THE next day, Radkiel fell into a deep sleep without even dreaming, and in the morning, he felt embarrassed, thinking that he had become too sentimental.

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Of course, he was grateful for Yuri’s consideration, but was it necessary to become so emotionally affected? Perhaps it was because he had never encountered someone like Yuri before, someone who was always so considerate.

The feeling of tension, vigilance, and decisiveness within Radkiel now felt awkward and unfamiliar to him. When Yuri lifted him into the cart, Radkiel couldn’t bring himself to look up due to a deep sense of embarrassment. But what embarrassed him even more was Yuri’s attire.

Despite the cultural and mindset differences, when her legs became clearly visible, his face grew hot and flushed. Thanks to Yuri’s perceptiveness, she was the first to inquire about his discomfort, allowing Radkiel to honestly express his unease. It was quite an extraordinary feat for him to express his rejection or discomfort to another person.

However, unlike his own struggle with embarrassment, Yuri effortlessly changed her clothes without any concern. For some reason, this made Radkiel feel strange in not a negative sense.

As he once again realized that all of her actions were filled with thoughtfulness, his heart swelled with warmth. When Yuri began pulling the cart, that sensation of awkwardness and warmth grew even stronger. Everywhere his gaze fell, it was illuminated by her warmth, he was enveloped in her brightness.

Yuri stopped at a hill overflowing with fragrance. With a radiant smile that outshone the sunlight, she asked, “What do you think? Aren’t they beautiful?”

Radkiel lightly smiled and replied, “Indeed. This garden, carefully cultivated by you, is more beautiful than the gardens of noblewomen or the glass conservatories of palaces.”

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For some reason, when Yuri showed excitement in response to his words, Radkiel couldn’t help but laugh. Yuri was more diligent than the palace maids. From morning till night, she was always doing something. Even now when she helped secure the cart and unload the items they brought.

She insisted on doing it herself, despite Radkiel’s attempts to assist. Based on their conversations and interactions so far, it seemed that Yuri held a firm belief that patients must always rest. Observing her, he felt an increasing desire to strike up a conversation. It was for the same reason as Yuri—he was excited to share a conversation casually with someone after a long time.

Radkiel was no different than her. In the palace, he had to be cautious, so speaking aloud was a rare occurrence even when he was in the presence of his subordinates. The conversations he had engaged in were often carried out through written correspondence, and the papers were burned right there on the spot. That was why this time, he initiated a conversation with Yuri.

“Did you manage all these flowers by yourself, Miss Yuri?”

It may have been a question with little substance, but Yuri responded diligently as always. Listening to her stories, Radkiel found himself absorbing various terms he had never heard before. It felt both distant and yet strangely close, which fascinated him. It was probably due to Yuri’s kind explanations.

The lunchbox Yuri had prepared turned out to be even more delicious than he had anticipated. When he learned that the food he thought was porridge was actually made from rice, he was taken aback.

The rice imported from Daphne was usually used as an expensive livestock feed due to its coarse and firm texture.

One of the consorts1Apparently, there were various empress consorts, so she was just one of them according to the raws. So the same rank as the empress consort (probably the head among consorts) that had been mentioned before, and lower than the empress. I thought it would be easier to be distinguished if I wrote it only as consorts. This might not be the proper term, but I’m stuck since the author used Joseon’s system, not actually European one like the setting., who was from Daphne, arranged the importation through a contract, but she herself didn’t use rice for meals or gatherings. As a result, rice became the most abundant ingredient in Radkiel’s palace, but he didn’t particularly enjoy it.

But why was it different when Yuri made it? The shining rice ball, filled with plenty of ingredients, was plump, glossy, and incredibly delicious. The sandwiches and the refreshing beverage she provided were also tasty. Furthermore, with each bite, his insides felt a little more at ease, and it seemed to aid in his recovery more than the medicine she gave him.

Radkiel silently focused on his meal. He was skilled at hiding and suppressing his emotions. Partly because he had lived pretending to be foolish, but also because within the palace, there were monstrous beings ready to devour him if he showed even a slightest vulnerability.

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To avoid being exploited, he had to exploit others, and to avoid being exposed, he had to identify their weaknesses. It was dangerous not to understand what the other person was thinking or what hidden intentions they harbored.

