Chapter 115: You are my pride

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[Why do I smell a hint of showing off from President Xie’s Weibo post? Even though it’s just one word with a picture!]

[Okay, okay, I see the watch now! President Xie’s hand is truly impressive! This Vacheron Constantin watch clearly exudes a strong sense of wealth! But why did he remove Yu Nian’s hot search, then take it for himself to show off the watch? It’s a weird and mysterious move.]

[Aaahhhhh, the ‘YouYu Girl’ is here to celebrate! President Xie showing off his watch is so adorable! And it’s the same hot search spot as Yu Nian! They both have been in the top trending, it’s practically the same hot search! Happy holidays!]

[I scrolled through President Xie’s Weibo and found that it’s been a long time since he last criticized Yu Nian. I inexplicably feel a sense of loss. Could it be that President Xie is dating someone and is too busy? Yu Nian seems to have someone he likes too, shedding tears of a single dog…]

With great patience, Yu Nian looked through hundreds of top comments and returned to read Xie You’s original Weibo post. He could almost imagine Xie You lifting his wrist, with no obvious expression on his face, but speaking in a restrained and boastful tone, saying, “Look.”

Seeing Yu Nian smile happily, Meng Yuan and Shi Rou exchanged a glance, both relieved.

After finishing lunch, Yu Nian casually grabbed his baseball cap and said, “I’ll leave first, Brother Meng.”

“Sure, take advantage of this less busy time, rest well. Oh, by the way,” Meng Yuan tapped his own forehead with the pen he was holding, calling out to Yu Nian as he was about to leave, “Don’t leave yet. How’s your album coming along? How are the songs coming along?”

Yu Nian had already put on his baseball cap and was dressed in a simple and refreshing student outfit, a white hoodie and jeans. He replied, “I’ve already picked out ten songs, just two more to go to complete the album.”

“So you’ve written ten songs so quickly?” Meng Yuan marveled, then reconsidered, “Picked out? How many did you write in total?”

“Wait, let me count,” Yu Nian carefully thought for a moment, “Seventeen… twenty-one… I think I’ve written about twenty-five songs and there’s one melody with half-written lyrics.” He grinned, “By the way, I’ll have to ask Brother Meng to help me sell them.”

Meng Yuan’s pen fell on the desk, “What kind of speed is this? In just a little over two months, you’ve written over twenty songs?”

Yu Nian nodded, “Yeah, I guess the inspiration came, and I couldn’t stop it!”

Picking up the pen again, Meng Yuan felt he couldn’t chat with someone who writes songs at such an incredible pace and quickly urged, “Let’s go, let’s go, don’t wander in front of me, it makes my heart ache just looking at you!” He chuckled, “I got it, I’ll sell them for you at a good price. Outside, there are countless people queuing up to buy songs written by Si Ning. Only you can afford to be so extravagant, selecting just ten songs out of the twenty-five!”

“Some of the songs, even though I wrote them, really don’t suit me to sing,” Yu Nian adjusted the position of his baseball cap, “So, should I really go now?”

“Hey, Mr. Baseball Cap, can you tell me where you’re going?”

“To my teacher’s lab.”

Yu Nian parked the car in the laboratory’s parking lot and took the elevator up. As he stepped out of the elevator, he was called by his senior, Ling Qinghe, “Nian Nian, you finally came!”

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Seeing Ling Qinghe looking relieved, Yu Nian greeted him and asked curiously, “Finally?”

Ling Qinghe handed a light blue mask with a little pig on it to Yu Nian, “The teacher picked this for you. Put it on and let’s go inside together.”

After Yu Nian changed his clothes and entered the lab, Xu Lianyan also greeted him, “Nian Nian, you finally came!”

Seeing that both of them had unusual expressions, Yu Nian jokingly threatened, “What’s going on with you two today? Explain clearly, or I’ll leave!”

Xu Lianyan hurriedly said, “No, no, don’t leave! The national TV station’s reporters are coming soon to interview the lab members about the bronze gui incident!”

Ling Qinghe continued, “They want your two senior bald heads to be in front of the cameras, answering the reporters’ questions. They think it might damage the lab’s image!”

Looking at Xu Lianyan and Ling Qinghe’s thick heads of hair, Yu Nian had reservations about the term “bald heads.”

Ling Qinghe said, “If they want me to answer the reporter’s questions, I’d rather carry a small shovel and go back to the Bihlan River to dig sand!”

Xu Lianyan added, “If they want me to answer the reporter’s questions, I’d rather go back immediately and spend three days and nights restoring ancient paintings!”

After speaking, both of them looked expectantly at Yu Nian.

Yu Nian sighed, “So, this heavy burden falls on my shoulders?”

At this moment, Zeng Hongying came out with a small teapot, “What are you three doing crowding at the door? Are you trying to be door gods or stone stumps?”

Ling Qinghe quickly took the lead, “Teacher, the junior brother voluntarily undertakes the honorable task of answering the reporter’s questions!”

