“Does this make any sense?”

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Count Helias, Minister of Foreign Affairs, shouted towards the nobles in front of him. Some of his close associates nodded in agreement.

“I agree. What kind of position is it to bring a young, inexperienced woman to such a place?”

“That’s right. His Majesty needs to regain his senses as soon as possible.”

“She had a very pretty face. I wonder if His Majesty has been enchanted.”

At that moment, someone expressed their discomfort.

“You should be careful with your words. Although she is young, she is from the Marren Duchy.”

“I see. Are you trying to get her to serve you early because you think she’ll be successful?”

“You’re going too far! I simply meant that an objective evaluation of the Marren Duchy is necessary.”

As can be understood from this intense conversation, the noble members had differing opinions about Riett.

“Now, everyone, calm down.”

Count Helias, the one who sparked the fire, stepped forward and calmed the heated atmosphere.

“I am simply saddened. As you all know, how much effort have I put into the Truto Empire?”

He exaggeratedly placed his hand on his forehead like an actor and lowered his head.

“But in this important discussion with the Haren Empire delegation, it is Marren Duchy that is brought along, not me. This is an act of disrespect towards me.”

Count Helias glanced around as he spoke. However, the desired reaction from the nobles had not yet emerged.

The Count decided to take the next step.

“The Haren Empire is adopting a very tough stance this time. Seeing that, I thought such thoughts.”

He furrowed his brow with all his might.

“If things don’t work out this time, it could even lead to war.”

The word “war” stirred the nobles.

“That’s right. It is a matter that could determine the future of the empire, yet His Majesty makes decisions arbitrarily without listening to the opinions of the members. We must voice our concerns at times like this.”

“I agree! It is unacceptable for the Marren Duchy to accompany him to that position.”

As the desired reactions began to appear, the corners of Count Helias’ mouth subtly rose.

At that moment, Evan, who had been quietly listening, raised his hand.

“What is it, Evan?”

Count Helias addressed Evan, and a noble standing beside him quickly drew attention.

“Count Helias. Evan has recently become the head of the Kreutz family, so you should address him as ‘Duke’.”

Count Helias bit his tongue inwardly.

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‘How petty.’

Why are these young ones with such little experience clinging to important titles? Tsk, tsk.

“I apologize, Duke Kreutz. Please proceed.”

“Given the current situation where Marren Duchy is receiving His Majesty’s favor, speaking negatively about her at this moment will only earn your disdain.”

His words were correct. The conference room fell silent for a moment.

Soon, Count Helias opened his mouth with an annoyed expression.

“So, are we just supposed to watch as Marren Duchy accompanies him to such an important meeting?”

As Count Helias’ question fell, everyone waited for Evan’s response. Evan looked up and stared at Count Helias.

“Are you afraid that Marren Duchy will excel?”

“Hah! What are you saying, Duke Kreutz? I’m simply saying that if a young, inexperienced woman like her accompanies us, the Truto Empire will be embarrassed.”

Count Helias responded, astonished.

“In that case, it would be even more appropriate to have Lady Marren attend the discussion with the Haren Empire.”

“…What do you mean?”

“It would be a great opportunity for His Majesty to be disappointed with Lady Marren.”

At Evan’s words, everyone made surprised expressions.

And the nobles who had been looking down on Riett nodded with satisfied expressions.

“Come to think of it, Duke Kreutz’s words make sense. If the Truto Empire is greatly embarrassed because of Lady Marren this time, won’t His Majesty be greatly disappointed?”

“It’s a perfect chance to reprimand the overconfident Lady Marren.”

With Evan’s words, the nobles began to agree one by one.

Count Helias glared at Evan with frustration. He had barely instigated them by alluding to war, and now, with just a few words, Evan easily persuaded the stubborn nobles.

‘That guy.’

Evan met the gaze of Count Helias, who looked extremely displeased, but pretended not to know and simply smiled.

* * *

The day of the decisive battle had arrived. Today, the delegation from the Haren Empire was visiting the Truto Empire.

The delegation arrived early in the morning and had breakfast with the Emperor before the meeting with the representatives of the noble members, Riett and Helias.

Riett had prepared thoroughly for this day.

“Have you arrived, Duchess Marren?”

As they entered the Emperor’s office, the Emperor stood up and greeted Riett. Riett bowed politely and walked inside.

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There were already other people in the office.

“Although we are already familiar with each other, let’s exchange greetings as representatives of the Empire to welcome the delegation.”

The Emperor gestured, and Riett stood up from her seat.

“I am Riett Marren. I have recently been appointed as a noble member and this is my first time receiving a foreign delegation. Please take care of me.”

As Riett lightly greeted them, Count Helias nodded briefly.

“I am Chaplin Helias. As the Minister of Foreign Affairs, I am an expert in this field. Please take care of me.”

It was a somewhat rude greeting, but Riett was too preoccupied with her thoughts to feel offended.

‘I think about this every time, but he really has an amazing name.’

His neatly trimmed mustache already reminded her of the comedian “Charlie Chaplin.”

At that moment, an aide entered and informed them, 

“Your Majesty, the delegation has arrived at the guest room on the first floor.”

The Emperor nodded and looked at Riett and Helias.

“You may go down now.”

Riett, who had been imagining Charlie Chaplin, paused her thoughts and responded to the Emperor.

