Vol. 2 Chapter 7: Plan A. — Part 1

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Common Honorifics:
-san: A polite suffix, but not excessively formal.
-kun: A common suffix among friends and younger people.
-chan: A common suffix among people you’re close with, mostly used for feminine nicknames and girls, since it’s cutesy and childlike.
-senpai: A common suffix and noun used to address or refer to one’s older or more senior colleagues in a school, workplace, dojo, or sports club.

This weekend, we were going to a mall nearby to prepare for the school trip.

Katayama was already at the station waiting for us. He donned simple black slats and a white t-shirt, which would be out of character if it wasn’t for the scorching heat and humidity of summer. It was just better to wear something simple.

His hair was set in a bunched-up style as if to show his enthusiasm for finally meeting Iwashiro off school.

“Morning, Katayama,.”

“Oh, hey bro. Come to think of it, is this the first time we’ve met in casual clothes? Holdup! Is that mullni’s new downstring bag? It’s so cool!”

“Yeah, it is, thanks. I love the way it feels.”

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After quickly confirming his wealth of knowledge and praising me from the get-go, we began discussing our strategy. The reason why we decided to get together on a holiday instead of after school was because we could possibly get evidence that Iwashiro has a clothing hobby just like me and Katayama.

Asakawa’s “Sorry, I’m only free on the weekends due to filming” was the perfect excuse, and we managed to score a successful plan.

“So here’s today’s plan—”

“Yeah, yeah, I remember it. As I recall, the arrangement was that we’d first go to a bookstore, and then each one would split and buy the necessary tools. We do so by being in two separate groups since you and Asakawa-san will be going to the same area. Did I get that right?”

“Sure did. I’ll need to draw out what you’ll buy in advance so that Iwashiro won’t match mine or Asakawa’s area.”

“Roger that; I’ll see what I can do.”

If we split up in pairs. Iwashiro will be able to talk with him more calmly, then some progress could be made. This way, I’m sure it’ll all be fine.

“Good morning boys.”

“Good… morning…”

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Asakawa and Iwashiro suddenly showed up. The former wore a black off-the-shoulder top and denim skinny pants. It was a very simple outfit, but the materials were so good there was no need for excessive embellishment. The latter, on the other hand, dressed in wide black pants and a white graphic t-shirt—tucked in, mind you.

Certainly, her atmosphere was different than usual, but her glasses were still the same. I wonder if there’s any relevant info that would help us see if she really is into clothes.

With this in mind, I whisper to Katayama and ask for his judgment on the matter.

“Hey, is she holding back to avoid detection?”

“Seems like it, but take a closer look. Those sandals are from a collab between Kanata and a certain sports brand. I guess I was right after all,” he answered quietly.

This instantaneous eye for branding, paired with the fact he didn’t so much as shoot a glance at Asakawa—a girl who’d catch anyone’s eye—showed how serious he was about all of it.

“O~kay, now that we’re all here, let’s get going. We’ll start with the bookstore, right?” Katayama nimbly organized this whole ordeal, and we soon headed toward the bookstore at the mall.

“Um, the tourist magazines are over there.”

“Damn, this library is huge.”

“For sure, it seems to have every book ever written.”

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We arrived at the store and headed for the magazine section. On the way there, Katayama tried to get everyone talking, but Iwashiro didn’t seem to be very interested in the conversation. Despite it, she wasn’t particularly anxious to leave, and even showed a small smile from time to time… Seems she’s as calm as she can be.

“…Ah, isn’t this…?”

“Yeah, sure is. Thanks, Iwashiro-san.”

“N, no problem.”

She found a magazine called “50 Famous Places to Visit in Kyoto,” which lined a wide variety of tourist attractions, from the most famous to the niches barely anyone ever thinks of considering.

“Oh~, I heard there’s a shrine called Senbon-torii at the Fushimi Inari-taisha. Have you ever been there?”

“I’ve only passed by it once or twice, but I don’t think I’ve ever gone close to it in person. It’d be great to walk around in a kimono,” Asakawa answered the question.

“I think you’re right, Asakawa-san. Wearing a kimono is a great idea. Hmm, I’m thinking of putting this in my free-time schedule for the trip, but what do you think, Iwashiro-san?”

“I, I… agree…”

“Okay, then everyone seems to agree, so let’s go with that for the second day. How about the Kiyomizu Temple on the third day?”

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Everyone agreed, and soon our school trip plans were done before we even knew it.

“Ah, sorry. I forgot to mention I have a meeting with my manager the evening of the second day, so I’ll be gone for about two hours then,” Asakawa turned to me.

“Gotcha, I’ll stay close in the meantime, so just call me when you’re done.”

“Sure. Hmm, maybe I’ll just eat dinner at night and go back to the inn.”

The fact even at times like these she couldn’t let her mind wander is proof she’s a bonafide model.

“I really wanted to go on a date with you alone, Miyamoto-kun. I think that would’ve put the two in a good mood.”

“O, oh, really?”

She pulled me closer by the shoulder and whispered such in my ear. It was an advanced technique to increase the persuasiveness of one’s request by adding sugar to the mix.

Asakawa is a very cunning girl, so it came very naturally to her.

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