I Hate Systems

Chapter 2

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11th November 2018, Hong Kong

"Yes Sir, I'll meet the client at 11:00 AM tomorrow. Take care of yourself, sir".

"Sigh…more work tomorrow" raising his hands up with a dramatic sigh Li Qiu looked at his watch to note that it was 4:00 PM the end of his shift and brought his hands down upon the unfortunate guy beside him "Hey are you done yet" smacking his back with a loud thud.

"Eiouch…what was that for" the unfortunate guy who was on the floor looked exasperatedly at his dumb brute of a friend.

"How come your shift ended so early?".

Li Qiu took this chance to act cocky "the client meeting has been postponed to the next day so I'm done for today".

Li Qiu extended his hand to pull up his pitiful buddy " say…wanna grab some beer David".

The moment David heard those casual words of Li Qiu he instantly flew into a rage "Beer your daddy, I have work to do as a member of the HR Department unlike you who only has to accompany foreign delegates as an Interpreter, drown yourself into whatever fluid you prefer, humph".

Li Qiu's eye twitched when he heard his friend's daily rant "yeah yeah, you can eat your spread sheets for dinner while I enjoy a nice bottle of wine by myself and guess what… I won't give you any, hahaha".

Seeing David's face go red from anger and irritation, Li Qiu happily exited the hallway to the parking lot where his motorcycle had been parked.

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Just when he was about to press the ignition it started raining outside "damn, I can't drive in this rain. Guess I'll just walk in the nearby park for a change of pace".

Switching off his bike's ignition Li Qiu went to the reception room to borrow an umbrella and went to the park while simultaneously greeting a few others who had the same idea as him.

After a few minutes just when he was feeling bored Li Qiu picked up his xiaomi phone to surf the internet when the sky suddenly brightened with golden light spilling everywhere from the gaps in the clouds followed by a series of conch sounds producing a roaring sound just like those used in the 16th century.

Panicking Li Qiu looked up just like plenty of those pedestrians on the street and the many white collared workers from the windows of their offices when strange golden dust started to flow everywhere.

On a closer look, Li Qiu noted that they looked similar to the wings of a housefly both in shape and size. These mysterious golden dust started to float randomly towards nearby objects including trees, dogs, cats, cars, and humans in a random path when Li Qiu saw a couple of those golden dust flying towards him.

Just to play safe Li Qiu waved his phone at them and was shocked to notice that they were both instantly absorbed into his phone while another random golden dust drifted into Li Qiu who panicked for a few seconds but later calmed down after not noticing any abnormalities.

A couple of minutes passed while suddenly a shriek resounded not too far away from Li Qiu who instantly rushed towards the source only to find mashed remains of what was supposed to be a dog near a middle-aged lady who had supposedly fainted due to shock.

Suddenly Li Qiu heard various explosions occurring everywhere around him and before he realized it the middle-aged lady who was only a dozen meters in front of him suddenly exploded into a bunch of flesh and goo.

Horrified by the encounter Li Qiu didn't even have enough time to retch before the nearby cars started exploding one after the other. Li Qiu instantly ducked under a nearby park bench to seek shelter from the flying debris.

"Tthe hell is happening…Aaaaarrrr".

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As he laid flat on the ground ears shut and mouth open to survive the shockwaves Li Qiu saw on the ground numerous ants and worms that were scurrying about frantically before bursting into bits and pieces one after the other.

Some retained a faint golden glow on them but Li Qiu in his absolute shock failed to observe such minute changes. Suddenly he felt intense light and vibration from his right hand which held his phone which he had no idea how it could still be held by him even in such a situation.

Before he could even comprehend the significance of such a phenomenon the light which manifested above his phone suddenly flew into his arm traveling through it towards his heart producing an intense sting along its path before finally settling inside his heart.

Li Qiu shuddered from the overwhelming shock and pain when he heard a sound directly in his head.


Being in a state of shock and pain Li Qiu failed to notice that sound and was busy rolling on the ground to ease his pain.

He slowly came to stop after a few minutes with his entire being drenched in sweat, mucous and tears "damn bloody hell…" when he heard a sound though which sounded a bit awkward


"W-What is that sound in my head"

<Politely replying to host. I am Android A072>

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"Android A072? What, What do you mean. First who are you, What is happening here, Who caused this" on the verge of insanity this was the most he could ask.

<Ding! Replying to Host. I am Android A072. Error! Error! Insufficient data. Host is advised to collect more Golden dust>

Li Qiu though muddled and confused tried desperately to ignore whatever sorcery that was happening around him and tried to concentrate what little sanity he had left on that strange entity which sounded in his head even though he felt something critically wrong.

Still, in a muddled state of mind, Li Qiu asked "Are these flying ones okay?".

<Ding! Replying to Host. Free Golden dust is useless. Only awakened Golden dust can be absorbed by the system. Host is advised to collect awakened Golden dust by destroying other awakened entities>

"By destroying other enti…"

<Ding! Commanding the Host. Please snap their life force so that I may absorb their awakened Golden dust to evolve to a…..>

"Hahaha, so that's how it is, no wonder"


"Heh, you dare to command me…." At this moment the eyes of Li Qiu which was originally dark brown turned silver blue activating the Golden dust inside him through his emotions.

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Led by his instinct which manifested due to reason unknown to him, the moment Li Qiu exclaimed this with every ounce of his being, his entire body started to seethe with white almost translucent flames engulfing everything in his immediate vicinity of a meter radius.

<Ding! Host what the hell are you doing. Quick stop these flames otherwise it will consume the both of us>

"Hahahah…. I may not be the smartest guy in the city but even if you try to imitate like an AI, did you really think that all the danger signals from my instinct were for decoration…or"

<Host, you are under excessive shock, please stop your foolish antics immediately before the inevitable…>

"You can stop the crap, you see, having a parasite like you living in my body and telling ME to do things makes me feel disgusting and did you really think a tool like YOU can order a human around? YOU ARE NOT QUALIFIED"

<Host stop..it…pl..s...Err...…or>

After 15 minutes of burning there was no longer any sign of the system in his heart leaving a tired and weary but a face filled with pride and disdain

"I guess a system loses its value when its no longer just a tool…Sigh"

"And when did I have such accurate instincts and these changes to my emotions, it feels like my pride inflated to the skies and then…then…Ugh whatever, I'll save it for later".

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