Chapter 121: Buy Out

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Before the grand show began, it was always busy and chaotic. Models sat in rows in front of makeup mirrors, and makeup artists wished they had more hands. Exquisite haute couture garments hung on movable metal racks, looking dazzling and radiant. Stylists were making final adjustments for the prepared models, and everywhere, there were hurried footsteps and different languages interwoven.

Yu Nian was standing in front of Elizabeth Daibo who had her long hair tied up in a simple and neat style. An assistant held a crystal tray with various elegantly designed accessories.

After changing a pair of sapphire cufflinks and matching wristwatch, Lady Daibo straightened up and took two steps back, examining Yu Nian. “Alright, it’s fine now.”

She then earnestly asked Yu Nian, “So, let’s confirm one last time, are the shoes fitting well?”

Yu Nian carefully felt, “Yes.”

“Okay, the range of arm movement won’t be restricted by the shoulder sleeves, right?”


Lady Daibo clapped her hands, lifted her red lips, and the lines around her eyes revealed a smile. “Great, everything is ready. Let’s give all the people watching our show a stunning opening!”

The background music at the venue was played live by a band, and as the melodious sound of the violin began, the runway lights lit up, presenting the whole stage in an instant to everyone.

Backstage, staff members were positioned on the stairs, wearing walkie-talkies, and they began a precise countdown with the music, “3-2-1-Go!”

The moment Yu Nian appeared on the runway, it coincided perfectly with the newly added drumbeat. There was not a trace of unnecessary expression on his face, and his figure was tall and straight. He was draped in a black cloak, and his footsteps were steady and rhythmic. The cloak fabric was very light, creating water-like ripples as he walked. Under the lights, the faint silver iris pattern on it was visible.

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Walking to the end of the runway, as Yu Nian turned on cue, he gracefully untied and removed the cloak, revealing a dark brown checkered vest and a white shirt underneath. The deep blue gemstone cufflinks flashed briefly under the lights, leaving a dazzling afterimage on the retinas.

Elizabeth Daibo’s fashion show was live-streamed on Xinghe live. One minute before the opening, the system displayed that nearly ten million users had gathered to watch online. But the moment Yu Nian stepped onto the runway, the online viewership reached its peak, surpassing ten million and still rapidly rising, causing the comments to lag.

[That fixed-point turning and glance at the camera is a crime! A crime! I’m going to report it! Sob, sob, sob, how can Nian Nian be so good-looking! What’s the saying, ‘a look that lasts for eternity’? This is it!]

[No need to explain this iconic moment. I can loop the footage of him turning and removing the cloak a thousand times! When my child isn’t smiling, he really exudes an air of nobility that’s hard to describe! Have you seen his beauty like the song ‘Mountain Snow’? Hahaha~]

[Holy cow, sisters! Don’t just look at Nian Nian! Look at the audience seats in the show! Now, tell me loudly, did the camera just flash over President Xie!!! Is it! The newly crowned YouYu Girl is about to explode right where she stands! More or less, they were in the same frame!]

[I’m not a fan, but honestly, Yu Nian’s runway walk is really captivating. You can tell he’s worked hard and practiced diligently, not like those who walk a few steps on the runway wearing haute couture, thinking they’re right just because they’re famous. He’s truly professional!]

Backstage, when Yu Nian returned, Lady Daibo, forgetting her usual composure, embraced him and exclaimed, “Fantastic, absolutely fantastic!”

Relieved, Yu Nian smiled and said, “Thankfully, there were no mistakes.”

Time was short, and there was no time for much talk. Lady Daibo called an assistant and said, “Quick, take him to change into the next outfit!”

Yu Nian’s second outfit was a vintage-style dark gray hunting jacket, accentuated by a two-inch-wide leather belt that defined his slender waistline. The high leather boots wrapped around his shapely calves, showcasing a unique blend of elegance and wildness.

Lady Daibo personally handed the replica hunting rifle model to Yu Nian and said with satisfaction, “I hesitated all along, worrying that you might not be able to handle this outfit. But now, it seems I was narrow-minded. Instead, you’ve given it another charm!”

The nearby staff quickly reminded, “There are still two more looks to go!”

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Yu Nian nodded to Lady Daibo and took a few steps to position himself at the exit.

The fashion show was a tremendous success. When Yu Nian returned backstage, the staff were already celebrating with claps, and the models were huddled together taking selfies, full of joy.

Finding a quiet spot, Yu Nian took out his phone, calculated the time on both sides, and made a video call to He Xiao.

After a few rings, the screen finally displayed an image. He Xiao was lying on the bed, propped up by a pillow. Despite looking thin, his handsome features from his youth were still recognizable. Despite years of illness, he managed to maintain his upright posture. His hands were neatly placed on his abdomen, with an IV needle sticking out from the back of his hand, and his skin showed visible bruises.

Through the camera and screen, He Xiao focused on Yu Nian, took a deep breath, and asked slowly, “Is this with makeup? You look great. I watched the live broadcast just now, and you did really well. Is the show over now?”

“Yes, it’s over. It went smoother than I expected,” Yu Nian smiled and then asked with concern, “Are you doing okay today?”

He Xiao nodded gently, his eyes filled with warmth. “I slept better last night than the previous two nights, but I kept having dreams and woke up several times. I even dreamt of when you were little, not even as tall as my waist, walking unsteadily. You were picking flowers in the courtyard, and you gathered a bunch of them. But your hands were so small that you couldn’t hold them all, and you started crying in a hurry. I was anxious too, wanting to help you carry them, and in the midst of that haste, I woke up.”

