Episode 73

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Rival (2)

Looking at Senior Jimbo and Leto’s expressions, it seems that they were still in disbelief. They didn’t say a word to me after hearing my answer to their absurd question earlier. Their expressions were so serious the whole time that even if I had a question, I couldn’t bear to ask them. When I went to ask Vivian, who was sitting in front of me, I could feel the eyes of the two men darting towards me. I was literally in a seat full of thorns.

In fact, at first, I thought I was just overthinking. Both Senior Jimbo and Leto were honour students, so it was normal for them to be focused. Their expression could have been grim simply because they were immersed in their studies, and they could have given me a look of displeasure when I made a sound.

“Good work.”

The study was over and it was time for everyone to leave. I stared at Leto as he packed his books slowly. Not only me, but even Bona at the door was frustrated by his slower-than-usual behaviour.

“If you don’t move soon, I’ll be leaving first.”

“Go ahead. I have something to talk about with Senior Nimbo.”

Don’t tell me the two of them were going to fight. Senior Jimbo also nodded and gestured to go ahead first as if he also had something to talk about with Leto. It was obvious that there would be nothing good that would come out between the two.

“Can’t I join too?”

When I asked a ridiculous request out of anxiety, Leto looked at me with a puzzled expression. Then, he glanced at Bona and gestured to her with his chin.

“What for? Go with your favourite Bona.”

“Yeah. Bona is better than us.”

……Had it been my illusion that the two were not on good terms? At times like this, they were both in sync.

Even if it was Leto, I felt speechless at Senior Jimbo’s words. The two gave each other a look, seeming determined to have a conversation without me. They really aren’t going to fight, are they? At this point, it wasn’t bad to embrace each other’s personalities and resolve misunderstandings. After going out of the door, I head to the dormitory with Bona and Vivian.

“What’s wrong with them?”

“Even if they act like that, the two of them are pretty close.”

Bona and Vivian spoke in turn.

The distance between Senior Jimbo and Leto was really big.

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“Ah, by the way, about my family. This time…”

Bona talked about her family nonstop, but it was boring. Originally, Leto would have cut her words off in time, and Senior Jimbo would have changed the subject to something else. But since they were not here, Bona was going to tell her entire family history. Vivian, who was next to her, couldn’t hide his bored look, but he continued to listen without complaining.

“I am going to inherit the family title. If it had been the usual, it would have been my sister, but it’s because I’m so amazing.”

“Ah, I also have to take succession lessons when I graduate.”

Vivian scratched his head as he wedged into Bona’s words. Before we knew it, we moved on to the topic of what we would do after graduation.

“Maybe Senior Jimbo and Leto will also take the succession lessons?”

TL/N: This part was written in the raws. Not sure if the author made a mistake here or if it was intentional.

‘Isn’t that so?’ I replied to Vivian’s words. Senior Jimbo was probably an only child, so he would definitely be taking the succession lessons, while Leto was a little uncertain.

His family would not agree to Leto taking over, but in fact, there was no one else who would inherit the Arsene family except him. As written in the novel, his older brother, Rainier, was too debauched.

“Is Bree also going to take succession lessons?”

When Vivian asked, I hesitated. Come to think of it, my head was always full of thoughts about Leto, never thinking about what I was going to do after graduation.

There was nothing in the Pierre family to inherit. With all the money spent, only the aristocratic title remained. There wasn’t any requirement to take succession lessons. Of course, my father and mother would want me to inherit the Pierre family after going all the way to sending me to the Lexley Academy, but I didn’t think much of it. Maybe I thought of getting into a research institute somewhere.

“Perhaps all the kids here will have to inherit their families.”

Bona said. That was why my mother had once told me that interpersonal relationships at the Lexley Academy were quite important.

‘Then what should I do?’

Even if we were on an equal footing now, it was clear that the gap would widen after graduation. I couldn’t help but laugh when I realised that my future was bleak if I continued to only think about Leto.

‘……I should study hard.’

The thought remained even after entering the dormitory. I belatedly opened the book and was determined to get good grades in the remaining semesters. People use to say that starting meant that half of the work is done. And here, I just started.

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What should I do after graduation? Maybe I’ll go down to my hometown, the South, and get a decent job. So what does it matter what Leto and the other kids do? Apart from me, everyone was a young master or lady of a great family. To be equal to them, I couldn’t just get a job at a decent place.

