Episode 74

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Rival (3)

It was clear that they must have been angry with me for not answering their question properly yesterday. Even if I chose Bona, I thought they would get over it soon since they were such cool-tempered men, but I was hugely mistaken. The two men continued to be more feisty and grumpier than I thought. I inwardly began to wonder if there was a strange obsession.

In the end, the two of them, who were captured by the captain, ended up in front of the camera. Their expressions were stiff, and the two were scolded by the captain several times. Both of them, who wanted to take the picture and get it done quickly, smiled awkwardly in front of the camera, but it didn’t work out well. The awkward smile on their faces somehow looked ridiculous. Watching this, Bona and Vivian guffawed, but I felt a sense of crisis. I hurriedly grabbed Bona and Vivian’s arms.

“What are you doing?”

“Why don’t…we go somewhere for a moment?”

At my earnest request, the two of them looked at me in bewilderment. I was almost running away as I grabbed them and left the field. I planned to head to the garden to buy flowers. If I wanted to apologise to them, I should give them a rose, or even write a letter.

“B, Bree. I, I’m not following.”

As my steps headed towards the garden, Bona began to stutter uncharacteristically. Mine and Bona’s circumstances have changed.

“L-Let’s go somewhere else.”

If I was avoiding the field, Bona was avoiding the garden.

“What’s wrong, Bona?”

Watching this, Vivian also asked Bona in concern. Could it be that she had a big fight with the gardener sister? I tilted my head at Bona, who was always startled at the sight of the flower shop. I wanted to know more about it, but I couldn’t ask Bona easily as she pushed my back, saying let’s head to the library quickly.

Just as I was about to turn around, I felt a sign of movement behind me.


Right at that moment, the gardener who came out to water the flowers called my name. Unlike me, who smiled broadly at the delightful tone I hadn’t heard in a long time, the gardener’s body turned stiff. Seeing the strange expression on her face, I followed where her gaze was directed at. Bona and the gardener looked at each other and blinked.

“I’ll be going first.”


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Then, only Bona came to her senses first and shook my hand off before heading towards the library. Even though I tried to catch her belatedly, she was already too far away from me. Was there really a big fight?

“Bona! I’ll go with you.”

Vivian, who had been watching the scene, followed after Bona. On the other hand, I, who was in the middle, became awkward and simply stood there. I was thinking of following after Bona, but before I knew it, the gardener approached me with a watering can.

“Bree, you were close with Bona.”

Was the hatred one-sided? Unlike Bona, who disliked the gardener, the gardener smiled awkwardly. She even seemed like she had a lot to say to Bona as she stared at her back longingly. I realised that there was more to the story that I didn’t know. 

“Would you like to come in, Bree? Have some tea before you go.”

I hesitated at her words. Can I really not go to Bona’s side?


With Vivian by Bona’s side, it’ll be fine. I nodded and followed after the gardener.

*  *  *

Please do not repost. Read only at Dropped Inks.

The gardener let me in and she was silent for a few minutes. The herbal tea that she served me to drink had long turned cold.

“That…I’m not sure what happened with you and Bona, but I hope it gets resolved soon. If you still can’t quell Bona’s anger, why don’t you try giving her a bouquet? Or a letter……In the past, I also made Leah very angry, but we reconciled after I sent her a letter. At that time, you helped me greatly. So, I’m sure you can reconcile with Bona too.”

I didn’t know what to say, so I started to ramble gibberish without realising it. Then, her hands, which were tending the garden, stopped. After finishing all her tasks, she placed down the watering can and sat in front of me.

“It’ll be difficult to reconcile. We never had a fight in the first place.”

“……But why is Bona so angry?”

“It must have been because I let her down.”

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What on earth did she do to make Bona so angry? I thought it might have been something between the two. But she seemed to be lost in thoughts as though she had many things she wanted to say.

“I’m aware. Bona is very angry with me. Because of me, the family’s expectations were raised in an instant, so the burden must be heavy. Why wouldn’t she? My father’s expectations all went towards her.”


“In fact, she had no talent for studying. But to think that she picked up a quill and studied hard because of me is truly amazing. So, when I heard that she was accepted into the Lexley Academy, I was a little surprised. Albeit, in the last place.”

“What are you talking about? What family burden? Father’s expectations?”

When I asked because my thoughts were not making sense, she looked at me in puzzlement.

