Chapter 110: Yu Qing is the eldest daughter of the Sheng family, so what about her cousin Yu Nian?

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With the spare horizontal board, the waterwheel was quickly repaired and started running again. The old village chief, with his hands behind his back, couldn’t stop smiling and gratefully said, “Thank you so much, Teacher Yu. If it weren’t for you, those of us who can’t even recognize two characters would have been busy for who knows how many days!”

The other villagers nearby also smiled and thanked Yu Nian one after another.

This made Yu Nian feel a bit embarrassed. He washed the dirt off his hands in the clear flowing water and said, “It was just a small effort, I did what I could, no need to thank me, really.”

The old village chief laughed loudly, “Teacher Yu, you’re too modest!”

On their way back, Yuan Wang carried the camera. After these two days of following Yu Nian around, they had become quite familiar with each other, and the initial restraint in their conversation was gone. Yuan Wang joked, “Once our little documentary is broadcasted, Nian Nian, you can add ‘waterwheel repair’ to the special skills section in your bio.”

Yu Nian also laughed and replied, “Well, you should add a note that my technical skills are just mediocre.”

Both of them burst into laughter.

It was already past lunchtime, and they walked along a path overgrown with weeds. Yu Nian apologized, “I’m really sorry for dragging you along, and now we haven’t even had lunch.”

Yuan Wang waved his hand casually and smiled, showing his white teeth, “Eating is not a big deal. I’ve experienced what it’s like to pick up valuable information on the spot and learned how to repair a waterwheel. It’s much more fun than having lunch. I’ll brag about this for a year when I go back!”

Back at their temporary lodging, they quickly finished their lunch. Yu Nian took out a mask from his luggage, and they returned to the village’s warehouse to study the bronze gui.

Yu Nian was patient and borrowed a soft-bristled brush and some loofah scraps from the villagers. Wearing a black mask, he carefully cleaned the mud and accumulated dirt from the surface of the bronze gui.

Yuan Wang couldn’t offer much help, so he sat by the side and observed. After watching Yu Nian’s hands for a while, he couldn’t help but exclaim, “Nian Nian, you have such steady hands!”

In the eyes visible outside the mask, there was a smiling expression like ripples in water. Yu Nian said, “Because the artifacts dug out from the ground are usually very, very fragile. For example, the bamboo slips found in the Haihunhou tomb; they were all stuck together in a dark and unrecognizable lump. So, whenever you touch them, you have to be extremely careful, patient, and cautious. A single mistake could lead to the destruction of something incredibly precious from history.”

He chuckled again and continued, “Just think about it, these ancient objects have survived the changing tides of time, and in the end, when they are brought out, they might break with a snap. It’s truly heart-wrenching!”

Yuan Wang replied with a smile, “Absolutely!”

Yu Nian nodded, then concentrated on his work for a while before stopping. “Done.”

A small section of the pattern on the bronze gui was cleaned, and Yu Nian’s eyes brightened. He took a deep breath and said, “It’s a Taotie pattern. Judging from its style, it doesn’t seem like a modern imitation.”

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Curious, Yuan Wang asked, “What’s a taotie pattern?”

Yu Nian explained, “The taotie pattern is a type of design commonly found on bronze artifacts. It’s quite fierce and imposing. In slave societies, it can reflect the dignity and control of the slave owners.”

After finishing his explanation, Yu Nian changed his position and knelt on one knee on the ground. Yuan Wang asked, “What are you doing, Nian Nian?”

Yu Nian flexed his slender and distinct fingers a few times and took two deep breaths before replying, “Cleaning the outer surface was just a warm-up. It’s been a while since I’ve done this, and my hands feel a bit unfamiliar.” He smiled with his eyes, “Now, let’s start for real.”

First, he emptied the mud from the bronze gui, and then Yu Nian started meticulously cleaning the interior wall. His eyes were as serene as obsidian soaked in clear springs, and his expression was calm and focused. Even though he was half kneeling on the ground, he had an imposing aura. Yuan Wang, watching beside him, couldn’t help but feel nervous.

After a while, Yu Nian spoke with delight, whispering, “Indeed, there are inscriptions on the inner wall.” He explained to Yuan Wang, “Bronze ritual vessels are usually used for sacrifices, and the inscriptions left behind often contain information about who made them on what day and for what occasion, making them highly valuable historical records.”

