“You’re too presumptuous.”

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Callis maintained his composure. The Crown Prince was a person with a firm resolve, even more so than the two intimidating diplomats with scary faces.

‘Yes, that’s how an Imperial Crown Prince should be.’

Inwardly, Riett admired Callis’ attitude, which seemed unaffected and fearless.

At that moment, Count Helias shouted angrily.

“Duchess Marren! How dare you speak uncertain words in front of His Highness the Crown Prince! Apologize immediately!”

Riett couldn’t figure out why Count Helias, who was on our side, was chastising her. Riett ignored the foolishness of someone who couldn’t grasp the situation and took out the prepared document.

“This is the contract we are about to sign with the Kaya Island, under the permission of His Majesty the Emperor. It states that the Truto Empire has priority in the trade of coniferous wood.”

Callis’ gaze fell upon the contract Riett was holding. Riett naturally put the contract aside and continued speaking.

“Of course, we have agreed to pay a suitable price to the Kaya Island. There is no need to discuss the specifics of that price here.”

At Riett’s abrupt remark, Count Helias complained to the Emperor with an indignant expression.

“Your Majesty, such arbitrary decisions cannot be tolerated! Moreover, just imagine how much precious national funds will be spent because of that price!”

However, the Emperor ignored Count Helias and focused on Riett and Callis.

Callis’ expression was subtly frozen.

“…Why are you suddenly bringing up this matter?”

“The wood purchased from the Truto Empire alone will not be enough to prepare for war.”


That’s right.

A country that purchases a large amount of weapons materials is bound to attract attention from its neighboring countries. If the Truto Empire and the Kaya Island enter into a contract, the Haren Empire will become greedy for cork wood and large quantities of wood to make arrows, and rumors about it will spread to the surrounding countries.

As a result, the Haren Empire would turn all the neighboring countries against it before it even began military preparations.

Callis’ composed expression crumbled throughout the meeting.

Riett prepared for one final blow.

“However, if you claim ownership of Cork Island, we will hand it over to you.”

Suddenly changing her attitude, Riett’s statement surprised Callis and the two diplomats, who widened their eyes in astonishment.

“But, we will inform the neighboring countries. Don’t sell any wood to Haren Empire, as they are preparing arrows.”

War preparations must be conducted in secret. No country provides materials capable of becoming weapons, knowing who they may turn them against.

Since their plans had already been exposed, preparing weapons would not be easy.

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Riett firmly understood that they had no choice but to give up ownership.


Callis let out a deep sigh.

“…Very well. Let’s relinquish ownership of Cork Island.”

In the end, the desired answer came from Callis’ mouth.

The Emperor barely contained his excitement and restrained himself from jumping up. Then, he composed himself and spoke with a dignified voice.

“Well done.”

“Wait, I have a question.”

Although the Crown Prince raised his white flag, the two diplomats seemed unwilling to admit defeat. They raised their hands with burning eyes. The Emperor nodded in approval, signaling them to speak.

“What are your intentions with Parvanium once you obtain it from the Haren Empire?”

The question contained an underlying meaning of, “Do you plan to use it as a weapon too?”

Since the Emperor couldn’t answer immediately, Riett stepped forward.

“I will answer in his place.”


“We will use Parvanium to make axes and pickaxes.”

Although the Emperor hadn’t discussed the uses of wood and Parvanium in detail yet, he would be satisfied with this answer for now. After all, the Haren Empire had completely cut off the element of surprise.

As Riett gave an outrageous answer, the diplomats murmured in astonishment.

At that moment, Callis raised his hand as if to tell them to stop. Then, he looked at Riett.

“How can you not be afraid to mention that we will make arrows with Parvanium?”

“The answer lies in history.”

Riett smiled and replied. The perceptive Crown Prince seemed to vaguely understand the meaning behind the abstract hint.

“It’s not an ordinary gamble.”

His expression, accepting the outcome, appeared quite composed…

“But there’s something I hope you understand.” 

Callis looked at the Emperor with desperate eyes.

“We didn’t prepare weapons to wage war against the Truto Empire.”

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Riett, who had been quietly observing his attitude, concluded that he wasn’t lying. Although it was just words, she could feel the sincerity in his eyes.

“Then, what was the intention behind it?” 

The Emperor couldn’t easily dispel his suspicions.

“Recently, there have been suspicious movements among the northern immigrant tribes. We prepared in case of an invasion.”

The Emperor couldn’t easily dismiss it.

“Can you swear to it?”

“I swear on the honor of the Haren Empire.”

As Callis placed his hand on his chest and made his appeal, the Emperor had no choice but to nod his head.

* * *

The meeting came to an end like this. The diplomatic envoy would return to the Haren Empire tomorrow after signing the pledge to relinquish ownership of Cork Island.

