Episode 53.

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As Riett and Evan sat down at the table in the dining room, the Marquis looked around and said, 

“I thought Riett would come alone, so I prepared dinner for two. It will take some time for another meal to be prepared.”

“It’s alright.” 

Evan replied, smiling as if nothing was out of the ordinary. Seeing his reaction, Riett thought that Evan was also not ordinary.

Suddenly, Riett glanced around and noticed colorful flower decorations and scented candles emitting a sweet fragrance placed everywhere. It was evident to anyone that the decorations were deliberately arranged, and Riett furrowed her brows once again.

Suppressing her nausea, Riett glanced at Evan. By now, Evan must have realized the reason why the Marquis had called her here.

“Well then, thank you. I will enjoy the meal.”

As the food arrived, Riett picked up her fork and knife. As expected for an important day for the Marquis, first-class dishes were brought to the table one after another. However, when she looked at the old dog in front of her, she lost her appetite.

Riett sipped the thick fish soup while meticulously examining the tableware. She looked closely at the spoon, fork, and knife, but they all appeared the same to her.


Riett, who was pondering, raised her head and looked at the Marquis.


“Yes, Riett.”

The Marquis replied, wiping his mouth.

“Are the tableware used here produced in your estate’s factory?”

“That’s correct.”

“No wonder they look of such good quality.”

Delighted by Riett’s compliment, the Marquis continued, 

“All tableware produced in the Callian estate’s factory is top-notch. We supply to the royal family and also export.”

“That’s truly impressive.”

With a somewhat soulless admiration, Riett asked casually, 

“Does the royal family receive silver tableware?”

“That’s right. We produce tableware specifically for the royal family with extra care, as it is related to the Emperor’s safety.”

In the royal family, all tableware was made of silver. Silver could detect poison, which was why it was used. It couldn’t detect all types of poison, but when it came into contact with food containing arsenic, it would change color and signal danger.

That’s why tableware was highly important in the royal family.

“We have been researching to create even lighter tableware recently, but due to misunderstandings caused by Duke Marren, things went off track.”

Disgustingly, he brought up her father’s matter first in front of her. Anger bubbled up inside Riett, but it wasn’t the right time yet. If she doesn’t time it right like her father, everything will go wrong.

“Still, it’s wise of his daughter to save her father.”


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“I was also impressed by Riett’s achievements at the noble academy. I heard you will graduate at the top this year?”

He glanced briefly at Evan while saying that.

“That’s something to congratulate you on, but it’s also a shame.”

“For what?”

“It means that a woman like Riett ranks first. It seems there aren’t any remarkable talents this year.”

There’s no remarkable person, so it seems like Riett, being a woman, can be the top student. It was an extremely rude remark.


There was tension in the hand holding the knife.

“It’s not that they are lacking, it’s that I am exceptional.”

She had held back all this time, but in a moment, she snapped. Evan burst into laughter beside her.

The Marquis was taken aback by the change in Riett’s demeanor.

“If I misspoke, I apologize, Miss Riett. I was merely expressing my regret at not seeing any outstanding talents.”

Misspoke? What a joke. It was genuine.

But she had to let it go at this point. Riett managed to smile faintly and replied, 


After a moment of silence, the Marquis spoke again.

“Mr. Evan.”


The Marquis addressed Evan for the first time.

“I received a recommendation letter from a noble member for you.”

“Yes, I was fortunate.”

“Being the son of Duke Kreutz, who has such a great reputation, must be burdensome.”

“I still have a long way to go to catch up to my father.”

Evan smiled as he replied. The Marquis felt irritated by such an attitude.

‘You brat.’

He found his attitude extremely distasteful. Even though he must have felt the weight of his disgrace, he never stepped aside to make room.

The Marquis was well aware of Evan Kreutz. Besides the fame of the renowned Duke Kreutz, Evan himself stood out with his remarkable actions. A handsome face, excellent swordsmanship, and outstanding intellect.

It wasn’t a pleasant thought that such a person would have a close relationship with his future wife.

But if there was a comforting aspect,

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‘They are not that close, are they?’

It was a well-known fact that Duke Marren and Duke Kreutz had a close relationship. There were even rumors circulating that they might arrange a marriage between their only children.

However, according to recent rumors, their relationship was not as good as it seemed. They would growl at each other whenever they met.

‘But considering that he followed her this far, it seems that they are close…’

In any case, it didn’t sit well with him.

“What’s the point of chasing after a great father, when he’s not even your biological father?”

The Marquis provocatively laughed at Evan. Was there anyone among the nobles who didn’t know the situation of the Kreutz family?

Ironically, after that incident, the reputation of Duke Kreutz had become even better, but there were quite a few people who considered it a flaw, unknowingly.

Just like himself.


However, it wasn’t Evan who answered his attack. It was Riett, with a subdued expression.

