“Riett, Evan is downstairs.”

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Riett quietly lifted her head, feeling much lighter than the day before.

‘Doesn’t Evan ever sleep? He’s been coming to people’s houses since the crack of dawn for something fun.’

Muttering to herself, Riett pushed aside the blanket and replied to her mother.

“Please tell him that we can’t meet today.”

“Oh, why? Are you still feeling unwell?”

“No, I’m almost recovered.”

“Then why?”

Lady Marren approached the bed, surprised. 

“What happened with Evan? Did you fight?”

“I’m just a young girl, it’s nothing like that.”

“Then at least tell him you’re feeling better after seeing his face. He took care of you all day yesterday.”

Sigh. She knows that, but she made up her mind yesterday, firmly deciding to keep her distance from him. That way, his nonsensical chatter will disappear as soon as possible.

“Well, it seems I’m still a bit under the weather. What if I pass it on to Evan?”

“…… I wasn’t going to tell you because Evan asked me to keep it a secret, but he seemed to have caught a cold too.”

Riett fell silent for a moment after Lady Marren’s words. He had been nursing her all day yesterday and ended up catching it himself.

‘Yeah, why did you take care of someone without being asked…!’

She doesn’t know anything about it!

Riett calmed her bewildered mind and lay back in bed.

“In that case, I can’t meet him even more. I’m sorry, but please tell him to just go back and rest today.”

Lady Marren reluctantly agreed to her determined daughter’s words and left the room.

At times like this, Riett used to think Evan would retreat after a day or two. But Evan came to see her the next day as well.

“Riett, you’re not meeting him again today?”

The day after that,

“Surely not today either?”

And the day after that.

“Riett, I don’t know the reason but try to relax. Isn’t it pitiful that Evan has been coming every day for several days?”

Despite Lady Marren’s persuasion, Riett kept her lips tightly sealed. That guy was more persistent than she had imagined.

With a fairly busy schedule for the day, Evan had been visiting Lady Marren’s mansion every morning for four days straight. As a result, Riett’s regular activities were also affected.

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Trying to avoid Evan, she couldn’t do much other than stay indoors.

“Oh, it’s getting annoying.”

Unable to bear it any longer, Riett confirmed that Evan had left and left the house with her horse Atom.

Of course, she had recovered from her cold long ago. That’s why she confidently went out despite the chilly winter weather.

Riett skillfully saddled the horse and mounted Atom. She planned to ride alone along the Atrenta River, just like when she used to race with Evan.

‘By the way, is Evan doing okay…?’

She heard that it’s been a few days since he caught a cold, but she was still worried because of her guilty conscience. Even if Evan took care of her recklessly and she recovered the next day, he immediately caught a cold. With a troubled heart, Riett stepped out of the front door.

“Where are you going?”

An unexpected voice reached her ears. She stiffly turned her gaze and there stood Evan, whom she had been avoiding for several days.

“Evan, why are you here?”

“Since you wouldn’t meet me, I had no choice but to wait until you came out.”

Was his claim of waiting true? Evan’s ears and the tip of his nose were stained red. It was ridiculous to catch a cold in this early winter weather.

“Are you out of your mind!”

Upon seeing his appearance, the emotion that arose in Riett wasn’t guilt or remorse, but anger. Riett tied the reins to the door and led Evan into the mansion.

Conveniently, there was a fire spreading in the hall’s fireplace. Riett sat Evan down in front of it and called a passing maid.

“Jane, could you bring a warm glass of milk?”

“Yes, miss.”

As the maid disappeared, Riett glared at Evan.

“You haven’t been like this for days, have you?”

“The Duchess told me that Riett would be out riding her horse today.”

She didn’t know there would be a spy inside. However, thankfully it seemed he hadn’t been foolishly waiting outside for the past few days.

As soon as the maid brought the milk, Evan held the cup in both hands and asked, 

“Why are you avoiding me?”

Was he asking because he genuinely didn’t know? Honestly, she wanted to say this. There are no other girls her age that she’s close to, so he’s mistaken. That’s why she’s trying to keep her distance from him. But even if she says that he won’t understand her feelings. She’ll only hear the same resentment.

“I’m not avoiding you.”


“Leave when you’re better.”

Ignoring Evan’s desperate gaze, Riett stood up from her seat. However, as if indicating that he couldn’t let her go after they had just met, Evan grabbed Riett’s hand.

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“Will it be like this for the rest of our lives?”

From Evan’s lowered voice, Riett could sense how much emotion he was suppressing. She flinched for a moment.

