Chapter 114: Look, my watch

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“My Nian Nian taste so sweet.”

Hearing this, Yu Nian didn’t speak, and buried his face in Xie You’s neck. His breath was trembling slightly due to the recent excitement.

Instead of carrying him back to the bedroom, Xie You took Yu Nian into the study, “I still have to work overtime. Can Nian Nian accompany me?”

Hearing this, Yu Nian inwardly chuckled – Xie You had already brought him here, and now he was using such a pitiful tone. He let Xie You hold him as they sat on a chair, his voice lazy, “Sure, I need to be close to you anyway.”

“Close to me for what?”

“To recharge, of course.”

Xie You’s eyes showed a shallow delight.

Sitting on Xie You’s lap, Yu Nian raised his hand and teasingly touched Xie You’s lower lip with his fingers, asking mischievously, “Is it tired here?”

Previously, it was too dark to see, but this time, with the light on, Xie You’s ears turned completely red in less than a second. He punished Yu Nian by biting his fingertip with his teeth, but he didn’t use force, just gently nibbled before letting go, and turned his gaze away, saying, “…not tired.”

Yu Nian contentedly leaned back into Xie You’s arms, half-opening his eyes to watch Xie You work.

When Xie You worked, he seemed like a completely different person. His eye sockets appeared deep, his eyebrows and eyes looked sharp, and his lips were slightly thin. When his facial expressions changed, they added a touch of coldness. Yu Nian softly called out, “Xie You,” and Xie You lowered his head, responding with a gentle “Hmm,” instantly softening his expression.

Yu Nian smiled, “It’s nothing.”

However, when Xie You looked up and focused on the computer screen again, he whispered, “Nian Nian… don’t keep staring at me.”

Yu Nian blinked, “But if I don’t look at you, then who should I look at?”

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Xie You replied, “…then just look at me.”

With his arm around Xie You’s neck, Yu Nian chuckled softly.

The next morning, Yu Nian didn’t even know how he fell asleep the previous night, but he vaguely recalled the sound of Xie You typing on the keyboard. He was about to turn around to find his phone when the bare arm next to him suddenly reached out and pulled him tightly into an embrace.

Xie You’s lips brushed against Yu Nian’s hair as he hoarsely said, “Nian Nian, don’t go…”

Knowing that Xie You was still half asleep, Yu Nian deliberately teased him, “Nian Nian already left.”

Xie You immediately opened his eyes, but upon seeing the playful look in Yu Nian’s eyes, he pressed his lips against Yu Nian’s forehead and gave it a firm kiss.

Seeing the slightly pitiful expression in his eyes, Yu Nian leaned closer and kissed Xie You’s chin, coaxing, “Not going, not going. I can’t bear to leave you.”

Just as he spoke, he noticed Xie You’s hand resting on his waist and moving downwards. Yu Nian quickly sat up, holding the blanket and said, “No, really, no!”

They playfully wrestled on the bed for a while before getting up and getting ready to go out. Yu Nian went to the kitchen and prepared two sandwiches and freshly squeezed fruit juice, one for each of them.

At the dining table, Xie You was meticulously setting the tableware while Yu Nian looked at the plates and juice glasses placed side by side in front of them, feeling like a brilliant flower blooming in his heart.

After breakfast, Yu Nian went to the wardrobe and picked a black silk shirt and trousers from the large collection of clothes Xie You had bought for him. Xie You took out a box from a nearby drawer and opened it to show Yu Nian, “Do you like it, Nian Nian?”

Inside were two Patek Philippe watches, looking identical. Yu Nian raised his eyes and smiled, “Are we going to wear couple watches together?”

Xie You put down the box, took out the watches, and carefully helped Yu Nian put one on his wrist. Finally, he lowered his head and kissed the back of Yu Nian’s hand, “Yes, I hope Nian Nian will think of me every minute and every second.”

When Shi Rou saw Yu Nian, she immediately noticed, “Nian Nian, did you get a new watch?”

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Yu Nian was in a cheerful mood, his smile bright, “Yes, indeed. Isn’t it nice?”

“It looks really good, but it also looks incredibly expensive!” Shi Rou stuck out her tongue and continued, “By the way, President Qu’s older brother is coming for an inspection today, and Brother Meng is representing the management department in a meeting, so I’ll be with you the whole time.”

Yu Nian nodded, “We’ll just take some promotional photos for Daibo, it should go smoothly.”

Upon arriving at the studio, the photographer, wearing a checkered shirt and a big beard, saw Yu Nian and stood still for a moment before suddenly calling out a name and quickly walking away. The assistant who stayed behind hurriedly explained, “Sorry, Mr. Wayne was calling the stylist’s name. I think he had a new idea the moment he saw you in person.”

Yu Nian nodded, indicating that he understood, and sat down in front of the makeup mirror, waiting. As expected, not long after, the photographer came over with the stylist. He first apologized for his impoliteness and then took a white paper and pencil, quickly sketching, “We want to go for a simple yet elegant look, similar to the black silk shirt you are wearing…”

During the shoot, Yu Nian had heavy eyeliner applied. He stood in front of a white backdrop, looking into the camera with his right hand holding a red rose, and one petal between his lips. The black silk shirt had three buttons unbuttoned, revealing delicate shoulder lines and the snowy skin of his collarbone and chest.

Decadent yet glamorous.

Wayne looked at Yu Nian through the camera lens, captivated by the aura he exuded. His eyes sparkled, and he quickly pressed the shutter.

Three days later, Daphne’s official Weibo account released the photo, and the comment section was immediately flooded with “Ah Ah Ah” exclamations.