“I don’t think it matters whether someone is a biological child or not. What’s important is the mutual consideration.”

Her eyes, as red as burning flames, stared at the Marquis as if they would consume him.

“I hope, Marquis, that you don’t hold such narrow-minded views.”

“…Yes. I was just curious about how Evan feels about his father.”

The Marquis attacked Evan and felt that he had failed to achieve his goal. The mealtime, which was supposed to proceed in a pleasant atmosphere, was completely ruined.

The Marquis glanced at Evan.

‘…This guy has messed up a lot by coming along.’

As the meal was coming to an end, it was necessary to start the main topic before the atmosphere worsened. Since Evan didn’t seem to have any intention of giving up his seat, the plan was to take Riett and move to another place.

The Marquis cleared his throat and glanced discreetly at Riett.

“Miss Riett.”


“As I was saying, it seems we need some time alone to talk.”


The Marquis smiled slyly upon receiving her answer and escorted Riett.

“Let’s go to my room then.”

Before leaving, Riett turned around and winked at Evan, as a way of asking him to take care. Evan’s expression stiffened.

‘He seems nervous.’

Man. He’s never been so nervous.

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Still, fortunately, there were no people around despite it being a large villa. There were only guards outside, and the number of maids Riett had seen so far was five or fewer. It shouldn’t be too difficult to move around the house without attracting attention.

The important thing was how long she could stall.

Riett followed behind the Marquis with a determined mindset.

* * *

As the door closed, only the Marquis and Riett remained in the quiet space.

“This is my room. Whenever my head gets dizzy or anything, I come here to rest.”

It was truly quiet.

The location of the villa was secluded, and the Marquis’ room, in particular, felt even more so.

On the second floor of the villa, there was only “one” room belonging to the Marquis. Since the servants didn’t frequent the hallway either, it felt even quieter.

No, upon closer inspection, there were no windows in the room. So even the sound of the wind couldn’t be heard clearly.

‘A secret room or something, huh?’

Riett thought that even if murder were to occur here, no one would know.

“There are many peculiar things in this room.”

Although she felt a bit tense in such an unusual space, Riett casually spoke to mask her unease.

Coincidentally, expensive-looking decorations and paintings were hanging everywhere. Especially notable was a large sunflower painting on the wall.

As Riett tried to approach the painting, the Marquis hastily walked over and blocked her way.

“Miss Riett, I will show you around in detail another time.”

An awkward smile formed on the Marquis’s lips.

‘…What’s this?’

When Riett tried to go near the sunflower painting, the Marquis’ actions near it seemed unnatural.

The Marquis changed the subject.

“Have you thought about my proposal?”

“Ah… the proposal?”

“Yes, getting married right after your debutante ball.”

If this were Korea, he would have been sent to jail. Unfortunately, in this world, early marriages were quite common, and there were many examples of absurd age differences between two people getting married. So, if they were about to become adults, it wasn’t legally problematic for a minor to receive a marriage proposal.


Without answering, Riett subtly glanced at him, and the old dog seemed restless. She wanted to kick him in a vital spot.

But if they can’t find forged documents here, she’ll have to create an excuse to visit the Marquis’ main estate as Plan B. That’s why she couldn’t let things get too strained here. She also needed to buy time for Evan.

Riett reminded herself of her purpose once again.

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“I have a lot to think about. I’m fine, but my father is strongly opposed.”

The Marquis clicked his tongue.

“He’s truly foolish to the end.”


Riett questioned with a firm expression.

“It’s Duke Marren I’m talking about if you can’t tell the difference.”

Insulting one’s parents in front of their child. Riett’s voice became quieter, filled with open criticism.

“…Your words are too harsh.”

“Miss Riett, you only know the version of your father that you see at home, but I see him from the outside.”


“All that’s left is his pride in being a Duke…”


Riett’s fist, which had broken free from the control of her brain, struck the Marquis’ face. She had managed to hold back until now, but with the insult to her father, her fist acted without hesitation.

‘In the end… I’ve messed up, haven’t I?’

Holding his throbbing left cheek, the Marquis looked at Riett.

“R-Riett, Miss Riett.”

This was the unsealing of what had happened.

“You shouldn’t speak so recklessly with your loose tongue.”

Plan B? Forget it.

Sneak in and thoroughly search the place. The reasoning was already lost.

“Can you take responsibility for your actions right now?”

“You’re the one who should take responsibility. How dare you insult Duke Marren?”

Insulting her father was the same as insulting the entire household.


The Marquis laughed as if he found it absurd. Then, he removed his kind mask and revealed his true self. His fierce gaze was fixed on Riett.

“I was expecting a different daughter. But seeing that you’re just as foolish, it turns out you’re your father’s daughter after all.”

He slowly approached Riett, closing the distance between them.

“You should have remembered that it’s just you and me here.”

Riett gripped the dagger hidden in her sleeve.

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