Chapter 117: Sorry, I can’t take it

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The gate opened, and after passing through the elegantly decorated duplex living room and reception room, stepping on the gray printed carpet, Yu Nian followed Louisen into the room. Going around the glass wall, what came into view were state-of-the-art medical equipment placed on both sides of the bed, and a person lying on the bed wearing an oxygen mask. The person appeared to be around fifty years old, perhaps bedridden due to a long illness, carrying a heavy aura of aging, with sporadic silver-white hair, and tightly closed eyes.

Yu Nian stood still and quietly watched as Louisen approached the bedside, bending down and softly saying, “Sir, Mr. Yu is here.”

He Xiao’s eyelashes trembled, and his eyelids moved slightly, slowly opening. Even with a sickness, his gaze was extremely sharp, revealing that if he were healthy, he must be a formidable and powerful figure. He slowly turned his head, and his focus finally settled on Yu Nian.

He Xiao raised his hand, and a nurse who was waiting by his side quickly came over and removed the oxygen mask.

After adjusting his breathing a few times, He Xiao’s voice was weak and hoarse as he asked, “Your grandfather is Yu Xiuning, and your grandmother is Sheng Lingyi, right?”

Yu Nian nodded politely, “Yes.”

He Xiao fell silent, seemingly pondering something. After a while, he asked the second question, “Your birthday is on New Year’s Eve?”

Although Yu Nian didn’t know why he was being asked this, he still answered, “Yes.”

Upon hearing Yu Nian’s reply, He Xiao seemed to lose strength, and he closed his eyes to rest for a while before turning to Louisen, “Give the things to him.”

Louisen acknowledged, “Yes, sir.”

In front of Yu Nian, Louisen put on gloves and took a bronze base out of a safe, handing it to Yu Nian, “Mr. Yu, please have a look.”

Compared to the upper half of the bronze gui, this base was well-preserved, rectangular in shape, decorated with taotie patterns on the front, exactly the same as the half of the pattern that Yu Nian had discovered himself, with no differences in details, and the upper part matched the broken edge — undoubtedly the base of the bronze gui.

Yu Nian didn’t take it right away but cautiously asked, “What do I need to give in exchange for this bronze gui base?”

Louisen shook his head, “You don’t need to give anything. The meaning is that you can take it with you directly.”

Yu Nian looked at He Xiao and found that he had closed his eyes again.

As if understanding what Yu Nian wanted to say, Louisen said, “Mr. Yu, the intention is that this item will only be handed to you. We won’t sell, transfer, or lend it to your teacher or any relevant organization.”

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The room was very quiet, and the sound of medical equipment could be heard. Yu Nian lowered his eyes, pondered for a long time, and finally said, “I’m sorry, I can’t accept it.”

Receiving this answer, Louisen showed no surprise and said, “Alright, we will stay in Ning City for a while. If Mr. Yu changes his mind, you can contact me anytime to take the bronze gui.”

Louisen accompanied Yu Nian to the elevator before returning to the bedroom and reporting, “Sir, Mr. Yu has left.”

He Xiao struggled to open his eyes, looked in the direction Yu Nian had left, and then slowly closed his eyes again. Louisen turned to check the values on the medical equipment, and just as he turned away, he heard He Xiao’s soft voice, as if talking to himself, “Really looks very similar, very similar…”

When Yu Nian arrived at the parking lot with his bodyguards, Xie You was already there. He put aside the documents he was reading and grabbed Yu Nian’s hand, asking, “How did it go?”

Yu Nian briefly explained the situation, “I felt both He Xiao and the butler, Louisen, had strange attitudes, so I declined in the end. I don’t feel at ease about it. Besides, in terms of historical value, half of the bronze gui stored in my teacher’s laboratory is already sufficient. The need for the other half of the base is not urgent, so I have time to consider.”

Xie You said, “I’ve looked into He Xiao. He has no powerful family backing, started from scratch when he was young, and is extremely clever and resourceful. He used to be a prominent figure overseas. But in recent years, he had rarely appeared, supposedly due to severe health issues. He is unmarried and has no children, and there are rumors that he has made a will to donate all his assets.”

Yu Nian absentmindedly traced his fingers over Xie You’s palm, pondering, “If his final plan is to donate all his assets, including the unconditional gifting of the bronze gui base, it does make sense. But why did they seek me out specifically?”

And why did they emphasize that they wouldn’t give it to anyone else?

Yu Nian lay down, resting his head on Xie You’s lap, relaxing, “Forget it, let’s not think about it now. I refused this time. If they have other motives, they will probably come to me again soon.” He raised his hand, gently touching Xie You’s Adam’s apple, “I don’t have any other plans this afternoon. How about accompanying you to work?”

Xie You held Yu Nian’s restless hand and kissed it gently, “I couldn’t ask for more.”

Two days later, Meng Yuan pulled Yu Nian away from his songwriting.

He casually took a banana from the office drawer and handed it to Yu Nian, muttering, “If it weren’t for your songs dominating the top spots on the charts, I’d really suspect that the artist I brought with me has already lost his popularity!”

