I Conquered the Villain Boss Chapter 21 — Pure Love Translations English Translated Novels

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Jul 15 Written By Pure Love11-14 minutes

Translated by Digitalian (ko-fi)

Chapter 21: A Reward For You

“The combat power of space-type abilities... how did he do it?” Unlike Luo Rui who was so panicked, Xie Chengzhi asked skeptically, “The superhumans with space-type abilities that we encountered before were all trained as logistics personnel.”

“I don’t have space-type abilities, so I don’t know.” Song Rong said vaguely, “Captain Gu said it seemed to be some kind of space folding... I’m not really sure.”

After waiting for a while, there were still no noises inside.

“Why don't we go in and have a look?” Xie Chengzhi suggested again.

Song Rong shook his head. “Let’s wait.”

“Wait... I don't know how long we'll have to wait.” Luo Rui held her boyfriend's hand tightly and said to Song Rong, “Chengzhi and I shall go in and have a look — we also have third-level abilities, so we can protect ourselves in the face of trouble.”

After the girl finished talking, she and her boyfriend walked toward the front door without waiting for Song Rong to answer.

Song Rong, “...” Why did these two refuse to listen to persuasion?

Within Jiang Ran’s view, the zombie was walking toward the stairs step by step. Jiang Ran gripped Si Xu's hand and her palm was wet with cold sweat.

It had found them.

Just like finding a prey that fell into a trap, that zombie was enjoying the fun of catching its prey.

Si Xu... She stole a glance at the young man and saw Si Xu looking down at the sword in his hand. He was frowning slightly as he thought of something.

He was distracted!

Jiang Ran hastily tugged at his sleeve, trying to remind him that the zombie was coming.

The door was pushed open once again, and Luo Rui and Xie Chengzhi walked into the living room.

Startled by the sound of the door opening, the zombie turned around sharply and charged toward the two people who walked in.

Despite the violent movements, Luo Rui and Xie Chengzhi were completely oblivious to the impending danger. They still walked into the living room, keeping their guard up. 

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They... couldn't see that zombie?

Jiang Ran was stunned and subconsciously wanted to remind them, but Si Xu, who had seemed distracted beside her, suddenly moved.

The man stepped out and followed the traces of the zombie's movements. The moment the zombie touched Luo Rui, Si Xu raised his sword and cut off the zombie's head swiftly.

Blood spurted out.

Luo Rui turned her head, just in time to see a headless body pouncing on her.

The girl screamed in fright. Fortunately, she was pulled out of the way by Xie Chengzhi, avoiding being knocked down by the zombie. However, the zombie’s smelly blood was splashed all over her.

Si Xu shook off the blood on the sword and returned the sword into his space.

Jiang Ran hurried down the stairs, avoiding the blood, and ran to him.

The girl's voice trembled slightly and she didn't hide the concern in her eyes. Si Xu touched the top of her head and smiled. “I’m fine.”

Jiang Ran heaved a sigh of relief.

Upstairs, when Gu Yunqing heard the noises, he poked his head from the corridor on the second floor. “Hey, why are you all in here?” When he saw the headless zombie on the ground, he was speechless. “Was there a zombie?”

“It was a zombie that had awakened mental abilities." Si Xu said, “Did you find anything unusual upstairs?”

“No.” Gu Yunqing came downstairs, murmuring, “No wonder I didn't discover the zombie. It turned out to be because it had mental abilities... Sigh, how troublesome.”

Ignoring his murmuring, Si Xu said, “Since there are no problems, let's clean up and use this as a temporary base.”


Song Rong arranged for some people to clean up. Si Xu chose a room first, and after asking Jiang Ran to go back to the room, he took Gu Yunqing to the side of the corridor.

“You didn't notice that zombie at all?”

Gu Yunqing had a helpless expression on his face when he was asked this question. “As you know, where mental abilities are concerned, unless the superhuman has abilities higher than that of the other party, otherwise there is no chance of resistance at all.”

Fortunately, users of mental abilities were rare, and it was not an easy superpower to cultivate.

Gu Yunqing had always been straightforward when talking to Si Xu. “If I’d noticed that zombie, I wouldn't have to wait for you to come in and kill it.”

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“Yeah, the mental abilities of that zombie had affected your visual senses.” Si Xu said, “I think it's because of its abilities that it was able to pass through the defense line and show up here.”

“Defense line? Isn't that...” Gu Yunqing stopped whatever he was saying abruptly. "Are you sure the zombie broke through the defense line?”

“I caught a whiff of that person’s scent on the zombie.”

“Then you must be right.” Gu Yunqing gasped. “I didn't discover that zombie, which meant that its ability level was equal to or higher than mine –– that person could control a zombie with such a high level of mental abilities. To what extent has that person's superpower evolved? It's only been half a year.”

“Therefore, we must find him as soon as possible.” Si Xu smiled coldly. “I don't like to have a wild beast waiting to pounce on me when I sleep.”

Gu Yunqing was silent.

That person was indeed a potential hidden danger, but it would take time to track him down.

“Were you the one who cut off that zombie’s head?”

“...How perverse.” If it was said that the zombie's ability had mutated and evolved rapidly, wouldn't Si Xu, who directly cut off the zombie’s head with a sword, be considered more perverse?

Being dissed by his friend, Si Xu arched his eyebrows. He couldn’t be bothered to argue with Gu Yunqing.

“You asked me here to talk. Is there any other matter?”


