Chapter 122: I Know Xie You

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When Yu Nian received the forum post link from Shi Rou, he was wearing a loose white sweater and jeans, cutting fruits at the kitchen counter at home. Feeling satisfied with his arrangement, Yu Nian took a selfie while holding the fruit platter and sent it to He Xiao.

Carrying the fruit platter upstairs, He Xiao used his right hand to open the link. As he read through it, a smile spread across his face.

Approaching the study room where Xie You was working, Yu Nian deliberately raised his fingers and knocked on the door three times, “The fruit delivery is here. Mr. Xie, would you like to eat now or later?”

Xie You casually replied, “I won’t eat unless Nian Nian feeds me.” Then he realized what he said and felt a bit embarrassed, looking away from Yu Nian’s bright smile.

Yu Nian, wearing slippers, walked over without saying a word. He first put a cherry in his mouth and then fed it to Xie You’s lips, blinking with a clear gaze filled with a radiant smile.

This made Xie You’s ears truly turn red. He looked at Yu Nian’s moist lips and the juicy cherry, unable to resist getting closer. He bit into the cherry, and as soon as their lips touched, Xie You’s breath changed. He lifted his hand, wrapped it around Yu Nian’s waist, and pulled him into his arms, leaning in for a deep kiss.

The cherry juice spread in their mouths, slightly sour and sweet, as their lips and tongues intertwined in an ambiguous yet refreshing taste. The sudden passionate kiss and Xie You’s hand on Yu Nian’s lower back made him weak in the knees. Gasping for breath, Yu Nian asked, “Where did Hersey’s foxy tail go?”

Xie You chased after Yu Nian’s lips and instinctively replied, “It’s in the cloakroom.”

After speaking, Xie You’s actions paused, and he realized that in the previous moment, he seemed to have inadvertently revealed his little secret. He opened his mouth, feeling regretful, and said, “Nian Nian—”

Yu Nian didn’t go to the cloakroom to find the fox tail. Instead, he wrapped his arms around Xie You’s neck and smiled happily. After laughing, he leaned in and kissed Xie You’s lips playfully, saying, “Hmm, I didn’t hear anything just now. I’ll protect the little secret of our Xie You!”

Sitting on Xie You’s lap, Yu Nian played with his slender fingers, adding a hint of leisurely laziness to his tone. With a charming look in his eyes, he asked, “Let me interview my Mr. Xie. Why did you buy all those fox tails?”

Xie You held him close, resting his chin on Yu Nian’s shoulder before whispering softly, “…because I don’t want anyone else to have a couple’s version like yours.” He added with emphasis, “Only I can have it.”

The word “I” was intentionally emphasized, expressing his possessiveness to Yu Nian without any reservation.

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They finished eating the fruits together, and Yu Nian checked the time. “Brother Meng just reminded me to go live later,” he smiled, “Of course, in Brother Meng’s words, if I don’t show up after ‘Treasure Hunt’ has ended, fans might think the company put me on ice!”

It was Sunday, and at exactly 3 p.m., Yu Nian set up the camera and logged into the Xinghe live stream. Just as he said, “Long time no see, I’m Yu Nian,” the screen dimmed – the system notified him of receiving gifts.

Yu Nian beamed and said, “Thank you for the gift, ‘Nian Nian You Yu’!”

[Aaaah, the familiar recipe! The familiar taste! This person named ‘Nian Nian You Yu’ always spends 990,000 yuan, showing the true meaning of ‘our paths never crossed, it’s all about me spending money!’]

[The rising Nian Gao has heard of this legendary name before, and today I finally see it with my own eyes! Sobbing, long time no see, Nian Nian is finally live, with his breathtaking beauty, no need for explanation, he’s really so handsome, sob sob sob!]

Yu Nian sat in his chair, seeing a barrage of comments scrolling on the screen. He replied, “Yes, I’m streaming from my home studio. As for why the background is different from before, it’s because I moved to a new home, but no, I didn’t move back to the Sining Manor.”

He carefully read the various comments on the screen and answered with a smile, “Why didn’t I move back to Sining Manor? The reason is simple – it’s inconvenient in terms of transportation; it’s too far. If I live there, I’d have to wake up two hours earlier every day.”

The barrage filled with laughter.

Yu Nian continued with a grin, “Oh, my manager reminded me several times to clarify during this live stream – I haven’t been frozen by the company, nor have I been banned. I’ve been receiving fewer offers lately because I’m preparing for a new album. The pre-production is almost done, and I’ll start recording the songs in a couple of days.”

He cleared his throat lightly and adjusted the camera angle before flexing his slender fingers. “With so many viewers in the live stream room, I need to seize the opportunity to promote the new album.”

Placing his fingers on the black and white keys of the piano, he pressed the first note and then lowered his eyelashes, singing, “Longing for the clock hand to move backward / Escaping the future without you / I’ve had enough of loneliness / Losing your tenderness / My world no longer has daylight…”

[Damn, damn, he starts singing at the drop of a hat! Please, Nian Nian, give us a two-second warning before you start singing! Your acapella is truly amazing, your voice is a gift from the heavens!]

[I recorded the whole thing on my screen! I’ll upload it to the resource site later! But damn, is this a new song from the new album? It’s freaking incredible! My ears are tingling!]

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[I’m so annoyed by those people who keep saying Nian Nian is losing his talent and ruining his image! Shut up and listen! Nian Nian’s image is rock-solid! Proud of it!]

