Chapter 11: Why Are You Looking For Me?

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“Jiang Ran.” When Jiang Ran was deep in her thoughts, she heard Si Xu's voice.

Jiang Ran turned to look at him subconsciously and asked puzzledly, “Si Xu, what's wrong?”

“Come here.” He tugged at her seatbelt and motioned for her to come near.

Jiang Ran moved to his side.

Before she could ask her question, the man suddenly lay down on his side, using her legs as a pillow. He adjusted his posture and closed his eyes.

“Wake me up when the convoy takes a break.”

“Huh? Oh!” Because of Si Xu's sudden action, Jiang Ran raised her arms reflexively and responded. She put down her arms slowly. “Have a good rest.”

He didn't sleep all night last night... He must have been tired.

Looking in the rear-view mirror at the man who had seized the opportunity to take advantage of the girl, Gu Yunqing sighed and whispered, “I didn’t know you’re quite good at flirting...”

Luo Rui had also noticed the mutant beasts following the convoy. Luo Rui, who was sitting in the front passenger seat, wound the window down and frowned at the ferocious beasts that were about to catch up with the convoy.

“Are they... not going to deal with them?”

“Probably.” Xie Chengzhi, who was driving, took a look in the rear-view mirror and twitched his lips. “Anyway, those creatures will stop when they’re tired.”

“You’re right.” Even if the mutant beasts really wanted to attack, their car wouldn’t be the first target.

Gu Yunqing promised to protect their team and had arranged for their team's cars to be in the middle of the convoy when they set off.

There were superhumans from Xiling Base protecting them from the front and back, so even if there was an attack, they didn’t have to worry too much.

Luo Rui was about to wind the window up when she saw a sharp wind blade coming through the air, instantly cutting the mutant beasts into several pieces.

“It was Gu Yunqing." Yi Xi, who had been silent all this time, glanced at Luo Rui, who looked slightly pale, and said mockingly, “Fortunately, that Captain Gu is a person who keeps his promises. Otherwise... hah.”

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Zhou Jian raised her eyebrows when she heard Yi Xi mention the matter from last night again. “Yi Xi, I didn’t know that you and Jiang Ranran are on such good terms.”

Yi Xi smiled coolly in response to the question asked by an insignificant person. She leaned back on the seat and closed her eyes without answering Zhou Jian.

Having been snubbed, Zhou Jian wanted to say more, but Luo Rui shook her head slightly.

Zhou Jian shut up, feeling angry.

Glancing at Yi Xi in the rear-view mirror, Luo Rui smiled cryptically.

She knew the reason why Yi Xi taunted her and defended Jiang Ranran. She didn't say it out only because she felt that this woman was really pitiful. She was so pitiful that it wasn’t worth Luo Rui’s effort to deal with her.

However, even though she couldn’t be bothered, Yi Xi kept pushing her luck and provoking her time and again. Hah, she guessed that it was time to give Yi Xi a reality check to wake her up from her fascination.

The convoy traveled all morning. When it was close to one o'clock, Gu Yunqing gave the order to rest for an hour.

Because they were on the road, the team simply distributed some canned food and bread to assuage their hunger.

Gu Yunqing, who had opened the car door to take a breather, took the canned food from Song Rong. He looked back at Jiang Ran and asked silently, “Do you want to eat something?”

Perhaps because she hadn't moved all morning, Jiang Ran wasn’t hungry.

She shook her head to express that she didn’t need to eat.

Gu Yunqing glanced at Si Xu who was breathing slowly and evenly, hopped out of the car and closed the door.

A faint knock on the front car door was heard and Si Xu opened his eyes.

When the man moved, Jiang Ran looked down at him. “Oh, you're awake.”

Si Xu rubbed his eyes and sat up, humming vaguely.

Obviously, the man had rested well and he looked quite pleased, leaning back lazily on the seat like a satisfied big cat.

“Captain Gu said to rest for an hour. Do you want to eat something?” Jiang Ran wanted to get out for a walk, but her legs were already numb because Si Xu had used them as a pillow all morning. Hence, she could only try to strike up a conversation with him.

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“Yeah.” Si Xu pushed open the car door and looked back at her. “Aren't you going to get out of the car?”

Recalling Si Xu's character, Jiang Ran confessed with a slightly embarrassed expression, “No, my legs are numb...”

When the girl said that, she lowered her head slightly and looked a little shy. Si Xu realized belatedly that he was the one who had caused her inconvenience.

The man was silent. He went around to the other side of the car and opened the car door. He leaned over to unbuckle the girl's seatbelt. Then, he wrapped one arm around her waist and the other around her legs, and carried her out of the car.

“???” Suddenly falling into a warm embrace, the loss of balance made Jiang Ran wrap her arms around Si Xu’s neck reflexively. She stammered, “Si Xu, don't bother... I'll just take a short rest.”

Si Xu looked down at the girl in his arms. He saw her flushed face and bewildered eyes. The corner of his mouth quirked up. “It’s no trouble.”

