Chapter 120: I will help you make this decision

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“Daibo’s show has been preparing for almost half a year, and it’s now officially entering the promotion period. The promotional content will also emphasize that Nian Nian will take the stage to open the show. This will be your first runway since your debut, and fans are eagerly looking forward to it.

As for the stage walk, Daibo thinks there are no major issues, but following your suggestion, they have arranged for a teacher to come over, and the course schedule has been arranged.”

Meng Yuan finished speaking and waved the rolled-up paper in front of Yu Nian, frowning, “Nian Nian, are you listening?”

After a few seconds, Yu Nian finally came back to his senses and apologized, “I’m sorry, Brother Meng, I got distracted just now. Could you please repeat what you said?”

Meng Yuan repeated the words again and stared at Yu Nian, “Nian Nian, is something bothering you? You’ve been absent-minded these past few days.”

Yu Nian forced a smile, “I had some dreams the night before, and last night, couldn’t sleep well.”

“Not sleeping well? That’s indeed unpleasant and irritating. I had the same problem a few years ago, with too many worries and pressure, I couldn’t sleep through the night. It took me almost half a year of back and forth before I sought medical help and got better. Did you hit a bottleneck with the album? Having conflicts with President Xie?”

“Neither,” Yu Nian shook his head, “The album production is going smoothly, maybe even faster than expected. There are no conflicts with Xie You either. I wake up from dreams at night, and he’s the one who soothes me back to sleep.”

“Then, is that Louisen guy coming to find you again?”

“No,” Yu Nian averted his gaze, masked his emotions, and reached for the glass of water on the table, taking a sip, “He hasn’t come to find me.”

“No,” Yu Nian averted his gaze, masked his emotions, and reached for the glass of water on the table, taking a sip, “He hasn’t come to find me.”

Meng Yuan rubbed his chin, pondering, “If it’s not about that, then it must be because of the bamboo slip auction, right? It’s indeed frustrating, a wasted trip. But think about it, it doesn’t matter. Since that person is planning to sell it for money, sooner or later, they will sell it anyway. If he sells it later, you’ll have more time to save money, right?”

Yu Nian didn’t explain further and simply agreed, “Yeah.”

Meng Yuan then showed Yu Nian the class schedule, “I’ve talked to Huo Xing, let’s pause the dance classes for now and focus on practicing the catwalk. Otherwise, you won’t have enough time, alright?”


Meng Yuan kept an eye on Yu Nian, feeling a bit uneasy. He decided to accompany him throughout the process. As it turned out, his worries were justified. While practicing the stage walk, Yu Nian twisted his foot within half an hour, perhaps because of ill-fitting shoes or some other reason.

Knowing that Yu Nian had previously sprained his ankle, Meng Yuan had been cautious. Now, at this crucial time, he couldn’t afford any mishaps. He hurried over and asked anxiously, “How is it? Are you okay?”

Yu Nian crouched on the ground, holding his ankle, shaking his head, “It’s okay, just a little painful.”

Hearing Yu Nian’s response, Meng Yuan felt a twinge of worry. He gestured to Shi Rou to stay with him and then used the excuse of going to see a doctor to send the teacher away first.

Hurrying back, he saw Yu Nian still crouching on the ground, so Meng Yuan also squatted down, “Nian Nian, what’s wrong? Why are you crying? When you cry, it makes me feel really uncomfortable too!”

Yu Nian’s eyes were slightly red, and he forced a smile, “I didn’t cry, really.”

His not crying made Meng Yuan feel even more worried than if Yu Nian had cried. After a moment of contemplation, he made a phone call outside. Then, after confirming that Yu Nian’s foot was indeed fine, as a precaution, Meng Yuan brought him to the office, took out a spray, and sprayed Yu Nian’s ankle several times.

Not long after, the office door was knocked open, and Qu Xiaoran and Xie You walked in.