After listening, Yu Nian replied with a smile, “Yes, when I was little, my hands were small and my skin was delicate. I mischievously tried to pick roses and ended up getting pricked and crying. My grandmother said that when I cried as a child, it wasn’t a loud wailing, but rather sniffles with teardrops falling. I looked so pitiful that no one could bear to scold me.”

He Xiao: “I’m sure Yu Nian was very well-behaved. How could anyone bear to scold you?”

Seeing He Xiao looking weak and spiritless, Yu Nian lowered his voice and said, “You should rest for a while.”

He Xiao murmured in agreement, “Okay. The weather forecast says it will rain in Ningcheng tomorrow. Remember to take an umbrella when you go out, don’t get caught in the rain.”

Hearing this, Yu Nian’s throat tightened, holding back the tears in his eyes as he replied, “I’ll remember, I’ll definitely take an umbrella.”

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The video call ended, and Yu Nian held his phone for a moment, wiping the corners of his eyes to stop the tears.

As the spokesperson, Yu Nian first made an appearance at the evening banquet and took a photo with Lady Daibo. Once everything was settled, he quietly left the venue to find Xie You.

Sitting in the car, Xie You held Yu Nian’s hand to warm him and asked, “Are you hungry?”

“I’m very hungry. I couldn’t eat anything before going on stage. I only drank a sip of warm water.” At the banquet, he had to be attentive to his appearance, and there were many social interactions, so Yu Nian only had half a glass of juice to fill his stomach.

Accepting the snack box handed by Xie You, Yu Nian finished one with two bites and then drank some refreshing tea to get rid of the greasiness before the hunger finally subsided.

Lowering his eyes, Yu Nian flicked the crumbs from the snack with his fingertips and said, “I just… had a video call with him.”

Knowing who “him” referred to, Xie You gently caressed Yu Nian’s cheek and asked, “How is he doing?”

“His complexion looks even worse than before, with dark circles under his eyes and no color on his lips. He seems very weak,” picking up a pastry, Yu Nian paused and put it back down, speaking in a hushed tone, “He also mentioned dreaming about me when I was a child.”

In the distance, the sound of an engine starting was heard. Bitterness filled Yu Nian’s mouth as he lowered his head, organizing the pastry box while saying, “I know his thoughts. He doesn’t want me to see him weak and helpless in his final moments. He thinks that feelings are built through spending time together, and if we spend fewer days together, know each other less, then the future sorrow and grief will be less as well. When he’s gone, I won’t be as heartbroken.”

After placing the pastry box aside, Yu Nian leaned on Xie You’s thigh, “I also overheard him talking to Louisen, saying he feels guilty towards me. If he hadn’t learned about my mother’s passing and didn’t dare to set foot on this land again, but instead came back once, then all these years, I wouldn’t have grown up without parents, unaware that he had a child with my mother, and that I was born. Now that he has found me, he won’t have much time left, and in the end, all he can leave me with is needless sadness and sorrow. So he might as well stay far away, allowing me to shed a few fewer tears.”

Xie You gently kneaded the back of Yu Nian’s neck to comfort him.

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Clutching a corner of Xie You’s clothes tightly, Yu Nian murmured, “But for me, the term ‘father’ now has a clear and real image, and that’s already more than enough for me. I don’t want to ask for more.”

Xie You lowered his head and kissed Yu Nian’s cheek, “Nian Nian, he doesn’t want to see you suffer.”

Yu Nian buried his face in Xie You’s warm palm and nodded quietly.

Elizabeth Daibo’s fashion show was a tremendous success. The next day, whether it was on news platforms or public forums on Weibo, everyone was discussing the trends this show would set, which celebrities received invitations, what clothes the attending stars wore, and how their individual tastes were. Countless articles and press releases were published. For a time, the buzz surrounding Daibo’s fashion show reached new heights.

As the show opener and finale, as well as the brand ambassador, Yu Nian unsurprisingly dominated the front page headlines and topped the trending searches.

[#YuNianFashionShow# Ahhh, he’s truly amazing! The two outfits give completely different feelings! His body proportions are incredible! I can’t stop praising Nian Nian every day!]

[#YuNianFashionShow# I need to ask, who else noticed the same thing as me! President Xie was at the scene! And he was in the front row! Ahhh! YouYu fans are screaming their hearts out, and today we won’t admit defeat!]

[OMG, everyone, go and check it out! Real-time search for the words ‘bought out’!]

Soon, there were discussions on forums.

[Ahhh, what’s the situation with the revelation? Yu Nian wore two outfits during the fashion show, and some wealthy Nian Gao girls are already preparing to buy the same outfits for their collections. That’s pretty normal, right? But here’s the problem, these clothes can’t be bought because they were both bought out at a high price! There’s also an anonymous insider revealing that the buyer’s surname is Xie! OMG, my mind has come up with a wild and irrational guess!]

[Emmm, buying out the same outfits to make them unavailable for others to buy, as an experienced Nian Gao girl, I have to say, this tactic looks really familiar…]

[Wait, wait, wait! Is the keyword ‘Florence’ or ‘Illusion ocean’? The fox tail accessory Nian Nian wore in the ad, the one made by the brand Hersey? The unsolved mystery: Who bought out the fox tail?!]

[Seriously, after reading through the comments carefully, it’s… really eerie!!]

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