Chapter 116: I would like to go to see him with you

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The call was disconnected. Yu Nian thought that even though he discovered and brought back the bronze gui, it was no longer in his hands. Yet someone wanted to talk about the bronze gui, so they found him and were certain he’d be interested.

It was possible that in recent days, his name and the bronze gui were frequently mentioned together, which was why the person found him specifically. Moreover, it couldn’t be ruled out that the person might have the other half of the bronze tripod.

However, Yu Nian quickly stopped thinking about the bronze tripod. He was leaning against the wall, holding his phone, feeling weak in the legs. He could clearly sense Xie You standing behind him, lifting his clothes and kissing him from his shoulders to the back of his neck and down to his lower back.

Such kisses made him unable to resist, but he didn’t want Xie You to stop, so he pressed his fingers against his own lips to muffle any sounds.

Just then, Meng Yuan called again. Yu Nian instinctively wanted to hang up, but Xie You reached over from behind and answered the call for him.

Meng Yuan’s voice came through the phone, and Yu Nian couldn’t help but give Xie You a slight glare with his watery eyes before putting the phone to his ear. “Brother Meng, um, I’m here.”

Meng Yuan got straight to the point, “The other party is in a hurry and wants to meet tomorrow afternoon. I checked your schedule, and you have the whole day free, nothing important, so I temporarily agreed on your behalf. Is that okay?”

Yu Nian bit his lip, trying to ignore Xie You’s subtle movements. “No… problem.”

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Just as he finished speaking, he found himself suddenly lifted by Xie You, who carried him up the stairs. Startled, Yu Nian managed to suppress any exclamation and held onto Xie You’s neck to steady himself.

On the other end, Meng Yuan remained oblivious and continued, “Good. The person’s assistant who called to schedule the meeting with you is someone I’ve dealt with several times, and we can trust them, so there shouldn’t be any issues. By the way, Yu Nian, we have the initiative, so where do you want to arrange the meeting?”

By now, Xie You had brought Yu Nian into the study and seated him on the large desk. His hair was slightly disheveled, and he looked a bit lazy with the buttons of his silk shirt undone halfway, revealing his shoulders and a small part of his chest, but he didn’t seem to care. He felt Xie You kissing his neck while tilting his chin to give him better access, and he replied to Meng Yuan, “Let’s meet at ‘Yulan.'”

“Yulan is president Xie’s place, that’s a good choice, very considerate of you,” Meng Yuan noted, “Alright, I won’t keep you. I’ll message them. If there’s any problem, let me know.”

Yu Nian said, “Okay.”

He tossed the now darkened phone to the side, and Xie You held Yu Nian’s hand, pressing it on the desk, his voice husky as he coaxed, “Yu Nian, how about trying one more time?”

As it turned out, Yu Nian couldn’t resist Xie You at all, and the consequence of not resisting was that he wrapped himself in the blanket, leaving only his head exposed, and weakly said, “I really don’t want to.”

Looking at Xie You, Yu Nian couldn’t bear it and moved a little to the side, loosening his grip on the blanket’s edge, negotiating, “Let’s sleep side by side, but really, no more, okay?”

The only fortunate thing was that Xie You kept his promise, and they peacefully hugged each other to sleep that night, though Yu Nian still woke up late the next day.

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After idling on the bed for a while, Yu Nian put on his slippers, went downstairs, freshened up, and ate the breakfast Xie You left for him. Then he turned to study and spent some time writing music.

In the afternoon, at the agreed time, Yu Nian arrived at the Yulan Club.

Sitting in the private room was a middle-aged man dressed in a dark gray suit, neatly tied bowtie, and meticulously combed hair. When Yu Nian entered, the man stood up, maintaining a straight posture, and subconsciously smoothed his suit button before nodding in greeting.

The similar aura and manners reminded Yu Nian of the butler they had met while waiting at the mansion on Iris Avenue with Xie You. As expected, the man introduced himself, “I’m Louisen, Mr. He Xiao’s butler.”

Yu Nian politely replied, “Hello, my agent told me that you want to talk to me about the bronze gui, is that correct?”

Louisen nodded, “Yes, Mr. He Xiao resides abroad most of the time but has always been interested in collecting and bronze artifacts. Several years ago, Mr. He Xiao acquired a bronze artifact by chance, but it seems to be missing half of its design.”

Until the fourth of this month, we learned through a national television program that Mr. Yu, you had discovered a bronze tripod with only the main body, while the base was missing. After comparison, we believe there’s a high possibility that the bronze artifact in Mr. He Xiao’s possession is the base of the bronze tripod.”

Listening calmly, Yu Nian didn’t show any excitement and replied, “It’s indeed good news, but the bronze tripod has already been handed over to the National Cultural Heritage Administration, and the bronze tripod itself is currently in Professor Zeng Hongying’s laboratory. For whatever reason or consideration, the person you are looking for should not be me.”

Louisen nodded again, “That’s true, but my employer, Mr. He Xiao, and I both have great trust in you.”

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“Trust me?” Yu Nian smiled lightly, “We’ve never met, so why trust me instead of the staff at the cultural heritage administration or Professor Zeng?”

“Because of your actions, we trust your character.”

The reason wasn’t convincing enough, and Yu Nian wasn’t naive. After a few exchanges, he realized that the real purpose behind the meeting wasn’t directly related to the bronze tripod. After pondering for a moment, he asked, “May I see a photo of the bronze artifact Mr. He Xiao has?”

“Of course.”

Louisen was well-prepared and handed the photo to Yu Nian. Having personally touched the bronze tripod, Yu Nian was familiar with its size and details. After just one look, he confidently determined that the artifact was indeed the base of the bronze tripod.

Setting down the photo, Yu Nian continued his inquiry, “If it’s confirmed that this artifact is the base of the bronze tripod, what does Mr. He Xiao intend to do?”

Louisen answered without revealing anything, “I’m sorry, this is something you need to discuss directly with Mr. He Xiao. I have no authority to make any decisions on his behalf.”

After contemplating for a while with his eyes lowered, Yu Nian finally asked, “Where is Mr. He Xiao now?”

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Louisen noticed Yu Nian’s hesitation, and though his emotions remained restrained, his speech quickened slightly, “He is in Ning City.”

Yu Nian asked, “Do you and Mr. He Xiao mind if I bring security personnel with me?”

“Of course not,” Louisen replied.

Yu Nian smiled, “Alright, I’m willing to go and meet Mr. He Xiao with you.”

However, it was slightly different from what he expected. Yu Nian, accompanied by the three security personnel provided by Xie You, followed Louisen to the top-floor suite of a luxury hotel in Ningcheng. As the elevator doors opened, a strong smell of disinfectant hit them. Walking further inside, Yu Nian noticed that the entire top-floor suite had been temporarily converted into a makeshift medical ward.

“Is Mr. He Xiao sick?”

Louisen didn’t hide this fact but also didn’t elaborate much. He simply said, “Yes, Mr. He Xiao’s health isn’t good. When he came to Ningcheng, he brought a medical team along.”

Yu Nian tactfully refrained from asking further questions.

At the door, Louisen slightly bowed, “Mr. He is inside.”

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