As I tried to concentrate, I heard the door open. Leto entered, indicating that the conversion with Senior Jimbo was over. Normally, I would have been curious about what he had talked about with senior, but now, with the future uncertain, I picked up the quill. Leto went into the bathroom without saying a word, perhaps not wanting to disturb me. I thought he was going to wash up for a while, but I heard the door open again.

With a deep sigh, Leto sat on the bed and stared at me. He looked like he had a lot to say. I ignored him and tried to solve the next question, but as Leto’s eyes grew anxious, I couldn’t concentrate. Eventually, I placed the quill down and looked at him with a resentful look.

“What’s the matter?”

“Do you really like women?”

I was wondering what he wanted to talk about, but it was just that. I’m done.


I simply gave a resolute answer to continue solving the next question and turned my attention back to the book again. I heard a rustling sound from Leto’s side from getting up. Soon, he came up to me and placed his face in front of me.

“Ack! That scared me!”

The sight of his face close-up took my breath away. After washing up, Leto’s hair was damp……It was pretty.

“I can’t concentrate if you show me that pretty face.”

Leto frowned at my words.

“You normally can’t concentrate.”

How rude.

“……Leah, this is a violation of the rules.”

“What rules?”

When he feigned ignorance, I pointed to the ‘compulsory roommate rules’ posted on the wall. The first rule, ‘1. Do not disturb each other when studying.’ was written in large letters. There were a total of 10 rules that he had set since I first became his roommate.

“You know you have to pay 2 golds if you break it, right?”

When I reminded him, Leto suddenly rummaged through his pocket for something and place two gold coins on my desk.

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“Here, two golds. Can I disturb you now?”

He didn’t seem to have any intention of backing down. He looked quite nervous. I wondered what on earth he talked about with Senior Jimbo. I was curious inwardly, so I folded my arms and nodded my head, allowing him to speak.

“Do you really like Bona?”

He was going to continue to ask if I liked Bona until death.

“…I don’t.”

Although she’s nice, I couldn’t deny it. Leto’s expression hardened as he frowned and tried to force himself to speak.

“Right, that’s good. You like me.”

“You don’t like it?”

“I don’t!”

Leto spoke wholeheartedly . Since Leto said so, I had nothing to say. 

“The fact that you didn’t choose me changed my mind. Damn it, if I knew this would happen, I would have confessed first before agreeing.”

Then Leto muttered to himself and ruffled his hair.

“What are you talking about?”

“You. Stop showing that cute face.”

Leto grabbed my cheeks and said firmly.

“What on earth did you talk about with Senior Jimbo?”

“We’ve both been thinking deeply about our new competitor.”

What kind of nonsense was that?

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“……I have no idea what you’re talking about, but you both seem serious.”

“Nimbo and I have been troubled because of you.”

What did I even do? It’s not like it’s a big sin to like Bona.

“Nevermind, Bree. Tomorrow is the day to take pictures with the main cricket members, so I probably won’t be in the dormitory.”

He went back to bed looking somewhat frustrated.

*  *  *

Please do not repost. Read only at Dropped Inks.

On a weekend morning, Leto was not in the dormitory as he had mentioned last night. On the weekends, I would usually roll around in bed or read novels, but today was different. I had just started studying yesterday, so I shouldn’t give up. After making up my mind, I packed up my books and headed to the library. 

The library was always full on the weekends. Vivian and Bona were also sitting there. It was normal for Vivian, but Bona was unexpected. I opened my book quietly to not disturb her, but Bona stood up. As if she didn’t like the book she was reading, she surveyed through the bookshelves and soon brought back several books. She brought so much that her face was covered by the books.

It was like seeing myself from the past……Professor Hartz caught me doing that and forced me to join a study group. For some reason, I thought Bona might have joined the Lexley Academy the same way I did.

“Bree, let’s have lunch.”

As soon as lunchtime came, the students rushed out of the library to eat. I also stood up at Vivian’s suggestion. As I was thinking about what to eat, I found Leto and Senior Jimbo at the field. The whole team was waiting to take a group photo at the field.

“Leah! Senior Jimbo!”

When I waved my hand in joy, the two of them turned their heads to find me. But even then, the expressions of the two looking at me still turn grim. The two of them headed towards me, but soon after, they were caught by the captain. I could feel the two of them arguing with the captain, but the decision remained firm. He refused to let them go.

“You…What mistake did you make?”

Looking at this, Bona asked.


“Why have those two looked like they have been fretting about not being able to pounce on you every time they see you since yesterday?”

I couldn’t help but laugh at Bona’s words.

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