Seeing them, Meng Yuan breathed a sigh of relief, stood up, and coughed lightly, “Um… I’ll go check the details with Daibo’s team.” After speaking, he pulled Shi Rou away and left.

Qu Xiaoran also left promptly after bringing someone in, exchanging greetings before disappearing.

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Xie You was still wearing a suit with a tie, and he approached Yu Nian, squatting in front of him to carefully inspect his ankle, “Still hurting?”

Yu Nian shook his head, “Not hurting anymore. I just tripped and sprained it a bit, but it’s almost healed now.”

“Mm,” Xie You stood up, bent down, and hugged Yu Nian, taking a seat by the sofa with him in his arms. Adjusting his posture, he kissed Yu Nian’s temple, “Xiaoran called me in a hurry, saying your manager called him, telling him that you were crying.”

Yu Nian leaned against Xie You’s chest, “I didn’t cry.”

Leaning in closer, Xie You kissed the teardrop mole beneath Yu Nian’s eyes and then looked into his eyes gently, “You didn’t cry, but you feel very sad, right?”

“Mm,” Yu Nian listened to Xie You’s steady heartbeat and felt the gentle pat on his back, which gradually eased his panicking heart, bringing back a sense of security.

He paused for a while before speaking, “Do you think… is it possible that he… that person…”

Xie You didn’t answer but said, “Don’t you already have an answer in your heart?”

Yu Nian clung to Xie You tighter, lowering his eyelashes, “When Louisen brought me to meet him, I felt a familiar sensation. But I’m sure I’ve never seen him before.

The way he looked at me, asking about my grandparents’ names, asking about my birthday, especially when he heard that my birthday is on Chinese New Year’s Eve, at that moment, I really felt like he was about to cry.

Later, one day, I looked in the mirror and suddenly realized why he seemed familiar to me.” Yu Nian paused, took a few breaths, and then continued, “Because I look a bit like him. I don’t know if it’s the face shape, the forehead, the ears, or the eyebrows.”

Xie You held Yu Nian’s slightly cold fingers and kissed them, “What do you want to do, Nian Nian?”

“I don’t know,” Yu Nian shook his head, his tongue feeling a bit bitter, “I really don’t know.”

Xie You held Yu Nian’s hand with all five fingers, “Then let me make the decision for you, alright?”

On the morning of the 23rd, Yu Nian put on a thin windbreaker and followed Xie You out of the door. The elevator stopped at the top floor of the hotel, and as they stepped out of the elevator, Louisen, dressed in a black tailcoat, was already waiting there.

Yu Nian shook hands with the other party and politely said, “Excuse me, I’m here to collect the bronze gui.”

Louisen nodded and composed himself before replying, “Please follow me.”

The room still had a faint smell of disinfectant. He Xiao was lying on the bed and opened his eyes upon hearing the commotion.

Louisen spoke respectfully, “Mr. He, Mr. Yu is here to collect the bronze gui.”

He Xiao didn’t speak, but he raised his hand slightly.

“Alright.” Upon receiving the instruction, Louisen turned around and took out a box containing the base of the bronze gui from the safe. He placed it on the table and carefully opened the lid.

Yu Nian glanced at the bronze gui but made no move. Instead, he walked a few steps to He Xiao’s bedside, locking eyes with him fearlessly, “Hello.”

He Xiao had sharp eyebrows, exuding an aura of long-term authority. As he looked at Yu Nian, his gaze softened like ice meeting a flame. He involuntarily softened his voice and replied hoarsely, “Hello.”

His fingers, hanging by his side, unconsciously curled up. Gathering courage, Yu Nian said, “I’d like to ask you a question, if you don’t mind.”

He Xiao said, “Ask your question.”

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Taking a deep breath, ignoring his rapidly accelerating heartbeat, Yu Nian opened his mouth, his voice slightly hoarse, “Do you know Yu Tayue?”

He Xiao’s pupils contracted slightly. Facing Yu Nian, he didn’t know what expression to put on for a moment, and he even held his breath.