[Aaaaaah, I can’t handle this! Nian Nian, Mom orders you to put on your clothes! Also, you really can’t eat the rose, put it down!]

[As long as you see the photo Yu Nian took for Daibo, we’re good friends! Aaaaah, it’s really stunning, too beautiful, I’m speechless, only capable of illiterate-style compliments! Let’s scream in excitement! By the way, please tell me where to get the same shirt!]

[Aaaaaah, if it’s for Florence, it’s an otherworldly fox demon style; for Hersey, it’s a vintage noble young master style; and for Daibo, it’s the opium style! Just one glance gets you addicted, and looking twice will hook you for a lifetime! Indeed, you can’t easily define Yu Nian’s style; otherwise, it’ll blind your eyes in a moment!]

After finishing his dance class, Yu Nian took a sip of water from his bottle and saw Shi Rou staring at her phone, completely engrossed. He called out, “Sister Rou Rou?”

Shi Rou suddenly snapped back to reality and somewhat uneasily tugged at the corner of her mouth, “Aren’t you going to practice dancing anymore, Nian Nian?”

Yu Nian nodded, “Well, it’s about time, and Huo Xing is also getting ready to leave.” He sensed that Shi Rou seemed a bit unnatural and asked, “Is something bothering you?”

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Shi Rou turned off her phone and put it in her pocket, smiling, “I was just checking the hot search trends and noticed that the tag #SeeingYuNian’sPhotosMakesYouFriends# made it onto the list.”

Yu Nian put down his water bottle, intending to check the time on his phone, but Shi Rou quickly stopped him, “Um, we should go to Brother Meng’s office for lunch!”

Seeing Yu Nian looking at her with clear eyes, Shi Rou bit her lip and didn’t say anything.

Putting his phone away, Yu Nian walked towards the door, “Let’s go, it’s time for lunch.”

After entering Meng Yuan’s office, Shi Rou spoke again, “Um… there’s actually another hot search.”

“Is it also related to me?”

Sitting on the sofa, fiddling with his tablet, Meng Yuan continued, “Yes, it’s ranked second: ‘Who are Yu Nian’s parents?'”

Shi Rou sighed in one breath, glaring at Meng Yuan with complaints, thinking he was too straightforward, and then looked at Yu Nian with concern.

Yu Nian paused, holding the phone in his hand, and smiled, saying, “Sister Rou Rou, are you worried that I might be unhappy?”

Shi Rou gently nodded, “Yes.”

After organizing his thoughts, with lowered eyelashes, Yu Nian earnestly explained, “Actually, from the beginning, I chose to keep my identity hidden, and there were considerations for this. Due to the nature of my work, all my personal information and privacy will inevitably be exposed to the public. Some people will like me, while others will dislike me.

I don’t want everything I do and say to be associated with the name ‘Qingshan Yu.’ This name has been cherished and protected by my ancestors, and I cannot let it be tainted because of me.”

Meng Yuan put down what he was doing and listened quietly as Yu Nian spoke.

“But I knew that my background being revealed was inevitable. I have been in the industry for so long, and I haven’t done anything to bring shame to my family, so it didn’t have a big impact.” Yu Nian tugged at the corners of his mouth, “But I also know that it’s only a matter of time before people ask about my parents.”

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Shi Rou and Meng Yuan exchanged a glance, both feeling a bit sympathetic. Seeing Yu Nian’s expression, Meng Yuan also regretted asking such a direct question.

Yu Nian looked composed, “My mother was the only daughter of my maternal grandfather, but she passed away during childbirth. I don’t know who my father is, and my grandparents don’t know either. As for the person who gave me my other bloodline, I don’t care.”

Shi Rou didn’t dare to ask, and after frowning for a moment, Meng Yuan thought since Yu Nian had been honest, he had nothing to hide and asked directly, “You don’t know, and it’s not due to some melodramatic reason, right?”

“Um, my mother never mentioned it. When she returned home, she told my maternal grandfather and grandmother that I would only carry the Yu surname, as I am a descendant of the Yu family.” Yu Nian knew what Meng Yuan was worried about. “Although my mother appears to be a standard young lady on the surface, she has a rather… firm personality and can be stubborn. She values the Yu family a lot, so she won’t get involved in those melodramatic scenarios.”

With the situation clear, Meng Yuan tapped the table with his fingers and decided, “Then, we won’t respond to any inquiries about this matter. However, Nian Nian, be prepared. By avoiding the topic, you may attract even more malicious attention online. You are the envy of many, and those who want to bring you down will only increase. If you expose a vulnerability, it will be exploited endlessly.”

“So, this will become a point of attack against me, right?”


Yu Nian nodded, “I will be mentally prepared for that.”

Seeing that Meng Yuan and Yu Nian had finished their conversation, Shi Rou raised her hand and said, “Um, regarding the trending topic about Nian Nian’s parents, it was originally in second place, but it has been removed now.”

Meng Yuan responded, “Tsk, a familiar move!”

Yu Nian chuckled, “Anything else?”

Shi Rou nodded repeatedly, “Yes, there is. The second position has been replaced with a trending topic related to President Xie. As for the content, I can’t say. You can check it out yourself, Nian Nian.”

Yu Nian took the phone and saw that the top trending topic was #SeeingYuNian’sPhotosMakesYouFriends#, and President Xie openly bought the second position on the trending list with the hashtag #Watch#. Clicking on the topic, the first post was President Xie’s latest update on Weibo.

The picture he posted showed a couple’s watch, identical to the one Yu Nian was wearing on his wrist, with just one word as the caption: Look.

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