After the young man finished speaking, he left Gu Yunqing behind and went back to his room.

Gu Yunqing stared at his back. He had a feeling that this guy had withheld something from him today — Although Si Xu was a selfish person, he had always been straightforward. Yet, he had hesitated to speak today. Could it be because of Jiang Ran?


Back in the room, Jiang Ran was carefully making the bed. When she saw Si Xu, she asked casually while she continued to replace the pillow cover, “Is there any other problem in the villa?”

“...” Staring at the girl's slender figure for a moment, Si Xu sat on the sofa and called her, “Jiang Ran, come here.”

“Huh?” Jiang Ran stopped what she was doing and walked up to him. “Si Xu, what's wrong?”

The man raised his hand, grabbed her wrist, and pulled her to sit directly on his lap.

“Si-Si Xu?” Jiang Ran stuttered in fright, “Why...” The sudden intimacy made her very uncomfortable — she had to restrain herself from giving him a slap reflexively.

“Jiang Ran, tell me.”

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“How did you find out that there was something wrong with the sun room?” Even he didn’t notice the chameleon. How did she notice it?

“Oh, you mean that...” Jiang Ran got down to business and forgot the embarrassing situation for the time being. “I was looking at the clothes hung in the sun room, but I saw those clothes swaying...”

Swaying? Suddenly understanding what the girl meant, Si Xu didn't respond, but listened to her as she continued.

“I looked around once more, but I didn't seem to find any open windows. Thus, I found it strange." When Jiang Ran said that, she lowered her head slightly, and her ears felt a little hot. “I just thought it was strange, but I didn't see anything there...”

"Well, you’re smart to have noticed such small details.” With his fingers wrapped around the girl's soft black hair, Si Xu wrapped his other arm around her waist, pulling her into his arms. “There’s one more thing.”

“Huh?" There was something else? Forced to lean against the man's embrace, Jiang Ran's whole body stiffened. “What-what's the matter?”

“When you saw that zombie today, did you feel anything strange?”

Zombie? Jiang Ran frowned and tried to recall. Was there anything strange? Speaking of which, there was nothing strange about the zombie, but Si Xu stared at her for a long time with a strange expression...

“That zombie... looked clean, unlike the zombies I saw before. It appeared more like a human.”

That was the only thing about the zombie that she felt was strange.

Si Xu laughed in a low voice and asked leisurely, “Oh? Is there anything else?”

Jiang Ran pursed her lips and continued to think about it. Then, she shook her head.

“Jiang Ran, you did a good job today.” Without asking her further questions, Si Xu changed the subject. “You saved many of our lives.”

This was the first time in Jiang Ranran's memory that she had been praised since she started fleeing. In her previous team, she had also risked her life for her team members, but no one had ever thanked her, let alone praised her.

Jiang Ran's ears turned redder. “It was just a coincidence... Actually, it’s because you’re powerful...”

Otherwise, even if she found the mutant chameleon, they wouldn't be able to kill it so easily.

Moreover, if her instincts weren’t wrong, the chameleon's original target was her –– Si Xu had protected her.

Si Xu was in a good mood because of the girl's murmuring. He asked her, “What reward do you want?”

Reward? Could she get a reward for a casual reminder? Not knowing what his so-called reward was, Jiang Ran asked, “Can I ask for anything?”

Amused by her "greediness", Si Xu replied solemnly, “If I have it in my space.”

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Jiang Ran's eyes lit up.

“Then...” She pursed her lips and blushed. “Do you have milk candies in your space?”

“Milk candies?” There were too many things stored in his space. Si Xu closed his eyes and felt for a while, then took out a pack of White Rabbit milk candies. “Do you mean this?”

Looking at the familiar packaging that suddenly appeared in the man's hand, Jiang Ran exclaimed, “You really have them!”

The girl's delight was undisguised and the smile in Si Xu's eyes became more obvious. He handed her the big pack of White Rabbit milk candies. “You want this as your reward?”

“Yeah!” After taking the milk candies, Jiang Ran's big eyes crinkled in a smile. “These used to be my favorite...” To be precise, Jiang Ranran liked these candies very much, and this body remembered the taste of milk candies.

The girl's dazzling smile was reflected in Si Xu’s eyes. Si Xu was in a good mood and let her go. “I’m glad you like it.”

The young man got up. “I’m going out to look around the place. You stay in the room and don't run around.”

“Okay.” Jiang Ran replied without looking up. She couldn't wait to tear open the packaging and take out a candy from inside.

It seemed that she really liked the candies. Her mind was filled with the candies and she even “ignored” him.

Shaking his head while smiling, Si Xu turned and walked off.

“Si Xu!”

Just when he reached the door, he heard the girl call him. The young man subconsciously turned around. “What...”

Her slender figure rushed forward and her soft fingers touched his lips. Then, a sweet aroma of milk spread between his lips and teeth.

Si Xu subconsciously bit the milk candy she fed him, blinking in confusion.

“This is the first reward I got.” Jiang Ran held the pack of milk candies and smiled softly. "The first candy should be given to the most important person.”

After she finished talking, she unwrapped a candy, bit it, and said in a muffled tone, “I'm going to share these with the others.”

Then, she hummed a song and skipped out the door.

Si Xu, “...” Oh, it seemed that she was really happy. She didn't listen to what he just said at all.

However, the milky aroma between his lips and teeth became more intense and the man curled his lips into a smile.

Since she was so happy, just let her be.

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