I Conquered the Villain Boss Chapter 20 — Pure Love Translations English Translated Novels

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Jul 13 Written By Pure Love8-11 minutes

Hi guys, I will be busy for the next three weeks, I might only be able to upload only one chapter per week during this period. Thanks for understanding~

Translated by Digitalian (ko-fi)

Chapter 20: Superhuman With Dual Elemental Superpowers

The convoy headed north all the way. Due to the snow, the speed was slower than the day before. However, fortunately, they arrived at the outskirts of Wuzhong City before dark.

The off-road vehicle stopped at the entrance of a small two-story villa. Gu Yunqing opened the car door and got out. He gestured to the team behind, and two team members got off from the modified truck. They followed him into the villa.

The owner of the villa obviously left in a hurry. Jiang Ran could still see the uncollected clothes hanging out from the sunroom on the second floor, fluttering in the wind.

“Hmm?” Jiang Ran blinked, wondering. It's a bit strange...

After the three of them went in, almost a minute passed, but no one came out.

Si Xu, who had closed his eyes to rest his mind, slowly opened his eyes. He pushed the car door open and got out of the car.

Hearing the movements, Jiang Ran, who was staring at the clothes on the second floor, quickly got out of the car behind him.

Feeling a tug at his sleeve, Si Xu turned to look at Jiang Ran who had followed him. “Go back to the car.”

“Si Xu, I think...” Jiang Ran pointed to the sunroom on the second floor. “It's very strange over there.”

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“Strange?” Si Xu narrowed his eyes and looked at the sunroom on the second floor. He paused for two seconds, then raised and waved his hand in the air.

The air twisted strangely, as if split by an invisible blade. Visible to the naked eye, the glass on the second floor shattered and fell to the ground.

The loud commotion alarmed the people behind. Some superhumans got out of the cars and prepared to meet the unknown enemy.

The glass scattered and a faint smell of blood wafted in the air.

“Oh.” Jiang Ran let out a low exclamation when she saw the situation on the second floor clearly.

At the same time, a strong wind howled and rushed toward Jiang Ran.

“You’re courting death!” Pulling the targeted girl into his arms, Si Xu looked at a point of nothingness in the sky and waved his hand down.

A sharp sword slashed straight down, leaving a string of bloodstains in the air.

After being slashed by Si Xu, that invisible shadow finally revealed its true colors.

Jiang Ran looked at the huge creature crawling around frenziedly in the snow and blurted out, “It’s a chameleon?”

What a large chameleon! It was almost two meters long. And it had a mouthful of fangs... It looked very ferocious.

“It's a mutated chameleon.” Shaking off the blood on the sword, Si Xu instructed the team members who had gathered close. “Remember to collect a blood sample before killing it. Give it to Shen Yao when we go back.”


“I'll go in and have a look. Be careful and don't be careless.”

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“Jiang Ran, let's go in.” Holding the sword in one hand, Si Xu glanced at the girl who looked pale. “Don't leave my side.”

“Okay.” Without asking to stay and wait there, Jiang Ran obediently followed Si Xu and walked into the villa.

Gu Yunqing and the others had not come out after so long. Did it mean that there was something more powerful inside?

The villa occupied a large area. In addition to the spacious hall on the first floor, there was a kitchen, bar, study, entertainment room, movie hall and several guest rooms.

After checking all the rooms but finding no sign of Gu Yunqing, Si Xu led Jiang Ran to the second floor.

“Huh?” At the corner of the stairs, Jiang Ran turned and looked at the first floor. Her eyes widened. “Erm, Si Xu...”

She didn’t get any response.

“Si Xu, on the first floor...” Jiang Ran was beginning to say something when the man suddenly raised his hand to cover her mouth.

Before she could snap out of her daze, she was forcibly pulled behind the screen at the corner by him.

“Don't make any sound.” Si Xu whispered in her ear and when she nodded, he released her. “It's a zombie.”

To prevent herself from screaming, Jiang Ran raised her hand to cover her mouth.