In the room, the barely audible sound of medical equipment hummed, and the bright light allowed Yu Nian to see every subtle expression on He Xiao’s face.

With a faint smile, Yu Nian continued, “Yu Tayue is my mother’s name. Do you know her?”

He Xiao closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, they glistened with a layer of moisture. His lips trembled uncontrollably, and his Adam’s apple moved up and down as he struggled to speak, “I know her.”

Yu Nian averted his gaze to conceal the tears in his eyes. After a long silence, he replied, “I see.”

Lifting his hand, clenching it into a fist, Yu Nian hesitated and hesitated again. Finally, he took a step forward, lowered his head, and carefully tucked the blanket for He Xiao. He was too afraid to look at the person on the sick bed.

Bringing the base of the bronze gui to Zeng Hongying’s lab, Zeng Hongying was surprised, “Where did you find this?”

Before Yu Nian could answer, Zeng Hongying put on gloves, personally took the rectangular base, and called for her apprentice to help. They compared the broken edges of the circular upper part and carefully assembled the pieces.

After examining it closely for a while, Xu Lianyan clapped his hands and laughed, “It can really fit back together!”

Yu Nian stood beside, a faint smile on his lips, and whispered, “Yeah, pieced together, complete.”

The next day, after finishing his classes, Yu Nian went to He Xiao’s room again. He sat on the chair by the bed, looking relaxed and cheerful, “Can I read a book here?”

He Xiao looked at Yu Nian with restrained eyes and nodded slowly.

Yu Nian showed He Xiao the book cover in his hand and, rare for him, he spoke more, “This book is Serina Daibo’s autobiography. She is the founder of the Daibo brand, and now I am the brand’s spokesperson. Soon, I’ll be participating in several fashion shows and will probably have some interviews with reporters. So, I’m preparing to read this book carefully and do my homework.”

He Xiao’s gaze remained focused, and he listened attentively to Yu Nian’s words, responding with a soft “Mm.”

Yu Nian continued, “By the way, the base of that bronze gui is now in my teacher Zeng Hongying’s lab.” He smiled, “Professor Zeng has been very good to me. Even when I was studying for my bachelor’s degree at Ningcheng University, he had already prepared to take me as a disciple. He took me everywhere and taught me a lot of knowledge and principles. He’s quite stubborn and a bit arrogant, but in reality, he’s very kind-hearted. When I graduated and immediately entered the entertainment industry as a singer, he wasn’t happy about it, but he still supported me. Later, he even told me that no matter what I do, I am his pride.”

He Xiao nodded in response.

After the conversation, Yu Nian fell silent, sitting quietly by the bed, reading his book. He read fast, flipping through the pages. At one point, he casually glanced up and noticed that He Xiao was still looking at him, his eyes closed, already dozing off.

Yu Nian stared at He Xiao for a while, then shook his head and refocused his gaze on the book pages. However, he found himself unable to concentrate on a single word.

The next afternoon, Yu Nian came again. He took off his thin windbreaker and hung it neatly, his smile light and casual as if engaging in a normal conversation, “It seems like autumn arrived early in Ning City this year. It rained last night, and it’s a bit chilly even with the wind today.”

He Xiao lay on the bed, following Yu Nian’s movements with his gaze, and spoke slowly, “Remember to wear more clothes.”

Yu Nian held back his emotions and nodded, “Okay, I’ll remember. I definitely won’t catch a cold.” He then sat down on the chair by the bed, “This morning, we were shooting posters in the studio, and it went smoothly. We originally planned to shoot until 4 p.m., but we finished before 2 p.m.”

He Xiao asked, “Did you have lunch?”

Yu Nian tucked the blanket meticulously, “Yes, I already had lunch with the staff. It was a work meal with two meat dishes, two vegetable dishes, and a bowl of soup. I also had a glass of freshly squeezed fruit juice on the way here. I didn’t want to eat too much, afraid of gaining weight.”

