The day of Truto Empire’s official Spirit Mage inauguration ceremony dawned.

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‘Why am I so nervous?’

In front of the mirror, Riett took a deep breath. The red badge on her chest fluttered with excitement.

Natasha quickly adjusted the slightly disheveled badge.

“His Majesty, the Emperor, specially designed this badge just for you. He’s so proud to have you as a Spirit Mage.”

While Natasha’s eyes were sparkling with joy, Riett couldn’t help but find the Emperor’s actions somewhat unusual.

Just as Natasha said, the Emperor had designed a new badge to represent the official Spirit Mage of the Truto Empire. 

The badge was designed with a red background, matching Riett’s red hair and eyes. In the center of the badge, a blue tree was drawn, symbolizing the common association of Spirit Mages with the blue tree.

As a result, Riett now wore a one-of-a-kind badge on her chest.

“Are there many people there?”


Natasha smiled, lifting the corners of her mouth.

“When you are ready, they asked me to let them know.”


“The Master and the Madam. Should I call them now?”

Riett’s parents were also planning to attend the inauguration ceremony. As soon as they heard about the ceremony, they rushed to the capital, but due to their busy schedule, they arrived at the mansion only today.

“Yes, please ask them to come in.”

Natasha left, and soon Riett’s parents entered the waiting room.

Seeing her parents’ faces after such a long time, Riett realized how much time had passed. Her mother still looked beautiful despite the wrinkles around her eyes, and she embraced Riett warmly as she approached.


Her mother rushed over and hugged Riett tightly. Even though she was elegantly dressed, her mother’s beauty still shone through.

“I heard everything from Duke Hail. About your exile and the Spirit Stone. Why didn’t you tell us?”

“I thought it would worry you. I had confidence in handling it myself.”

Despite Riett’s brave response, her mother’s eyes held a hint of sadness.

It was through the Duke that she finally broke the news to her parents. She sent them another letter after that, but they still felt bad that she hadn’t told them beforehand.

Trying to find a way to soothe her mother’s heart, Riett’s father came closer and gently wrapped his arm around her mother’s shoulder.

“There’s no need to burden Riett on a day as happy as this. As long as she’s safe, that’s enough.”

“Thank you, Father.”

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As Riett expressed her gratitude with a thankful smile, her father responded with a smile as well.

They spent some time together, catching up and sharing stories. They discussed whether anything special happened recently, how the estate was running, and their health.

“So, what do you think about marriage?”

When the topic of marriage came up during the casual conversation, Riett was taken aback.

“Haha… I’ll think about it when the time comes…”

“Though we won’t force you, we’re naturally concerned about it.”

Riett’s parents continued discussing the topic of marriage for a while. With Evan’s situation always on her mind, Riett gulped down her drink nervously.

Thankfully, her mother sensed the discomfort and gracefully excused themselves from the conversation.

“Alright then, should we leave now? Other guests will come to see you before the inauguration ceremony.”

Her Father stood up with a wistful look on his face and embraced Riett.

“I’ve always been proud of my daughter.”

“I’m also proud of both of you.”

They decided to continue their conversation during dinner at the mansion, and Riett’s parents left the room.

However, just as she was about to turn around, a familiar knock echoed through the door.

“Who is it?”

“It’s me, Riett.”

Recognizing the voice immediately, Riett quickly opened the door, revealing Samuel standing outside.


“I heard the news and came to congratulate you.”

“Wow, thank you. Come in!”

Riett was genuinely happy to see Samuel, who had once come to tell her about Evan being seen in Hemsworth’s back alley.

“No, I won’t come in. It seems like many people want to see you here. There’s no need for them to see me as well.”

“Is that so…?”

“Yeah. Here, take this.”

Samuel handed her a bouquet of beautiful flowers.

“I always knew you’d become an outstanding person, congratulations.”

“Thank you, Samuel.”

With a bright smile, Samuel disappeared again.

Next, the Emperor and Duke Hail came to the waiting room.

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“Your Majesty! Mister…”

Before she realized it, Riett had already called the Duke “mister” and hastily glanced at the Emperor.

“Don’t worry about such formalities with me, Riett. As I know, the relationship between you and Duke Hail is close, so don’t worry about the titles.”

With a sheepish smile, Riett laughed lightly. Before the Emperor, she felt like she couldn’t help but return to the girl she once was.

“But Riett, aren’t you nervous at all?”

“It’s okay. It’s just something like this.”

Riett replied cheerfully. Standing in front of Duke Hail made her feel like the brave little girl she used to be.

“There’s no way Duchess Marren is this nervous.”

Even with the Emperor’s proud tone, Riett cast an unappreciative glance at him.

“By the way, Your Majesty, it seems like there are more guests invited than I expected?”

Chuckling, the Emperor let out a slight cough.

“I’ve been very meticulous with the guest list, so it naturally kept growing. Besides, it’s inevitable to have many guests since commoners, as well as nobles and even royals from the Haren Empire, will be able to attend the inauguration.”

Riett’s eyebrows shot up in surprise.

