I Can’t Act Anymore

Chapter 9.1: ICAA Chapter 9 Part 1

Translator: Prakriti Bhatta

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Finally, they exchanged WeChat.

Mu Mu looked at Liu Gaoming, who was smiling and waving at him. His whole body was in a daze.

As the elevator doors closed, Mu Mu remembered the first cooperation between Qin Yucheng and Liu Gaoming.

——Oh, nonono it should not be called cooperation, as it was Liu Gaoming giving money unilaterally.

The specific process is as follows: During the real estate transaction, Qin Yucheng and Liu Gaoming exchanged a few words. Liu Gaoming inquired about Qin Yucheng’s work industry, Qin Yucheng answered, and then inquired about Liu Gaoming’s work in reverse.

After knowing that Liu Gaoming worked in Liuqing Group, he contacted Liu Gaoming’s company. Then, Qin Yucheng became more active in the business.

He was born again. He knew that the general direction of future development is key to the market of artificial intelligence. So he intentionally or unintentionally mentioned the idea of ​​the AI intelligent community.

His idea of developing AI was not about the already popularized face scan, scan code, and fingerprint password but about the automatic unmanned management.

At that time, Liu Gaoming had become interested and exchanged contact information with Qin Yucheng and returned with the investment within a month.

When Mu Mu had read it at that time, he had felt that nothing was wrong.

In these kinds of novels, when the protagonist dozes off, someone will immediately bring a pillow, right? So getting an investment has never been a problem to any protagonists, isn’t this normal?

A qualified little buddy aka a supporting character’s work is just limited to giving support to the protagonist when he needs it!

But the novel doesn’t pay attention to the details and logic. The author’s whole existence is illogical too. Just wait you fucker!

Mu Mu looked at Liu Gaoming, who was newly added on WeChat, with a subtle expression.

Although one shouldn’t judge people by their character in the novel, but…

Never mind.

Mu Mu considers himself a very experienced and well-educated otaku. He will never discriminate against someone who has a strange role in the novel!

Mu Mu turned on the navigation. With plenty of time, he followed the navigation and found the subway station.

Mu Mu wanted to know more about the living habits and details of the original owner and see if he could find a way to return to freedom.

——It is necessary to find someone who is a little familiar with the original owner but not too familiar so that the other party not only has a certain understanding of the original owner but also allows him to ask any questions without doubting him abruptly.

Mu Mu thought this way and while on the way, began to search for the entries related to the beauty salon.

By the time he arrived at the subway station, Mu Mu had already read “One Hundred Rules to stay away from fraud Beauty Salons”, “How to Deal with Beauticians Without Disclosure of Privacy”, “Ways to fight in the beauty salon” and so on.

In each and every post, they all mentioned that beauticians are particularly good at nagging and also they are especially good at selling!

It doesn’t matter if they want to sell him something, he has no money anyway! As long as they don’t want to sell himself …….

But it’s really wonderful to have a nagging friend! Especially in this cruel unfamiliar world!

Looking at his chat with Mr. Chen, his style of chatting on WeChat was very lively. He definitely will be able to get a lot of information from him!!

Mu Mu aka Communication trash was full of energy.


It’s almost time to fight the beautician on the battlefield!

Mu Mu reached the address of the navigator aggressively. Then……he wasn’t aggressive anymore…..he stagnated standing on the side of the road. He looked at the door of the salon and almost didn’t dare to enter.

Even if he has never been to a beauty salon, he knows that beauty salons generally do not look like this.

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The beach on the seashore was circled in an irregular shape by the yellow bamboo fence. Unknown vines were blooming among the fences, allowing people to vaguely see the dry landscape courtyard inside.

A triangular wooden row was hanging in a corner of the flower wall with the words “Ya Mi” engraved on it.

He followed the flower wall and went around two bends crossing the black stoned road and passing through the bamboo fence gate to finally arrive at the lobby.

The lobby was facing the turbulent ocean. He could vaguely see many wooden corridors, leading to different directions.

Mu Mu paused and began to panic.

Some people might even believe that this is a damn resort.

Mu Mu felt a little difficult to breathe.

