I Can’t Act Anymore

Chapter 9.2: ICAA Chapter 9 Part 2

Translator: Prakriti Bhatta

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Mu Mu thought to himself that he came here for the first time today. The person that this baby hates must be the original owner.

Mu Mu stared at Chen Li for a while and then suddenly said, “Mr. Chen seems to be very different from the WeChat chats.”

Chen Li didn’t look up: “That’s a template for the company’s routine.”

Mu Mu: “.”

He was sure that this buddy really doesn’t like the original owner.

Damn! He really wants to know what evil things the original owner has done to make this buddy hate him so much!

Mu Mu carefully glanced at Chen Li. He thought about it in his heart and finally closed his mouth silently, choosing not to disturb the other party.

“Please wait a moment.” Chen Li finished the hand massage and blew Mu Mu’s hair again. He turned his head and walked into the storage room on the side to prepare things for foot care.

Mu Mu sat up and looked at his hands. He felt smooth and tender even more.

He picked up the mirror next to him to see himself. Even under the excessively soft indoor lighting, the face in the mirror was obviously whitening.

Mu Mu felt puzzled when he thought of the layer after layer of water and milk essence on his face before.

Is it because the face has been soaked for so long that caused the obvious whitening?

Mu Mu pondered for a moment. To prove his scientific theory, he put down the mirror, raised his hand, and rubbed his face vigorously.

As soon as Chen Li came back, he saw Mu Mu rubbing his face like dough and couldn’t help but pause his step.

Mu Mu hadn’t noticed him. So he picked up the mirror and looked at it again.

After doing a scientific experiment, he concluded that the sudden whitening of the face shouldn’t be caused by soaking. Because there was no dead skin on his face.

Mu Mu looked left and right holding the mirror.

Under the soft warm light, the hair hanging on both sides of his cheeks cast shadows, making his originally small face look more refined.

Mu Mu fluffed his hair, shook his bangs, and looked at the beautiful sister in the mirror. He couldn’t help but smile with joy.

Eh hey.


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Chen Li: “…”

Chen Li raised his hand and knocked on the door.

Mu Mu was startled. He quickly put down the mirror and turned to look at Chen Li.

Chen Li pretended not to see anything. He walked in carrying the bucket and medicine packet. Then he held Mu Mu’s swaying feet on the edge of the bed.

Mu Mu today was a bit strange.

In Chen Li’s impression, Mu Mu was really not a good customer—he couldn’t even call this woman a good person.

Obviously, she is gentle and amiable. She even speaks softly. She looks like a gentle and kind girl, but in fact, she is self-willed and likes to hook up everywhere.

In Chen Li’s eyes, Mu Mu is the girl who believes in equality the most. Because regardless of the other parties are married or not, she flirts with them equally.

He previously said that Mu Mu was quite a free person. But he was mocking that Mu Mu’s moral bottom line was quite low.

Chen Li himself was very unfortunate. He was one of the people whom Mu Mu liked and he was often entangled.

But today is really different.

This woman who used to flirt while eating, sitting, sleeping, and even while peeing didn’t say anything intriguing to him from the beginning. She didn’t harass him. Instead, she was extraordinarily obedient and well-behaved. She somehow looked……..ahem…..a bit…….. cute? How???

Is it because she got married?

Or is it because she encountered something very sad today?

Or has she learned a new way to flirt?

Chen Li guessed. His hands were quick and neat.

After Mu Mu realized that he didn’t please this Mr. Chen, he stopped speaking. The room remained silent until the alarm rang in Mu Mu’s hands.

Mu Mu glanced at the alarm and found that it was a reminder to cook at 6:30 in the afternoon.

Mu Mu glanced at Chen Li and asked, “How long will it take?”

“Half an hour.”

Mu Mu: “…ah.”

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Mu Mu hissed softly. After thinking about it, he opened his WeChat inbox with Qin Yucheng.

Mu Mu didn’t watch the cliche chat history between the original owner and Qin Yucheng a second time. Anyway, the chat history between “Mu Mu” and Qin Yucheng stopped abruptly from the day they got the marriage certificate.

