Riett narrowed her eyes as if she had heard something absurd.

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“It’s only natural. You are the spirit mage of the country.”

“Still, an inauguration ceremony…”

Though she appreciated the consideration, she felt more burdened by it. The Emperor could sense Riett’s uneasiness in accepting all this, so he added an explanation.

“Absolutely not! I’m not saying this because I suspect you might attach yourself to another country like Perante.”

Riett squinted her eyes.

“Are you suspecting me even at a time like this?”

“How could I? If I were to suspect you, then who in the world can I trust?”

Riett dropped her suspicions at the sight of the Emperor, who seemed ready to leap in an instant.

“Anyway, now that you know, I’ll let you know the schedule as soon as it’s set.”

Riett nodded reluctantly.

“However, the inauguration ceremony should be modest.”

She didn’t want to be unnecessarily celebrated as if she had become someone extraordinary. Perhaps her preferences had changed a bit as she grew up; she used to enjoy being noticed when she was younger, but after going through various experiences, her inclination had changed.

Seemingly understanding Riett’s concerns, the Emperor chuckled reassuringly.

“Of course.”

* * *

Why does this feel so uneasy?

Even though they decided to keep it simple, the Emperor had worried Riett a lot by immediately instructing his aides to gather the ministers and prepare the guest list.

‘Ah, I don’t know.’

Riett thought that today had been quite long as she stepped down from the carriage. She noticed a familiar figure at the main gate.


“You’re late.”

Evan detached himself from the wall where he had been waiting expectantly. Riett blinked.

“Why are you here?”

“You said you had something to tell me today.”


Only now did Riett remember her promise to Evan. When he asked her when she’d return, she had said she would arrive around dinner time. However, her conversation with the Emperor had extended well past eight o’clock.

“Sorry… Did you wait here the whole time?”

“I was inside drinking tea, but you took so long that I got worried and came out.”

Riett felt like laughing at the irony of the situation.

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“Don’t worry; who would dare to bother me?”

She had absorbed the Spirit Stone and gained power she had never possessed before. They called it the power of the sea, so who would dare challenge her?

Despite her playful tone, Evan’s expression remained serious.

“Regardless of how strong Riett has become, I will always worry about her.”

Riett’s expression became serious as well.

In the past, she might have felt her pride wounded, thinking that Evan saw her as weak. But now, she understood why he cared so much.

Now, she understands for sure. Evan cares about everything related to her.

‘He doesn’t want me to get hurt because I’m important, and he doesn’t want anything bad to happen.’

That must be his unwavering sentiment, even if I become as powerful as the sea. For some reason, Riett felt a lump in her throat and deliberately changed the subject.

“Feeling cold? Let’s go inside.”

Evan smiled and nodded without saying a word.

* * *

After finishing dinner, Evan and Riett entered the reception room. Natasha served them some tea before leaving, and Evan glanced at the tea curiously.

“What’s this?”

“Iced tea.”

Riett explained as she looked at the droplets forming on the surface of the glass.

“I’ve served iced tea to the old man before, but it’s your first time, isn’t it?”

For a moment, Evan’s gaze turned chilly.

“Is that so?”

“Yes, I thought you would find it strange.”

Come to think of it, it was strange. Just a few months ago, they were still worrying about things like this together.

‘But now, a lot has changed.’

Riett thought, stealing a glance at Evan.

Evan, who had been looking at the iced tea with a slightly displeased expression, mumbled, ‘Well, now I’ll have more time to be close to you than Father.’

“By the way, isn’t iced tea more appropriate for the summer?”


Riett couldn’t easily answer Evan’s question.

‘He’s quite sharp.’

Originally, iced tea was only drunk during the summer. However, the reason they prepared iced tea today was to soothe the hot feelings inside.

No wonder she felt thirsty when she looked at Evan.

Of course, that fact was a secret.

While contemplating how to explain, Evan spoke first.

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“Yeah, Riett’s preferences have always been unique.”

“… Is that a compliment?”

Riett raised an eyebrow slightly. Evan only responded with a fox-like pretty smile.

But still, Riett was relieved.

It felt like they had returned to the days when they used to tease each other.

‘More importantly, there’s a big event.’

“If you’ve been to see the Emperor, you’ve also heard that there’s a ceremony to inaugurate a new spirit mage.”

“That’s true, but… How come you seemed to know about it before I did?”

“The Emperor called me this morning and told me about the plan. He said we need to formalize it quickly so that other countries don’t meddle.”

Riett recalled the Emperor’s bewilderment at her reaction earlier.

“Absolutely not! I’m not saying this because I suspect you might attach yourself to another country like Perante.”

