Despite the sun having risen a while ago, Riett didn’t get up from under the blanket.

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“I won’t give up. Because there’s only Riett for me.”

It felt like a bomb had exploded in her head.

Even the proposal itself was a shock, and on top of that, what? He won’t give up?!

“Even that man talked about engagement, and now Evan too…”

Riett pulled the blanket up to her head and tightly closed her eyes.

Of course, she knew that those feelings were temporary. In the original work, Evan also had a favorable impression of Riett at first. It must have been a misconception because she was the only girl of his age always by his side.

But she was worried.

‘What if he says something strange during class today?’

It would definitely be awkward. She had never been like this with Evan before.

But she still had to go to class… If she didn’t go today, he would surely think she was avoiding him. It’s not just a confession… Avoiding Evan over something like that would hurt her pride, to say the least.

Riett hesitated for a moment, then got up from the bed. She put on her usual shirt, pants, and outerwear and left the house.

The air had become quite chilly as winter approached. Her nose quickly turned red from the biting wind. Riett sniffled and quickly got on the carriage.

‘Only about three months left until enrollment.’

When spring arrives and new shoots sprout, the gates of the academy will open. If she wasn’t nervous, that would be a lie.

It won’t be easy to rank within the top three among geniuses from all over the country.

‘No, I can do it!’

She had received valuable teachings from that man all this time!

Riett, who had steeled her determination on the path to becoming a duchess, soon stopped in front of the carriage door. Unexpectedly, someone came to greet her beyond the door.


“Hello, Riett.”

“Where is the butler?”

Usually, the butler would always be there to welcome her, but now Evan was standing there instead.

She almost made a puzzled expression for a moment. This was a surprise.

“I told you, I’ll come to pick you up.”


“Because I want to see you a little earlier.”

Riett’s mouth slightly opened, just like when she faced a fastball stronger than a Major League pitcher. Is this guy crazy?

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Normally, she would have looked at him with a disapproving expression saying “Ew!” But she didn’t know how to react after hearing his confession.

“It’s okay to reject my confession, but don’t deny my feelings.”

He might be mistaken about his feelings right now, but he firmly believed they were genuine.

While contemplating her response, she happened to notice Evan’s palm was injured.

“How about your injury?”

It was true that she asked to change the subject, but she also wanted to check on it. Evan’s wound, which he got from grabbing the blade wielded by Haart with his bare hand, seemed to have almost fully healed now.

However, seeing the slightly protruding scar, it seemed inevitable that it would be noticeable.

“It will leave a scar.”

The expected words came out. Riett felt uncomfortable.

“…What should I do?”

“I don’t care. I gave Riett a scar on her foot. Now it’s fair.”

Upon reflection, it seemed like a valid point.

Although Evan’s scar was slightly, no, significantly larger. But as long as the person affected is fine, it’s all right, isn’t it?

Riett quickly brushed off her lingering uneasiness thanks to Evan’s calm reassurance.

“Yeah, that’s right!”

As Riett tried to walk away with a lighter heart, Evan grabbed her arm.

“But Riett… Are you cold?”

Evan reached out and touched Riett’s flushed nose and forehead.

Riett blinked. Evan’s hand felt warmer than usual.

‘…Am I feeling cold right now?’

Now that she thought about it, it did feel a bit chilly earlier, but surely…

As if reading her mind, Evan asked, 

“Are you catching a cold?”

“No way! Have you ever seen me catch a cold?”

Not showing any signs of weakness to Evan was an ingrained reflex developed for 14 years.

Saying so, Riett sniffled once again. It was unmistakably the appearance of someone who had caught a cold.

“Alright, I get it. You’re not catching a cold. Still, put this on.”

Evan took off his outer jacket and handed it to Riett.

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“Why should I wear this?”

“Because you’re cold.”

“Forget it! We’ll reach the mansion soon.”

Riett tossed the coat back at Evan and walked ahead confidently.

Riett was taken aback by Evan’s unexpected actions, and that surprise quickly turned into anger. She didn’t quite understand why she was getting angry with Evan herself. 

Was it because he did something out of character? Because he treated her as weak? Or was it because of his kindness that she couldn’t bring herself to accept even though she knew she was uncomfortable?

Come to think of it, it seemed to be all of the above.


Evan soon caught up with Riett, who had a menacing expression on her face. Riett spoke without glancing at Evan.

“Don’t ever do something like this again.”

“What do you mean by ‘something like this’?”

Riett stopped in her tracks and glared at Evan.

“Handing me clothes or something! It’s an action you’ve never done before!”

“Well, that’s because you’ve never caught a cold before, Riett.”

He was momentarily at a loss for words. But he still needed to convey his intentions clearly.

“Well, what I mean is…”


“…Don’t treat me like a girl!”

She wanted to say, “Don’t act differently from before,” but her words got jumbled. She didn’t even know how to clearly explain what “differently from before” meant.

