I Can Talk to Cats

Chapter 63: 63

In the cubicle, Wang Jiayi's newly bought hair suction equipment is ringing. Under her hand, Lan Bao, a puppet cat, is lying there in a carpet shape, letting the hair suction brush roll around on her body. From time to time, she takes the initiative to suck her body.

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"Meow Meow (here, here, a little more It's so cool, meow. LAN LAN, you can also keep one at home.)

Lin Lan speechless looked at the second son of meow, who was coquetting and wanted to buy things. The action of combing the sausage of manjikang cat under his hand slowed down.

Her eyes always fall here, which makes Wang Jiaxiang misunderstand. The eldest lady is pitiful: "don't look at me like this, LAN LAN. I know that this vacuum cleaner cost me nearly two months' salary, and it's already a black sheep. But it's the cheapest appliance I've ever bought since I was a kid. I don't even have five digits. "

Shut up, you fool! Don't stab people with this "I'm already very thrifty" tone!

make complaints about it. Lin Lan just nodded his head. "This thing is very practical. You can't buy it wrong. After that, if you go home, you can continue to use silver. Anyway, the cat is not afraid of the noise at all, so you can enjoy it. "

"Hey, hey, I think so, too." Receiving affirmation, Wang Jiayi suddenly squints and smiles, shakes the equipment in her hand and continues to suck the cat. Soon the puppet cat's combing work today is finished, "go, lanbao."

Seeing that the cat was about to leave, Lin Lan hastened to tell him: "old rule, you should lie down in the window for a while today."

"Meow!" (I see, LAN LAN!)

Under the deliberate crack of the door, the puppet cat went out to walk, and came to the shelf of the window area with familiar skills, and jumped up three or two times. For a short period of time, it wanted to be a window puppet to attract customers outside the store.

In addition to opening that month, the kittens have paid attention to color and formation ratio, the back began to relax. The flower shaped shelf is a cat all the time. The heart-shaped shelves are full of variety. The black cat love team, which surprised Tang Xiaoya and many other repeat customers at the beginning, is long gone now. It's other kinds of kittens who randomly choose their positions or lie down or sit down according to their mood.

Although not as exciting as the black cats, the heart-shaped team composed of beautiful kittens of different colors and designs can still play well.

At this time, the heart-shaped team peach tip, sitting on a Russian blue cat.

Its squatting posture is very upright and perfect. It is a thin cat with slender and symmetrical body lines. Facing the sunlight, its green eyes and pupils are vertical into a thin line. The seal color hair shows an alternative blue under the sunlight, and its tail naturally hangs down. From a distance, it looks like a fake cat.

"Then again, since Lan Lan You showed gray the cat and dog fight, he has been much more lively recently." In the compartment, Wang Jiayi, who continues to comb the cat's hair, continues to chat with Lin Lan, "on the first day of the yard's opening, it dare not approach gray. In recent two days, not only dare to take the initiative to run the wheel, but also dare to take the initiative to challenge gray

Because ash now thinks that she is a kitten who can only be an agent. Now she is working towards this goal.

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Lin shop manager in the heart and brush out a bullet screen, mouth happy ha ha: "probably see the Russian Blue Cat on TV even the dog dare to fight, ash put it into their own, re-establish confidence."

"Is that so?" First the young lady was surprised, then she couldn't help being happy. "It's silly to listen to, and it's too easy to cheat."

Lin Lan agreed: "I'm only two or three years old at most. Isn't it easy to cheat?"

Two people talking and laughing, the tea house will be a dozen cats brush work done.

Wang Jiayi is very satisfied with her current life. Although she left the home where she can take care of herself, she came here, who is not familiar with her life and land, and realized that she can't take care of herself in the past 20 years. However, until now, she has found that she has never been in danger.

Fortunately, I found an intermediary and rented this small building.

Fortunately, I came into the store and met Lin Lan, the landlord and owner of the small building.

Even at the beginning, because of her words and deeds, Tang Xiaoya, a colleague and neighbor who looked down on her, taught her a lot about life.

I used to be a princess living in the castle Looking back on the past, Wang Jiayi can really make such a straightforward evaluation. Especially after working in the teahouse, as a waiter, she met a variety of customers, which was an eye opener to her. Increased experience at the same time, but also more aware of their own can have such parents and relatives, is how lucky thing.

"Meow!" Wang Jiayi, who was pulled by something on her calf and sat behind the water bar in a daze after finishing her work, came back to see jinjila running to her feet and looking up at her.

Wang Jiayi has not yet made a response, the snow-white Persian cat has jumped on her knees and asked for a hug.

"Silver darling, do you come to play with me?" The young lady hugged the cat and gave it the fur habitually. The palm of her hand skillfully went down to the tip of the feather duster's tail. The soft and slippery fur made people go on the stage unconsciously. "Yes, LAN LAN has let go and would like me to take you home. At that time, I'll make you a special cat climbing maze and a vertical cat grabbing board"Meow..." I don't know if ginger really understood. As soon as she finished, the cat echoed. It stepped on her stomach with two claws and began to press up and down.

"Oh, is this stepping on my milk?" The young lady's eyes are bright, "Lanlan said that this is the kitten's reaction when she is very happy! You are happy to hear that I can take you home, aren't you Then she picked up the cat and took a bite at the little head.

"Meow." What are you doing, slave! I'm happy to press that piece of soft meat

Silver's meow complained that the eldest lady didn't understand it at all. She thought the kitten was always coquettish. Only Lin Lan, who happened to have something to do with the water bar, was stiff from the blue.