Unlike the zombie she saw previously, this one looked more like a human being –– its limbs were intact, it moved agilely and its clothes were neat.  Except for its two big white eyes without pupils and the bulging veins, it was almost impossible to tell him apart from normal human beings.

Such zombies were probably mutants that had awakened abilities just like superhumans, right?

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If that was a mutant zombie, even if they hid here and didn't make any sound, it was still useless –– it can catch their smell –– the smell of fresh flesh and blood.

Jiang Ran looked back at Si Xu and asked him with her eyes what they should do next.

Si Xu was also looking at her with surprise showing in his usually calm eyes.

Huh? Why was he staring at her like that? Jiang Ran panicked at his stare. She began to wonder if he wanted to throw her out to feed the zombie.

Neither of them made any sound. The zombie turned its body and sniffed around. Its big white eyes were staring straight at the direction where the two were hiding.

It had found them.

With this understanding, Jiang Ran's eyes grew more fearful. She subconsciously clung to Si Xu's body. It seemed that she could only find a sense of security this way.

Si Xu raised his eyebrows when the girl took the initiative to cling onto him. The right hand that he was about to raise returned to its original position.

It seemed that this thing had to do with Gu Yunqing and the others not having any news.

Logically speaking, such a zombie with awakened abilities would not act alone. Why did it come here?

There was no news from the people who went in. Outside the door, Luo Rui took Xie Chengzhi to find Song Rong. She glanced at the mutated chameleon that had died and asked in a low voice, “Captain Gu and the others have gone in for so long. Could something have happened? Shall we go in and have a look?”

“No need.” Song Rong refused without hesitation. “If Captain Gu and Professor Si can't handle it, we’ll die even if we go in.”

“Huh?” Song Rong was a superhuman with third-level abilities. Why did it seem like he didn’t even have the courage of ordinary people? “If something really happened to them...”

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“We’ll retreat immediately.” Song Rong said, “This is the order from Professor Si.”

If Si Xu was defeated, it meant that the enemy he encountered was stronger than him. If that was the case, even if their current team of superhumans all charged forward, they would be no match for the enemy.

“Professor Si?” Why was it Professor Si again? “Are you going to leave your companions in the lurch and run away?”

Annoyed by the girl's yelling, it was the first time Song Rong sounded a little angry when he spoke, “What else can we do? Go in and die?”

“Besides, we don't know what the situation is now. With Professor Si around, nothing will happen.”

“Professor Si only has space-type abilities. You guys...” These people seemed to rely more on Si Xu than Gu Yunqing? “You’re letting a superhuman with space-type abilities fight the enemy?”

“Huh?” Song Rong's gaze was a little strange when he looked at Luo Rui. “Who told you that a superhuman with space-type abilities has no combat power? Besides, Professor Si does not only possess space-type abilities.”

“What...” He didn’t only possess space-type abilities? Luo Rui blurted out, “You mean Si Xu is a superhuman with dual elemental superpowers?”

A superhuman with dual elemental superpowers meant that he had awakened two superpowers at the same time.

While they were fleeing, they also met a superhuman with dual elemental superpowers. However, that person's energy was completely unable to support his dual elemental superpowers. In the end, he could only give up on his weaker superpower and specialized in just one superpower.

Even so, a superhuman with dual elemental superpowers was rare and valued for his combat power and as an object of research.

“Yeah. You've hung out with us for so long. Didn’t you guys notice it?” Song Rong replied casually, “Otherwise, why do you think that everyone in our team respects him so much — you don't really think that it's just because his space-type abilities are relatively rare, do you?”


“Also, don't underestimate space-type abilities.” Thinking of that man's combat power, Song Rong’s body trembled. “That guy from your team... the guy who was taught a lesson for taking liberties with Sister Ranran, his wound is quite scary, right? Professor Si’s biggest interest is twisting those who make him unhappy...”

Luo Rui turned pale when she thought about how she had a misconception of Si Xu all along. Was that Si Xu actually so powerful?

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