He was just ready for the battle but he had never once imagined the battlefield would look like this!

Run Mu Mu run! Retreat and save your ass!

Mu Mu turned his toes and was about to run away when the young lady at the front desk had already walked over with a smile.

“Hello, do you have an appointment?”

Mu Mu: “…”

Mu Mu said with difficulty: “Yes.”

The young lady at the front desk kept a professional smile: “Okay, with whom did you make an appointment?”

“Chen…” Mu Mu looked at the face of the young lady at the front desk, hesitating, “…Mr. Chen?”

The young lady at the front desk suddenly said, “Ah, you are Ms. Mu Mu, right?”

Mu Mu was cautious: “Yes.”

“Mr. Chen is already waiting for you. Please come with me.”

Mu Mu was panicking and he was crying hysterically inside. He sullenly followed the young lady of the front desk. They turned around the corridor and arrived at their destination.

“Mr. Chen.” The lady of the front desk greeted the person and then turned to smile at Mu Mu, “Ms. Mu, I wish you a pleasant stay.”

Mu Mu nodded cautiously: “Thank you.”

He watched the young lady of the front desk leave. He then turned to look at the door of the building that he had just arrived.

There was a man waiting at the door. His slightly curled hair was meticulously trimmed. His facial features were sharp and he was wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses. When he saw Mu Mu, he nodded dully at him.

It was difficult for Mu Mu to imagine that such a………. serious person was the person who had sent him that enthusiastic WeChat texts.

Personality disorder? Or someone who acts like a lion online but is a coward face to face? T/N: very relatable!

Mu Mu was confused but still walked over quite ”courageously”.

As he approached, he took the opportunity to glance at the other party’s badge pinned on the white coat.

Mr. Chen’s name was Chen Li.

He stretched out his hand to Mu Mu and said in a cold voice: “Let me carry your bag.”

Mu Mu hesitated for a moment and handed the bag over.

What……..What is going on?

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The temperament and style of this Mr. Chen were different from what he had imagined.

“Do you still want the same style today?” Chen Li spoke in the tone of doing business.

Mu Mu: “…?”

Mu Mu got stuck.

damn damn damn! What kind of same style is he talking about!?

How can he know what style the original owner used to do!

This beauty salon does not seem to be a beauty salon alone, it certainly does something more than beauty services.

The difficulty level suddenly became higher.

Mu Mu felt very stiff.

Chen Li didn’t get an answer. He looked back at Mu Mu with a bad face. He frowned but didn’t continue to ask and took Mu Mu into the single room.

This single room was so spacious that it could almost be used as a hotel room. It even had a private bathroom and windows with sea views from the eaves.

Now the sea view was broken into pieces by the gauze curtains and a hollow carved screen. The room was warm.

The incense sticks on the side rose with white smoke, exuding a gentle sweet fragrance.

The environment was very quiet.

It was so quiet that almost only the faint sound of the waves could be heard, as well as the movement of that Chen Li.

Mu Mu’s scalp froze for two seconds then his scalp exploded.

Wait, wait, is this the environment of a normal beauty salon?

……This really is an official beauty salon, right? Please confirm it, god?? This isn’t the place where illegal thing happens in the name of legal business, right? GOD, where are you! This is the right time to confirm your existence!

Mu Mu stood in the middle of the room, uncertain. Not only did he not dare to sit down but even moved two steps toward the door, ready to run anytime. Saving his ass is the priority here!!!

He watched carefully.

The bed was not like a hotel bed. It looked like a single person bed………

“Honey water.” Chen Li handed over a glass of water.

Mu Mu took the cup but didn’t dare to drink it.

This kind of airtight and ”secretive” place where he is still in the same room with a person of the ”opposite sex”……. this is disturbing no matter how you look at it!

Something’s wrong, brother.

There is definitely something wrong here, no matter how you look at it!

Otaku felt a little scared.

Why don’t you run away? What are your two slender legs for? God is fair!

There is nothing difficult in the world, as long as you are willing to do it!

Mu Mu was ready to take the action any time.

Chen Li looked at Mu Mu, who was silent while holding the water cup. He pushed his glasses and patted the bed: “Let’s do the same.”

