Three days had passed since the election began, yet Riett still couldn’t think of anything that could be related to the “ancient sun.”

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‘I thought I would figure it out quickly.’

Until the start of the election, she had been full of enthusiasm, but she had never expected to be stuck in the same spot for three days.

Then, what about the others?

“I’ve been thinking, maybe it’s not an object but a person.”

“I think the same. If it were an object, it would be too easy to find, and it would be too obvious.”

Although the situation wasn’t significantly different, most of them guessed that the “ancient sun” referred to a person rather than an object.

“If it’s a person, who could it be?”

“Isn’t it Principal himself? He’s like the sun of the school.”

“Well, he is old.”

“Then how do we bring the principal? Since it’s based on first come, first served, we have to bring him first to win, right?”

Riett, who had been listening quietly, suddenly raised her head.

‘It’s not the principal.’

Anyone who heard the problem would easily think of the principal. It’s because the phrase “ancient sun” easily brings to mind someone who has been the leader of the school for a long time.

If the principal is truly the answer, then as the students discussed, the person who brings the principal to the answer submission location first would win based on a first-come, first-served basis.

However, there was a fatal problem if the principal were the correct answer.

Since the principal couldn’t be forcibly brought, one would have to convince him to come along, which ultimately meant satisfying the condition of winning the principal’s approval.

‘If that’s the case, it doesn’t align with the purpose of this election method.’

To give everyone an equal opportunity and choose the student president based on problem-solving, if they had to persuade the principal personally, it would completely deviate from the objective.

“What do you think?”

Lucas pulled a chair next to Riett and sat down, asking her.

Seeing Lucas sitting beside her, she suddenly had a different thought. She realized that he was just as tall as Evan. Even a glance around confirmed that he was taller than the other boys.

Honestly, she had expected Evan to be that tall. He had the male protagonist buff, and his height was also described as tall in the novel.

However, Lucas had a pretty face and a gentle personality, making him often feel like a female friend. So, seeing him grow this tall felt strange and awkward.

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“I didn’t think you would be this tall.”

“Huh? What do you mean?”

Lucas didn’t understand Riett’s muttering and raised an eyebrow. His platinum blonde hair gently flowed down his tilted face.

Watching him silently, Riett said, 

“You’re a good guy.”

He blushed.

“Thank you for the compliment. Can’t you answer the question I asked earlier?”

“What was it again?”

“The conversation the kids next to us were having, what do you think?”

“You mean the principal being the ancient sun?”


“Well… if we look at it only from the meaning, it’s not entirely wrong. It won’t be the answer to the problem, though.”

“So, you also don’t think it’s the answer.”

Riett nodded slowly. Sharing this level of information was fine, especially since it was Lucas.

“Why do you think that way?”

“Because it deviates from the purpose of the election method.”

Lucas quickly agreed when Riett added a brief explanation. This time, Riett asked him.

“So, you also think the same way, right? Why do you think it’s not the answer?”

“Considering the nature of the principal, he would never refer to himself as the ‘Sun.’ He is modest and humble.”

It was quite a sharp observation. Riett had experienced that Lucas was very quick at understanding people and had a meticulous personality. That’s why he could become universally popular. 

Since he could quickly grasp someone’s personality, he often easily gained favor. That was one of Lucas’ greatest strengths.

However, there was something that felt different from usual.

‘For some reason, Lucas seems particularly laid back….. Is it because of his mood?’

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Even now, it was the same. At first glance, it might be hard to notice, but Riett, who had been observing him closely, could tell. The eyes that used to draw gentle curves now appeared quite rigid.

“Lucas, is something bothering you?”


“Your expression hasn’t been good lately.”

Only then did Lucas loosen up his stiff expression.

“Oh, no. Nothing’s wrong.”

Riett consciously chose not to ask further questions. There must be a reason why he wasn’t speaking up.

“By the way… Have you found a partner, Riett?”

Lucas reminded Riett of the forgotten concern. It had been bothering her for a while.

Of course, Riett was not the only one with this concern. There was only one student council president, but they had to form a team together.

The ideal partner would be someone who worked hard together to solve the problems but ultimately yielded the presidency. However, was there such a person?

Finding a partner became a separate challenge for the candidates, unrelated to finding the “Ancient Sun.”

“If you haven’t found a partner, I’ll do it with you.”

