Chapter 111: Teaching You How To Hype Up A Fancy Noble Son Character

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This post quickly floated to the top position on the forum’s homepage, with a bright red “explosive” tag following it.

After the content of the post was shared on Weibo, it caused a huge commotion. Soon, hashtags like #IAmHereToAnswerZhaoShuya# and #QingshanYuFamily# dominated the top two spots on the trending list, and the “explosive” tag turned an even deeper red.

[#IAmHereToAnswerZhaoShuya# First, Yu Nian didn’t even glance at it, so how can he be sure that your ‘Night Banquet Painting’ is fake? Answer: Because the genuine painting is right at his home.

Secondly, how can Yu Nian be sure that the authentic painting has been in the hands of the artist’s descendants all along? Answer: Because Yu Nian is the artist’s descendant!

Thirdly, how can Yu Nian be sure that the person who sold the painting to your grandfather is not the artist’s descendant? Answer: Because Yu Nian’s family never sold the ‘Night Banquet Painting’ to your grandfather!

Fourth, if Yu Nian says the painting is fake, then it’s fake, right? Doesn’t that make your Zhao family a joke? Answer: Yes, your Zhao family is a joke because the genuine painting has been in Yu Nian’s family for over three hundred years! He explained it, if you don’t believe it, there is nothing he can do [shrugs].]

[#QingshanYuFamily# After climbing through all the posts on the forum and checking the links, I came back, and I just kneeled down honestly! Those who said Yu Nian’s character needs to be modified, do they think Yu Nian needs any modification? Yu Nian? Yu Nian is the embodiment of the character itself!! There’s no need for any modifications!]

[#QingshanYuFamily# As a Nian Gao girl, I need to calm down… was my Nian Nian, not the one who couldn’t afford to order takeout all the time? Didn’t he use to wear wholesale promotion cotton t-shirts for ten or a hundred yuan each? Aaaaaah, I can only scream!]

[#IAmHereToAnswerZhaoShuya# Sorry, dear~ Our Yu Nian really doesn’t need any fancy noble son character; he is the true noble son from an esteemed family~ Our Nian Nian always takes responsibility for what he says, and he didn’t deceive you, your painting is indeed a counterfeit~ Our advice is to apologize!]

Not long after, the original poster in the forum started another thread, “Why is Yu Nian called ‘Si Ning’? It turns out…”

The main post had only one sentence.

“Although talking about the four major families in Ning City is very Mary Sue and Gary Stu, the Sining Mansion on Qingxi Road in the west of the city was originally called the Yu Mansion. Which Yu? The Yu from Qingshan Yu Family, Yu Nian’s family.”

[Even though some of us can’t afford to order takeout, why are you so outstanding? Oh my god, the Sining Mansion! In the highly valuable land of Ningcheng, a mansion… I’m feeling envious! Some people may not be able to afford takeout on the surface, but secretly, they own a mansion!”]

[So is the reason why Yu Nian’s pseudonym as a songwriter is ‘Si Ning’? Aaaaah, also, Yu Nian’s grandfather is Mr. Xuning, so ‘Si Ning’ might mean ‘thinking of his grandfather’? I’m crying, I feel sorry for Yu Nian! Sobbing, my heart aches for him!]

Approaching midnight, the original poster posted their third thread, “Real or Fake?”

“I initially thought my heart was strong enough, but later I realized I was seriously overestimating myself! On that reality show, ‘My Day,’ didn’t they film where Yu Nian lives? I was curious to see what kind of place a noble family descendant like Yu Nian lives in, so I carefully examined it.

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Then I discovered, damn, that blue and white porcelain vase with peonies and red plum blossoms, if it’s genuine, it’s worth over three million! The inkstone used for calligraphy is a pure and top-quality stone inkstone. I checked recent auction records, it’s worth over six million per piece…

And the plate holding the scented soap seems to be a plate with intertwined lotus patterns, worth around four hundred thousand. The flower pot on the balcony, a blue and white pot with intertwined branches, seems to be worth over two hundred thousand…”

[A vase of over three million for plum blossoms? Over six million for an inkstone? Over four hundred thousand for a plate to hold soap? Over two hundred thousand for a flower pot? I really want to jump up and scold the original poster. Don’t mess with me, you can’t brag like this! But my rationality tells me it’s 99% true…]

[Poverty limits my imagination… I can’t help but mention @ZhaoShuya. Come on, take a look and understand how to build a fancy noble son character properly!]

[So this is the life of a noble family descendant. I guess no one in the entertainment industry will dare to portray a fancy noble son character anymore. After all, they don’t have that kind of money! Thinking about the program ‘Treasure Hunt,’ one can easily imagine how many generations of the Qingshan Yu Family have been thriving. Without a solid financial foundation, it’s impossible!]

Meanwhile, in the office at the Xingyao building, Shi Rou was rapidly scrolling through Weibo.