Manager Lin raised her hand subconsciously and pressed her lower abdomen. After several times of groping and pressing, her face changed.

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"It's over!" Manager Lin's voice was so frightened that Wang Jiayi and her cat looked at each other together. They saw each other's ugly face pressing their stomach. Their eyes were straight, "I ate too much for the new year, and I also had a lot of meat on my stomach!"

As soon as this remark came out, the young lady, who just had fun with the cat, turned green. She immediately put down the cat and touched her stomach. That's a bit softer than last year's hand, plus jinjila's action of stepping on the milk before, which reflects why the young lady's face is greener than manager Lin at the moment.

Lose weight!

You have to lose your stomach!

How else can I wear a skirt in summer!

As a result, the only male employee in the store, Xiao Song, and the guests who often come to the teahouse for leisure soon found that their store manager and another female employee suddenly entered the weight loss process.

When the passenger flow is not high, they will tune the TV to the aerobics program, two people side by side with a model of a kind of slimming dance.

At the beginning, the occasional guests still feel strange, but in the face of two high-value beauties dancing there, the face world easily forgives them.

It's not only people who watch them do exercises, but also a group of cats.

Sometimes they stretch out their legs and kick. They can always feel something hairy at their ankles. They suddenly hold it and swing it around with their legs.

"Stop it! I'm losing weight. I'll kick you. " For these silly cats who regard their feet as new toys, stand up upright at any time, open their small claws and pounce on them, Lin Lan has failed several times to dissuade them, so he can only enlarge his moves, "another cat pounces on them, and there will be no fish at the end of the month."

Some cats who have been kicked over several times but are still happy to jump on them again

If you don't do it, you can't do it without dried fish.

They stop crawling and pounce, and change to side lying or rolling posture, as if nothing had happened to show that they didn't want to do anything before.

The tea guests who watched people's Aerobics in the lobby as well as the cat flutter were all laughing now.

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"The store manager's cat taming skill is amazing!"

"The power of xiaoyugan is endless!"

"It's like my cat is caught trying to do something wrong. It can always switch to other positions and pretend to be innocent in one second."

If it is a person to lose weight alone, Lin Lan may not stick to it, but she has a young lady who is very persistent in body management. This kind of hard daily exercise is not impossible.

What's more, Wang Jiayi, who is very good at cooking tea, even started to study fat reducing tea. On the way to share weight loss experience with manager Lin, she even produced several delicious and oil scraping fruit teas.

They originally intended to drink by themselves. Unexpectedly, the collision attracted the interest of the female tea guests who had been paying attention to their weight loss. For a time, the fat reducing fruit tea became the most popular tea variety in spring.

A week later, both of them fell off the scale obviously. Although the number is not big, it is already a gratifying result.

"Come on The weight loss duo clapped hands and said, "burn my calories!"

Lin Lan not only has time to dance in the shop, but also has time to close the shop and go home. After dinner, he also has time to dance. Sometimes when he shouts out along with the song, his mother's eyes turn white.

"Don't call" where's my clavicle "all day long! How fat can you be? What's the matter with how much meat you'll gain in the New Year

"Mom, if you don't lose weight in spring, it will be sad in summer, so don't worry about it."

"It's so noisy to jump here every day!"

"Then I'll stop singing calories and change it..."

When Lin's mother and daughter discussed weight loss in the room, the cats in the teahouse sleeping in the living room of the old house all blinked and stared at them.

On the other side of the black cat family, the little black cats also looked at their mother, Mo mo.

Mom, where is our clavicle

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Lying on the sofa, Mo Mo lowered his head to look at his children and yawned bored.

Silly boy, we cats don't have to lose weight if we have collarbone or not

When spring comes, not only cat hair flies, but also dog hair that is changed in spring and autumn.In the high-end community opposite, because it is getting dark, the street lights are gradually on.

Cheng's father and mother have just finished dinner and are clearing the table.

Today is not the weekend, my son is still working overtime in the company, so the old couple ate first.

Compared with the teahouse which is very tidy for business, the villa of the old Cheng family is experiencing a severe test.

Dog hair can be seen on the ground, on the sofa and even in the bowl.

But the old Chengs are used to it.

From the first year when I just had a dog, I tried my best to clean it up, to the second year when I gradually slacked off, and finally I turned a blind eye to it now. In fact, it has been imperceptibly influenced for several years, and my face has not changed after eating.

Cheng's father empties the rice cooker with a spoon, just to free up a bowl of rice. He thinks about it and takes it up and walks towards the corner dog rice basin.

At this moment, Cheng's mobile phone ringing in her pocket.

Mom, now that I'm off work, I won't waste money eating out. I'll go home to eat. 】

"OK, there's dinner at home. Come back soon!" Hearing her son's phone call, Cheng's mother nodded.

After hanging up the phone, Cheng Mu's eyes catch a glimpse of his wife carrying leftovers and planning to add food to the dog as usual.

"Don't fall down, old man! The son said he would come back for dinner! There is still a bowl of braised meat and egg soup left in the pot. It's just the end of the meal. "

Cheng's father's steps towards the dog bowl stopped immediately: "ah, OK!" He quickly turned and put the bowl of rice back on the kitchen table.

Originally wagging his tail, he was excited to wait for the extra meal, but suddenly he came across the bad news. Now he can only watch the frontier star whose grandfather took the bowl away: "Wang Wu! Whoops, whoops, whoops... "

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