Chapter 113: Nian Nian is sweet

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The extra episode of “Ri Yao Journey” was not long, lasting less than twenty minutes, but the barrage throughout was so thick it could cover one’s face.

At the beginning, it showed Yu Nian teaching a few students in a simple and even somewhat dilapidated classroom. After a short while, the scene changed to Yu Nian having a conversation with the village chief, who asked for his help in fixing a waterwheel.

The passing barrage was full of joy: [Hahaha, the village chief got the wrong person! Yu Nian probably has never seen a waterwheel before~]

[Nian Nian looks so clueless, under immense pressure, hahaha~]

But when the camera switched, the barrage suddenly became filled with countless exclamation marks, and the content immediately changed to: 

[What the heck, can he really do it? He can actually fix the waterwheel!]

[This is the first time I’ve seen an idol roll up his sleeves and go help fix a waterwheel, what happened to your noble image?]

[I feel tired and dirty even just thinking about it. Aren’t noble gentlemen supposed to avoid such manual labor?]

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As the scene transitions to Yu Nian accompanying the village chief to the warehouse, with various barrages like “The warehouse is so dirty” and “Can they find spare parts? So nervous,” suddenly a flood of “High energy ahead” in big red font appears. The high-energy warning continues until Yu Nian says to the camera that he’s not qualified and that his teacher should do it. The barrage becomes layers upon layers, covering the “high energy ahead” text like a mosaic, and the comments “kneeling” and “peak luck” pile up in the blink of an eye, overshadowing the “high energy ahead.”

The final scene of this special episode was in the early morning, with the sun just rising, and smoke rising from chimneys in the village. The mountains were shrouded in a thin veil of mist, and the sound of birds chirping was clear and pleasant.

Yu Nian carried a jug of wine and held a green bamboo stick still damp with dew as he walked through layers of dead branches and leaves, stopping in front of an ordinary tomb.

Putting down the jug and bamboo stick, Yu Nian kneels down respectfully and bows three times. Then, with a “poof,” he opens the jug and slowly pours the wine in front of the tomb. He places the green bamboo stick nearby.

Speaking as if in a casual conversation, he said, “I’ve heard my grandfather talk about someone from the Fu family named Fu Boyan. He was exceptional, addicted to wine, and had great brewing skills. He also loved bamboo and painted many pictures, but he was never satisfied with them and burned them all. If I could have the chance to befriend such a person, I’d love to share a drink of three hundred cups.”

“The bronze gui you cherished with your life, I will surely bring it back safely, please rest assured.”

Finally, Yu Nian bows again and says earnestly, “Eternal respect to you, sir.”

[The last part moved me to tears. Now, I suddenly understand what true respect for a master means, with the mountains high and the waters long!]

[Eternal respect to you, sir! I was initially shocked by Yu Nian’s luck and keen eye for finding the leak, but after knowing the story of the bronze gu, I can almost imagine that in an era of wars and uncertainty, there were still some people who would risk their lives for precious things. Just this courage alone makes me admire them.]

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[Seeing the ending, I’m really glad it was Yu Nian who went to Xin Feng Village, gained the village chief’s trust, helped to repair the waterwheel, and went with the village chief to find spare planks. Otherwise, this bronze gu might have continued to be used for pressing vegetables. Grateful for this opportunity; eternal respect to you, sir!]

On the moving nanny car, Shi Rou is also watching this video. She wipes her eyes and takes out a tissue, saying, “I don’t know why, but I just can’t help but cry.”

Yu Nian shifted his gaze back from the window and comforted, “It’s okay, it just shows that Sister Rou Rou isn’t a heartless person.”

Meng Yuan wasn’t as perceptive as Yu Nian, and he was feeling a bit emotional. He asked, “What will happen to that bronze gui?”

“The teacher has already reported it to the National Cultural Heritage Administration, but it will probably stay in the teacher’s laboratory for a while. Senior Brother Xu said that many experts and professors are paying attention to this bronze gui since it’s a significant discovery in the field of history.”

Having understood the situation, Meng Yuan remembered something else, “By the way, I saw news just now saying that Zhao Shuya is still trying to clear his father’s name.”

Shi Rou reacted strongly, widening her eyes, “He’s trying to clear his father’s name after such despicable and disgusting acts? Has Zhao Shuya been brainwashed by the media and entertainment industry, thinking he can wash away anything?”

“Rou Rou, why so angry?” Meng Yuan quickly said, “I haven’t finished yet. He posted two Weibo messages about his father, and both were heavily mocked. Some die-hard fans even advised him to cut ties with his father to prove his innocence.”

Shi Rou snorted, “His public image is too important to him. Even if he secretly resents his father for holding him back, he can’t cut ties with him openly!”

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Meng Yuan chuckled, “Wow, Rou Rou, you see through this so clearly?”

Shi Rou lifted her chin, “Of course!”

Meng Yuan checked the time and remembered something else. He asked Yu Nian, “It’s almost midnight. I forgot to ask, where are you staying tonight, Nian Nian?”

Yu Nian provided an address, “I’m staying here temporarily. The security is good, and it’s conveniently located.”

“Star River Bay? The houses there are not cheap! When did you buy it?” As he finished speaking, Meng Yuan realized something was wrong—others might not be aware, but he knew very well that while Yu Nian earned a lot, he spent money like water and couldn’t afford such an expensive house. He caught on, “It’s President Xie’s, right?”

“Mhmm,” as they talked about Xie You, Yu Nian couldn’t help but smile, “He has a property in Star River Bay, so I’m staying there temporarily for a few days. He’s accompanying me.”

Having understood, Meng Yuan chuckled, “Wow, you really have to thank those reporters who camped outside your door. They gave you a reason to live together.”

Yu Nian’s smile became even brighter as he replied, “Yes!”

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Star River Bay was spacious, with low-density buildings and lush vegetation, well-known for its excellent protection of residents’ privacy. Yu Nian had been to Xie You’s place before, so he followed the route, passed through the tree shade, and stopped at the entrance, using his fingerprint to unlock the door.

Once inside, he noticed that in just one day, everything he was used to from his previous place had already been moved here and placed within his reach.

He walked around the house, but Xie You wasn’t home.

Yu Nian took out his phone, ready to call and inquire, but he heard movement at the door. Moments later, Xie You opened the door and walked in. Seeing that Yu Nian had arrived home ahead of him, Xie You felt a bit regretful, then handed over the takeout box he was carrying, “Nian Nian, here you go.”

Yu Nian took it, feeling as if a warm hot spring had erupted in his heart. He had mentioned that he wanted to eat pastries from the pastry shop on Qinghe Road, and unexpectedly, Xie You bought them for him.

Opening the takeout box, he picked up a piece of pastry and took a bite. His eyes curved into crescents as he said contentedly, “The new pastry the master just made is really delicious! The sweetness is subtle, and it seems to have a hint of floral fragrance.”

Xie You followed Yu Nian to the sofa and said, “Nian Nian, I also want to taste it.”

Yu Nian handed over the half-bitten pastry, but to his surprise, Xie You dodged it and instead wrapped his arm around Yu Nian’s waist, pressing him down onto the sofa, and kissed him. The soft tongue gently pushed past Yu Nian’s teeth, tenderly and irresistibly licking, kissing, and nibbling, creating a tingling sensation.

After tasting it, Xie You used his tongue to caress Yu Nian’s earlobe and whispered softly, “Nian Nian is sweet. I want more.”

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