Déjà vu. Riett recalled where he had seen this scene before.

“You abandoned me at the dance party, so you should give me a chance this time.”

Ah, right. The dance party.

“When did I abandon you?”

“You did. You said you wouldn’t partner with me or Evan, but in the end, you came with Evan.”

“Oh, that… It was just…”

She lost a bet! She considered explaining, but she didn’t want to admit that she lost the bet. Especially since it was a bet with Evan.

“Anyway, I mean, let’s team up this time.”

There was a rather desperate look in his eyes as he looked at Riett. Seeing that gaze, Riett fell into a momentary dilemma. Samuel also crossed her mind briefly, but since he didn’t run for student council president, he couldn’t be considered as a partner.

In that case…

‘Maybe Lucas, whom I’ve known for years, would be better than a stranger.’

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There was just one catch.

“Once we find the Ancient Sun together, what happens then?”

It was always said that the more important the task, the less you should do it with family and friends. Emotions could weaken during critical times when objective judgment was necessary. So even though Riett thought Lucas would be okay, she couldn’t easily accept his offer.

“Let’s yield the presidency to the person who has contributed more to finding the answer.”

“What if our contributions are similar?”

In the end, the measure of the contribution itself was not objective. Everyone would think their contribution was greater. In reality, multiple people could contribute similarly and arrive at the correct answer.

“In that case, I will concede.”

An unexpected response came.


“Because it’s my request. Since I have to run for the position, the more desperate person should concede.”

Lucas smiled, pulling the corner of his mouth as usual, but there was a strange lack of strength in that smile.

“What do you think, Riett? It’s difficult to find a partner with these conditions.”

He was right. It was difficult to find an ideal partner like him, who was intelligent, and even willing to concede in the end. Despite that, Riett couldn’t readily agree.

The reason for her hesitation was… she wasn’t sure, to be honest. Did she feel bothered by Evan’s words?

‘Then who is the culprit?’

‘Most likely, it’s someone who benefits the most from your drop in rank.’

‘Lucas Holton, Henry Lerris, Samuel Plum. Among them, if we exclude Henry, there are only two left.’

 Riett opened her mouth, hiding her confusion.

“I’ll think about it a little more.”


Lucas replied casually as if it didn’t matter if she didn’t accept right away.


The school had already ended for a while, but Riett still couldn’t leave the library. She was searching for books that could provide hints about the problem.

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She had searched through all the books related to the sun, but she couldn’t find anything that could be associated with the “ancient sun.”

“Oh, has it gotten this late already?”

Riett murmured as she looked at the somewhat darkened sky. As autumn approached, the days were noticeably getting shorter.

She happened to see the clock tower through the window.

‘What? It’s only six o’clock?’

Subjectively, it felt like it had already passed seven o’clock.

But considering she had been fooled by the clock tower before, Riett took out her pocket watch without getting flustered.

‘See? It’s already half past seven.’

As expected, the clock’s hands were pointing to the wrong places. Riett clicked her tongue as she looked at the clock tower that no one bothered to fix.

“Should I go back now?”

Stretching and getting up from her seat, Riett walked out of the library. Once she boarded the waiting carriage, she gazed out the window, admiring the scenery passing by to clear her mind.

And then, at that moment…

‘Uh……. Who’s that?’

She spotted a familiar face on the street. The cat-like beauty with long black hair fluttering in the wind was someone she had seen somewhere before.

Where did she see her? Deep in thought, Riett soon recalled where she had seen her.

‘She’s Lucas’ cousin, the partner from the dance party!’

She had a very haughty vibe.

While Riett was observing her as she walked by, she made up her mind and called out to her.

“Wait, please stop here!”

Riett’s concern stemmed from the odd vibes she sensed from Lucas, wondering if something was amiss in his household. 

Although Lucas claimed it was nothing, she wanted to help if there was indeed something troubling him. She thought that maybe she could find out Lucas’ recent situation by discreetly asking his cousin. 

Hurriedly approaching her cousin, who was getting further away, Riett got off the carriage. And cautiously tapping Lucas’ cousin’s shoulder from behind, she spoke. 

“Hello, I’m Riett, the daughter of Duke Marren…” 

However, Riett couldn’t finish her introduction properly. Whoosh! As soon as Lucas’ cousin turned around, she swiftly extended her fist.

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