Cough, cough-

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“Ah, my head hurts.”

Riettt ended up with the flu.

‘It’s all because of him!’

Riett blamed Evan for it.

Her immune system, which had been strong for 14 years, collapsed.

It was due to Evan’s nonsensical talk about taking off clothes and other things that seriously damaged her immune system.

That wasn’t the only thing.

Even yesterday, when they parted ways, Evan said something strange that made her dizzy.

“You can trust me. I will never betray you.”

She didn’t feel inclined to take the old man’s words of not trusting anyone at face value.

But Riett couldn’t grasp Evan’s assurance. She knew too well about his actions in the original work, which made her dislike him for various reasons.

Come to think of it, Evan seemed a little suspicious. How can he be so certain about people’s hearts? They say human hearts are like reeds!

After hearing Evan’s resolute words, Riett thought she should say something.

“You… you proposed to me.”


“If later on, some other woman says she likes you, are you confident you won’t change your mind?”

Asking the question like giving advice, Evan lowered his head, sighed, and looked at Riett again.

“……Is that all you think I am?”

Riett was momentarily stunned.

Originally, she intended to speak like an adult, saying, 

‘Don’t believe your emotions too quickly. When you look back later, it might become your dark history.’

But she sensed Evan suppressing his emotions in his voice, so she swallowed the words she wanted to say.

Luckily, Evan, who looked a little hurt, quickly composed himself. And he smiled as usual.

“Riett, it wasn’t a casual confession to you. To even say that I like you…”


Riett hastily interrupted Evan’s words.

“You can’t say you like me.”

The first confession might have been unavoidable, but she couldn’t adapt to the word… like. Whenever she heard it, it felt like cold sweat trickling down her spine, just like when she caught the flu virus this time, as if she had no immunity to the word.

And… above all, it became increasingly difficult to have a conversation with Evan.

The relationship they had built up until now had changed so suddenly with his confession, and it wasn’t easy for Riett to treat Evan the same way as before. He had a slightly bitter expression, but fortunately, he seemed to give her time to accept it.

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“Riett, are you in there?”

Riett stopped reminiscing about what happened yesterday when she heard Lady Marren’s voice from outside the door.


Soon, the door opened.

“Oh, Riett!”

Lady Marren, the Duchess, approached her daughter lying weakly in bed. After checking her complexion, the Duchess touched Riett’s forehead with a worried expression.

“The carriage hasn’t departed yet, so I came to see… You have a high fever.”

“Yes, that’s why I don’t think I can go to Duke Kreutz’s place today.”

“I’m worried. Mom will be going out with Dad today and will come back late…”

The Duchess spoke as she removed the sweaty strands of Riett’s hair.

“It’s okay. It’s not a life-threatening illness, and Natasha knows about my condition, so it will be fine.”

Natasha was the housekeeper of the mansion, known for her meticulous nature. If she knew, there was no need to worry.

“Still… I’ll call a physician for now, so rest well today.”

“Yes… And please apologize to Duke Kreutz for me for not being able to go today.”

Instead of replying with understanding, Lady Marren kissed Riett’s forehead and left the room.

Tick-tock… As Riett lay quietly on the bed, listening to the sound of the ticking clock, the fever sensation gradually rose, and her eyes began to close.

Before she knew it, Riett fell asleep and had a dream.

On a sunny day, people gathered on a vast plain with sprawling grass.

When the solemn bells rang, flower petals fell from above, as if blessing someone…


A pleasant, deep voice reached her ears.

When she looked to the side, she saw Evan, now an adult, standing there.

Breaking the thought that he wouldn’t grow any taller, adult Evan was much taller than he was now.

But there was another reason he looked so handsome.

“Your attire…”

“It’s our wedding today.”

Finally, Riett realized why everyone’s expressions were so bright and the identity of the elaborate outdoor decorations.

When she looked down, she saw her own body wearing a pristine white wedding dress, instead of the familiar shirt and pants.

The billowing hem of the wedding dress gently spread over the grass.

“Now, the bride and groom’s entrance!”

As the voice of the unknown master of ceremonies resounded, Evan extended his hand to Riett with a charming smile.

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Riett, as if under a spell, couldn’t find it strange at all and raised her hand to Evan’s.

“Shall we go?”

“Huh? …Uh.”

The atmosphere was impossible to refuse.

The old man, their parents, cousins, friends, and even the cat raised by Natasha were all gathered.

Riett swallowed her dry saliva and followed Evan as if enchanted.

At the end of the long carpet stood the officiant.

Riett came to a stop in front of Evan and looked him in the eye. Due to the absurdity of the situation, it was difficult for Riett to gaze directly into Evan’s eyes. Whenever their eyes met, Evan would smirk and wink.

‘That smiling face remains the same even as he grows older.’

Lost in her thoughts for a moment, the officiant interrupted, 

“Groom, please give the bride a pledge kiss.”

Riett widened her eyes and looked at Evan. 

“A k-kiss?!”

It’s just a dream, so, them, getting married is possible, but why is everything else out of order and suddenly a kiss?!

Evan met Riett’s gaze with a knowing look, which left her astonished. It was one thing to have a wedding ceremony, but this was unexpected. To kiss someone she had grown up with like a brother!