“Have you been busy these days?”

“Not really,” Yu Nian answered in detail, “I haven’t received many gigs lately. I want to focus on this album, and my manager supports me too. The only significant job recently is the Daibo’s grand show. My manager even joked that I seem like I’m already a has-been.”

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He Xiao listened intently.

“Because I’ll be walking the opening show, I’m taking professional classes, but it’s not every day. Besides that, for this album, I want to handle everything myself. According to the schedule, I can start recording in a few days.”

Seeing He Xiao’s eyes slowly closing, Yu Nian stopped talking.

He Xiao’s energy was low, and he slept for more than two hours before waking up. When he opened his eyes, there was a bit of reluctance and regret initially, but when he saw the person sitting by the bed, his eyes brightened slightly, disappointment fading away. He asked, “Haven’t you left yet?”

“Uh, I haven’t left,” Yu Nian smiled and hesitated for a moment before saying, “Could you… tell me about my mother? I’ve heard about her from my grandparents, from Uncle Shen who watched me grow up, and from neighbors, but it always feels like a photo with a missing corner.”

He Xiao had rested and felt a little better. Hearing Yu Nian’s question, his eyes showed some tenderness.

“Of course, I can.” He slowly began, “Tayue was incredibly beautiful. The first time we met, she smiled at me, and I fell in love with her at first sight. It was like because of that smile, flowers bloomed all over the mountains.”

“Later, she told me that the first time she saw me, she had a good impression of me because I looked handsome and I was her type.”

Yu Nian chuckled, “I guess it’s genetic. Grandpa said Grandma married him because she thought he was handsome.”

He Xiao’s gaze was very gentle, “Yes, so before meeting her, I would tidy myself up nicely and look handsome. She had various interests; she liked reading, crafting, collecting delicate little items, calligraphy, painting, and engraving. She had a curious mind and a thirst for knowledge.”

“She would admire flowers in spring, play with water in summer, collect fallen leaves in autumn, and appreciate snow in winter. In her eyes, every day, the world was beautiful. But for me, I became an orphan at a young age. I had revenge to seek, things to retrieve that were taken away from me. I don’t even know if I’ll succeed or fail, if I’ll live or die.”

“She was like a shining light, and I shouldn’t have dragged her into the mud. Tayue saw through my thoughts and said that besides love, there are many things that require giving it your all. She supported my decision, but at the same time, she was ready to let go of this relationship.”

“Later, I almost lost my life, but ultimately got my revenge and took back what was mine. However, when I looked back, I couldn’t find her anymore.”

As He Xiao spoke, his breath became labored. Yu Nian asked, “Is it because of your health?”

“Yes, it was at that time. I suffered serious injuries and was given random medication. After breaking free, I remained unconscious for a long time. Even the doctors said I wouldn’t live for long. Looking back now, I’ve lived these extra twenty years mostly by good luck, just picking up the pieces.”

At that moment, the accompanying private doctor entered to conduct the routine checkup. Not wanting Yu Nian to witness his state of weakness, He Xiao said, “Let’s call it a day and go back for today.”

Yu Nian understood and stood up, “I’ll come back tomorrow.”

In the following days, whenever Yu Nian had free time, he would visit He Xiao’s bedside and chat when he was in a better state. Sometimes, they talked about Yu Nian’s childhood, and sometimes about Tayue. He Xiao would occasionally mention his own past. They didn’t explicitly discuss it, but there seemed to be an unspoken understanding between them.

Until early October, as the preparations for the Daibo show approached the final stage, when Yu Nian found time to visit He Xiao, he noticed that the accompanying medical staff had just left the room.

The smell of medicine in the room was stronger than usual. Yu Nian asked, “Are you not feeling well today?”

He Xiao rallied his spirits and didn’t hide anything, “Hmm, the doctor came, used some medication, and I’m feeling much better now.”

Yu Nian didn’t say anything, he bent down, held He Xiao’s exposed hand, and carefully tucked it under the blanket. “Are you thirsty? Do you want some water?”

