ACTUALLY, Radkiel had been bothering Yuri about trivial matters all along. However, Yuri would smile kindly, like a benevolent priestess, no matter how much Radkiel bothered her. Then, she would often express the exact same thoughts.

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Yuri thought, ‘I understand him completely….’

Radkiel was truly fascinated by Yuri. Everything about her was fascinating and strange. It was different from his initial sense of suspicion.

Now, their conversations had become more casual, and Yuri no longer stumbled over her words or awkwardly laughed. Sometimes, when the conversation grew longer, a sentence would appear in her mind, saying, ‘Why am I so bad at talking?’

In truth, it was amusing that Radkiel deliberately initiate long conversations just to see that expression on Yuri’s face. Yes, Radkiel found it quite enjoyable to talk with Yuri. But of course, there were side effects.

“Shall we go on a picnic tomorrow?”


“Yes, a picnic. Although there isn’t any grass field or something, I have a place where I planted beautiful flowers. I planted them right at the beginning of spring, so they should be in full bloom by now.”

“Oh, I see. I appreciate the thought, but I’m okay…”

“If you agree to go, I’ll put you in a cart to take us there. But if you refuse, do you know what a princess carry is?”


That was what he was talking about. Sometimes, Yuri would fall silent, lost in thought, and then display an oppressive demeanor. To put it mildly, she was assertive, but to be frank, it was plain coercion.

Radkiel froze in place as she smiled and gestured with her arms.

“You… The answer is already decided, so it’s better to just say yes’.”

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“I will go. I’ll go, so please arrange for transportation by cart…”

Where in the world does this logic exist?

She kept showing different side of herself day by day. Even if he wanted to die, she casually suggested going on a peaceful picnic.

Delighted in giving her a hard time, Radkiel would respond with just the right amount of retort to Yuri’s clear, melodious voice, as she confidently claimed that she could create anything.

“Do you really mean anything?”


“Then, octopus dish.”

“Octopus… octopus?”

Just as planned. Radkiel laughed satisfactorily at Yuri’s confusion. How could she possibly make a dish with such a disgusting creature that had filthy tentacles? It would be impossible even if she searched the entire continent.

Radkiel spoke calmly, trying to regain his composure.

“You don’t have to force yourself. It would be difficult, wouldn’t it? Cooking with those tentacles that look like a grotesque demon’s limbs.”

A picnic, a picnic. Just the sound of it was so peaceful and lazy. However, Radkiel didn’t want to become accustomed to such warmth. He opened his mouth, holding back a sense of longing that even he himself wasn’t aware of.

“Unfortunately, the picnic will be prepared by you alone…”

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“Oh, no. I can make it. Octopus is delicious, you know.”

“….Really? It’s… delicious?”

However, the response that came back after the words sent him into shock and horror.
He wondered if it was a joke, but Yuri seemed too casual about it.

“I’ll prepare a full-course meal with octopus for tomorrow’s packed lunch!”

Seeing her pretty smile, he was speechless. Radkiel felt a sense of despair with a heavy heart. He realized that their cultures and ways of thinking were different, but he had not considered the aspect of food culture. He closed his eyes and muttered to himself.

“I suddenly feel sleepy.”

He wanted to be alone. Yuri understood everything and left obediently. And later, Radkiel attempted an escape again, only to be caught once more. This time, Yuri was holding an egg with a thick shell.

“I’m in the process of photosynthesis.”

It was the same excuse as before, but Yuri smiled indulgently and pretended not to see. He wished tomorrow wouldn’t come. Radkiel felt confusion and regret then sighed, but, he had to face another confusion in the evening.

Yuri, who had finished bathing, brought a blanket into the room where he was staying, while patting her wet hair.

“What are you…?”

“Ah, I also plan to sleep here tonight.”

Seeing her prepare a sleeping place near the window, Radkiel gave up on his desperate attempt to escape in the early morning. Curious, he asked for the reason. Yuri honestly answered him.

