Episode 52.

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“What’s the plan?”

Evan asked Riett.

Inside the carriage heading towards a deep mountain valley, Riett and Evan were sitting together.

The sight of the two beautiful individuals secretly moving in the night could be mistaken for a lovers’ escape, but the reality was different.

They were not escaping in love, but rather going to catch a tiger.

‘At first, I was planning to go alone.’

Just an hour before visiting Marquis Callian’s villa, Riett couldn’t shake off her anxiousness. She had to anticipate the possibility of things going very wrong.

However, she couldn’t possibly talk to her parents about it.

Eventually, she stopped by Duke Kreutz’s mansion and told Evan the outline of the situation.

‘Of course, excluding the part about the Marquis proposing.’

It was embarrassing to say that much. To be entangled with such an old man. Nevertheless, Evan silently listened to her.

After finishing her explanation, Riett cleared her throat and proposed to Evan.

“So, tonight, give me a chance to go to Marquis’s villa with you.”


Evan readily agreed.

What surprised Riett, on the other hand, was that he agreed to go together so obediently.

‘Not necessarily because of me, but maybe because of the loyalty between our families.’

Duke Kreutz and Duke Marren had maintained a deep friendship for a long time. Since Evan often visited Duke Marren, it must have been difficult for him to let this opportunity pass.

As Riett pondered with her chin resting on her hand, she slowly turned her head to look at Evan and asked,

“What did you say earlier?”

“What’s the plan?”

Ah, the plan.

“To thoroughly search the house.”

“What if we don’t find anything?”

Riett crossed her arms in response to Evan’s question.

“Why are you so negative?”

“Because we have to consider the worst-case scenario.”

Evan answered, leaning back on his chair.

“Well then….”

‘I hope we can finish with Plan A, even though there is a Plan B.’

The goal of Plan A was to find forged documents or real transaction records at Marquis Callian’s villa they were heading to.

That’s why she accepted the invitation, suppressing her rising anger.

Marquis’s villa was truly a secretive place. Unlike the main residence with over a hundred employees, the villa had only a few servants and its location was unknown to anyone, making it suitable for hiding something.

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“We won’t go as far as Plan B. We have to be at his villa, no matter what.”

Riett said confidently.

Plan B was to visit Marquis Callian’s capital residence. To do that, they had to finish their conversation there on friendly terms and create another excuse to visit his mansion.

‘Ugh, just thinking about it is unpleasant.’

After the villa, they had to go to his main residence…!

So, if they didn’t want that, they had to find something there without fail.

Evan, who had been observing Riett’s ever-changing expressions, had been curious all along and asked, 

“What kind of person is the Marquis you met in person?”

“He’s a worthless scum,” 

Riett replied with a disdainful reaction, sharpening Evan’s gaze.

“Did he do something to you?” 

Riett blinked, startled by the sudden calm in his voice.

‘……do what?’

Although he’d said some bullshit about marrying her, he had not personally harmed her.

“No, he didn’t.”


“You’ll know when you see him. It’s just his appearance. He looks like a bad guy written all over his face.”

Riett explained, describing someone with a fierce gaze that didn’t match his delicate impression. It was as if behind his herbivorous-looking facade, the image of a beast flickered intermittently, giving an eerie feeling.


Evan, who had been quietly listening, asked in confusion.

Riett realized that the concept of physiognomy was probably only present in Korea and that someone who grew up in this world wouldn’t understand it at all.

“Well… Physiognomy is about judging someone’s character or destiny based on their face or appearance.”

“I’ve never heard of such a thing.” 

Undeterred, Riett casually retorted, 

“Evan, you still have a lot to learn. This is a popular superstition in eastern countries nowadays, and it seems you still don’t know about it.”

Thinking that it would be enough to brush it off, Riett glanced briefly at Evan. Evan, deep in thought, remained silent for a moment, then leaned closer, lifting himself from the chair. Riett saw his handsome features up close.

“What does my physiognomy tell you, Riett?”


Riett felt the words “How would I know!” rise to her throat, but after having just lectured him a moment ago, she had to say something.

“Well… It’s about you.”


What should she say? Riett’s mind raced as she stared into his dark eyes, which were quickly scanning her head.

‘No, maybe…’ 

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She had the thought of giving him some advice using physiognomy as an excuse.

“You should focus on one woman. Don’t bother with this woman or that woman unnecessarily.”

For example, transit breakups. Since he was already destined to meet the heroine, Marys, there was an implicit message not to exhaust himself by getting involved with other women. It was also a piece of advice given with Evan in mind.

“Is that how you see my physiognomy?” 

Evan weakly smiled, his expression even looking somewhat dejected.

“Physiognomy doesn’t seem to be accurate at all. It will never happen.” 

Evan denied his physiognomy, but Riett silently nodded her head.

‘A more powerful fate than physiognomy.’ 

What does he know? Riett concealed the truth that only she knew and continued, 

“And… There’s nothing wrong with listening to your childhood friend.”

Evan’s childhood friend was none other than herself.

“You can see that in physiognomy too?” 

Evan chuckled.

In response to feeling caught in her lie, Riett burst out to hide her embarrassment, 

“Believe it or don’t!”

