first rubbed her, then rubbed grandma and parents all over again.

"Why are you suddenly so charming?" Lin's mother took the cat into her arms. She hated it on her mouth, but on her hand she gave the cat hair again and again. "Are you hungry again? I don't know who taught a little male cat to be so coquettish. "

Snow lying in grandma's arms, family familiar with the smell of it is very safe, was grandma rolled eyes squint, tail are comfortable to swing up.

"Ah..." Lin Lan looks at this scene but seems to suddenly realize something.

For snowflake, these people are its presence, the home they live in is also the territory it guards, and all the people in the territory are its watchmen.

Just like when she went to work in the magic city, every time she came back, snowflake used food to keep her. Every time, it's snowflake's efforts for this family.

If no one in the family is there, it will do the same thing as the cat.

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It's not only because of loyalty and affection, but also because of another important reason.

The next day.

"Xiao Song, let me go to the back street with you today." In the teahouse, Lin Lan takes off her standard apron and says to song Xinmin, who is ready to leave and continues to shoot the cat boss, "it happens that I have something to look for the cat boss. The follow-up problem of the flower cat can be solved as soon as possible, and I will be at ease as soon as possible."

Of course, song Xinmin won't refuse. After working in the cat teahouse for such a long time, although he still hasn't become a cat slave, he has a lot of good feelings for the cat. Naturally, he doesn't want the cat to end like this.

"The store manager is the store manager, so quickly came up with a solution!" He is not stingy of his praise.

"Don't be too busy praising others. We can solve the problem today." After telling Wang Jiayi that she can't cope with it, she can go directly to her parents in the tobacco and wine department for help. Lin Lan carries her bag and goes out with song Xinmin to face the cold wind in the morning to the abandoned houses.

The first stop is to find out the details of Huamao.

"Ah, Wuwu..." (he followed me before he was taken in by the bipedal. The two legged animal that raised it has left now and never come back, so I will bring some food occasionally.)

In the abandoned folk house where the stray cats are located, the white handed beaver flower sits on a high place and talks to Lin Lan who comes to inquire.

"So." Lin langdun suddenly, no wonder the cat boss specially went to take care of him, it turned out that he was the former younger brother.

The next second, she was surprised by what the cat said.

"Wow." I know. The old bipedal can't come back

Lin Lan's face was shocked, and her surprised face was reflected in the calm golden pupil of civet cat.

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"Ah woo." (if you can help him find another bipedal that he can adopt, I can ask the bipedal with the small box over there to stop running when he faces the box.)

Lin Lan looks back at Song Xinmin, who is not far behind. He looks at the "small box" he is holding in his hand. After a moment of silence, he turns his head back.

"Yes, I'll try my best." Lin Lan nodded forcefully, "you take care of your younger brother so much, I can't let my employees have no benefits."

The deal is so concluded that the cat boss takes Lin Lan and song Xinmin to the empty house where the flower cat is once again.

Along the way, Lin Lan also asked the cat boss many questions about the flower cat.

Then at the destination, she didn't ask the cat boss to lead the cat out of the house, but according to song Xinmin's direction, she knocked on the next door neighbor's door.

Old people usually get up early. Lin Lan knocks on the door, and soon someone comes to answer. It's the neighbor who talked to song Xinmin yesterday.

"Hello old man, excuse me, I was yesterday..." Lin Lan stood at the door with Xiao Song and said, "listen to what you mean. In fact, you also want to take care of Huamao, right? We also can't bear that the cat has been trapped in an empty house. If you want to adopt it, we can help you. "

There was a foreshadowing for meeting Xiao song yesterday. Although the neighbor met two enthusiastic people in the early morning of the next day, he found out that they didn't want money and things, and he told them that the people in the village in the city in front of him were certainly not liars, so he was very happy to receive them."I want to keep the ball." Sitting in the dining room, the old man looked in the direction of the old house next door and sighed, "Qiuqiu is a stray kitten adopted by old man Li next door two years ago. He is very agreeable, especially clinging to old man Li. Now old man Li is gone, and his children are not willing to take care of the kitten. I really don't want such a good cat to be ruined. But the ball is stubborn. No matter what I say or how I take food to guide it, it just doesn't come out of the house and barks to me through the window. "

Lin Lan nodded as he listened: "so, Mr. Jiang, you have a good relationship with Mr. Li, right? I must know a lot about Uncle Li and the ball A lot of them? That's great. Please tell me more about it By the way, have you two ever given each other any gifts Do you have it, too? Great

After collecting all the information, Lin Lan comes out from Uncle Jiang's house. She calls the cat boss who is in the corner and asks him to go to the empty house to call out the flower cat.

This series of operations make song Xinmin look confused and don't know what the store manager is doing, but he doesn't have time to ask. He is ordered to go back to the door of Uncle Jiang's house to watch. He has already seen that the cat in the empty house is led out by the cat.

The next moment, he saw the store manager facing the cat: "ball ball, I'm called to see you by Uncle Li."

The author has something to say: manager Lin: I'm good at deceiving kittens.

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