I Can Talk to Cats

Chapter 64: 64

Because of the nature of Cheng Fengyang's work, his overtime hours are not fixed, and his home time is also irregular.

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This led to the fact that the old Cheng family, aiming at whether or not to leave dinner for their son, automatically formed the current way of doing things.

If he comes back early, he must have a share of the dinner.

If you come back late, if you have any food left, it will automatically default to the second meal of shepherd star. Anyway, it won't be kept until the next day.

If the dog can speak human words, it will probably be very devout to pray that the owner will work overtime in the company every day.

Cheng Fengyang, the client of the case, "..."

Well, he's actually used to this treatment. As for which of his parents regards him or the star as the last bucket processor, he doesn't want to consider it at all.

"In fact, I don't want to know the truth of dinner at all, but every time I finish working overtime ahead of time and go home for dinner, I can always get stars holding an empty dog bowl to look at me. Combined with what my parents usually say to me, it's too difficult for me to pretend that I don't understand a little bit."

Driving, driving on the way to the villa community, Cheng Fengyang said helplessly about last night.

Lin Lan, sitting next to him in the co pilot's seat, was already laughing.

After more than half a month, they received an invitation from the yuan family to come and see the latest situation of Yuanyuan and his family. They happily went to the invitation and are now on their way there.

"You remind me of the first two years when I raised snowflakes." Lin Lan also shared his own experience. "At that time, I was at home during the University holiday, arguing that my mother would make fish balls for me. My mother's homemade fish balls were very good, but it was troublesome. She seldom made them, so she was naturally rejected. Results every two days she suddenly made a plate, but not for me, is to accidentally sick suddenly anorexic snowflake to eat. This is pretty good. There are also some things that I don't want to buy for my family, but I don't want to mention the things that I can't blink when I buy for my cat. My parents buy all kinds of cat scaffolds. Anyway, after the family raised a pet, in the eyes of the elders, it's really not as good as a pet. "

Mingming was the cat and dog he brought back. Why did he make himself seem to be not his own?

The two people in the car thought of this and looked at each other with a sad smile.

Soon, the villas were nearby. The weather is getting warmer and warmer, and there are many changes in the green landscape of the community. Along the way, there are all kinds of flowers in full bloom.

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"Last time I came, there were not so many flowers."

"It's spring after all. The cherry valley scenic spot on the other side of the west city has long been popular. Many people have gone to see the flowers."

When they arrived at the gate of Yuan's villa, it was the host's family that welcomed them.

The cat Yuanyuan is being held in the arms of LiLei.

"Welcome, Miss Lin and designer Cheng." This time we met, the faces of the host and hostess were full of spirit.

"Lao Cheng." Yuan Jiaqing was also present and said hello to them with a smile.

Lin Lan looked down at the cat. The round spotted long haired cat cleverly let the little owner hold it with a big hairy tail. She was not used to running away.

"This is the only way to see that your family is in a good condition now. Both people and cats are very comfortable." Lin Lan said hello with a smile.

"Yes, thanks to the help of two of you, we have no need to move back." The hostess is also very happy with a smile, "don't stand at the door soon, I specially prepared tea to greet you today, please do appreciate it."

When they entered the villa, they still sat down in the sofa combination in the lobby.

Some of the carpets and furniture in the hall have been replaced, and the unspeakable smell has completely disappeared, only the curling fragrance of tea is refreshing.

"Last time we left, we took Yuanyuan to see the veterinarian. After taking a film, we found that there was a slight bone crack in the back bone of Yuanyuan. After that, we let Yuanyuan receive treatment all the time. On this side of the villa, the protection and transformation were carried out according to the suggestions of designer Cheng. Less than a week after the completion, there were no small things scurrying in the garden, no bird droppings even on the roof, and no more urine and grabbing after coming back. "

The hostess gave her tea and also told her about the follow-up. She looked back at the cat lying on her husband's lap and kept smiling.

"In addition to expressing our thanks, I'd like to invite you to come here and see what needs to be improved." Mrs. Yuan said while looking at Lin Lan, "especially Miss Lin, last time I came here, I found that you are really sensitive to the emotional expression of cats, so I also want you to help me see Yuanyuan. This time when I move to my new home, it should have a lot of unaccustomed places. If you can give more suggestions according to Yuanyuan's situation, it would be better."

"Of course." Holding the teacup, Lin Lan immediately answers with a smile, and will not refuse the request of the gold Lord's father. The higher the satisfaction is, the thicker the red envelope is.

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A group of people around the tea table to drink for a while, tea chat for a while, soon into the main topic.

"Round." Lin Lan, who was about to start working, gave a call to the long haired cat lying on the man's lap. When the cat immediately turned to look at it, he waved to it, "come on!"Before that, the cat, who was still at ease, jumped down from the man's knee and around the coffee table into Lin Lan's open arms.

"Wow Leilei, who was playing with toys nearby, was the first one to be surprised and exclaimed, "sister Lin, Yuanyuan, listen to you!"

Other yuan family members were also surprised. Yuan Jiaqing said, "after so many days, she still remembers Miss Lin. she is really a cat trainer."

"It's my pleasure." Lin Lan laughs and looks down at the cat in her arms. She looks up at her head.

"Meow!" I remember you, human! You asked mom and dad to take me to heal

Lin Lan reached out to touch the kitten's head and scratched his chin: "now you don't have to worry about being invaded. Are you happier?"

