After a short vacation period, the school gates opened once again. Riett walked across the grass, feeling the cool autumn weather.

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At that moment, a familiar voice was heard from beside her.

“How was your day as the 5th rank?”

Even without turning her head, Riett knew who the voice belonged to. There was only one person who would dare mention the number 5 in front of her, emitting an ominous vibe.

Riett looked at the person next to her with a fierce expression, without filtering her harsh gaze. Evan greeted her with a bright smile, waving his hand.

“Good to see you.”

As Riett turned around, she faced Evan directly.

But wait…

Their eyes met, and Riett noticed that Evan’s neck seemed more bent than usual…

“You… Did you grow taller during that time?”

“Did I?”

Evan replied nonchalantly.

Just like Riett said, there was now a noticeable height difference of at least a head between the two. It wasn’t just their height; Evan’s face had also matured to the point where it was difficult to call him a boy anymore.

The gentle and delicate atmosphere that used to be present in his somewhat chubby face had completely disappeared. It was clear to anyone that the word “young man” suited him better.

Recalling the conversation she had with Duke Kreutz sometime before, Riett once again realized how much time had passed. Several months during the period of rapid growth were by no means a short time.

“I want to stop growing, too, but I don’t know if my growth plates will listen.”

Riett pursed her lips at Evan’s playful words. Yeah, he’s so full of himself.

Then, she suddenly remembered what she had originally intended to say.

“That’s not what’s important.”

“Isn’t that important?”

“We have the student council elections this week.”

Even with Riett’s confident words, Evan tilted his head slightly as if he didn’t understand their meaning.


“Well, don’t you know about bonus points? Bonus points!”

“Ah, I see.”

Finally, Evan smiled as if he understood.

“Becoming the student council president and taking the first place trophy?”

“Yes. So feel free to mock my current rank as much as you want. You’ll miss the number one later.”

Riett raised the corner of her mouth as she looked at Evan. Evan seemed to hesitate for a moment, looking up at the sky before turning his gaze back to Riett.

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“I didn’t plan to run, but if Riett is running, maybe I should give it a try too.”

Riett, who had been listening quietly, became agitated.

“Why would you run if I’m running?”

“I’ve always followed whatever Riett did since we were kids.”

He said that with a wink. Laughing at something that wasn’t even particularly funny is quite charming. That’s why it’s even more irritating. This guy can’t be beaten. He’s the male lead.

“That’s the problem with you. Live more independently. I decide to enroll in a prestigious school, so you follow and enroll. I decide to run in the student council elections, and you follow again. Are you going to say, ‘Oh, I’ll get married following you’?”

“I won’t have to follow you when it comes to marriage.”

Wait, is it possible to follow someone in marriage? Evan mumbled something incomprehensible. However, as if it wasn’t a particularly important matter, he quickly shifted his gaze back to Riett.

“If Riett becomes the student council president, it will be fun.”

“Leave out the ‘if.’ I will definitely become the president.”

Evan asked, surprised by Riett’s smug demeanor.

 “Is the reason you want to become the student council president just for bonus points?”

“That’s the biggest reason.”

“What other reasons are there?”

“Because I want to show everyone, including Henry and Pierre, what happens when they mock others thoughtlessly.”

“That’s impressive, using power like that.” 

Evan admired without much enthusiasm. Then he put a brake on Riett’s ambition.

“But Henry and Pierre aren’t the ones who dropped your book at the fountain.”


Riett’s eyes narrowed.

“They didn’t do it.”

“How did you know?”

Riett crossed her arms and glared at Evan.

“There was someone who saw the missing book from the fountain that morning. So, it must have happened between the previous evening and early morning. But Henry and Pierre attended a party outside of school that evening.”

“…They could have done it after the party.”

“All the classroom doors are locked at midnight. Considering the time when the party ended, it would be impossible to take out the book and drop it in the fountain unless they teleported to the school.”

Riett was at a loss for words with Evan’s perfect alibi. Moreover, Evan seemed to know more about the incident than herself.

“Then who is the culprit?”

“Most likely, it’s someone who benefits the most from your drop in rank.”

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Evan’s voice grew lower.

Riett recalled the reversed rankings. Familiar names quickly came to mind. As if sharing the same thought, Evan uttered the names that were in Riett’s mind.

“Lucas Holton, Henry Lerris, Samuel Plum. Among them, if we exclude Henry, there are only two left.”

Then Evan’s earnest voice resonated like a warning.

“You have to make the judgment.”

* * *

Until now, Riett had only one thought, “She’s going to become the student council president!” as she came to school, but Evan’s words turned her thoughts upside down.


Just then, someone appeared, making a significant contribution to Riett’s chaotic mind.

“Did you rest well?”


It was Lucas. He was as gentle as the morning sun as always.

“Your complexion doesn’t look good for someone who rested well. What happened?”

Looking at Lucas’ concerned expression, Riett realized that he didn’t seem like someone who would play dumb. Seeing his face directly, her heavy heart felt lighter.

‘Yeah, it’s not wise to jump to conclusions.’