Zeng Hongying glared, “I won’t believe you guys! Stop dawdling outside, come in!”

The preliminary authentication of the bronze gui had already been completed, but there were still different interpretations and debates within the academic community regarding the inscriptions and their meanings. However, as evidence of the existence of the Xuan Dynasty, the bronze gui gained widespread recognition.

Zeng Hongying briefly mentioned the research progress, “When the reporters come, answer however you want.”

Yu Nian, wearing a mask with a cartoon pig pattern, asked, “Teacher, do I really have to go?”

Xu Lianyan patted Yu Nian’s shoulder, “It’s you, junior brother! You are the face of our school. Show the courage you had when you presented your first report at the seminar!”

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In the afternoon at four o’clock, the reporters from the national TV station arrived. Xu Lianyan led them to film the parts of the lab that could be shown publicly, and then they proceeded to the interview phase. Yu Nian was pushed forward and stood in front of the camera with a humble smile, “Hello, I’m Yu Nian.”

Both the reporters and the camera recognized Yu Nian’s face, and they were surprised to see him there, still working as a lab member. However, the reporters maintained their professionalism and started the interview earnestly.

When this segment aired in the news on the following day, netizens were left bewildered.

[Damn, am I seeing things? I actually saw Yu Nian in the news on the national TV station! The subtitle shows his identity as a lab researcher? What on earth happened? Did I time-travel or did he?]

[For those who don’t know, let me enlighten you. Yu Nian graduated as the top student in the history major at Ningcheng University, and he’s a closed-door disciple of Professor Zeng Hongying. He has been working in Professor Zeng’s lab for a few years, and he’s the one who retrieved the bronze gui… Although I’ve always known that Yu Nian is amazingly talented in his field, seeing my idol in the news still shocked me!]

[Hahaha, it’s so magical! But in front of the camera, Yu Nian really looks like one of those handsome and talented senior schoolmates in school!! Also, under the spotlight of the national TV station, Yu Nian’s appearance is so stunning that it withstands any scrutiny!! Lastly, that little pig mask he’s carrying, I’m begging for the link to get the same one!]

Once the news was out, within two days, the little pig mask became a sold-out hit. Zeng Hongying saw the news and asked, “Your senior told me your name. What was it again?”

Xu Lianyan poked his head out, “Teacher, it’s the Prince of Selling Goods!”

“Yes, that’s the name!” Zeng Hongying chuckled with delight, “All my old friends envy me. Some even wanted to borrow you for a couple of days, saying that having you around would make it easier to find treasures! Of course, I refused! Thinking about borrowing him? No way! Oh, there were also people asking me if my student, who looks so handsome, has a partner. I kicked them all out.”

Xu Lianyan and Ling Qinghe burst into laughter without any reservation.

Yu Nian followed Zeng Hongying to a nearby bookshelf and handed him something, “Teacher, I’ve found someone I like.”

Zeng Hongying held the teapot and took a sip of tea, “My eyesight is still good, can’t I see the ring on your finger?” Curious, he leaned in and asked, “Come on, tell me, whisper it, don’t let your two senior brothers hear!”

Yu Nian smiled, “Well, he’s great, treats me exceptionally well, has a good personality, and he’s handsome, a little taller than me. He used to play the piano and now he’s the President of the family group.”

Zeng Hongying quickly caught on, “A man?”

Yu Nian nodded, “Yes.”

“You’re hiding your expression well, but your heart must be fluttering like a little rabbit,” Zeng Hongying sighed, “Don’t worry, you dare to speak so frankly with me, targeting that I won’t oppose or get angry? You’re having such thoughts!”

Yu Nian smiled coyly.

Setting down the teapot, Zeng Hongying stood with his hands behind his back, “As long as he treats you well, that’s enough. I trust your judgment. After flipping through history books for so many years, I still have some understanding. Life is not even a hundred years long, can’t survive many springs and autumns, and eventually turns into a handful of yellow soil and a pile of bones. Who cares about so many things before and after? I’m really happy for you, that you’ve found someone you like.”

Yu Nian’s eyes were a bit teary, but he forced a smile, “Thank you, teacher.”

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“Why thank you for what?” Seeing Yu Nian’s eyes turning slightly red, Zeng Hongying panicked instantly, “What’s wrong? What’s wrong?” He raised his arm cautiously, not daring to move, and subconsciously raised his voice to call out to the side, “Ling Qinghe, Xu Lianyan, your junior brother is about to cry! Come and comfort him!”

Ling Qinghe ran the fastest, “Teacher, did you scold our junior brother? He’s such a good kid, don’t scold him! Scold Xu Lianyan instead!”

“Get lost!” Xu Lianyan slapped Ling Qinghe’s shoulder with a palm, making him stumble, “Have you gone crazy digging sand? Do you really think the teacher would scold our junior brother?”

