Vol. 2 Chapter 7: Plan A. — Part 3

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No, really, how should I say it… It’s like a dream come true.

It’s all thanks to Miyamoto and Asakawa, as well as our teamwork. I was very nervous at first since I was afraid of being avoided again, but Iwashiro didn’t do that and talked in kind with me.

Still, I don’t wanna get too deep into what we talked about, but we started on things like last night’s TV shows, what we wanted to try on our school trip, and other random topics.

All in all, I finally got to talk with the girl who’s avoided me like the plague before, and that was enough to fill my heart with joy. Despite that, humans are creatures who can’t help but want more.

When our conversation suddenly stopped, I just let that question part my lips unconsciously, almost naturally.

“Come to think of it, we met at an exhibition over the summer vacation, remember?”

Terror filled her previously soft face, and at that moment I realized I’ve done goofed. However, what is said cannot be unsaid, so I continued to speak while trying to convey what I meant by that.

“N, no no no! I love those outfits too, and there’s almost no one around me whom I can talk about clothes with, so I was really happy to see you’re like me! I’m sorry if I made you feel bad just now!”


I was a bit lame, but her eyes widened in surprise at my exasperation, and soon her anxiety faded away. Noticing she’s misunderstood something, she opened her mouth though her words were broken off by empty spaces.

“U, um… I… I’m happy too…”

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The way she said that—upturned eyes and shy fidgeting—almost knocked me out my boots. The joy of finally having my feelings conveyed and of being recognized by a fellow connoisseur filled me with happiness.

Surely, she must also have no friends with the same interests in clothing.

“Your sandals are from that Kanata collab, right?”

“Huh, you know about them?”

“I knew the moment my eyes laid on them. Oh, and that sweatshirt’s great as well.”

“I know, right?! It sold out while I was fretting over buying it or not, so I got extremely sad…”

Thanks to her cautiousness being lifted, our conversation bustled with liveliness. My heartbeat only increased as I watched her talk about this topic with a grin on her face.

“I know it’s popular, but I feel a bit frustrated.”

“I get you. You should definitely get the next batch and… Ah…”

She finally realized she couldn’t stop talking, and her gaze jumped around as she shrunk once again into her shell.

“Don’t worry, I’m happy to talk to you too,” I reassure her.

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“…R, really?”

“Of course! I’ve wanted to get to know you ever since I saw you at that exhibition. What about you? Do you wanna talk more to me?”

Her glasses reflected a nearby light and I couldn’t read her expression. After an hour’s worth of moments, her small mouth opening was the only thing I could see.

“…I do.”

I almost wanted to pat myself on the back for not jumping and kicking the air there and then. It’s weird to see people being so creepily happy, so I somehow managed to regain my composure and get back on track.

“Thank you, I’m so so happy. Well then, why don’t we speak to each other about our hobbies as friends? I mean, we’re friends now, right?”

“Eh, yeah… Umm, got it. Is it… fine?”

She stared at me anxiously, presumably, but I found it endearing that she only spoke to me more informally than all other students at school. From that point on, our conversations flowed like water.

All the while, her smile only grew; by the time we met up with the other two, we were already much closer. Unfortunately, in front of everyone, her tone of voice returned to that prim and formal way she normally spoke, but when you think about it, that’s exciting too. It’s kind of like a secret relationship, maybe.

“…So that’s how it went. Isn’t Iwashiro-san cute?”

“As expected of you… ‘Isn’t Iwashiro-san cute?’ huh.”

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“Right? Well, I’ve made up my mind, Miyamoto.”

“For what?”

She isn’t here dude, there’s no need to be so formal about it. I mean, wasn’t Katayama’s story, and specifically the part about her expressions, needlessly elaborate?

“I’m… I’m gonna confess my feelings to her on the last day of our trip!”

“O, oh…”

“Huh?! Why that weak-a*s reaction?!”

“No, ‘why’, huh…”

With everything being said, I guess there’s only one response I can give him.

“I already knew that,” I said.

“…Yup. Way to go, buddy.”

With so much progress being made and a promising future in the horizon, how could he not confess? It’s not as if that Superman called Katayama is a coward when it comes to love.

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“…Then you know exactly what I’m gonna ask next.”

“Of course, let’s work together, Katayama.”

“Yes, partner!”

I avoided the teary-eyed guy trying to jump-hug me.

“Why are you avoiding me?!”

“Nah bro, I just don’t want tears on my shirt.”

“Sorry about that. Well, if it’s Iwashiro-san, I wouldn’t mind at all!”

“I mean, I wouldn’t mind getting my clothes soggy during a romantic atmosphere or something.”

“What about our romance, bro?!”

We laughed at each other as we headed home. At any rate, I’m glad he and Iwashiro made progress. With the school trip coming up in two weeks, the preparations came to a close.

Failure is not an option, and I want to make sure that his love will be fulfilled through careful planning and execution.

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