“You don’t want to talk to me, or even look at me.”


It may be a little sad right now, but Evan, it was only for a while. Don’t cry and be grateful to her later.

Riett turned away without hesitation, thinking that this action was for Evan’s sake.

“Riett, you fool.”


When Riett reacted to the word “fool,” Evan blinked as if momentarily surprised. However, he quickly returned to his usual self and spoke again.

“Where are you going looking like a fool?”


“You’re such a coward. You hide just because of a simple confession of liking.”

“What, asshole?”

They’re talking about who likes who right now!

Riett’s gaze towards Evan turned fierce in response to his provocative words. On the contrary, Evan calmly replied,

“Am I wrong?”

“You are! Who hides just because of a confession… of liking!”

“Then stop hiding.”

Evan looked directly at Riett’s face and spoke.

“If you keep avoiding, you will be the one losing.”

“Don’t make me laugh!”

Despite Riett’s outburst, Evan didn’t back down.

“If you keep thinking of avoiding, do as you wish. I’ll think of you as a cowardly Riett.”

Riett’s mind no longer held Evan’s confession of liking. The word “coward” ignited like a flame.

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Riett couldn’t help but respond to this provocation.

* * *

“Riett. I heard you were very sick. Are you okay now?”

Duke Kreutz, wearing a worried expression, asked Riett, whom he hadn’t seen in a while.

“Yes. It was just a minor cold.”

“But still, you haven’t been here for a whole week, and I couldn’t see your face.”

Riett scratched her head with a shy expression.

‘It’s been a whole week since I’ve been avoiding Evan.’

By avoiding Evan, she naturally couldn’t bring herself to visit Duke Kreutz either. As a result, she hadn’t been able to meet Duke Kreutz for a while.

“Don’t worry, mister!”

“If you say so, I’m relieved. By the way, it seems like colds are going around these days. Evan also caught a cold recently.”

When Duke Kreutz mentioned Evan, Riett quickly glanced around.

The class was about to start, but Evan was nowhere to be seen.

‘How dare he challenge me and not show up!’

Riett huffed, recalling Evan’s words.

“You’re such a coward. You hide just because of a simple confession of liking.”

“If you keep thinking of avoiding, do as you wish. I’ll think of you as a cowardly Riett.”

Thanks to Evan’s provocation, Riett no longer felt the need to avoid him.

That’s why she confidently visited Duke Kreutz’s place today.

“What about Evan? Is he too sick to attend class today?”


The one who answered was not Duke Kreutz. Evan revealed himself with redness around his eyes.


“Don’t worry about it. I just have a slight fever.”

“Who’s worried about you!”

Despite Riett’s outburst, Evan’s condition looked serious.

There was nothing she could do. After waiting for herself, uncertain of when she would emerge with a cold in that weather yesterday.

Riett turned her head with a snort.

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Duke Kreutz also looked briefly worried about Evan, but he knew he couldn’t break his son’s stubbornness.

“Well, then, take a seat. Let’s begin.”

Duke Kreutz reluctantly took out a book and began the lesson. Riett decided to ignore Evan as much as possible and focused intently, sparkling with determination to surpass Evan, who had called her a “coward,” and with the thought that there was not much time left until she entered the noble school. 

She didn’t want to miss out on Duke Kreutz’s valuable lesson.

As Riett concentrated for a while, she casually glanced at Evan, who showed no signs of movement next to her. Evan blinked his eyes like a weak herbivorous animal and lowered his head. 





He looked like a weak little chick as if she was seeing his childhood again. Fortunately, he didn’t seem to have fainted but appeared to be dozing off due to the fever.

“Mister, I think Evan should take a rest today.”

“That’s probably for the best.”

Duke Kreutz sighed and gently lifted Evan.

While Duke Kreutz went to call a servant, Riett looked down at the sleeping Evan.


Riett found his flushed red face pitiful.

“Why did you say unnecessary things like an engagement?”


Though there was no response from the sleeping Evan, Riett muttered to herself as if complaining.

“Why did you have to say things that tickle my heart? I prefer competing and challenging you rather than having pleasant conversations. No one stimulates me as much as you.”


“Anyway, get better soon.”

Riett offered words of comfort that wouldn’t reach Evan. Finally, she gently tapped his forehead and got up from her seat. She briefly gazed at Evan, who had his eyes tightly shut and then left the room.


After Riett left, Evan, who was left alone, struggled to raise his heavy eyelids.


A bitter feeling swirled in his dark pupils. Evan raised his hand to his forehead and murmured.

“You’re really….”

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