After singing a few lines, Yu Nian paused and smiled at the camera. “This song is called ‘Reverse Clock,’ which means a clock that goes backward. When writing this song, I thought about how many people wish they could turn back time and make up for past regrets, so I wrote this song.”

At this moment, a colorful barrage appeared in the center of the screen, very eye-catching. Yu Nian read it aloud, “Someone asked, does Nian Nian know President Xie?”

When Yu Nian read this comment, the barrage and chat discussion both paused for two seconds. Yu Nian acted as if he hadn’t noticed and answered naturally, “Yes, I know Xie You, and Xie You knows me too.”

After saying this, he didn’t answer any more related questions and shifted the conversation to other topics.

The live stream hadn’t ended yet when a forum post titled “YouYu Girl Celebrates the New Year!!” popped up on the forum.

[YouYu Girl buys fireworks! After President Xie’s buyout was exposed, Ahhh, Nian Nian admitted they know each other again! Watching the live stream, Nian Nian is too sweet. When he smiles, my heart melts!]

[YouYu Girl buys firecrackers! They know each other, but how well do they know each other? Nian Nian didn’t make it clear! Are they just business partners, acquaintances, or friends in private? My imagination is running wild! Sisters, wait for me, I’ll start writing fanfiction!]

[YouYu Girl buys firecrackers! I’ve lived long enough! I actually heard Xie You’s name from Nian Nian’s mouth! The groundhog is squealing!]

Soon, the topics #YuNianNewAlbum# and #YuNianXieYouKnowEachOther# surged to the top five of the trending list. At this moment, Yu Nian received a video call from He Xiao.

Checking the time, Yu Nian said, “Isn’t this the time for your regular check-up with the doctor?”

He Xiao seemed a bit more energetic, and he answered slowly, “How do you remember the time better than me? Don’t worry, the doctor just left.”

Yu Nian smiled awkwardly and nodded, “I was just looking at the time, thinking of asking the housekeeper about your situation, and then your video call came. This is probably… telepathy?”

He Xiao smiled, the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes softened, showing a gentle expression. “Sure, sure, let’s call it telepathy,” he said, speaking a bit faster before pausing to catch his breath. He continued, “I have some news to share with you.”

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Resting his chin on his hand, Yu Nian gazed at the screen. “What news?”

“Do you want to buy the bamboo slips of ‘Guo Shu’?” He Xiao asked.

Yu Nian was taken aback, “Yes, I bid on them at an auction in Hong City some time ago, but the seller quickly withdrew the auction. Did you receive any information about it?”

He Xiao spoke slowly, “The seller withdrew the auction temporarily, but it’s not as simple as you thought. There were powerful forces obstructing the sale, not allowing these bamboo slips to be bought by you or anyone from the same nationality as you.”

Yu Nian understood. Treasures that ended up outside their homeland sometimes acquired different meanings or became hidden tools that couldn’t be openly displayed. Such situations were rare but not unheard of.

“What’s the current situation then?” Yu Nian asked.

He Xiao admired Yu Nian’s calm composure and replied, “I’ve already dispatched someone to contact the seller.”

Yu Nian thought for a moment and asked, “The seller only wants to exchange the item for money and doesn’t want to get involved in disputes, right?”

“That’s correct. Your family name, Qingshan Yu, carries a lot of weight. Let’s not take action hastily. I’ll try to handle it from my side,” He Xiao explained.

Yu Nian had no objections and replied, “Alright.”

He Xiao looked somewhat weary as he closed his eyes for a moment before asking, “Do our Nian Nian has someone he like?”

Yu Nian didn’t expect him to bring up this topic, but he didn’t hide anything and nodded, “Yes, there’s someone I like. I’m very happy with him, and he treats me really well.”

He Xiao nodded with satisfaction and didn’t ask further. He simply said, “That’s good. This way, Nian Nian, you won’t be alone in the future.”

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“You—” Yu Nian wanted to tell He Xiao not to say that, but his voice choked up at his throat. Both he and He Xiao knew that those words were not false.

After a two-second silence, Yu Nian gently nodded, “Hmm.”

Hanging up the video call, Louis retrieved his phone. “Sir, Young Master’s eyes were red just now.”

He Xiao leaned weakly against the pillow, his eyes filled with bitterness. Letting go of the facade he had been maintaining, his voice lowered, and his tone trembled slightly, “I’m heartbroken too, but you see, I forced my way into his life, knowing I won’t be able to stay for long. Isn’t it cruel?

I don’t want him to watch me take my last breath helplessly. At least like this, through the video call, I still have the strength to talk and chat with him…”

Before he could finish his words, He Xiao’s eyelids drooped, and his voice faded away again, falling back into a deep sleep.

Luisen wiped the moist corners of his eyes and approached, gently placing He Xiao’s frail and weak hand under the blanket.

On the other side, after putting down the phone, Yu Nian stood still for a while before snapping back to reality. Subconsciously, he went to the study to find Xie You, silently leaning into his arms.

Xie You held him without asking too much, softly patting Yu Nian’s back.

After a while, Yu Nian’s voice sounded hoarse, “Xie You.”


His voice was muffled as he asked, “Will you leave me?”

Holding Yu Nian tighter in his arms, Xie You spoke with conviction, “No, I’ll be with you always, for a very, very long time.”

What he didn’t say was that his definition of “a very, very long time” was one day longer than Nian Nian’s life.

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