Yuan Wang nodded and waited quietly.

After some time passed, Yuan Wang’s legs became numb from squatting. He saw Yu Nian’s expression change slightly, and he suddenly stopped his actions, lowering his gaze to the bronze gui on the ground.

Yuan Wang’s heart raced, and he quickly asked, “What’s wrong? Did something happen?”

“No problem,” Yu Nian’s smile was as bright as the morning sun breaking through the fog. He said cheerfully, “I’ve managed to decipher the first four characters of the inscription, but I seem to have discovered something extraordinary!”

Yuan Wang was astonished, “Is it more impressive than that Doucai Chicken Stone-pattern cup?”

“It’s incomparable,” Yu Nian shook his head, “The Doucai Chicken Stone Pattern cup was just an imperial wine cup with exceptional firing techniques and high artistic value. But this bronze gui used to press vegetables has the first four characters of the inscription: ‘King Wen’s Expedition to Xuan.'”

His voice softened, “King Wen attacking Xuan.”

Yuan Wang was nervous, “And?”

Yu Nian removed his mask, took a deep breath, and said joyfully, “And, this bronze gui’s value is much greater than I imagined. It’s far too valuable for me to handle. I’m not qualified; I need to let my teacher handle it.”

Yuan Wang remembered the news about Yu Nian and the photographer Ji Chaode, and the deep impression of Yu Nian’s teacher who always punished him to copy the “Twenty-Four Histories” and fiercely protected his student. “Teacher Zeng Hongying?”

“Yes, it’s him.”

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They asked the village head to find an old wooden box, and Yu Nian personally placed the bronze gui inside, securely sealing it, ready to take it away with him when he returned to Ning City the next morning. After checking the time, he went to an area with a signal and made a call to his teacher.

Zeng Hongying answered the phone quickly, with an exaggerated tone unable to hide the joy, “Oh, who’s calling me? Seeing the name, I thought it was because of my old eyes!”

Yu Nian laughed, “Teacher, I’m in a village on Fengshou Mountain.”

“I know, some kind of charity event,” Zeng Hongying tried to cover up the slip but then cleared his throat and turned stern, “I don’t want to know where you are. Speak if there’s something, don’t waste the signal if there’s nothing.”

Yu Nian got straight to the point, “The village I’m in is called Xinfeng Village. While helping the villagers repair the waterwheel, I came across a bronze gui for pressing vegetables.”

There was a few seconds of silence on the other end of the phone. Zeng Hongying muttered, “Using a three-thousand-year-old bronze gui to press vegetables? Quite creative! Even Emperor Wen and Emperor Wu didn’t indulge themselves like this.”

“Well, after I recognized it, I asked about its history. It was brought here by a man named Fu Boyan from the capital at that time. Later, Fu Boyan passed away here, and the bronze gui was left behind, but only half of it remains. The base is missing.”

Zeng Hongying knew about this old story, and now his tone became serious, “Half or not, the key is, Nian Nian, did you look carefully? Is there an inscription? What’s its origin?”

“I’ve identified a few characters,” Yu Nian’s heartbeat quickened, and he enunciated each word clearly, “King Wen’s Conquest of Xuan.”

Zeng Hongying remained silent for a long time, even his breath trembled when he finally spoke, “Nian Nian, tell me, are you sure about these characters? You didn’t make a mistake?”

“It’s exactly those characters; I absolutely haven’t made a mistake. After identifying these characters, I dared not touch it anymore; it’s beyond my qualifications, I’m still young,” Yu Nian replied.

Zeng Hongying pondered for a moment, “Alright, you did the right thing. Bring the artifact back, and we will first verify its authenticity. If it’s a forgery, then the creator has quite an imagination. But if it’s genuine—”

“If it’s genuine, it will validate a piece of history.”

“Exactly. The Xuan Dynasty and this period of history have been a subject of debate and contention in the academic community both domestically and internationally for decades. If…” Zeng Hongying couldn’t finish his sentence and burst into hearty laughter, “My good Nian Nian, what kind of fate do you have? Not only did you stumble upon the Doucai Chicken Stone Pattern Cup, but now you’ve also found this national-level bronze artifact!”

Yu Nian touched his nose and also smiled, his eyes curved, “Maybe it’s just luck?”