“I believe you, I believe you.”

Evan looked at Riett with a pretty smile after giving that response. Joy came to his narrowed eyes as he smiled.



Riett replied curtly.

“I always listened to what you said.”

He had? Riett wondered reflexively but upon closer thought… 

‘I don’t think he’d ever refused when I suggested something.’ 

Like going to the Marquis’ villa, for example.

“Isn’t that right?”

When Riett didn’t immediately deny it, Evan approached as if he had the upper hand.

“Then how about giving me some compensation?”

“…Talking about compensation.”

“If you don’t want compensation, just show me some affection then.”

Riett scoffed at Evan’s words.


That’s when it happened.


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Evan lightly kissed the back of Riett’s hand.

It was a fleeting moment, but the warm and soft touch was intensely felt.

“Just this much.”

Languorous black eyes stared at Riett. He had a relaxed smile on his lips.

“…You, you!”

Riett quickly withdrew her hand and glared at Evan. It felt like her face was burning up with anger.


Seeing Riett’s reaction, Evan burst into laughter. And Riett realized.

…This guy.

‘He’s making fun of me!’

Riett wanted to retaliate in equal measure, but they had an important operation ahead of them.

‘So I’ll endure it for today…!’

Conveniently, the carriage came to a stop.

“Just a moment.”

Riett calmed down her flushed face and grabbed Evan’s arm.

“If we’re going to search the house, we need to attract the attention of Marquis Callian.”

Evan nodded his head.

“Alright. How do we attract his attention?”

“No, I’ll be the one to attract his attention.”

Riett had two main reasons for bringing Evan along.

First, it was to prepare for the possibility that Marquis Callian would confront her. She didn’t think that Marquis Callian himself was worth a punch, but she couldn’t be sure he would be alone. In any case, the villa was a place that favored the Marquis entirely.

The second reason was that she needed a companion to move separately. Marquis Callian would be surprised and displeased by the fact that she hadn’t come alone. Therefore, he would undoubtedly try to spend some time alone with her, and while she was trapped by the Marquis, Evan had to search the house and find evidence.

After Riett finished her explanation, Evan asked with a stern expression.

“It’s too dangerous. You want to be alone with that guy?”

“Don’t worry. I have a track record of beating a man-eating bear.”

Riett rummaged through her sleeves.

“Just in case, I brought this too.”

And she showed a small dagger strapped to her arm.

“Well, Evan, your role is very important.”


“While I divert attention, you must find anything suspicious.”

An earnestness glimmered in Riett’s crimson eyes.

“Got it.”

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Riett responded with a satisfied smile.

The carriage soon arrived at the front gate of the villa. As they approached the gatekeeper and showed the invitation, the door easily opened.

The size of the villa hidden in the forest was immense. Moreover, perhaps due to the silence, there was a sense of eerie energy lingering in the air.

Nevertheless, fortunately, there were very few servants from the gate to the entrance, which they passed by.

When Marquis Callian, who had been waiting for Riett in front of the building, noticed her, he greeted her enthusiastically.

“Welcome! Riett, my dear…”

However, as his gaze shifted towards Evan standing beside her, his voice gradually faded. Riett noticed the distorted expression on the Marquis’ face but didn’t pay it much attention and greeted him cheerfully.

“Hello, Marquis Callian. Thank you so much for inviting me.”

After Riett’s greeting, Evan performed a light bow.

“It’s an honor to meet you, Marquis.”

“…You must be Evan Kreutz, the heir of Duke Kreutz.”

“I am Evan Kreutz, indeed.”

Despite Marquis Callian’s cold gaze, Evan introduced himself casually. Riett whispered the reason she had prepared when Marquis Callian’s expression demanded an explanation.

“Father doesn’t allow me to go out alone these days, so I had no choice but to come with Evan.”


Although he responded naturally to the explanation, Marquis Callian still seemed dissatisfied.

‘I don’t like it, but…’

Riett leaned closer to the Marquis and whispered.

“We can talk about this in private.”

Riett’s words made Marquis Callian reluctantly nod. It wasn’t that he couldn’t understand the reason completely.

When Marquis Callian proposed marriage with Riett to Duke Marren, he had been extremely angry.

It was like selling his just-adult daughter off to an old man.

‘That’s why he’s being cautious with his precious daughter.’

However, Marquis Callian didn’t particularly like the presence of Evan, who seemed too outstanding. Duke Kreutz was also quite a handsome man, but his son, Evan, was an unfamiliar beauty.

‘……If only I were a little younger.’

Though it was supposed to be a proposal, having such an outstanding person next to him made Marquis Callian feel frustrated and irritated.

‘But Riett being here is enough.’

Marquis Callian glanced at Riett discreetly. Her red hair and eyes, well-defined features, and slender figure. Her attractive appearance combined with her confident attitude made her even more valuable.

He had been keeping an eye on her for a while, and she had grown up beautifully. With such looks, as soon as she made her debut, men would flock to her.

He had to intercept them before that happened, and now was a perfect opportunity.

“Well, I suppose there’s nothing I can do.”

After finishing his thoughts, Marquis Callian led the two inside.

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