Riett consolidated her thoughts and stared intently at Lucas.



Lucas blinked his eyes in response to the serious call.

“If you betray me, I won’t let it slide.”

“Suddenly talking about betrayal?”

“I’m serious. I’ll seek revenge with everything I have. You know my personality, right? I’m not just saying this.”

Riett’s serious attitude made Lucas puzzled, but he nodded his head.

“I’m not sure what you’re talking about, but I understand.”

Great. She should tell Samuel the same later. Riett quickly dismissed the uneasy feeling.

“By the way, Riett, there will be an announcement about the student council election today.”

“Yeah, I know. Are you going to participate too?”

Riett thought it was obvious that Lucas would participate.

Since her ranking dropped, Lucas moved up to second place, but the more bonus points, the better.

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Being the student council president not only gave you power within the school but also the merit of receiving recommendations from noble members after graduation.

So most eligible students ran in the student council election. Since everyone had a chance to solve the problems set by the principal, opportunities were available to everyone.

“I’m going. I have to make up for my losses.”

Of course, Lucas also seemed to have the intention to participate.

At that moment, an announcement regarding the student council election was expected, so Riett and Lucas changed direction and headed towards the Grand Hall.

As Riett and Lucas entered the hall alone, they saw a crowd of students filling the space.

According to the conversations around them, many students seemed to have intentions of running in the election.

“But isn’t the election method a bit strange?”

Lucas said, scanning the surrounding kids.

“What do you mean?”

“The principal chooses the student council president based on the problems given. The criteria seem too subjective. It could be unfair.”


Riett thought completely differently from Lucas.

To become the highest authority in the school just by solving problems seemed fair compared to the political system of the Truto Empire.

In the constitutional monarchy of the Truto Empire, the power of the assembly was increasing. However, the only way to become a member of the assembly was to receive recommendations from the nobles or existing members.

‘In other words, if you don’t have connections, you can’t even dream of becoming a member of the assembly.’

Compared to that, the student council election, where you only needed ability regardless of connections, seemed fair. Since there was no developed democratic consciousness in this worldview, even if the principal recommended a student they liked as the president, no one would say anything because the owner of the school was ultimately the principal, not the students. 

However, there was a point in Lucas’ words that Riett agreed with to some extent. If they wanted to provide equal opportunities, there could have been other methods.

While lost in thought, Riett saw the principal ascend to the stage.

“Dear students of Truto Public Noble School. The time for this year’s student council election has arrived once again.”

It was the first time Riett had seen the principal in person since the dance party. After a short conversation with the principal that day, Riett didn’t think he had a bad impression.

“Since this is an important opportunity for everyone, I have thought carefully about the problem this time.”

Heart pounding.

So what could the problem be? Riett stared at the principal with expectant eyes.

“After much consideration, the problem I came up with this time is…”

As the principal tapped the floor twice with the long cane he was holding, a large piece of paper that had been rolled up beside him was unfolded.

On the paper, it was written:

[Bring the ancient sun]

‘Ancient sun…?’

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Not only Riett, but the buzzing in the hall intensified with question marks in their minds.

“Um, um.”

Amidst the confusing atmosphere, the principal lightly clapped his hands to gather everyone’s attention. As the space quieted down, the principal spoke again.

“The solution is simple. All you have to do is bring the ancient sun as written on the paper. However, there is a condition: the students running for the election must form pairs.”

A student raised his hand and asked a question.

“Why do we have to be in pairs?”

“That’s a secret.”

Pairs, those darn pairs. It was a struggle even during the dance party, and now they have to find a partner again?

As Riett sighed internally, another boy raised his hand.

“I also have a question!”

“Go ahead and ask.”

“If the candidates have to form pairs, does that mean we will have two winners?”

The principal shook his head. 


The incomprehensible rule caused another uproar.

“There will be only one winner. You must bring the ancient sun together as a pair, but you need to reach an agreement with your partner to decide who will become the student council president.”

Despite the calm tone, the content was far from it. The boy who asked the question looked confused and asked again, 

“What if we find the ancient sun but fail to reach an agreement with our partner?”

“In that case, the person who brings the ancient sun first, based on a first-come, first-served basis, will become the student council president.”

The students immediately started buzzing.

“If that’s the case, why form pairs?”

“Well, you see…!”

Amidst the commotion, Riett once again reviewed the rules.

In other words, even if it means betraying their partner, they have to bring the ancient sun first at all costs if they can’t reach an agreement.

Contrary to the gentle appearance, the principal’s thoughts were ruthless.

The situation of betrayal unfolded vividly in Riett’s mind, leaving her tongue-tied. Yet, it was not entirely unacceptable. Having experienced multiple encounters and realizing that the world is more ruthless than expected in her second life, she couldn’t entirely reject it.

‘Could it be that they want us to taste the harsh realities of the world before becoming adults?’

While Riett tried to grasp the intentions of the organizers, the principal’s declaration resonated throughout the hall.

“Well then, let’s begin the student council presidential election.”

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