Vol. 2 Chapter 9: The day before.

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Common Honorifics:
-san: A polite suffix, but not excessively formal.
-kun: A common suffix among friends and younger people.
-chan: A common suffix among people you’re close with, mostly used for feminine nicknames and girls, since it’s cutesy and childlike.
-senpai: A common suffix and noun used to address or refer to one’s older or more senior colleagues in a school, workplace, dojo, or sports club.

Countless flashes hit my eyes.

To bring out the best in me, I constantly move my body at regular intervals. Shifting, I wonder if my expression is stiff or if my back isn’t a millimeter out of line. Despite being uneasy, they want to get the best shot, so I form poses based on past experiences.

“Okay okay! I’ll check the photos out, so take a break!”

“Okay, thank you very much!”

“O~kay, thank you very much!”

With that said, the photographer ran to check what he has taken. I’m anxious about whether my expression and my mannerisms are correct, and if they look attractive enough, but at the same time, this is the moment I feel most excited.

While feeling elated as could be, I heard footsteps approaching me.

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“Nice work, Yumi-chan!”

“Ah, Mina-san, thank you for your hard work.”

The woman who approached me was Mina Shibuya, a senior model from the same agency. It was just the two of us today, so maybe she got a bit worried about me being alone with my thoughts and called out.

“How’s it going? I mean, your whole vibe has changed! Ah, I mean it in a good way, ‘kay?”

“I know, I know. Do I look that different?”

“For sure. How should I put it, hmm, you look more honest than before. Looks like you’re really giving it your all.”

…I wonder if that’s the case. Well, there’s only one thing in my mind: changing my current relationship with Yu—with Miyamoto; I stopped myself from saying his first name.

Although our relationship has been greatly attenuated, we are able to talk with each other more openly. Maybe in a general sense, it could be seen as progress.

I mean, the disappearance of those countless doubts and thoughts that ran around in my mind has given me a lot of leeway.

“…Yeah, maybe so.”

“Yup yup! I think it’s amazing, really! …Wait a sec, could it be related to romance?”

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“T, that’s…”

I choked on my own words out of embarrassment, but I realize this mishap is nothing but an affirmation for her question. Upon sensing what was going on, her smile only got bigger.

“I see, I see~ Youth is nice, ain’t it?”

“W–what about you, huh?”

“Me? Hmm, I guess not… Maybe!”

No way that’s true. The university she attends is co-ed, and with such jaw-dropping looks, she must have a lot of pulls. Or maybe she has some gripe with love, like having standards high up in the sky or something.

“No, I mean, it sounds like you have a lot on your mind but you just don’t have a partner. Well, there’s this girl I’m a bit interested in—no, actually crazy about~!”

“Is that so…?”

What kind of girl does a model of her caliber even like? Maybe it’s something adult that I, a mere high schooler, can’t understand yet. However, there are many times more students enrolled in college than in high school, so maybe it’s not surprising that there are more extremely attractive people.

If Miyamoto is one day enraptured by one of them, I wouldn’t be able to regret it. I need to make his heart my captive while I still can.

“Oh, there you are,” the photographer approached us both. “I got some really cute pictures today! Thanks!”

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“No, thank you very much.”

“Oh, Yumi-chan! You’ve become even prettier lately! Something going on?”

Even the photographer told me that I’d changed, huh? The fact this was well received gives me confidence for my future.

“Well, a little bird told me she’s making progress with the boy she likes!”


“Wow, that’s great! What, are you two going on a date sometime?”

“…School trip to Kyoto, and we’re in the same group.”

I’m sure she had no second intentions, but I was surprised when Mina suddenly proceeded with the conversation. Besides, the love talk is somehow escalating away from me, so I’d like to end it as soon as possible—

“I love school trips! When I was a student, I used to call up a girl I was interested in at night and we’d just sit together, taking in the beautiful view of the night sky… Dumped me in the end though, haha!”

“Hey, this is a sad story, isn’t it~?”

“Ehehe, must’ve made a mistake~!”

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…Yeah, a night viewing would be nice. The stars of Kyoto would be elegant and only serve as a choir to bring Miyamoto and me together. Fortunately, our duties will end by evening, so I’ll be able to spend some time with him.

“Um, thank you very much.”

“Eh, already going? Well, glad to help! I’ll be rooting for you~! See you later, Mina-chan!”

“‘Kay, thank you very much!”

The pat-pats of his footsteps moved away and our one-on-one time returned.

“So, you’re gonna make your move on your beloved on a school trip?”

“Yeah. I’ll do it then, but it won’t happen all at once since it’s him. Still, I’ll give it a try.”

“Mhm, mhm! I’m rooting for you too!”


Tomorrow, the school trip will finally begin. Of course, while I’ll support Katayama and his romance, now’s prime-time for me to act since Kurosaki won’t be here with us.

Well, Miyamoto and I don’t usually talk much, so I hope I can use this opportunity so we can get to know each other even better.

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