“Huh? You didn’t know?”

“Know what…”

“Bona and I are sisters. I’m Bona’s biological sister.”

Her words left me speechless and my mouth naturally gaped. Did Bona and her look alike? Observing her, I tried to find something they had in common. After looking closely, the only similarities there were the blonde hair and blue eyes. However, if being related meant having blonde hair and blue eyes, then there were numerous of them. To sum it up, the two really didn’t look alike at all.

“We don’t look alike.”

No, not at all.

“That’s because Bona resembles my mother, while I took after my father. I get that a lot since a long time ago.”

She spoke calmly.

“……I really didn’t know.”

“Didn’t you guessed it from my name?”


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“……You don’t know my name, do you?”

We’ve known each other for months. She asked me for confirmation, but unfortunately, I really didn’t know her name.

“Ack……You don’t know mine either. Until now.”

When I retorted in embarrassment, she smiled sarcastically.

“What are you talking about? I know that you’re Briseis Pierre.”


I’ve received so much help from her, but I can’t believe I didn’t know her name.

“It’s Bernie Bellion.”

“It’s really Bellion……”

Come to think of it, I’ve heard Bona mention her sister a few times. I’m sure that she said her sister was a Lexley Academy graduate, and that she had talked about a few things about her too. That wasn’t all. Bona even indirectly bragged about her sister. I couldn’t believe that person was in front of me now.

“Anyway, Bree, I’m relieved to know that a good person like you is friends with Bona. I’m sure you know, but she’s always full of pride and a little arrogant. She’s always showing off too. So I was always worried that she wouldn’t be able to get along with her friends. To be honest, I was always worried that she might be bullied by her friends. I peeked at her a couple of times and noticed that she was always alone. But, I was truly happy when Leah Arsene mentioned Bona’s name during the previous cricket tournament.”

“See? Bona will never be bullied, so don’t worry.”

Bernie’s face brightened at my firm words.

“That’s a relief. She doesn’t have any problem with her friends. But isn’t she having a hard time with her studies? Studying isn’t really her forte, so she was always scolded by our father a lot in the past. She must have been forced to study and suffer from the pressure of her grades.”

“That won’t happen with Bona. Also, don’t get discouraged just because she’s in last place.”

“I’m still glad. Actually, when I was secretly following her, she was always alone and didn’t say anything, so I didn’t know. In fact, I ended up working at the Lexley Academy because of Bona.”

Bernie seemed quite excited to share her story about Bona. From this point of view, I could see how much she cared and loved Bona. I can’t believe that she disappointed Bona. What could have happened?

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“That wasn’t all. I chose this role to see Bona every day. In fact, there’s even Bona’s album in that room. There are pictures from when she was young, but when I left my hometown, I only took these with me. Bona was so cute when she was young.”


“Though it’s a bit of a problem since she isn’t good at studying, not quite smart and full of pride. No, actually, her own personality isn’t that great. But don’t you know that Bona is lovely just as she is?!”

At this point, I had a question. Does Bernie really like Bona? Looking at it like this, I thought I could understand why the two of them had a bad relationship.

“Oh, by the way, Bree. I’m only telling this to you. If she knew that I cared for her so much, she would hate me. I always pretend to be the calm and gentle older sister in front of her.”

“Did you guys fight because you were caught?”

“What nonsense! The actual reason I don’t get along with Bona is because……”

Bernie, who was quick to get carried away, seemed to have lost her spirits again. With her shoulders drooping, she muffled her words and let out a deep sigh.

“If it’s difficult to say, then you don’t have to.”

“…Right, Bree! Since you’re close to Bona, why don’t you help me make up with her? Then, I’ll tell you the situation.”

Bernie suddenly grabbed my hands and nudged her face forward from excitement. Bernie’s situation was pitiful, but I didn’t want to do anything that would burden Bona. When I pondered over it, Bernie squeezed her hands tighter.

“I’m sorry, but I think it’s better for sisters to solve their problems among themselves……”

“I will offer a hundred roses for you!”


As Bernie’s suggestion fell, I heard the sound of something falling behind me. When I turned my head, I saw Leto and Senior Jimbo staring blankly at Bernie and me. Shock was evident on both of their faces.

Surely they’re not thinking of something strange, are they? I hoped that wasn’t the case, but the two looked unusual.

“Ah, wait. It’s a misunderstanding!”

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