I Can’t Act Anymore

Chapter 8.2: ICAA Chapter 8 Part 2

Translator: Prakriti Bhatta

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He had obviously read the chat history on this phone and there was not any kind of enthusiastic conversation with any BA…BY???

Could it be that he missed something when he read WeChat before?

Oh No Could it be…….could it be………… this Baby is the guy that cuckolded Qin Yucheng?

This baby must be…………..

The guy that cuckolded………….Qin Yucheng!

Mu Mu slapped his thigh. WAH! It’s awesome! Ho Ho

Mu Mu opened WeChat excitedly. He swiped up and then in the next second, his excitement instantly collapsed.

Oh…… beauty salon.



Mu Mu fell back on the sofa feeling dull and uninterested.

He looked at the chat log again and found that the original owner had been going there twice a week since six months ago. But this week because he came, he hasn’t been there yet.

Mu Mu raised his hand and touched his face.

Do beautiful women have to go to the beauty salon regularly?

Mu Mu, who had never gone to such a mysterious place was confused.

The original owner has regularly gone there twice a week…….. Won’t it be bad if he doesn’t go?

Mu Mu thought about it.

[Mr. Chen]: Are you free at 3:30 this afternoon?

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[MU]: Yes.

[Mr. Chen]:/rose.jpg

Mu Mu stared at the chat log for a while and suddenly realized that he still didn’t know the address of the beauty salon.

Mu Mu:!

Mu Mu clicked on Mr. Chen’s profile and as soon as he opened it, he saw that the name of the WeChat account was-A. Yami Beauty Health Club@Jin Wu shop.

Okay, now he knows the address.

This Chen baby should be a beautician…?

Mu Mu searched for the address of the shop, sighing deeply.

He spent the whole morning researching about his own thing. After lunch, he began to think about the image he should look like to go out.

The usual way, the original owner goes out is by mostly wearing the clothes of the cloakroom…

Mu Mu felt pain.

He looked at the T-shirt and jeans that he had bought before, with tears in his eyes.

Damn it.

When can I get a divorce!

Mu Mu got his hair done and put on a mint green tulle dress. He chose very similar kinds of accessories and shoe bags. He stepped on the wedge heel and stood in the hallway, lost in thought.


It seems that he is about to fully get into this Mu Mu character. He has become so familiar with women’s clothing.

What’s more, this is only the third day. Will it be okay to continue being like this?

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Mu Mu walked into the elevator. He looked at the beautiful sister reflected in the mirror from all directions and pinched his legs in a little fear.

My good dick brother, don’t worry, I won’t abandon you by acting as a sister!

Mu Mu clenched his fists to encourage his little dick.

His little thing might have thought that this person is ill. So it did not give any response.

The elevator door opened on the fifth floor.

Mu Mu was taken aback when he saw the red head dude in the hallway of the fifth floor.

This floor’s elevator has a different kind of setting from the elevator that has direct access to the house on the top floor where Mu Mu lives. Perhaps it is because the lower floors are always likely to be passed by the residents living upstairs, so there is an entrance door from the porch to the living room on the fifth floor.

Now the entrance door was wide open, revealing the people doing their own thing inside.

Liu Gaoming stood at the elevator entrance. Holding the elevator door he greeted Mu Mu: “Good afternoon!”

“Uh…good afternoon?”

Mu Mu looked at him in confusion, then took two steps back to make room for Liu Gaoming.

Actually, the space in the elevator was large enough for Liu Gaoming to enter even if he didn’t go sideways, but Mu Mu still moved back a bit.

Liu Gaoming was slightly stung in his heart by Mu Mu’s action of moving backward.


He had seen the elevator going up to the sixth floor. So he had especially waited here for HER!!!!

Liu Gaoming firmly supported the elevator door just to say a few more words to the beautiful girl: “I officially moved in today!”

“?” Mu Mu was taken aback, “Move in?”

“Yes, yes.” Liu Gaoming wagged his tail and nodded, “From now on we will really be neighbors!”

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? ? ?

He really bought it? ?

He really moved in? ?


Then Qin Yucheng… is not selling the house?

Mu Mu’s head buzzed.

Liu Gaoming muttered: “How should I call you?”

Call me daddy!

Innocent-minded otaku thought instinctively. Before he recovered, he heard Liu Gaoming ask again: “Can I add you to WeChat?”

“…?” Mu Mu was stunned. He was confused for a moment, “Add to WeChat for what?”

Of course, because I want to chat with a pretty girl ah!

Liu Gaoming looked down upon the group of bald heads that he has to face in his company every day.

He just likes to play and work with nice little brothers and sisters! Ho Ho

He He there’s nothing wrong in being a little naughty, right???! Hey, shorty, I’m a little naughty, Come on now call me hottie!!! He he

Liu Gaoming of course knows that he can’t say this directly: “I just saw a lot of green plants on your terrace. So hihi I want to learn from you.”

“Oh..so it’s like this??? Okay then.” Mu Mu took out the phone.

Liu Gaoming also quickly took out his mobile phone and said loudly, “I’ll go back and buy the flower pots and seeds. Maybe I have to trouble you to come to my house to help me see.”


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Mu Mu had to pause while unlocking the phone. He raised his eyes to look at Liu Gaoming. A series of movies came to his mind which had a strange plot like a wife doing jdjfnhdfh with a neighbor!!!

Mu Mu was silent for a moment. He ”shyly” reminded: “You…know that I am married, right?”

Liu Gaoming nodded: “I know but it’s okay?”

Mu Mu:?

You know? But……you are still telling what’s wrong?

“Actually, I, hihi…hehe….hoho my husband can do better than me.” Mu Mu began to retreat. He tried to use Qin Yucheng’s name to make this dude retreat too. “Would you like to wait for him to come back, so you can add him?”

Liu Gaoming remembered Qin Yucheng whom he met yesterday. He immediately became excited. He nodded again and again: “Good, good, I want to add him too!”

The couple upstairs looks very good!

Who would not like people who look good!

Liu Gaoming was so happy that he continuously rubbed his hands.

Mu Mu:? ? ?

You……actually, want to eat both? !


Mu Mu looked at Liu Gaoming in shock.

Although what people eat is their own choice……..I still recommend you to see a psychiatrist.


The author has something to say:

Mu Mu: Inexperienced!

Thank you guys for reading. Please feel free to comment your thoughts.

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