After hanging up the phone, Yu Nian took a deep breath of the mountain air and stood there for a while until his heart rate slowly returned to normal. He stood still for a moment, then dialed Yu Qing’s number.

Yu Qing took quite a while to answer, her voice still carrying traces of sleepiness, “Nian Nian?”

“Yes, it’s me, sister. Are you still sleeping?”

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Yu Qing responded, “My childhood friend returned to the country last night, and we stayed up all night, it seems I’m getting old. After an all-nighter, my soul feels like it’s about to leave my body.” She became more awake, “Are you still in the mountains?”

“Yes, I’ll return to Ning City early tomorrow morning. I estimate I’ll arrive in the evening.” Yu Nian didn’t waste time and asked directly, “What did Zhuang He’na do?”

Hearing that name, Yu Qing sounded annoyed, “She’s pregnant.”

Yu Nian frowned, “That’s impossible.”

“Yes, it’s impossible. My father had a vasectomy after my mother passed away, and I was still young. He vowed to have only one daughter in his lifetime, and I would be the only one to carry on the Sheng family name. So I’m wondering, how could Zhuang He’na be pregnant? As soon as she got pregnant, she came to our house, pointing out what was wrong here and there, even making us take down my mother’s photo on the wall and throwing it away, saying that the picture of a deceased person would harm the child in her belly, and no one would be able to bear the responsibility for it later.”

“And then?”

“Then, I slapped her.” Yu Qing’s tone turned cold, “She can curse me, and spread rumors about me, but she can’t talk about my mother. My mother didn’t live a happy life before she passed away, and I won’t let her be disturbed even after death.”

Yu Nian knew that his mother’s death had always been a painful memory for Yu Qing, something she couldn’t open up about in her entire life. He asked, “What are you going to do now, sister?”

The sound of a lighter came from the other end of the line, and Yu Qing said, “What am I going to do? I’ve never been afraid of anyone. Do they really think I have no manners for ignoring her? Let’s not talk about it for now. Wait and see my performance.”

Less than ten minutes after the call ended, Yu Qing’s Weibo was updated with a new post.

“Yu Qing: @Zhuang He’na First, stop crying and quickly bring the medical report of your injuries; you can still find my lawyer to handle the compensation. Second, you cursed my mother twice, and I slapped you once. Any problem with that? Third, my father won’t have another child, so whose child is in your belly? Fourth, don’t appear in front of me again, or I, Sheng Yu Qing, will slap you every time I see you.”

[Damn, this response from Yu Qing is just awesome! Now the question is, is Zhuang He’na really pregnant, but not with the child from the Sheng family? So much information was revealed! I’m grabbing my popcorn in the front row!]

[Aaahhhhh h, she admitted it! She really is the young Miss of the Sheng family! Does this mean that if she’s not successful in singing or acting, she’ll have to go back and inherit the billions of family assets?]

[The wife of Sheng Xuntang of the Sheng group passed away many years ago, so, uh, Zhuang He’na really deserved that slap when she insulted Yu Qing’s mother… As for the pregnancy, she probably wanted to marry into a wealthy family, but couldn’t get pregnant, so she came up with this stupid plan. Is she dumb or what? She’ll probably be in trouble soon.]

After Yu Qing’s response, Zhuang He’na’s Weibo fell silent. It was already a farce, and by the next day, not many people paid attention to it anymore.

Meanwhile, Yu Nian had already traveled by bus and train from Fengshou Mountain to the airport. Instead of going with the Ri Yao mobile phone team for their public service action, he brought the bronze artifact and boarded Xie You’s private plane from the business boarding area.

At the same time, a post appeared on the homepage of the largest domestic forum and quickly gained attention. The title was “Yu Qing is the Young Miss of the Sheng Family, so what about her cousin, Yu Nian…”

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“A few days ago, Yu Qing’s background as a wealthy family member was exposed due to a drama. Although it surprised many, we’ve always known that Yu Qing has a powerful backing behind her. Therefore, despite the shock, it didn’t really explode our minds.

We all know that Yu Qing and Yu Nian are cousins by blood, and both parties have openly acknowledged this. What struck me as odd was that Yu Nian has been in the spotlight for a year, but he rarely mentions his family background. During his performance of ‘Distant Star’ in ‘Sound of Nature” he mentioned missing his deceased grandmother. In his single ‘Dream Reverie,’ there’s a flute part played by Mr. Fu Wanming, a good friend of his grandfather. I got curious and did everything I could to investigate.”