Zeng Hongying looked disgusted, muttering, “My disciples, why are they all so silly?”

Before leaving, Zeng Hongying told Yu Nian that someone from the Cultural Relics Bureau was going to visit Xin Feng Village in Fengshou Mountain. Yu Nian hurriedly asked, “Can I bring the things I bought for the children in the village?”

“Of course, it should be no problem. Your documentary had quite an impact, and it will surely be helpful there,” Zeng Hongying looked at Yu Nian and suddenly smiled.

“Though I’ve always known that you have your own ideas, I used to worry that you might be dazzled and disturbed by the flashy world. But when I heard your new song, with Feng Xiao in it, I knew my worries were unnecessary. You are still the same person, knowing what you should do and what you want, and you will work hard for it.”

In Zeng Hongying’s slightly blurry eyes, there was gentleness. “What’s going on today? You keep getting teary-eyed!” He patted Yu Nian’s shoulder with his wrinkled hand, “Whether you’re studying history or singing on stage with music, Nian Nian, you are always my pride.”

After leaving the laboratory, Yu Nian returned to Starlight and practiced dance in the dance studio for two hours. He closed the music and looked at the door, breathing heavily. “Brother Meng, when did you arrive?”

“I’ve been here for about fifteen minutes,” Meng Yuan handed a white towel to Yu Nian, leaning against the wall, ” Teacher Huo Xing specially came to tell me that your mood wasn’t quite right. You came to the dance studio at this time without taking a break, so I came to check on you.”

He raised his chin slightly, “Tell me, what’s going on? Did something happen?”

“No.” Yu Nian put down the towel and smiled, thinking for a moment, “I gave up studying history and decided to enter the entertainment industry to sing. When I made this decision, I was actually very scared.”

He sat down on the floor of the dance studio, “I was afraid that the teacher would be disappointed in me, and I was afraid that my senior brothers would no longer care about me. They are all very important to me.”

Meng Yuan also sat down beside Yu Nian, disregarding appearances, and continued, “But you still came in without hesitation.”

“Yes, maybe I’m stubborn. Once I set my mind on something, I will do it. So at that time, I worked very hard. I thought, if I’m going to do this, I’ll give it my all and do my best, or else I’d be letting myself down.” Yu Nian took a deep breath, his eyes shining, “And then today, the teacher told me that whether it’s studying history or doing music, I am his pride.”

Hearing that, Meng Yuan rolled his eyes, stood up neatly, patted his pants, “I’ve been worried for so long, and it turns out you were just too excited! What a waste of emotions. I’m off from work now!”

Yu Nian waved his hand with a smile, “Alright, see you later, Brother Meng!”

He called Xie You and learned that Xie You was already on his way home. Yu Nian quickly packed his things and left.

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When he opened the door and returned home, Xie You was coming down from upstairs, wearing the couple hoodie Yu Nian had bought. He could tell at a glance, “Are you very happy, Nian Nian?”

Yu Nian briefly recounted what happened today, then couldn’t help but lean over and kissed Xie You’s right cheek, his tone filled with excitement, “Yes, today was really happy.”

Xie You felt a bit embarrassed but still turned his head and pointed to his left cheek, “This side too.”

Yu Nian pretended to be puzzled, “What do you want?”

Xie You lowered his voice, “I want Nian Nian to kiss me here too.”

Yu Nian leaned over, earnestly giving him a kiss. But before he could react, Xie You held his waist, pressed his shoulders against the stair railing, and kissed him deeply.

Xie You’s hand slid under his clothes, gently caressing Yu Nian’s spine and muscles. After a few moments, Yu Nian’s legs went weak.

“Xie You…”

Xie You deepened the kiss, swallowing all of Yu Nian’s voice. His hands didn’t stop moving, teasing and caressing, leaving a faint redness around the corners of Yu Nian’s eyes, making his beauty marks look even more charming.

At that moment, Yu Nian’s phone, which he had thrown at the entrance, rang. Xie You directly picked him up and walked to the door.

Yu Nian stood up on the ground and took the phone. He was about to answer the call when he felt Xie You standing behind him, and a kiss landed on the back of his neck, sending a scorching and ticklish sensation coursing through his body.

He restrained his slightly trembling breath and tried to sound natural, “Brother Meng?”

Meng Yuan didn’t notice anything unusual, “Have you arrived home?”

“Yes, I’m already home.” Just as he spoke, Yu Nian felt Xie You pulling down his collar, placing a series of soft kisses along his exposed shoulder line, his breath hot.

“It’s like this, someone just called looking for you, and the call came to me.”

“Looking for me?”

“Yeah, they said they wanted to talk to you about the bronze gui, and that you would definitely be interested.”

The ticklish sensation kept coming, and if it weren’t for Xie You holding his waist, Yu Nian suspected he might not be able to stand steady now. He adjusted his breathing and responded as concisely as possible, “Please tell them, Brother Meng, that I would like to meet with them.”

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