“You’ve done well, Duchess Marren!” 

The Emperor looked at Riett with proud eyes.

“No, Your Majesty, it’s because you believed in me…”


At that moment, the office door swung open forcefully, and Count Helias appeared.

“What have you done, Duchess Marren!”

His mustache quivered due to his anger, and his facial muscles contorted.

“To finalize a contract with another country without my permission! And to monopolize the goods like that, it naturally requires the approval of the Minister of Foreign Affairs…”

“We never promised a contract with the Kaya Island.”

His tensed forehead relaxed.


“It was a lie meant to pressure the Haren Empire; we never actually promised a contract.”

“Then what was that contract earlier? It had the Truto’s seal on it…”

“It was a fake.”

Although Riett felt sorry for the Haren Empire’s diplomatic envoy, she and the Emperor had planned this. 

Initially, she had thought of merely intimidating them with words, but she believed that presenting a fake contract would be much more effective. That’s why they had prepared a fake contract with Truto’s seal in advance.

Upon Riett’s calm explanation, Count Helias’s face turned red again.

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“Why didn’t you share that information with me beforehand?”

“I didn’t have time to come up with a plan.”

“Then, at least before the meeting started…”


The Emperor, unable to bear the incompetence, raised his voice and interrupted Count Helias. Count Helias looked at the Emperor with a startled expression.


“Are you raising your voice in front of me? Thanks to Duchess Marren, things have been resolved. That’s enough.”

“I-I apologize.”

Count Helias momentarily forgot that the Emperor was present. Beads of sweat formed on his forehead.

“And what were you doing over there?”

Seeing Count Helias keeping his mouth shut, Riett could only struggle to find an answer.

“You nearly created a disadvantageous situation by complaining about the distance on the map.”

“Naturally, the distance between territories should be evaluated based on international law standards! How can the Minister of Foreign Affairs not know that?”

The Emperor took a deep breath to calm his boiling anger.

“Consider whether your current position suits you after this incident.”

“Y-Your Majesty! What are you saying?”

“I don’t want to see such a pathetic sight. Withdraw.”

The Emperor turned his head and waved his hand dismissively. Eventually, Count Helias left with a distorted face, leaving the room desolate.

* * *

The next day, Callis wrote a pledge to renounce ownership of the island of Cork safely. Riett and the emperor, along with Count Helias, stood at the main gate of the palace to see off the envoys.

“It was a short time, but it was a meaningful occasion.” 

Callis politely greeted, even though he felt a sinking feeling in his stomach.

“Well then, I shall take my leave.”

“Prince Callis.” 

The emperor called Callis in a low voice.

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

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“We will send axes, picks, and…” 

The emperor paused as Riett whispered, “Hoes.”

“We will send axes, picks, and hoes made of Parvanium to the Haren Empire.” 

The emperor declared. 

“Once you receive them, distribute them among the citizens.”

Confused by the unexpected favor, Callis wore a bewildered expression and asked, 

“Why are you doing this?”

“It’s proof that we won’t produce weapons with Parvanium.” 

The emperor replied. In reality, Riett was behind this proposal.

“Just a moment, Your Majesty.” 

Riett grabbed the emperor’s arm as he was about to leave after the meeting. 

“How do you plan to use Parvanium?”

“As you mentioned earlier, I thought it would be good to produce axes and picks and distribute them among the citizens.” 

Though the statement seemed casual during the meeting, the emperor admired Riett’s idea. 

“By distributing farming tools to the citizens, my reputation will improve, and crop productivity will increase significantly.”

Riett nodded silently and whispered, 

“Furthermore, I have one more idea.”

“What is it?” 

The emperor asked with a curious expression.

“I want to make hoes along with the axes and picks. I discussed it with the royal blacksmith, and I will show you a prototype. It will be very useful for tending to small gardens, like the strawberry fields in the mansions. I guarantee it.”

There were no hoes in this world, so Riett proposed the idea of a tool that would help nobles easily manage small hobby gardens.

As expected, Callis sincerely thanked the emperor and led the envoys back after expressing gratitude.

After they disappeared, Count Helias, who had remained silent the whole time, urgently spoke to the emperor.

“Your Majesty, this cannot be allowed! Supplying enemy countries with items made of Parvanium. Please reconsider!”

“Isn’t turning an enemy country into an ally the essence of diplomacy? The Minister of Foreign Affairs seems to have a short-sighted perspective.”

The emperor retorted, his voice filled with discontent. Helias’ face turned red as he finished speaking, glaring at the emperor as he walked ahead. Then, he tightly gripped Riett, who stood beside him and accused him.

“Is this your doing again?!”

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