Both of them didn’t pay any attention to each other after that.

Yesterday Qin Yucheng did not come back for dinner. He didn’t even tell Mu Mu about this.

But as a gentle and kind girl…………..

Mu Mu expressionlessly sent out the message that it was too late to go back to cook today.

Qin Yucheng who had just walked downstairs to the company:   ?

[Mr. Qin]: Where are you?

[Mu]: In the beauty salon. It will take another half an hour.

Beauty salon?

Qin Yucheng knew where the beauty salon Mu Mu often went to was. He had sent Mu Mu there several times. But he was always sent away at the door by Mu Mu.

Qin Yucheng thought of this and deleted the word “OK” that was typed out smoothly. He narrowed his eyes.

[Mr. Qin]: I will pick you up.

[Mr. Qin]: Did you drive?

Looking at these two messages, Mu Mu was filled with confusion all over his body.

Isn’t Qin Yucheng a dark assassin? How could he be so kind!

Is this a trap?!

Mu Mu instantly became cautious!

[Mu]: No, I’ll just go back by myself.

Seeing his reaction, Qin Yucheng snorted coldly.

[Mr. Qin]: Did you drive?

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Mu Mu: “…”

[MU]: No.

Qin Yucheng didn’t reply again. He stopped a taxi and went straight to Yami.

Mu Mu held the phone. He was a little nervous and whispered: “Can you hurry up?”

Haha… the environment of this place is so ambiguous, if Qin Yucheng came in and saw…

Mu Mu remembered Qin Yucheng’s “you kid tried to cheat on me” expression when he met Liu Gaoming before. He covered his face in pain.

He doesn’t know if this Qin Yucheng is a jealous person…….but he definitely is a ghost. He can’t offend this ghost.

Chen Li raised his eyes: “Are you in a hurry?”

“Yes….No.” Mu Mu said dryly, “My hus……….husband is coming to pick me up. I don’t want him to wait any longer.”

“Oh, that’s terrible.” Chen Li read aloud without emotion, “Mr. Yi heard that you were coming in the afternoon. So he also said that he was coming. He has an appointment at 7 o’clock. But he is used to arriving half an hour earlier. He should almost be here.”

“?” Mu Mu’s face was blank, “Huh?”

“Mr. Yi.” Chen Li reminded, “Yi Anning.”

Mu Mu was stunned.

Mu Mu’s eyes widened.

Mu Mu almost passed over on the spot.

…Fuck me!

Damn you!

Yes, it’s that RIVAL!!!!

It’s that genuine RIVAL!

Mu Mu was so frightened that he stumbled and said, “Yi, Yi Anning, he, he… come…?”

“Well… the last time you said, ‘If we are destined to meet again, we will go to have a cup of coffee.’ He liked you very much.”

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Mu Mu was struck by lightning: “LiKeD………ME………vErY…….. MUch…” Mumu spoke as if he was having difficulties while pooping.

Chen Li raised his eyes: “He has feelings, you are interested in healing, I did a dealing, why is your expression so unappealing?”

……Then should I thank you? You fucker!

Mu Mu really wanted to peel this fucker’s skin and feed them to that ghost: “I…he…”

No! no! No!

Mu Mu instantly stood up and retracted his feet: “Don’t press it, don’t press it!”

Chen Li: ”……….” Don’t press what???

Mu Mu: ”My foot!”

Chen Li’s hands were empty.

Mu Mu hurriedly wiped his feet and put on his shoes: “I’m leaving now. Please tell Mr. Yi that I don’t want to heal anything!”

After he finished speaking, he picked up his bag and mobile phone, then turned his head, and left.

Are you kidding me?

If he won’t leave now, then what else can he do?? Waiting to be killed by Qin Yucheng on the spot?

Comrade Li, there is hell ahead!


The author has something to say:

Chen Li: I caused trouble to make your tension double. Hoho!

Mu Mu: I’ll send you to heaven first…..you weirdo!!

Thank you guys for reading. Please feel free to comment your thoughts.

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