“Yes, understood.”

As they descended the stairs, Count Helias approached Riett and spoke to her.

“Aren’t you nervous?”


Riett calmly replied, and Count Helias’ eyebrows twitched subtly.

“This is an important occasion, so you must be careful not to make any mistakes.”

That’s what she wanted to say.

“It’s an important position, after all.”

Riett remembered the Emperor’s evaluation of Count Helias and didn’t feel sorry for him.

Following the guidance of the attendants, they arrived at the guest room. As the Emperor had informed earlier, Crown Prince Callis and two diplomats were already there.

Count Helias stepped forward and greeted them first.

“It’s been a while. I’m glad to see you again, Your Highness. Thank you for coming all the way.”

“It’s been a while indeed, Count Helias.”

As the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Count Helias seemed to have a close relationship with the Crown Prince.

After exchanging brief greetings with the Count, the Crown Prince turned his head and spoke to Riett with a surprised expression.

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“It’s unexpected to see a lady attending.”

Count Helias, who thought the Crown Prince was ignoring Riett, looked at her with an expression that seemed to say, “I knew it.” 

However, Riett smiled brightly without showing any signs of displeasure and introduced herself.

“Welcome to the Truto Empire. I am Riett Marren, a noble member.”

“Duchess Marren is not a diplomat, but she has been evaluated as the most suitable person to attend this occasion.”

As the Emperor explained, Callis awkwardly smiled.

“I made a mistake even though you are a talent of the Empire. Nice to meet you.”

“Not at all. It is an honor to meet you, Your Highness.”

The Crown Prince introduced himself with a refreshing smile.

“I am Callis, Crown Prince of the Haren Empire. I am here in place of my father, as his health is not good.”

The Crown Prince had an ordinary impression, but the diplomats had a rather intimidating demeanor with their stern expressions.

Of course, it was still a warm atmosphere. Even if they would later assert their positions and create conflicts, there was no need to reveal it now.

However, as soon as they arrived in the conference room, the atmosphere became somewhat cold. Furthermore, the presence of the delegation’s knights and aides standing in a line behind the Crown Prince added solemnity.

Normally, foreign knights were not allowed into the palace, but this was an exception. The delegation from the Truto Empire accommodated their request for convenience.

“Without further ado, shall we begin discussing the ownership of Cork Island?”

Crown Prince Callis, who had maintained a polite attitude until now, looked at the Emperor with a sharp gaze.

“Let’s proceed as you suggested.”

As the Emperor nodded, the first person to speak was a diplomat from the Haren Empire.

“Until now, no one has claimed ownership of Cork Island. And we were the first ones to discover the island.”

Riett didn’t immediately refute the diplomat’s statement. She wanted to see Helias’ abilities first.

“It doesn’t matter who discovered it first. What matters is who is closer to the island.”

As soon as Count Helias opened his mouth, Riett held her tongue.

‘He’s digging his own grave.’

As expected, the diplomats didn’t miss Helias’ mistake.

“Are you saying that this island is closer to the Truto Empire?”

“Of course. Look at this map, it clearly shows that the Truto Empire is closer…”

“Not in terms of the distance on the map, but in terms of the distance measured by international law. When measured by international law, it’s evident that the Haren Empire is closer.”

It was a valid point.

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Although it seemed closer on the map, international law dictated that the distance should be measured by the length of the sea route. When measured by the distance of navigable routes, the Haren Empire was closer.

“Well, um…”

Cornered, Count Helias stumbled on his words. Eventually, the inexperienced Riett spoke up.

“If we consider international law, what happens in the case of Kaya Island, which the Haren Empire took ownership of in the past?”


Although Kaya Island was originally unclaimed territory, it had become a possession of the Haren Empire at some point. But when measured by international law, it was closer to the Truto Empire.

According to international law, Kaya Island should be returned to the Truto Empire. However, there was no need to create a dispute over it, so the Truto Empire didn’t raise the issue.

Therefore, the Haren Empire had no right to discuss international law.

“Calm down. We are not here to discuss the ownership of Kaya Island right now. What I mean is that we don’t need to discuss international law in this particular situation.”

As Riett confidently concluded her statement, Callis, hiding his surprise, asked her a question.

“What are Duchess Marren’s thoughts then?”

Finally, it was time for her to step in.

Before speaking, Riett looked at the Emperor. He nodded, giving his permission.

“Since Crown Prince mentioned discussing the main point first, I will speak frankly.”

Her red eyes stared directly at Callis.

“The reason everyone covets Cork Island is because of Parvanium. It is because it is lightweight, durable, and highly suitable for weapons, especially as a material for arrows.”

Riett’s straightforward and direct words caught the Haren Empire’s diplomats off guard.



The diplomats from the Haren Empire quickly regained their composure and countered her statement.

“We have no intention of using it for such purposes…!”

“It seems like the Truto Empire intended to use it that way!”

Oh well, they already knew everything, so why lie?

“Recently, the Haren Empire has been buying large quantities of wood from various places.”

Riett questioned the flustered diplomats from the Haren Empire as if she were interrogating them.

“W-What are you talking about?”

The diplomat, who seemed about to break into a cold sweat, looked pitiful, but there was no choice. The merciless attack had already begun.

“You were buying wood to acquire Parvanium and make a large number of arrows, weren’t you?”

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