“Evan… You can’t be serious, right?”


“You must be misunderstanding.”

“I’ve said it before, but in the end, I’m marrying you.”

“Well, that’s true, but…”

Evan chuckled at Riett’s bewildered expression.

“We have a lot to do as a married couple. What would we do with just a kiss?”

“As a married couple…”

“Look forward to it. I’m going to show you the side of me I’ve been holding back.”

Oh no! She wanted to run away immediately. But like she had shackles on her feet, Riett couldn’t even flinch. All she could do was glare at Evan.

“I won’t let you off the hook.”

“Shh. We’ll talk about the rest in bed.”

As the two of them failed to synchronize their lips, the urging voice of the officiant was heard.

“Groom, please kiss the bride.”

Realizing she couldn’t escape this moment, Riett tightly closed her eyes. She felt a warm and gentle touch on her lips and then pulled away.

‘What is this? Why does it feel so vivid in a dream?’

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Riett slowly opened her eyes and pressed her lips together. The unfamiliar sensation was vivid.

“And now, the two of them have become a true couple amidst the congratulations of everyone.”

The wedding ceremony was simple and short. The sound of applause from the guests erupted here and there after the officiant’s final words.

‘Am I really marrying Evan like this?’

There are all sorts of dreams…

In her heart, she denied the situation, yet her legs moved as if by magic as they were on their way out. But Evan suddenly stopped in his tracks.

Riett suddenly followed Evan’s gaze and saw an unfamiliar woman standing there.


As soon as she heard the weak, sobbing voice, Riett realized who it was.

It was the original female protagonist, Marys.


Evan looked at Marys with longing eyes.

‘What’s with this atmosphere?’

In an instant, the spotlight of the wedding shifted to Marys.

“Evan, I’ve been so stupid, it’s you that I love after all!”

What the…?

No matter how desperate the situation, it’s audacious to come to someone else’s wedding and cause a scene.


What’s even funnier was Evan’s attitude. He quickly turned melodramatic, even though he was just talking about the bed and the kiss a moment ago!

“Ah, seriously, it’s dirty!” 

Riett, unable to bear it any longer, threw the bouquet she was holding onto the floor. 

“Even in the original, they had a transit breakup, so I guess people don’t change!” 

“…What are you talking about, Riett?” 

Even though she knew Evan wouldn’t understand, she felt like she would feel relieved if she blamed Evan like this. 

“I don’t care, just go to Marys quickly! I don’t need someone like you.” 

“Riett, I’m sorry… but I really meant it.” 

“What, you bastard?!” 

In an instant, Riett, whose anger surged to the top, grabbed Evan by the collar. She tried to send him off nicely… 


Pulling at his collar, she saw his bewildered face up close. 

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Huh…? But his voice sounded too clear. It was obvious since he was speaking right in front of her, but it was a distinctly different resonance from earlier. 

“Did you wake up?” 

It felt as if he was actually close… After blinking a few times, her vision became clear. Adult Evan had disappeared. And the Evan she knew… 


Riett shouted, realizing that the person right next to her was the real Evan she was holding onto by the collar. 

“Riett! Are you okay?” 

“Yes, why are you here?” 

She looked around to see if it was another dream, but it was definitely her room. She was lying on her bed right now. 

“The Duchess asked me. She asked me to take care of you. And…” 


“I was worried too.” 

Evan spoke cautiously. It seemed like he was trying to express something as if he was reacting to her disapproval of his affectionate words. Riett tried to smoothly redirect the conversation to hide her embarrassment. 

“Since when have you been here?” 

The view outside the window was pitch black. It seemed she had unintentionally fallen into a deep sleep. 

“Well… about six hours ago?” 

“Six hours?! You’ve been here that long?” 

Riett looked at Evan in astonishment. There were several wet towels next to him. Come to think of it, she seemed to have had a high fever, and Evan was diligently taking care of her… 

“Did you nurse me all this time? You could have asked the maidservant to do it.” 

“I wanted to do it myself.” 

Riett bit her lip at Evan’s sincerity. At the same time, she became worried. What would she do if Evan’s feelings lasted longer than expected…? 

If he continued to act like this every time they met, no matter how much he was Evan, she would feel sorry and awkward… And perhaps, just in case… 

‘If I were to completely fall for this guy…’ 

It was something that should never happen, nor could it happen, but if it were to happen, there would be no more dreadful ending. Didn’t she just see it in the dream, the lines of a pitiful supporting character? 

In the end, no matter which path he took, Evan was the male protagonist of this novel, and he was destined to be connected with the female protagonist. After all, Evan’s feelings for Riett were just like passing winds.

It’s not uncommon for your first love to be someone you’ve known since childhood. Like an older brother’s friend, a teacher, a neighborhood friend, and so on. 

‘That’s right. Evan also sees me too often, that’s why.’ 

Because of the duke’s classes, they met without fail every weekend, and they spent a lot of time together on weekdays, riding horses or practicing swordsmanship. In a way, they spent more time together than with their parents. 

So it makes sense that Evan has been chasing after her since they were young, like a chick following its mother. 

In other words, if they don’t meet frequently, Evan’s feelings for her will eventually fade away. With the solution in mind, Riette made up her mind. 

Starting tomorrow, she would distance herself from Evan.

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