So, there was someone who prompted him to hold the appointment ceremony. 

The reason behind it was to officially establish her, Riett Marren, the spirit mage, as part of the Truto Empire.

“Well, regardless of the reason, it’s a good thing. Riett deserves recognition.”


Riett looked at Evan with moved eyes, and he replied with a charming smile.

“And after the inauguration ceremony, make time for me.”

Riett stared at Evan intently.


“I have something to tell you.”

Evan took a sip of his tea. 

Glug glug. 

The tea in his cup disappeared in an instant along with the jingling of his collar. It seemed like he was a bit restless for some reason.

Riett thought it was strange and said, 


* * *

With that conversation over, Evan went home. 

Riett worried that he might go to sleep in again, but he got up from his seat more calmly than she expected.

Left alone, Riett went up to her room. When she opened the window, the cool night air refreshed the stuffy room. Even though the curtains fluttered around, Riett found the sight rather pleasant and left them as they were.

While standing by the window, lost in her thoughts, she heard a faint voice.


Riett jumped in surprise at the sudden appearance of Mishan.

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“What, what is it, Mishan? You startled me!”

⟨I apologize. But you haven’t called for me in a while, and I began to wonder if you had forgotten about my existence.⟩

Feeling guilty, Riett softly murmured, “Mishan.” In an instant, Mishan appeared in the air.

“I couldn’t forget you. I just had a lot of people to meet.”

Actually, she had momentarily forgotten about Mishan. Her mind had been preoccupied with various thoughts.

Feeling a bit hurt, Mishan puffed up his cheeks and said, 

“I was a little sad, but now that you’ve called for me, it’s fine.”

Riett felt sorry inside, and Mishan suddenly pushed his face forward.

“Do you know that your expression has been strange lately?”


Mishan stroked his chin.

“Even when you’re alone, it’s like you’re acting in a play, making various expressions.”

“I… I did?”

“Yes, especially when your face turns red… it looked like you had fallen in love.”


Riett’s face contorted instantly. However, Mishan continued without hesitation.

“No doubt about it. After living countless days and observing humans closely, I’m certain.”


“People who make those expressions usually end up marrying someone else rather quickly.”

Riett’s mouth fell open weakly at the shocking conclusion.

Gathering her wits, Riett asked Mishan, 

“So… from your perspective, do you think I’ve fallen in love and might get married soon?”

“Yes, under the assumption that the person you’ve fallen for shares the same feelings.”

With Mishan’s firm response, Riett’s mind was engulfed in shock. Suddenly, Evan’s words from earlier came to her mind.

“And after the inauguration ceremony, make time for me.”


“I have something to tell you.”

With these words, Riett felt a strange sensation.


Soon, she realized the nature of the sensation. It reminded her of the time before she entered the noble school when Evan mentioned having something to tell her after the mister’s birthday party. 

It took some time for him to convey the message due to the mister’s arrest on false charges, but Evan had confessed to her.

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“I like you, Riett.”


“I want to get engaged to you.”

The conclusion had made Riett’s face flush.

‘No way, you said you had something to tell me earlier…….’

He’s going to confess to her?

“Your face right now looks like a runaway locomotive about to burst into flames.”

“Shut up.”

Riett tightly closed her eyes and lowered her head.

‘What do I say if Evan confesses…?’

“There’s no need to worry. Since the master also loves him…”


Riett covered Mishan’s mouth with her hand.

“Be quiet! And stop reading my thoughts without permission!”

As Mishan struggled and protested, Riett slowly removed her hand.

“I’m sorry for reading your thoughts, but the master knows the answer and is suffering in silence.”

“What do I know?!”

“Of course, you will accept his confession. If you reject it, you’ll be stuck in a worse situation than being in a relationship with someone else.”

In an instant, Riett’s heart throbbed.

As Mishan said, if she rejects this confession, it will be difficult to maintain the same relationship as before with Evan, unlike when he confessed to her when they were younger.

“It’s true that I don’t particularly like him. He’s always teasing and bothering you.”

“He didn’t bother me, but…”

“Anyway, I don’t like him. Especially with those black eyes.”

Huh? Mishan shivered inexplicably.

‘What’s wrong with black eyes?’

She thought that spirits were hard to understand, but Mishan adjusted his expression and looked at Riett.

“Still, I hope the master will be happy. I hope you decide without regrets.”

Mishan’s blue eyes displayed a serious expression.

Unknowingly, Riett nodded her head.


Mishan seemed satisfied with her answer and let out a contented laugh.

However, despite her bright smile, Riett couldn’t easily soothe her restless heart.

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