“I distinctly asked for a simple ceremony…”

Seeing the Emperor avoiding eye contact, Riett swallowed her resentment.

‘Yes… I should think that he did all this with me in mind. Besides, it’s good that commoners can enjoy today as a festival.’

“I’m sure there will be some familiar faces. The Crown Prince of the Haren Empire, Callis, will also attend. He replied as soon as we sent the invitation.”

“Is the Haren Empire a bit quieter these days?”

“It seems like the family conflict has mostly subsided. We’ll probably hear news about the coronation ceremony of Prince Callis as the Emperor next year.”

It was a fortunate development. If Callis became the Emperor, the Truto Empire would likely adopt much friendlier policies than before.

“Riett, despite that, so many people came to congratulate you, and I’m glad about it.”

Riett nodded at his comforting words.

“Yes… I’m happy about it too.”

As she reluctantly agreed, the Emperor chuckled and patted Riett’s back.

“Isn’t it the way of the Empire? Don’t be burdened by it and enjoy yourself.”

Understanding Riett’s look, the Emperor slowly withdrew his hand.

“Anyway, we’ll see you later, Duchess Marren.”

“Congratulations, Riett.”

After the Emperor and the mister left the waiting room, no more guests came. At least, not guests who came through the door.

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*Tap, tap.*

When Riett heard a light tapping on the window, she raised her head while admiring the flowers she had received from Samuel and the mister.

‘What’s this?’

Suddenly, platinum-blonde hair and a snow-white face appeared in front of her. There was no mistaking the owner of the signature radiant platinum hair.


The window opened, and Lucas skillfully entered the room.

“Can’t you come in normally?”

“I thought if I came in like that, I might run into someone who recognizes me.”

He was an annoyingly meticulous person, making it hard for her to hate him despite his many annoying aspects.

“How have you been, Lucas?”

“I’m in a confrontation with Father, so our daily interactions are a bit cold. But he wouldn’t go so far as to kill his son, right?”

Lucas replied playfully, but thinking about the times when he seemed scared, Riett could tell how hard he was trying.

Looking at Lucas with slightly softened eyes, he gave her a light smile.

“By the way, you did it after all. I never thought you’d find the Spirit Stone.”

“I did go through a lot of hardships… but your compass was a great help.”

“It worked properly in a crucial situation, huh?”

Well… In truth, when she gave it to Kei to sell instead of the dagger, he remembered the real name of the Spirit Stone because of that favor. But explaining all that would take too long.

“Somehow, it was helpful! I’ll tell you all about it later.”

“Well, it’s good that it somehow helped.”

*Knock, knock.*

Then, a knock was heard from outside.

“Your Grace, you should leave soon.”

“Oh, right.”

At the urging of her aide, Bern, Riett quickly stood up.

Lucas also sat by the window, preparing to leave.

“Congratulations, Riett.”

“Yeah, thanks for coming today.”

Lucas smiled brightly, looking more radiant than usual in the bright sunlight.

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Then, with swift movements, Lucas disappeared like a cat burglar.

Alone now, Riett neatly arranged the bouquet she received on the table. She paused for a moment and gazed at the bouquet, feeling somewhat empty.

‘Come to think of it, Evan didn’t come.’

They had promised to meet separately after the inauguration ceremony, but…

Frowning, Riett looked down at the bouquet, and at that moment, she heard Bern’s voice from outside the door.

“Your Grace! Are you still inside?”

“I’m coming now!”

Riett gathered her thoughts about Evan and went outside. On the way to the inauguration hall, Bern explained the order of events to Riett.

“The castle gates will open soon. Your Grace will go up to the tower on the right side of the main entrance to greet the people.”

“Got it.”

Outside was bustling with noise. Looking down from the corridor’s windows, Riett saw a huge crowd gathering below.

Feeling a little flustered, she observed the crowd below.

“As Your Grace is aware, you have much support from the common people. You’ve been implementing many policies for them, after all.”

That was true, but even with the crowd gathered, she still couldn’t quite grasp the reality of it.

When she went out to the spot where everyone could see her on the tower, she could see the people gathered at the castle gate.

“Long live the Emperor!”

“Long live Duchess Marren!”

Cheers of praise and joy resounded from all directions.

The Emperor raised Riett’s left hand high, responding to the cheers.

“From today onwards, I declare the birth of the official Spirit Mage of the Truto Empire, Duchess Riett Marren!”


The feeling of adrenaline rushing through her was overwhelming as she smiled and waved in response to the applause and cheers.

Seeing the bright expressions of the people, Riett reaffirmed her sense of responsibility and mission.

Having waved her hand for a while, Riett stopped at the Emperor’s whisper, indicating it was time to descend.

Even while descending the tower, she couldn’t shake off the thrill. Her fingertips tingled with excitement.

Amidst the exhilarating cheers, Riett looked at the Emperor and declared, 

“Your Majesty, I will work even harder!”

“That’s a reliable thing to say.” 

The Emperor responded with a pleased smile. 

“But don’t get too carried away. The inauguration ceremony has just begun.”

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