He Xiao nodded.

Knowing that Yu Nian’s eyes had turned red, He Xiao spoke softly, “Nian Nian.”


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“I’m planning to leave in the next few days.”

Yu Nian’s hand paused, and the hot water almost spilled onto his hand. With his back turned to He Xiao, he asked, “You… want to leave?”

“Mhmm,” He Xiao’s speech was labored, his voice slower, “When I saw the news and found out about your existence, I hurriedly rushed over, just wanting to catch a glimpse of you from afar. But I couldn’t restrain my greed, I wanted to be closer to you, to look at you a bit more, so I ended up appearing before you.”

Yu Nian held the cup, looking away from the light, but didn’t drink.

“Our Nian Nian is very clever and quickly guessed everything, including my thoughts,” He Xiao weakly coughed twice, “These days, you willingly came to see me, to accompany me, to chat with me. It can be said that these have been the happiest moments in so many years. I’m really happy, truly, truly happy. It made me feel that my broken and tattered body didn’t endure in vain for all this time.”

“But, you see, I have to prepare to leave soon.”

Tears welled up and fell into the water cup, making a faint “patter” sound. Yu Nian snapped back to reality, gently using the back of his hand to wipe away the tears, “Let me refill the cup…”

He Xiao left on October 6th without letting Yu Nian see him off at the airport.

The makeup artist was working on Yu Nian’s look, and he asked Shi Rou, “Sister Rou Rou, what time is it now?”

“Exactly 2 o’clock.”

Louisen had mentioned that the private jet’s departure time was at 2 pm.

“Could you open the curtains a little?”

“Sure, right away!” Upon hearing Yu Nian’s request, Shi Rou hurriedly took two steps to pull the curtains open. She looked outside and smiled, “The weather is really nice today.”

Yu Nian gazed at the azure sky outside for a long while before responding, “Yes, indeed.”

The interview was mainly a prelude to the upcoming Dailbo fashion show. Yu Nian sat on the sofa, with the Dailbo logo prominently displayed on the wall behind him. He wore a white shirt, tailored trousers, and leather ankle boots, looking simple yet elegant.

The host, dressed in a light grey professional outfit, asked, “This time’s fashion show will mark your first runway since your debut, right?”

Yu Nian nodded, “That’s right. Because it’s my first time, I’ve been taking classes with my teacher lately, learning how to walk the runway well. It turns out to be quite challenging; you need to walk gracefully and exude a strong presence.”

The host remarked, “One minute on stage requires ten years of hard work offstage?”

“Yes, that’s true. So, I now understand better the hardships of the modeling industry.”

The host glanced at the interview card in her hand but deviated from the planned questions, asking, “In the past few days, discussions about your family background resurfaced on Weibo. Some netizens mentioned that among the people named Yu in the history books, eight out of ten come from the Qingshan Yu clan. Your family seems quite prominent, and your grandparents are also enviable figures. However, there seems to be little information available about your parents. Is there a particular reason for that?”

Yu Nian’s lips still held a polite smile, but he didn’t respond.

The host, emboldened by hearing about Yu Nian’s good temperament and manners, continued to inquire, “May I ask—”

“I’m sorry,” Yu Nian interrupted the host, “I have nothing to say regarding this matter. Moreover, according to the pre-arranged list of questions, this topic is not included, and I have the right to decline answering.”

The host looked embarrassed and quickly apologized, “I’m very sorry.”

After the interview, the final fitting and adjustments took place before the fashion show began. Daibo’s madame, her well-maintained hands holding a measuring tape, carefully examined Yu Nian and nodded with satisfaction, “Very good. From now on, I’m looking forward to your performance at the fashion show!”

Yu Nian expressed his gratitude but, inadvertently, his gaze swept over the window, leaving him with an empty feeling, as if a massive boulder was hanging high in the air, ready to crash down at any moment.

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