For the past two days, Yu Nian had no schedule and spent all his time with Xie You. Whenever Xie You went to work, he would sit beside him, holding a notebook and writing songs, looking as if he had become lazy with the end of summer.

Listening to Meng Yuan’s nagging, Yu Nian chuckled, “Brother Meng, don’t misunderstand me. I haven’t been idle these days. Although I haven’t had any schedules, I’ve been busy. I’ve already finished writing all twelve songs needed for the album.”

After a two-second daze, Meng Yuan reacted, “You’ve finished all twelve songs?” Then he thought of something, “Wait, Nian Nian, when you say ‘finished,’ do you mean you have both the lyrics and melodies, or have you also arranged the music?”

“Everything is complete.”

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Upon hearing this answer, Meng Yuan playfully slapped Yu Nian’s shoulder, “Such efficiency!”

“Of course.” Yu Nian peeled the banana and took a bite, continuing, “After finishing tomorrow’s recording, I’ll start the demo tracks. I’ll separate the tracks I wrote myself, and since I’m familiar with them, it should be done quickly. Then, we’ll add the instrumentals. I calculated that besides the standard instruments, we’ll also need cello and violin sounds. I don’t want to use electronic synthesis, so please trouble Brother Meng to contact some violinists.”

“You want to record the live instrument sounds and then incorporate them, right?”

“Yes, that way, the effect will be more authentic.”

Regarding the music aspect, Meng Yuan always followed Yu Nian’s opinions. He took notes and paced around the office, asking, “With this efficiency, how long will it take to finish the album?”

“It shouldn’t take too long, right? It’s September 12th now, so if all goes smoothly, maybe by November or December?” Yu Nian wasn’t entirely sure himself, “I don’t want to rush it too much.”

“No need to rush.” Meng Yuan sat back in his chair, “Your current state is completely different from when you released Elegant.’ Back then, you had popularity and influence but no body of work. Now it’s different, ‘Elegant’ has paved the way for you, and your subsequent single ‘Dream Reverie’ has embellished that path. Your talent has been recognized, and I can’t even imagine how many fans are eagerly waiting for your new album.”

Yu Nian squinted his eyes, “So, this time, Brother Meng, you won’t rush me to schedule appearances and increase exposure?”

“Each stage has its own plan. Even if you don’t appear in public for ten days or half a month, people are still listening to your songs, which is a way of indirectly showing your presence, isn’t it?” Meng Yuan said, throwing a silver-embossed invitation letter, “But this one you must attend.”

Yu Nian quickly recognized the logo on the invitation and picked it up, “Is this a brand event by Daibo?”

“Yes, Daibo is hosting a fall-winter fashion show in Ning City. They are investing heavily in it and attaching great importance to the event, likely aiming to expand their market in Asia. As their spokesperson, they want you to open the show,” Meng Yuan explained.

After reading the invitation, Yu Nian noticed the signature, “Lady Daibo?”

“Yes,” Meng Yuan provided more details, “Daibo is a family surname. It started as a small workshop, but it quickly expanded under the leadership of Serina Daibo, who was called Lady Daibo. The current Lady Daibo is Serina’s great-great-granddaughter, Elizabeth Daibo, who is also the chief designer. She personally stated that if you agree to open the show, she will design the outfit for you.”

Instead of making an immediate decision, Yu Nian asked Meng Yuan, “Brother Meng, what’s your opinion?”

“Of course, my opinion is to participate. On one hand, you are their spokesperson, and even if you don’t walk the runway, you need to be present. So, instead of sitting below, you might as well walk the show. On the other hand, such a level of exposure is a great opportunity, and one is always better than none. I, for one, can never have too much exposure,” Meng Yuan explained enthusiastically.

“I have no objections, then.”

After finalizing the decision, Meng Yuan informed Daibo, and they quickly sent someone to take Yu Nian’s measurements. The next day was the filming day for “Treasure Hunt.” Yu Nian arrived early at the filming location and was surprised to find that Gu Yiyan was already there, sitting in the dressing room.

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Yu Nian hurriedly greeted him with a smile, “I thought I would be the first one here, but it turns out you beat me to it, Grandpa Gu.”

Gu Yiyan handed a piece of fruit to Yu Nian and kindly said, “When you get old, you need less sleep.”

He leaned on his cane and sighed, “My body hasn’t been very agile these past few days. My old ailment is acting up again. I’m still talking with Gan Zhou about it. Actually, I envy your grandfather. At least he has someone to carry on the family legacy.”

After pausing for a moment, he continued, “The older I get, the more I understand why some calligraphy and paintings have many seals on them. I suppose it’s because, compared to these ancient artifacts that have been passed down for thousands of years, human life is too short. They want to leave their names on them so that future generations will know that there was once a person like them in this world.”

His words carried a touch of sadness. Yu Nian patiently peeled an orange and replied, “Although human life is short, it’s still better than the ephemeral life of mayflies, isn’t it?”

Unexpectedly, Yu Nian would say something like that, and Gu Yiyan chuckled, tapping his fingers, “You-you-hearing you say that, I can’t complain anymore. That’s right, compared to mayflies, I have lived for decades, seen and experienced so much. My life has not been in vain!”