[What’s the point of this post? I’m tired of people trying to speculate on Yu Nian’s character. Isn’t it just that he made money by buying and selling antiques, and then seized the opportunity with his historical knowledge since he majored in history? Otherwise, where did he get so much money? Although Zhao Chunming is a scumbag, the criticism of Yu Nian isn’t wrong, does he think he can wash away the stench of copper? And that show, ‘Treasure Hunt,’ acting like he’s so amazing, even though he can’t afford takeout! Pah!]

[Are you a fan of Zhao Shuya upstairs? You’re really loyal! Don’t bother the OP; continue digging, I’m also curious, but I don’t have the patience to do it myself. Waiting for the OP!]

[This is an attempt to ride on the popularity of Yu Qing and create hype for Yu Nian as a wealthy young man. However, if the OP finds out the truth, and if Yu Nian’s family lacks power, influence, money, and status, and has a bunch of scandals, wouldn’t Yu Nian’s team be devastated? Hahaha, after all, even families like the Sheng family have some poor relatives, right?]

The post gained hundreds of replies in the blink of an eye, mostly from passersby and haters mocking the character setup. The OP was not affected and, after a few minutes, posted again.

“With a curious mind, the OP found Yu Qing’s original words, ‘Let me introduce my brother @YuNian, he’s biologically related to me. His grandmother is my grandfather’s sister.’ Based on this sentence, the OP researched the Sheng family’s genealogy and discovered that the truth is much simpler than imagined—because in Yu Qing’s grandfather’s generation, there were only two siblings, and the sister’s name is Sheng Lingyi.”

Who is Sheng Lingyi? She was a renowned lady from the Sheng family back in Ningcheng, a distinguished and accomplished young lady of a prominent family. She was also the author of lyrics and music for works like “Green Wilderness,” “Praise to Plum Blossoms,” “Millennium Contemplation,” “History’s Tolling Bells,” and the anthem of Ningcheng University. She was hailed as a national treasure-level lyricist and artist. Many of her works have been revered, covered, and paid tribute to. Moreover, her treatise on music theory is still used as a textbook in many universities.”

In the blink of an eye, the post gained hundreds of replies, mostly from passersby and haters mocking Yu Nian’s image. The OP wasn’t affected, and after a few minutes, they continued their thread.

“With a curious mind, I found Yu Qing’s exact words, ‘Let me introduce my brother @Yu Nian, he’s a blood relative, and his grandmother is my grandfather’s own sister.’ Based on this statement, I investigated the Sheng family’s genealogy and discovered that the truth is far simpler than I imagined—because in Yu Qing’s grandfather’s generation, there were only two siblings, and the younger sister’s name was Sheng Lingyi.

So who is Sheng Lingyi? She was once the famous Sheng family lady, a prestigious young lady of a noble family, also the lyricist and composer of ‘Green Wilderness,’ ‘Praise of Plum Blossoms,’ ‘Millennial Contemplation,’ ‘Historical Chiming Bells,’ and the school anthem of Ningcheng University. She was hailed as a national treasure-level lyricist and artist. Many of her works have been regarded as classics, with numerous renditions and tributes. Her treatises on music theory are still used as teaching materials in many universities.”

[Wow, ‘Green Wilderness’ and ‘Praise of Plum Blossoms,’ they’re always sung in choral performances!]

[Teacher Sheng Lingyi! It’s Teacher Sheng Lingyi!! She was not just a lyricist and composer, but also a poet and essayist. Her works are truly beautiful!]

[Yu Nian’s grandmother is Sheng Lingyi! No wonder he’s so talented in composing and singing; it’s in his blood! Absolutely amazing!!]

The response was even faster than before, and in no time, the thread was on fire, with thousands of comments.

The OP continued.

“While confirming that Yu Nian’s grandmother is Sheng Lingyi, I was surprised because this was a significant detail that could have been used to boast and show off, yet Yu Nian never mentioned it. But as I continued my research, I realized that I was too naive; there’s something even more astonishing to follow!! It’s beyond my imagination!!

Sheng Lingyi’s husband, Yu Nian’s grandfather, who is he? Yu Xiuning. If you don’t know who Mr. Xiuning is a friend of, you can click on this link [link], and after reading it, you can search for one keyword: ‘Qingshan Yu Family.'”

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