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Mu Mu’s hand holding the paper cup tightened. Same????? In bed??? Bro….Brother……….

“What should I first take care of?? The face, hands, hair, or feet, huhhh?”

Mu Mu: Σ? !


Sounds safe?

Mu Mu was cautious: “The same way?”

“Well, the same way.”

Mu Mu took a deep breath.

Damn it! He’ll let this baby do the ”same”.

Mu Mu gritted his teeth and laid down on the bed.

“You seem to be very tired today.” Mu Mu heard the other person say. Accompanied by a slight sound of water waves and with a hint of coolness, he spoke with no emotion as if he was just asking what he should ask, “Did something happen?”

Mu Mu opened his eyes and looked at Chen Li who was preparing something. After thinking for a while, he used the almighty speech technique-answering questions with questions.

Mu Mu pursed his lips, trying to appear aggrieved. He asked, “What kind of person do you think I am?”

“…” The other party showed a choked expression.

Mu Mu: “…?”

HELL!!! What is this expression?

Brother, there is something wrong with you. Shouldn’t you comfort her when you see a beautiful woman making a wronged expression?!

“…” Chen Li pushed his glasses and said aloud without emotion, “You are a good person.”

Mu Mu: “…”

Mu Mu began to suspect that those online posts were deceptive. This person clearly acts like a robot and isn’t nagging? Posts these days, ughhhh!!!

He ruthlessly exposed the other party: “What an ass answer!”

In this quiet environment, his voice was very low and soft. The accusation couldn’t be heard at all but he seemed to be acting like a baby with a few complaints.

Chen Li took a deep breath and reminded: “Close your eyes.”

Mu Mu closed his eyes obediently and heard the cold and indifferent voice of the other party: “I think you are a very free person.”

Mu Mu: “What?”

“You do what you want to do freely.”

Mu Mu couldn’t see the other person’s expression. He only felt that his face was gently wiped with warm water, “Last time when I heard that you were getting married, I was surprised.”

Mu Mu agreed, expecting the other party to talk more.

“So….. you really got married?”

Mu Mu: “Yeah.”

Chen Li said “Oh” without emotion and then stopped talking.

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? ? ?

That’s it? ?

This is it? ?

Mu Mu was stunned.

This is different from what that post said on the Internet!

Shouldn’t you chat more? Why don’t you chat anymore?

Mu Mu was anxious.

He is communication trash and it is always someone else taking the initiative to talk with him. Even in the Taobao shop, it is the customer who asks the question first and he is only responsible for answering it.

Mu Mu felt anxious. He grabbed the quilt covering his body and squeezed it with his fingertips as if in this way he could dig out something from his pitiful social experience.

He can’t just ask people directly, “Do you know my hobbies” or “What do you know about my dating circle?” Can he?!

Chen Li heard the faint rubbing sound. He raised his eyes and scanned the fingertips of Mu Mu picking the quilt. It didn’t take long for the rubbing sound to slowly slow down and finally disappear.

Mu Mu fell asleep.

He has gotten up early for a few days. So he finally failed to withstand the temptation of bed.

Chen Li pushed his glasses and continued the process step by step.

When Mu Mu woke up, he didn’t know when his head had been washed and even the hand care had come to an end.

Mu Mu: “…?”

? ? ?

Fuck me, god! Just fucking fuck me…

Did you come to sleep here? !

Mu Mu was almost mad at himself.

Chen Li was rubbing Mu Mu’s finger for the final hand care process.

He obviously felt that Mu Mu’s hands had become rougher. There were some small scars that he didn’t have before.

The scar was not deep but when it was touched, it looked pretty obvious.

Chen Li pushed his glasses: “Have you not had time to buy a ring?”

Mu Mu was taken aback. He subconsciously replied: “I bought it but didn’t wear it.”

“You didn’t wear it?”


Chen Li seemed to snort coldly and stopped talking.

Mu Mu looked at the expressionless beautician and realized afterward that Mr. Chen didn’t seem to like him.

Thank you guys for reading. Please feel free to comment your thoughts.

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