The long haired cat puffed up its eyes comfortably and even snored: "happy, all the annoying guys have run away."

"After that, there's something happier for you. Your mother said that she wanted to increase your favorite toys and asked you where you disliked your new home. You must seize the opportunity to say it all this time."

The yuan family watched her interact with the cat. When Lin Lan said this, the cat opened its eyes again and meowed. The next second, it broke away Lin Lan's arms and began to run up the stairs.

They are familiar with this scene. They don't need to make a sound from Lin Lan. This time, they will automatically follow up.

I don't like this grab board! It's vertical. I'll hold it horizontally.)

I want to step on things from here and jump to the cupboard over there. From there I can see many places in my home, but I don't have them

Sometimes my mother always shut me out of the room. I also want to sleep with my parents

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This food tastes the best! The food in the iron box over there is the most annoying

………… And so on, Lin Lan has gained all kinds of comments from kittens on this family, with different likes and dislikes.

"Yuanyuan loves this kind of grabbing board. He grinds his claws and is used to following this direction. Have you found out, Mrs. yuan?"

"Does it always jump here? In fact, this wall can be used as a catwalk partition to facilitate the cat to jump up high, which will bring Yuanyuan a great sense of security. "

“…… Well, this cat wants to sleep with you at night. I hope you don't close the door. You two should consider whether you want to be satisfied with this. "

"Yuanyuan is a bit picky about food. The palatability of canned staple food is certainly not as good as that of snacks. Mrs. yuan has to work hard on this aspect. She can't let it go. It will affect her health."

Expert Lin Lan said all the way, Mrs. yuan recorded all the way, and then walked around the house, and everyone returned to the hall.

On the other hand, Cheng Fengyang followed the man to look inside and outside, and also put forward some suggestions at the right time.

Without the irritating smell and the hidden danger of wild animals scurrying from time to time, the villa really recovered its comfort and elegance. The gold owner's family was very happy, and Lin Lan said she was also very happy.

In the villa, there are delicious food and drinks, cute children and kittens to play with, and a luxurious lunch at noon. There is no reason not to be happy.

When they were about to leave, they unexpectedly received a thick red envelope of promise. Both Lin Lan and Cheng Fengyang had it. They were about to say goodbye, but they saw the man suddenly open his mouth.

"Miss Lin, thank you very much for helping our family out of trouble this time, and also for showing me the strength of cat training experts. I still have a favor to ask you to help me. I don't know if Fang is convenient? "

Why? Is this a new business?

Although sometimes doing a good business does not mean that it only represents this business, but also represents other customers hidden behind this customer, Lin Lan really did not expect to have a new business introduction immediately.

After gaining Mr. Yuan's five-star satisfaction, he introduced another customer to Lin Lan, another boss who cooperated with his company. The family also owned cats, which also caused some headaches. This time Lin Lan showed enough strength, so Mr. Yuan planned to introduce her past difficulties to her partners.

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After fishing out a sum of extra money, there are new extra money, Lin Lan back to the car after the expression is some dream.

"Congratulations, LAN LAN, the market is about to open." Cheng Fengyang said with a smile, "this is a very small but lucrative project."

"The premise is that the clients must be rich people." After returning to God, Lin Lan said, "but if I can do it all the time, I really don't have to worry about the teahouse business."

Mr. Yuan's order has been the income of the teahouse for two months, but she has paid less than one day in total, which is worthy of the name.

"Isn't that good?" Cheng Fengyang holding the steering wheel, with a smile on his face, "you don't have to worry about the loss of the teahouse any more. You can have a rest every day, which is much better than us working dogs."

Lin Lan looked at him: "you can also choose not to be a social animal. I remember the shops in the downtown of your family were in the prime area. The rent alone is enough for you to travel every year."

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no Cheng Fengyang immediately shook his head, "if you don't work, you can't get a sense of achievement even if you are hungry. I still like to be my designer."Lin Lan, who used to be an excellent 3D printer, is now a cat trainer and teahouse owner Cut

As the car drove all the way back to the front of the building, Lin Lan opened his seat belt and was about to say hello to Cheng Fengyang and go back. But Yu Guang in the corner of his eye suddenly had a meal when he caught a glimpse of his own buffet outside the window. When he got to the mouth, he turned around and became another meaning: "Fengyang, would you like to come to the teahouse if you have nothing to do? Jiayi has developed many delicious teas recently. I'll treat you to tea. "

Cheng Fengyang, who had been waiting for Lin Lan to say goodbye to him, also had a meal. The next second, he immediately nodded: "good! I've been busy working recently. I haven't tried the new tea in your shop for a long time! "

The happiness that the naked eye can see on the young man's body makes Lin Lan can't help pursing her mouth. Suddenly, she feels embarrassed: "well."

Park the car and go to the teahouse one by one.

As soon as the glass door was opened, a man suddenly rushed in front of Lin Lan: "Lan Lan! It's up to you! "

"Wow Lin Lan was startled and surprised to see who the visitor was. "Wei Yan, why are you so excited all of a sudden?"

It's Miss Wei who has been missing for almost a month.

The program yuan, with a nervous face, raised her hand and grabbed Lin Lan's arm: "year, year Doctor Liu said, "I'm going to give birth either tonight or tomorrow morning!"

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