After gathering every possible piece of info we left the bookstore.

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“What else do you need, Iwashiro-san?”

“Me… Hmm, I’m thinking of grabbing some wet wipes, or something.”

“I see. What about you, Miyamoto-kun, Katayama-kun?”

Asakawa asked these questions as naturally as possible, making it easy for us to know more about what she wanted to grab. By responding to her question appropriately, she and I could leave the two together.

“I think I’ll look for some small bags,” I answered.

“Well, I’m with Iwashiro-san on this one. It’d be nice to look for tissues and stuff like that. What about you, Asakawa-san?” He passed her the ball.

“I was thinking of looking at some purses, probably the size of what Miyamoto-kun is looking for. If I find something good, I’ll nab it for myself.”

“Oh, if that’s the case, we could split up for efficiency’s sake! It’d be Iwashiro-san and me, and Miyamoto and Asakawa-san.”

Okay, he made a swell suggestion and planned out what would happen next. This will give them a chance to close the distance.

“But is that okay with you?” He looked at Iwashiro.

“Y, yeah. Well then, Katayama-kun… L, let’s go…”

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“O, okay! You two, call me when you’re done!”

For the split second my eyes met his, I could see he was brimming with motivation and joy. Looking closer at him, I noticed he did an ever-so-slight air pump as if to commemorate, unnoticed.

Hang in there, buddy. Don’t let this chance slip.

After watching them walk awkwardly away, Asakawa and I started to move as well.

“I don’t really have anything to buy, how about you, Asakawa?”

“Me neither. So let’s hang out together for a while.”

“Okay, I guess we could… Oh, want some ice cream?”

“That’s nice, I’d love some.”

We noticed an ice cream store just in time, so we decided to kill some time while enjoying a nice soft serve there. Since it’s a chain I’ve known since childhood, it was already consolidated well within the neighborhood, hence the many customers.

I took a bit of time picking out the perfect flavor for me, but I was curious as to what Asakawa would pick, so I said, “Have a flavor in mind yet, Asakawa?”

“Hmm, I’m thinking strawberry. How about you?”

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“I think I’ll go with…” I pointed at the cookies and cream. Honestly, whoever came up with the god-sent idea to combine the two is a genius. Maybe a Nobel prize is due to him or something.

Aside from that, I relayed our orders to the waitress and paid the bill. A little while later, two pretty cups were handed from the counter, and I picked them up before getting back where she was. I handed her the strawberry one.


“Thanks, let’s eat.”

We both sat down on a bench just outside and each brought a spoonful to our mouths.

“Hm… I’ve missed this…” She looked at her cup.

“Me too. Haven’t had one of these in forever.”

“Well, I haven’t been here recently as well. I used to come a lot in the past though…” She took a glance at me while saying that.

It’s not that I didn’t understand what she meant by that, but it’s no longer relevant to us now. She must’ve guessed what I was thinking and switched subjects to avoid the delicate air.

“Hey, I want a bite too,” she said, then brushed her hair over the ear primly, all to make sure it didn’t touch the ice cream. She leaned slightly toward me and locked eyes, almost as if she were aiming at me instead of the soft serve.

“… Okay.”

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“Thanks. Hm, this one’s great as well.”

Before she tried anything else, I hastily scooped up a bit of my own and held it up to her mouth. I could feel her mouth through the little spoon and wondered if this is how parents feel when feeding their children.

“Then I’ll give a bit of mine to you.”

“Nah, it’s fine. I don’t really like that flavor.”

“Aw, don’t be shy. Okay, open up~!”

I don’t mean to be reserved, but I just really don’t like that flavor very much. Well, I like the fruit itself, but when it comes to ice cream, I just can’t. Unfortunately, my thoughts weren’t enough and she prepped her spoon right in front of my lips.

Thinking it couldn’t be helped, I gave in.

“…Ah, it’s surprisingly tasty”

“Right? That’s what I thought.”

“I could swear it’d taste stronger, but it’s refreshing and easy to eat.”

“I get you. Oh, I’ll take this spoon home with me, so I’ll grab a new one for you.”

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“Oy, wait a second.”

Asakawa, please stop speaking like a pervert… Unlike earlier, I have a strong urge, will, and motive to resist this one. She gave up reluctantly, but if it happened again, I’m sure she’d just take the spoon with her without yapping a word.

“Well, Katayama and I are gonna have a little chat and head home, so see you both later.”

“Okay, see you.”

“Okay, thank you very much for your time.”

The sun was already setting and we just broke off after finishing with what we had to do for today. As I watched their backs shrinking further away, I asked Katayama about today’s battle spoils.

He and Iwashiro seemed somewhat awkward when they returned, but not in a bad way, so I expected good things from him.

“So, Katayama, ho was your date?”

“I’m glad you wanna listen, Miyamoto. Buckle up, I’ll explain what I’ve experienced now.”

His mouth opened, words parting his lips as if he was describing a most wondrous dream…

Oh, here we go again.

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