However, it didn’t work well in front of Yuri. Her thoughts were immediately reflected on her face, and sometimes they appeared through a mysterious window, causing him to become more and more relaxed. Even though he knew he shouldn’t, he found it incredibly strange how he was changing within a short period of time. As a result, he ended up saying things he didn’t need to.

“…It’s fascinating. The dishes you made, even more than the medicine you gave me. It have remarkably restorative effects compared to regular food.”


“Didn’t you realize? The porridge you made for me and these dishes right now, they all contain a strange power that is similar to magic but different.”


Naturally, Yuri didn’t understand. It was a peculiar thing that only Radkiel could see. When Radkiel explained his powers more specifically, Yuri tilted her head with a puzzled expression.

Yuri thought, ‘Why would that be visible to him? It didn’t seem like a lie, but I personally wouldn’t be eager to eat a glowing rice ball.’

Her thoughts were so like her. Radkiel couldn’t help but smile at her trusting expression that assured him she believed him. Radkiel’s lips curved into a gentle smile, and the thought that had come to his mind emerged through his words.

“It feels warm for some reason.”

“W-Well, it’s spring, so isn’t it natural? The sun is shining…”

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Yuri thought, ‘…No, why does his smile look so beautiful?’

He had never liked his own face until now. He would have preferred it to be plain or even ugly, as that would have diverted the empress consort’s attention and made his revenge progress more smoothly.

However, he didn’t have the courage to disfigure his face. It was also the only thing remaining from his mother, who was no longer in this world, and his father, who was practically dead.

Seeing Yuri blush and become flustered, he felt a sense of accomplishment. Although there had been times when he was flustered because of her, he had never been the one to fluster others. Suddenly, Radkiel decided to reveal the truth.

“I’m sorry. I lied about not remembering anything.”

Then he realized once again. He still wanted more comfort from her. Although Yuri probably already realized it, it was important for him to say it with his own mouth. As expected, Yuri smiled widely and replied, “It’s okay! Well, you know. Everyone has a past they don’t want to talk about.”

“Do you have one too, Miss Yuri?”

“Me? Um, no. I’ve been in the hospital, so nothing in particular…”

It was a strange answer, but Radkiel didn’t say anything. So she had been in the hospital all this time.

Suddenly, the memory of the sickly Fourth Prince, who died almost like he never existed even after receiving various treatments and precious medicines, resurfaced. The reason he thought of him now was probably because the Fourth Prince was a good person compared to his other brothers. Even with the empress consort’s influence, he seemed pure.

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Although the frail Fourth Prince sympathized with him, Radkiel despised him greatly. Even though his heart seemed pure, it felt hypocritical. If the Fourth Prince had lived longer, Radkiel might have had a trustworthy brother and a slightly better future. Of course, it could also have turned out differently. There was no point in assuming a different future according to his own whims. He erased the face of the person who was now a vague memory, and cautiously asked.

“If it’s a hospital, do you have any illnesses?”

“No, no. It’s not an illness. I had an accident, and my leg was injured. I couldn’t walk on my own and always needed help from my family whenever I wanted to go somewhere or do something. But suddenly, I ended up here… Oh, can you tell me your name now?”

Yuri’s face, which had uttered the word ‘family’, relaxed. In an instant, a strong sense of longing and affection emanated from her, and she immediately continued the conversation while staring at him intently.

Yuri thought, ‘What could his name be? I hoped it would be a unique and cool name.’

A unique and cool name. Her expectations were too high. Radkiel’s name was given by his mother. It didn’t have any special meaning, but since his name was derived from his parents’ names, then that could be the meaning. As Yuri introduced herself and asked for his name, Radkiel also felt a strange sense of satisfaction.

“Well, it’s a bit embarrassing. I’ve never introduced myself like this before.”

“Oh, right. When I asked if you were famous, you couldn’t answer. So, um, maybe you have a high status? Duke, Marquis, Prince, Emperor… One of those, perhaps?”

Yuri’s eyes sparkled like glass beads. Not a duke, not an emperor, but a prince. He was famous and had a high status. He awkwardly averted his gaze and said, “My name is Radkiel.”

It had been so long since he had spoken a name that he didn’t even know how long it had been. But now, his name flowed out sweetly from his tongue.

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