Her fingers stopped, and she gasped, “Bro-brother Meng, when I used to water the flowers for Nian Nian, I actually thought that blue and white pot with intertwined branches was tacky…”

Meng Yuan was also browsing the forum posts and slammed the table. “This guy, Yu Nian, the first time I went to his house and saw that soap dish, I was startled out of my sleepiness. And you know what happened? Nian Nian, he casually said that it was fake, bought for around thirty-something yuan from a street vendor.'”

Shi Rou covered her mouth and laughed, but Meng Yuan gave her a stern look, and she suppressed her laughter and said, “Well, the number is correct, it was thirty-four thousand.”

“And the first time he came to my office for an interview, I asked him to sing a song. Do you know what he sang?”

Shi Rou raised her hand, “I know this! The school anthem of Ningcheng University!”

“Yes, after being in this industry for so long, it was the first time I heard someone sing the school anthem. At that time, I found it quite refreshing.” Meng Yuan sat back on his chair and sighed, “But looking back now, the school anthem was written by his grandmother. At that time, who knows what was going on in Nian Nian’s mind.”

Shi Rou also propped her chin with her hand, holding back her smile, “Yes, it seems like Nian Nian doesn’t have any family left. His grandparents have passed away, and logically, he should have parents and grandparents still around. But Nian Nian said he was raised by his grandparents, and everyone else is absent. Where are his parents? Where did they go?”

She looked at Meng Yuan, “But I’m afraid of touching Nian Nian’s sore spot, so I’ve never dared to ask.”

“There must be some story or twists in there.” Meng Yuan nodded and pondered, “You’re right. If Nian Nian doesn’t bring it up, let’s not ask. Accidentally touching a scar can really hurt.”

Shi Rou agreed with him.

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Meng Yuan habitually tapped the table with his fingers and thought for a moment. “This topic will pass in a few days. Considering the current situation and popularity, we don’t need to stir things up further.” He pointed to his eyes and chuckled, “After this news was exposed, Father Meng’s eyeballs almost popped out of their sockets. Those haters must have their faces all beaten up!”

“Exactly!” Shi Rou’s eyes were shining brightly. “When I saw the hashtag #IAmHereToAnswerZhaoShuya#, my mood instantly improved! And when I discovered that everyone was @ Zhao Shuya under the hashtag #TeachingYouHowToHypeUpAFancyNobleSonCharacter#, I felt so relieved that I could live fifty more years!”

Meng Yuan chuckled at her description. “Living fifty more years, sure, why not.”

“Yes, and when Zhao Shuya debuted and jumped on the bandwagon to imitate Nian Nian, and then started manipulating his own image, attacking Nian Nian, and criticizing him, I bet he never imagined that the slap he threw out would eventually hit his own face!”

Meng Yuan touched his chin and imitated Yu Nian’s tone, “That’s a pretty good idea, but the painting is fake because the genuine one has been at my house all along.”

Shi Rou couldn’t help bursting into laughter.

After sitting for a while, Meng Yuan grabbed his phone. “No, I can’t let it go. Nian Nian really kept things tightly sealed; he didn’t leave any traces at all.” Saying that, he dialed Yu Nian’s number. However, after exchanging just a couple of words, he hung up the call.

Shi Rou asked curiously, “Brother Meng, why did you hang up the phone?”

Meng Yuan replied, “Nian Nian was at his teacher’s place.”

In Zeng Hongying’s laboratory.

Yu Nian was wearing a light blue work suit and a face mask, cleaning the stains on the bronze gui with his teacher Zeng Hongying. During this time, his phone kept receiving messages, but he didn’t have time to check them. He only answered Meng Yuan’s call and then put the phone down again.

Zeng Hongying had graying hair, but his hands, despite being wrinkled, were very steady. After a busy moment, the inscriptions on the inner wall of the bronze gui were fully revealed.

At this moment, Xu Lianyan, also wearing the same work suit, said excitedly, unable to contain himself, “Teacher, Nian Nian, the results of the carbon-14 dating are out, and they match the estimated age of the late Xuan Dynasty!”

“I know,” Zeng Hongying said, staring at the inscriptions on the inner wall of the bronze gui and pulling Yu Nian over, “Nian Nian, come and have a look, see what it says.”

Yu Nian enunciated clearly, “It says, ‘King Wen marched against Xuan, and on the morning of Jiazi day, the Year Star (Jupiter) was above, signifying King Wen’s imminent victory. He used the metals rewarded to him by the officials during the rewarding ceremony at the Lan Camp to make this bronze gui as a ceremonial vessel for ancestor worship.”

Zeng Hongying’s eyes were still clear, and he kept his gaze fixed on the bronze gui. Then he asked Xu Lianyan, “How is it recorded in the ‘National Annals’?”

