I Hate Systems

Chapter 1

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A certain entity was rapidly fleeing in the vast expanses of the universe, its destination unknown.

This was an entity whose very existence would make all life forms kneel and worship in fear, for this very entity was a "GOD" who went by the name of Zeit.

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Zeit's external appearance may look normal, or in the eyes of mortals as godly, but only Zeit knew the extent of injuries that it had suffered.

The only reason a God like Zeit was fleeing was that its entire race had been exterminated within the 'Royal Battlefield', the only realm in the entire universe where the "7th Natal war" took place.

The 7th Natal war, even thinking about that horrible bloodbath brought great regret and anger to its mind, but knowing that it could no longer do anything about it to ease its pain and suffering, it started to look for its final resting place, a place far away from all the wars and death.

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"Huh?" Zeit suddenly frowned while passing by a blue planet, for it contained traces of life in it.

"A planet so far into the cosmos that could still sustain life within it? Hmm...interesting" Zeit neared the planet while it pondered about the various possibilities that could have led to the formation of life in this planet that was located at the very edge of the universe.

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"A young planet with only a few thousand years of life sustenance, but…." As it slowly entered into the planet's atmosphere, Zeit was scared shitless.

"This is no young planet, there are plenty of remnant auras of powerful gods. How is this possible in such a remote corner of the universe? The laws of this world...Damn"

Before Zeit could complete its monologue, countless chains created from the worldly laws wrapped around Zeit, trying to drag it towards the planet's core.

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"Heh….I may be injured, but I'm no pushover...This planet, let this be my resting place...Burst!"

Zeit exclaimed as a feeling of peace and serenity crept onto its face as its body slowly broke down into millions of fragments, scattering over the entire planet.

"Heh…I won't be bored here…" Zeit said as it witnessed its consciousness slowly fade away as the mysterious worldly chains disappeared from existence.

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