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Then, she apologized, saying that the octopus dish was a lie, and that her joke went too far. It was wrong of her to make a joke even though she knew he disliked it.

“Do you think I’m ridiculous? I claimed to have no attachment to life, yet I’m flustered over a mere octopus dish.”

“Well, I understand because I’ve experienced it too. Having no attachment to life and having an unpleasant experience are entirely different matters. So, why does it matter if you don’t want to eat a certain food when you’re going to die? That’s a different issue altogether. Dying is dying…”

She even comforted him desperately and sighed, lamenting, ‘Ah, I really have no talent for words.’

“Miss Yuri, you’re quite understanding. Taking care of a suspicious person like me wholeheartedly, comforting me so I won’t feel embarrassed…”

“If you think that way, then I’m also a suspicious person. This island and all…”

“I can’t deny that.”

“That’s right. But I genuinely hope you recover quickly. It brings me great joy to have someone I can have a conversation with after being alone for so long.”

There was no hidden meaning in her words, and he could sense her sincerity from her genuinely laughing face. Radkiel knew how loneliness and solitude could make a person sick. Impulsively, he asked how long she had been on this island.

Yuri’s answer, ‘Today marks the 492nd day.’ contained an indescribable sadness. What thoughts did she have while counting the days? Even though she listened to his claim that he still had no memories, Yuri remained kind.

After ending the conversation with her, Radkiel was staring at the ceiling and thought, perhaps he was already dead. That was the only possibility. Yuri had been the only person that had given him the words and actions he had longed to have.

A warm meal prepared with care, a caring gaze that allowed him to sleep comfortably, a sincere voice that showed consideration for him, empathy and understanding.

Something surged up, and tears were about to flow from him. It had only been a few days. Just a few days, but Radkiel was soaked in the warmth he felt from Yuri. That was why he was scared. Scared that he would become happy in this tranquility and bore yet another hope.

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‘That’s not allowed.’

‘Okay, I won’t think about it. Yuri often said that healthy thoughts lead to a healthy mind, and a healthy mind leads to a healthy body. Looking at how my body becomes weak when my mind isn’t healthy, it seems like she was right.’

He was staring at the ceiling, lost in thought, when Yuri spoke in a slightly louder voice.

“Um, excuse me! Would you like me to help you with bathing tomorrow…?”

Her sudden suggestion caught Radkiel off guard. A bath? Why would she bring it up out of the blue?

Nobles were born with magic tattoos engraved on their bodies. They were placed in locations that were not easily visible, behind the ears, hidden by hair, and so on. Radkiel was born outside the palace, but when he was recognized as a prince, a tattoo was drawn behind his ear.

It was a permanent activation of magic spells to maintain their appearance. For example, spells that kept the body clean without bathing, spells that changed one’s scent to a fragrance they liked, spells that eliminated menstrual cycles, and spells that prevented certain illnesses and kept the skin and physique from deteriorating easily. Because of that, he had never paid any attention to that aspect…

“Was there… a smell? Did you smell something?”

“Oh? No, no! Not at all! There’s nothing! You’re really clean, fresh, and good-looking! It’s just that you’ve been lying here for a few days, and I was worried if you might feel uncomfortable!”

Yuri desperately shouted, and Radkiel almost burst out laughing even though he was tired of hearing compliments about his appearance. And so, without thinking, Radkiel replied, “While I don’t necessarily need it, if you insist on it…”

It was a truly thoughtless remark, and he immediately berated himself as if he had gone mad. This wasn’t right… he must be crazy! But it was only for a moment.

“Then, after we go out tomorrow, I’ll take care of it! If you feel unwell while sleeping, make sure to call for me. Well, then… have a good dream.”

Yuri quickly mumbled with a voice tinged with embarrassment as she pulled up the blanket. He caught a glimpse of her inner thoughts, saying, ‘I should have been concerned about his discomfort, but I didn’t pay any attention. I’m such a fool!’

She was truly a kind person, so kind that he couldn’t adapt to it. Staring at Yuri, Radkiel whispered softly to thank her, not knowing whether she heard it or not.

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