So, she just… didn’t like it when Evan acted overprotective.

They grew up like brothers, not childhood friends, not more or less than that.

“Riett, you are a girl, you know.”

He understood the implications behind his words, yet he smiled and replied.

“Fine! I won’t talk to you anymore.”

Riett walked ahead briskly, making sure to add one more thing before turning around.

“And I’m telling you, I didn’t catch a cold!”

As Riett walked faster than Evan, who could easily keep up with her, they finally entered the mansion. 

It felt a bit warmer inside Duke Kreutz’s residence, but it was excessively spacious.

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Coming down to the front gate, they had to walk quite a distance to reach the mansion. When they arrived at the study, Duke Kreutz was conveniently lighting the fireplace.

“Ah, it’s warm.”

As Riett approached the fireplace closely, Duke Kreutz responded with a gentle smile.

“The weather has gotten quite cold, hasn’t it, Riett?”

“Yes, the leaves have already fallen.”

Riett, who had been envisioning the scenery beyond the carriage window, melted her body and took off her outerwear.

Duke Kreutz, noticing Evan entering the study, stood up from his seat and spoke.

“Shall we begin the lesson?”

“I’m ready.”

Riett nodded with a smile.

However, despite her expression, her head was slightly dizzy.

She hadn’t been sick much in her lifetime, so she wasn’t accustomed to this condition. But she couldn’t show it. She was worried that if she appeared weak, Evan would treat her kindly.

“Today, I thought I would tell you about my experiences attending a noble school.”

Upon hearing those words, Riett ignored her dizzy head and sparkled with anticipation.

While the usual classes on history, politics, military affairs, and religion were interesting, she particularly enjoyed these side stories. Duke Kreutz was a person rich in life experiences, and listening to his life stories would be both educational and intriguing.

“Noble school doesn’t fit either the word ‘noble’ or ‘school.’ It’s hard to find the dignity that nobles should have or the safety that a school should provide.”

Riett wasn’t surprised by the somewhat bitter expression. She had heard negative stories about the school before. Even Riett’s mother, Lady Marren, occasionally brought up such stories to dissuade Riett.

“They say it’s a battlefield under the name of a school. Do you know how many privileges are granted if you rank in the top three?”

“Yes, I know.”

That’s why Riett wanted to enter the noble school, for those privileges.

“Even as a woman, even if you’re not the eldest son, you can receive a title. And it has a positive impact on becoming a noble member as well.”

This was the second reason why Riett aimed for excellent grades at the noble school.

While there were rare cases of women receiving titles in the history of the Truto Empire, there had never been a female noble member so far.

In her previous life, Riett studied law and dreamed of becoming a politician, and she wanted to fulfill that dream in this life as well.

“Yes, Riett, you’re right. For the sake of inheriting the title or becoming a noble member, there is constant competition.”

“That’s right.”

“Just like how Haart coveted the title of count, titles, and honor have a great allure. That’s why the school, the temple of education, turns into a battlefield.”

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As in other countries, the Truto Empire also granted significant privileges to nobles with titles. Not only did they have control over family estates, but they also had decision-making power over all properties, including territories and servants.

In addition to material possessions, due to the emphasis on honor, it was inevitable for there to be envy and intense rivalry among siblings who didn’t inherit titles.

Duke Kreutz could have been a victim of such circumstances as well.

“Riett, are you okay?”

But suddenly, Duke Kreutz asked Riett with a voice full of concern.

“Yes, yes?”

She was listening well…?

“Your face is quite red.”

“I guess it’s because I’ve been by the fireplace for a while.”

Riett made a vague excuse.

She felt Evan’s gaze, but she pretended not to notice.

“Please continue talking.”

With her determined attitude, Duke Kreutz continued his words.

“And Riett and Evan would judge for themselves, but remember that your family’s social class doesn’t necessarily translate into your position within the school.”

“Of course.”

“In the school, your parents’ influence doesn’t directly reach you. Regardless of the noble class, anyone can become the king of the school.”

Marren’s younger brother, in other words, Riett’s uncle, didn’t understand the dynamics of the school.

He mistakenly believed that his parents’ social class would automatically determine his status within the school.

As a result, he gradually became isolated from other students, feeling alienated and eventually deciding to drop out.

It was a difficult story for Lady Marren to reveal, as she couldn’t easily change her daughter’s decision to enroll.

“So, Riett.”

“Yes, mister.”

“I hate saying this, but don’t trust others too much in school.”

The expression on Duke Kreutz’s face was more serious than usual.

The slight furrowing of his brows conveyed that he didn’t take this conversation lightly.

This was probably the final point he wanted to make.

However, it wouldn’t be easy to tell his beloved child, who was still innocent and naïve, about the harsh realities of the world.

Riett understood Duke Kreutz’s affectionate intentions and nodded her head.

“I’ll keep that in mind.”

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