Vol. 2 Chapter 10: I’m off.

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Translated and Edited by: ynlucca.

Common Honorifics:
-san: A polite suffix, but not excessively formal.
-kun: A common suffix among friends and younger people.
-chan: A common suffix among people you’re close with, mostly used for feminine nicknames and girls, since it’s cutesy and childlike.
-senpai: A common suffix and noun used to address or refer to one’s older or more senior colleagues in a school, workplace, dojo, or sports club.

It’s the long-awaited day of the school trip.

I didn’t have that much luggage, but I still went back and checked everything carefully just to make sure.

“…’Kay, got everything. I’m off!”

With my large travel bag in hand, I zipped it up and left my house. Feeling slightly annoyed by its size, I made it to the nearest train station.

“Good morning, Senpai! You have surprisingly little luggage, huh? And I was gonna carry it for you…”

“Morning, Kurosaki. I don’t have that much, yeah, but thanks anyways.”

Today, the sophomores were meeting at Shinkansen station instead of at school. They aren’t far from each other, so no biggie there. I only had to pass by one station to get here, no rush, so I walked with Kurosaki as usual.

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“I can’t stand not seeing you for three days straight, senpai…”

“Don’t worry, I’ll zip you a message.”

“But you always take ages to answer mine!”

“Really? I’ve been trying to do it, though.”

I reply to her every now and then when I have free time. Actually, she’s the one replying in nanoseconds. If this is an essential skill for modern high schoolers, I’m already decades behind.

“But I reply as soon as I see it, okay? Oh… maybe it’s my bad that I spend most of my time playing mobile games.”

“That’s it! You can’t let those games hog you like that!”

“But the latest titles have an auto-play function, so they can fight on their own even when I’m training my physique. I’d say I play half of that time then.”

“So you don’t answer because you don’t see the notifications…?”

That’s right… Hmm, I’ll try to take more looks at my phone from now on.

“Well, well, I’ll call you anyway, so look forward to it.”

“Got it, I’ll be waiting then. Oh, and if you ever get lonely, I’m free for a call anytime, ‘kay, senpai?”

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“I will. Sorry if you answer a call just to hear me sobbing in the middle of the night.”

“…That’d be adorable.”

Why?! I was waiting for some sort of comeback, but my remark was well-received.

Meanwhile, the train arrived and we got in, standing by the door, as usual, talking as always. However, I felt a tingle spike from the bottom of my spine at the thought of something new. Soon, I’d experience the extraordinary world of Kyoto.

“Aww, I still wanna go there with you, senpai. Can’t I just sneak in?”

“Are you a spy? I mean, you’re not the type of person that can just blend in anywhere. You’ll get found out in seconds and die a horrible death.”

“Bah, that’s probably true. Then I’ll just fantasize about sightseeing in Kyoto with you during every class…”

“No, pay attention properly.”

I tried to imagine the Kinkakuji temple in my mind, but nothing showed up. That’s why I’ll try again from the start.

—The calm autumn breeze kissing my cheeks, the rattling of gravel underneath my feet, as well as Kurosaki frolicking in front of a large temple in the distance; this image is clear as day.

Wait… This is surprisingly fun… isn’t it?

I was more taken aback by the fact I was able to conjure images in my mind more alive than ever before. Huh, maybe I just have a talent for fantasy.

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“…W, well, just do it in moderation.”

“Something wrong?”

“Nah, nothing…”

I found myself on the verge of understanding the joy of fantasy and imagination, so I could no longer tell her to stop.

“Ah, we’re already there. Well then, senpai, have loads of fun there!”

“Thanks. Expect some souvenirs from me.”

“Yeah! I’m setting your pictures on my lock screen, so please send me tons of amazing stuff!” Saying this, Kurosaki got off the train.

Hey, if you put me on your lock screen I’ll get embarrassed. Don’t do that, please.

Alone, I let my eyes wander off at the scenery beyond the windows. The train, much emptier than before, took me to the station I wanted to go to. It was the one where the bullet train stopped, so even on a weekday morning, there were a lot of people there.

As I joined in with the crowd and walked down the stairs, countless others did the same.

“Let’s see, the bullet train is there, so…”

Our meeting place is the large plaza just before the bullet train platform. After wandering about for minutes, relying on the signs atop the moving crowd, I managed to make it to my destination without a hitch. Soon I saw a group of students clad in the same uniforms as me.

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“Miyamoto? Good morning.”

“Good morning, teacher.”

“Class 2 students are lining up in the right-side row. Just stay together with the others.”


Mrs. Kotoriyu had already arrived and started giving out instructions so everyone was in the right place together. I followed suit and joined the line on the right.

Though as I was peering from the back of the line to see if I could find any of my friends, I noticed a tall girl a little ahead of me. No, not tall-tall, just a little over 170 (T/N: almost 5’6 for people using the wrong system lmao.)

Of course, it was Asakawa. I looked further and saw that Katayama and Iwashiro were also there with her, so apparently, I was the slowpoke of the bunch. Well, I wasn’t late, but still felt sorry and proceeded on my way.

“Morning, guys.”

“Morning, Miyamoto.”

“Hey, buddy.”

“Good… Morning.”

I joined in with my group members while waiting for the teacher’s instructions.

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