Finishing the orange in no time, Yu Nian smiled with his eyes crinkled, “Exactly!”

After the recording, while Yu Nian was tidying up his things in the dressing room, Shi Rou called out, “Nian Nian, someone is looking for you.”

Yu Nian looked up and saw the third “Treasure Hunt” participant who had been on stage before. The person was already in his seventies. He quickly stood up and offered the elder a seat before politely asking, “May I ask if there’s something you need?”

“I’m Sun Ruozhuo from Hui City, and my father was named Sun Yuzang,” the elder introduced himself.

Yu Nian was slightly surprised but quickly replied, “Is your family’s ancestral hall named Morning Star Tower?”

Sun Ruo Zhuo smiled and said, “Impressive, you’re indeed from the Yu family. You’re right; my family’s ancestral hall is named that.”

Yu Nian also took a seat, “I also know that your family has a big garden with a plum forest and a small building used for storing books, with an elegant name, ‘Flute in the Moon Pavilion.'”

“The garden was managed by my father many years ago, and he donated it. Some of the books were given away, and the rest were divided when the family split. We had many valuable items in our home, but with numerous descendants, after my father oversaw the division, most of those items were sold. There are very few left in the Sun family,” Sun Ruozhuo smiled and shook his head, pausing briefly before continuing, “I came to see you this time, not to talk about family history, but to give you some news.”

Yu Nian sat up straight, “Please go ahead.”

“I believe you should know that two or three decades ago, our home experienced a massive fire that burned many precious items,” Sun Ruozhuo said.

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Yu Nian nodded, “My grandfather mentioned it before. Several rare books were reduced to ashes in that fire.”

“Yes, my father knelt in front of the ancestral tablets in our family shrine for many days, vowing to abstain from meat as a way of atonement. But a few days ago, this old matter resurfaced when my foolish elder brother confessed that he was the one who started the fire back then. His purpose was to steal a bamboo slip hidden in our house.”

“Bamboo slip?” Yu Nian’s brow furrowed.

“Yes, a bamboo slip. Our family follows traditional practices, and family property is passed down to the legitimate heir. So we had this bamboo slip, and besides my elder brother, no one else knew about it. After the fire, my father mistakenly believed that the bamboo slip had turned to ashes, and he felt immense guilt and regret, so he never mentioned it again.”

“What about this time?”

“Because of my foolish elder brother, he only just realized that he had been deceived all these years! He had a gambling habit when he was young and accumulated debts. Someone gave him advice to steal something from our home and sell it for money. So, my elder brother actually stole the bamboo slip and quickly sold it to a foreign merchant. He used the money to gamble and lost it all not long after.”

“As a result, my elder brother found out about the news and learned that the bamboo slip was going up for auction, with a starting price hundreds of times more than what he received. He realized he had been deceived and exposed the truth,” Sun Ruo Zhuo said with a guilty expression, sighing, “This was a foolish act done by someone from the Sun family. But to be honest, our family is not well-off now, and we are struggling to make ends meet. When we heard about the upcoming auction, we felt helpless.”

Yu Nian understood. The Sun family didn’t have the means to buy the bamboo slip back, so they shared the news with others, hoping that someone else might be able to acquire it. This kind of situation wasn’t uncommon; in a family that passes down generations, not all descendants are good people. Even emperors who pass down their thrones can ruin a country, let alone others.

Instead of hastily responding, Yu Nian asked, “May I know the full name of this bamboo slip?”

Sun Ruo Zhuo looked even more ashamed and said, “It’s called ‘Guo Shu.'”

Yu Nian’s pupils contracted, and his heart skipped a beat, “Guo Shu?”

On the 15th, the latest episode of “Treasure Hunt” was broadcasted. Even before the show ended, the hashtag #YuNian’sWatch” caught fire.

[#YuNian’sWatch# I watched the show just to see Yu Nian’s face, but something felt odd. Upon closer inspection, oh, he changed his watch! Before, he always wore an Oumu watch as the spokesperson, endorsing everything, which was expected. But today, I saw him wearing a Vacheron Constantin! And upon further comparison, OMG, it’s the same watch that President Xie flaunted on Hot Search! I’m getting suspicious!]

[#YuNian’sWatch# The watch Yu Nian wore and the one President Xie wore are identical! Could it be that rich people have similar tastes?

[#YuNian’sWatch# Does anyone still remember when the paparazzi once accidentally captured Yu Nian and President Xie coming out together from the Imperial Club? Although I still think they probably went there to fight, why do I still feel something’s not right in my heart?]

[#YuNian’sWatch# Yu Nian is still wearing the ring, showing that his relationship is stable. President Xie has also been caught in a love relationship. So it’s just the same watch, some people shouldn’t get carried away, their imagination is like a black hole.]

[#YuNian’sWatch# Quietly raising my hand, I say, Um, this Vacheron Constantin is a collectible-level watch, and there are only two pieces in existence, use a pencil to highlight it—only two pieces.]

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