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“The ‘National Annals’ record that King Wen conquered Xuan during the Battle of Lan Camp. At that time, the Year Star was above, indicating King Wen’s great victory, while the Xuan army, fearing the celestial phenomenon, scattered and collapsed without being attacked.” Xu Lianyan’s throat felt dry, “Teacher, the records match.”

He couldn’t help but add, “Those historians always claim that the Xuan Dynasty is a fabrication, and the records in the ‘National Annals’ are fake. Now, with this bronze gui placed in front of them, let’s see if they dare to say that the Xuan Dynasty’s existence was made up!”

With a complex expression, Zeng Hongying sighed, “Perhaps it’s because they discovered the significance of this bronze gui that Fu Boyan was willing to abandon his food and luggage and protect it at all costs when he found it back then.”

He asked Yu Nian, “Nian Nian, when you left, did you visit Mr. Fu?”

Yu Nian nodded, “Before I left, I went to the oldest person in the village and asked for the location of Mr. Fu’s grave. Grandfather once said that Mr. Fu was fond of wine and bamboo, so I brought a pot of wine and some bamboo branches to pay my respects.”

“Up to you, I won’t provide dinner anyway,” Zeng Hongying’s lips curled up, but he quickly pretended to be serious, clenching his fist lightly and coughing a couple of times to hide his laughter.

He checked the time and urged, “It’s getting late, you two should go back to sleep! You’re so young, why stay up so late?!”

Xu Lianyan asked, “Aren’t you going back, Teacher?”

Zeng Hongying widened his eyes, “What nonsense are you talking about? This bronze gui is in front of me. Even though it’s missing half of the base, it’s still so big. How can I bear to take a step out of the lab?!”

Yu Nian and Xu Lianyan turned their faces away, trying hard to suppress their laughter.

It was already past midnight when Xie You’s car parked in the parking lot.

After closing the car door, Yu Nian couldn’t resist moving closer to Xie You and giving him a long kiss, only parting when both of them were breathless.

Xie You gently touched Yu Nian’s delicate earlobe, his voice slightly hoarse, “You’re clingy.”

Yu Nian snorted softly with a nasal tone, “Can’t I be clingy to you?”

“Sure, but you can only cling to me.”

“Okay, I’ll only cling to you.”

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At that moment, Meng Yuan called again, and Yu Nian answered, “Brother Meng, what’s going on?”

“Yu Nian, don’t go back home for now, definitely don’t go back. There are reporters everywhere outside your residential area, including at the Sining Mansion in the west of the city. If you go, you’ll be walking into the lion’s den.”

Amused by the last metaphor, Yu Nian nodded, “Alright, I won’t go back tonight.”

After ending the call, Yu Nian winked at Xie You, “You heard that, I’m not going back tonight.”

“Good, since you brought back the bronze gui, I believe Mr. Fu, in the netherworld, knows about it and can rest in peace.” Zeng Hongying rubbed his brow, took the teapot from the table, and took a few sips to refresh himself, “I’ll keep this bronze gui here for now. When I call your senior brothers back, we can study it together. I’ve also made a report about the cultural relic, so you don’t need to worry about it.”

Yu Nian hurriedly said, “Teacher, I also want to study it together.”

Xie You sat beside, listening to the gist of the conversation. He asked, “Will there be an announcement tomorrow morning?”

Yu Nian nodded, “Yes, at 7:30 am.”

“My home is too far, you won’t wake up tomorrow.”

Yu Nian rested his chin on Xie You’s shoulder, “So, where should I stay?”

Xie You’s ears turned slightly red, “Go to Yulan, there’s a room for me on the top floor.” His voice became a little lower as he added, “I’ll accompany you.”

The vehicle was running smoothly, and the familiar scent of cedar filled the air. Yu Nian was talking about the events of the past few days, but as he spoke, his voice gradually became softer until he eventually fell asleep, leaning against Xie You’s shoulder.

Knowing that Yu Nian had been on a long journey, first on a mountain road bus, then a train, and not sleeping on the plane either, arriving directly at the laboratory with the bronze gui, he must be exhausted. Xie You turned up the air conditioning in the car, feeling the weight on his shoulder, and listening to Yu Nian’s calm breathing, his heart also settled.

When the car stopped, Xie You didn’t wake Yu Nian. He carefully carried him into his arms, paying attention to the angles. Even in his sleep, Yu Nian seemed to recognize who was holding him, subconsciously clutching Xie You’s suit jacket.

In a hidden corner where it was not easy to be discovered, an ordinary-looking, slender man was crouching, feeling somewhat excited. He had originally come to catch some gossip about a wealthy second-generation individual and an actress within the entertainment circle, but by the time it was past one in the morning, he hadn’t caught anything. He decided to find a secluded spot to take a nap for a while. Unexpectedly, he ended up capturing Xie You on camera!

Although he didn’t know who Xie You was holding in his arms, just the news of Xie You’s suspected romantic involvement was enough to make headlines!

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