“Hey, Si Xu, you fellow...” Gu Yunqing turned around and saw the man carrying the girl out of the car. He couldn't help but twitched his lips in disgust. “Once an old man who has never been in love falls into the ocean of love, he becomes really mushy. Tsk, tsk.”

When Song Rong heard his captain's muttering, he whispered, “Does Professor Si really like that girl?”

“How would I know?” Gu Yunqing twitched his lips. “That fellow has capricious moods. Maybe it’s just a whim –– but he’s pampering that woman right now, so don't offend him if you have nothing to do. Otherwise, if he hits the roof, he’ll twist all of you up.”

Song Rong laughed half-heartedly. “Captain, even if I had tons of courage, I wouldn't dare to mess with Professor Si...”

No kidding, that guy was a devil who survived a bloodbath in the laboratory. Small fry like them wouldn’t have the guts to provoke him.

“You don't dare...” Gu Yunqing glanced at a group of people not far away and snorted, “But someone does, haha.”


From a distance, Xie Chengzhi saw the man carrying the girl out of the car and gently placing her on the railing by the side of the road. He looked away, feeling even more disgusted.

In just one night, Jiang Ranran could make that man pamper her. He didn’t expect that woman to be quite good at using feminine wiles.

The image of the girl pleasing the man uncontrollably popped up in Xie Chengzhi’s mind. He subconsciously tightened his grip and crumpled the wrapper of the bread in his hand.

Hah, when he thought about how he had once wooed a woman of loose morals like her, he felt disgusted.


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After Si Xu placed her on the railing, Jiang Ran slowly unwrapped her arms from his neck.

“What do you want to eat?” Si Xu stood in front of her, blocking the sight of those in the team who were sizing her up.

Jiang Ran massaged her legs and replied, “Anything is fine.” She wasn’t picky about food. It was fine as long as she had something to eat. She didn’t feel hungry anyway.

“Is toast okay?”


“Here.” Instead of getting food from the team, Si Xu took out a packet directly from his space and stuffed it into her hand, along with water and a packet of spread sauce.

Jiang Ran took the toast and reflexively checked the production date.

Noticing her small action, Si Xu raised his eyebrows. “The flow of time in my space is completely static.”


“Therefore, don't worry about the expiry date.”

Jiang Ran, “...”

She spread the sauce with a small spoon, glanced at the young man beside her and raised her hand in front of him. “Here, this is for you.”

“Hmm?” Si Xu took a bite from her hand indifferently. “Hmm...” He revealed a satisfied expression.

Jiang Ran, “...” Is he going to let her feed him the whole slice of toast?

Just as she thought, Si Xu didn't notice her hesitation at all and ate the whole slice of toast slowly. “Thank you.”

When Jiang Ran saw him licking the corners of his mouth like a cat, she pursed her lips to keep her smile from being too obvious. Oh, it's really the same as having a pet! He’s absolutely obedient when he’s eating!

She spread another slice of toast with the sauce and continued to feed it to Si Xu.

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The man continued to eat obediently.

Jiang Ran, “...” No way, he’s really adorable!

When she tried to feed Si Xu a third slice of toast, he shook his head. “You eat it. I'll go and check the surroundings."

“Huh?” Knowing that he was going to check the surroundings as a precaution, Jiang Ran nodded. “Okay.”

Glancing at the barren fields behind Jiang Ran, Si Xu asked her, “Can you move your legs now?”

Jiang Ran stretched her legs. “They’re fine now.”

“Go back into the car after eating.” Si Xu raised his chin. “Be careful when I'm not around.”

He was showing his concern for her... Jiang Ran’s heart felt warm, turning into a puddle of water, with ripples appearing at a slight touch. Jiang Ran ignored the temperature rising on her cheeks and replied vaguely, “Okay.”

After getting Jiang Ran settled down, Si Xu walked toward Gu Yunqing. After a brief exchange of words, he walked around the convoy and along the side of the road.

Watching Si Xu's back disappear at the bend of the road, Jiang Ran looked away and started to eat her lunch.

After Jiang Ran quickly ate two slices of toast and drank half a bottle of water, she jumped off the railing contentedly, planning to get back into the car.

“Hey, Ranran.”

Hearing someone beside her calling her name, Jiang Ran stopped in her tracks. She looked at the guy walking toward her and asked puzzledly, “You’re...”

He looked familiar, but she couldn’t remember who he was.

The guy didn't expect Jiang Ran to ask such a question. He frowned impatiently, but still said patiently, “I'm Jiang Yu. We were in the same team. How could you not know me?”

Jiang Yu? Oh... Jiang Ran remembered who this person was.

This guy liked Jiang Ranran, or more specifically, he liked Jiang Ranran's body. When they were in the same team, he took liberties with Jiang Ranran. Later, Jiang Ranran followed Si Xu. Jiang Yu thought that Jiang Ranran was a woman of loose morals and almost raped Jiang Ranran...

At the thought of this, there was a flash of disgust in Jiang Ran's eyes and her tone became much colder. “Why are you looking for me?”

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