Chapter 12: You Bear Your Own Consequences

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Since Jiang Yu thought that he had a good relationship with Jiang Ranran, he naturally ignored the disgust in Jiang Ranran's tone.


“I heard Luo Rui talk about you. I'm sorry that I didn't stand by your side last night.” Jiang Yu said as he reached out to pat Jiang Ran's shoulder, “Don't be sad. Actually, I don't want to hand you over to another man either...”


Jiang Ran didn't hide her aversion to him. She took two steps back to dodge the guy's hand and said coldly, “You can talk, but hands off. I don't like people touching me. Besides, I don't know you well.”


Her attitude was cold and the guy's outstretched hand froze in the air. However, he had long been used to teasing girls. Instead of making him back down, Jiang Ran's cold and unyielding attitude aroused his suppressed fire.


“Ranran, I know you’re blaming me for not speaking up for you last night.” He naturally took two steps forward and continued to touch Jiang Ran's shoulder. “You ought to be angry. After all, I...”


“Don't touch me.” There was a cold glint in the girl's eyes and before the guy's fingers could touch her, she lifted her foot and kicked him hard on the knee.


“Ouch!” The girl had kicked quickly and hard. Caught off guard, the guy's knee gave way and he almost fell to his knees.


Holding his painful knee, he growled out Jiang Ran's name with a ferocious expression, “Jiang! Ran! Ran!”


He had coveted Jiang Ranran's beauty for a long time, but he didn't dare to make it too obvious before because of Xie Chengzhi in the team.

However, as long as he didn't go too far, Xie Chengzhi would turn a blind eye. And Jiang Ranran never dared to speak up every time she was teased –– at that time, he was waiting for the day when Xie Chengzhi completely abandoned Jiang Ranran.


In the end, Xie Chengzhi and Jiang Ranran broke up, but Jiang Ranran was taken away by another team.


He felt it a pity that he didn’t get to have the girl first and secretly lamented that he should have made his move earlier.

When he was eating just now, he had been paying attention to Jiang Ranran — he saw the superhuman with space-type abilities carrying her out of the car, and her feeding him obediently and talking to him in a soft voice — she was so docile. It must be a lot of fun to be with such a well-behaved and docile woman... The point was, Jiang Ranran was also beautiful.

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Luo Rui seemed to see through his thoughts and reminded him, “That man is just seeking novelty. When he gets bored of Ranran, she’ll still return to our team.”


When Jiang Yu heard this, he immediately snapped out of his thoughts.


Yes, Jiang Ranran was just an ordinary person, a plaything which that man had asked for. As a plaything, she had no worth other than being a plaything.

When that man was completely bored, Jiang Ranran would be cast away mercilessly by him.


When that happened, the only way out for her would be to return to their team.


“Sigh, Ranran is quite pitiful.” Luo Rui was still talking, “She must have felt jittery after being forced to follow that kind of man. Unfortunately, I have an awkward relationship with her, so it’s not suitable for me to comfort her...”


Luo Rui and Jiang Ranran were rivals in love. It was indeed unsuitable for Luo Rui to comfort her.


After hearing what Luo Rui said, Jiang Yu’s eyes couldn't help but wander to Jiang Ranran again.

Jiang Ranran was eating... She seemed to be in a bad mood with her head down. Yes, how could she be in a good mood when she had to serve that man first before she ate?


At the thought of this, he simply said to Luo Rui, “I'll go see her,” and walked toward Jiang Ranran.


Women were fragile creatures, especially this kind of helpless woman who had no ability to survive... As long as he gave her a little comfort and support now, she would be grateful.


Although he couldn't have Jiang Ranran immediately, when that man got tired of her, she would still end up as his plaything.


However... He felt some regrets in his heart. After all, she was a woman who had been with another man. Even if he had her, he wouldn’t feel a sense of accomplishment unlike if he had her first.

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He thought a lot and even fantasized about the girl hugging him and weeping bitterly, but he never expected that she would kick him directly.


The dull pain in his knee reminded him of how hard the girl had kicked him. He massaged his knee and gritted his teeth. “You bitch!”


As he spoke, he reached out to grab her arm.


This woman merely had a new master. Did she think that she had become an overdog? She was still a man's plaything! She should count her blessings that he came over to show her concern. How dared she kick him!

Accustomed to women's submissiveness in the past, Jiang Yu completely lost it after being provoked by Jiang Ran's sudden counterattack. He completely forgot that she no longer belonged to their team.

Jiang Ran didn't take the man's anger to heart at all.


No matter what Si Xu thought about her, at least he still cared about her now.


As long as Si Xu still cared about her, Gu Yunqing wouldn't let this guy get his way with her.


Besides, she wouldn't mind giving the guy another kick to sober him up.


When Gu Yunqing, who was watching the drama, saw Jiang Yu reaching out his hand to touch Jiang Ran, he kicked Song Rong without hesitation. “Go and protect Sister Ranran now! Don't let that idiot touch her.”

Song Rong said, “Huh? Captain, why can't you do it?"


“Just do it as you’re told” Before Gu Yunqing finished talking, Jiang Ran had already kicked the man in the knee.


Gu Yunqing’s hand froze in mid-air. He tsked twice. “That girl has become a lot bolder after following Si Xu.”


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“Captain, aren't we going to intervene?”


“Of course we must!” Gu Yunqing rolled up his sleeves and murmured, “Listen, Si Xu's possessiveness has reached a perverted level. If he sees this, he’ll definitely...”


Before Gu Yunqing could finish complaining, Jiang Yu's outstretched hand was forcibly stopped before it could touch Jiang Ran's arm.


In the next second, there was a subtle twist in the air and the guy watched helplessly as his arm twisted 360 degrees and then returned to its original position, using his elbow as the fulcrum.


Blood spurted out.


Jiang Yu stared blankly at his flaccid arm and was stunned for three seconds before he let out a painful scream.



Holding his arm, Jiang Yu curled up and howled miserably.


His blood spread and Jiang Ran, who was also stunned, snapped out of her daze, and subconsciously staggered two steps back. She fell into a man's warm embrace.


She turned her head.


She didn’t know when Si Xu came back. His light brown eyes weren’t looking at Jiang Ran. Instead, his gaze was fixed on the guy curled up on the ground, struggling.


When Si Xu looked at the wailing guy and the blood that was about to spread to his feet, Si Xu's lips that were pursed into a line suddenly curled slightly into a faint smile.


He... was smiling?


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In an instant, Jiang Ran’s hair stood on end.

She subconsciously wanted to escape from Si Xu’s embrace, but the man suddenly put his arms around her shoulders and restrained her tightly in front of him.


“Si-Si Xu...” Jiang Ran sensed the man's anger and she called his name with a trembling voice.


The man didn't answer, nor did he look down at her.


“Look.” Gu Yunqing sighed. He was not surprised by the scene in front of him. “This is the outcome of making Si Xu angry... Sigh, it's really terrible.”


Song Rong, “...”

Also alarmed by the unexpected event here, Luo Rui, Xie Chengzhi and the others walked over here immediately.


“What...” Xie Chengzhi and Jiang Yu were close friends. When Xie Chengzhi saw his friend's miserable state, he said angrily, “What's going on?!”


As he spoke, he reached out to help Jiang Yu to his feet.


“Hey, I’d advise you not to touch him now.” Gu Yunqing spoke just in time to stop Xie Chengzhi's movements.


Luo Rui pulled Xie Chengzhi back and looked at Gu Yunqing coldly. “Captain Gu, what’s the meaning of this?”

“Isn’t it obvious?” Gu Yunqing said with a grin, “Si Xu hasn't said that this guy can leave, so...” His smile got brighter. “None of you is allowed to touch him, otherwise you bear your own consequences."


This wasn’t a threat or a taunt, but a normal reminder.


Gu Yunqing knew very well that anyone who defended Jiang Yu now would only end up the same way as Jiang Yu.

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