Chapter 123: Leto

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A cool autumn rain fell, followed by several more rain showers. The cold air swept through, and the streets of Ning City were covered with damp fallen leaves, as if overnight, it had turned deep into autumn.

Shi Rou took out a thermos from her bag and handed two pills to Yu Nian. Seeing him coughing again, she nervously asked, “Are you sure you don’t want to go to the hospital?”

Yu Nian took the water and medicine, swallowed them, and then handed the cup back to Shi Rou. His voice was hoarse, “It’s not serious, should be fine in a few days.” He smiled and added, “I’m conscientiously taking the medicine, right?”

Shi Rou still worried and said, “The staff from the program came and asked if you want to lip-sync during the singing segment. They know you’re sick and are afraid of mistakes on stage.”

Without hesitation, Yu Nian refused, “My nasal voice might be a bit heavier, but it won’t affect the performance. If I lip-sync once, people will doubt even if I sing live in the future.”

“I was thinking the same. The audience and fans are not fools; lip-syncing is easy to detect,” Shi Rou tightened her grip on her backpack strap and hesitated, “Uh, Nian Nian…”

“Hmm?” Yu Nian, having taken the medicine, was flipping through the program schedule. He noticed Shi Rou’s hesitant expression and asked, “What’s wrong?”

Shi Rou bit her lip and continued, “People online are discussing your family situation again.” She hesitated and then blurted out, “They are saying that when you participated in ‘Sound of Nature,’ contestants like Xia Mingxi and Xue Yalin had their parents show up and cheer for them on the stage, but you didn’t.”

Shi Rou hurriedly added, “Those who constantly want to criticize you find that they have nothing to attack, so they try to find your weaknesses.”

“I know, Sister Rou Rou wants me to be aware of it.” Yu Nian wasn’t affected much and asked, “What are they saying online?”

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Seeing that Yu Nian didn’t seem bothered, Shi Rou only mentioned what he could handle, “Some say that when you were young, your mother fell in love with a handsome servant in the family and insisted on marrying him. But your grandparents disagreed, leading to arguments. In the end, they left you behind, cut ties with your mother, and expelled her from the family.”

Yu Nian understood that Shi Rou was only telling him the bearable parts, and there were likely more malicious speculations.

At that moment, a staff member came to remind them that it was time to go on stage. Yu Nian closed the script and got up from the rest area.

This time, Yu Nian participated in a talk show, which lasted only thirty minutes. After singing “Elegant” at the opening, he stood by the sofa and shook hands with the female host, Lin Sha.

Lin Sha had long curly hair and appeared gentle without any aggressiveness. However, before coming to this show, Meng Yuanqian had repeatedly urged and advised Yu Nian. Lin Sha’s hosting style was completely the opposite, always asking unexpected questions, and if one was not careful, one could fall into her traps. So Yu Nian had to be extremely cautious.

After Lin Sha finished the opening introduction, she naturally asked, “Today is October 19th in the Gregorian calendar. Do you know what date it is in the lunar calendar?”

Yu Nian answered, “Yes, today is the 9th of September, the Double Ninth Festival.”

Lin Sha smiled gently, “That’s right, the Double Ninth Festival is our traditional holiday, also known as the Respect for the Elderly Festival. On this day, many people express their hopes for their parents’ health and longevity. How about you, Yu Nian? Will you do the same?”

Upon hearing this question, Yu Nian’s smile faded, and he took a few seconds before replying, “My father’s health hasn’t been good lately, and I really hope he can recover.”

Lin Sha had done her research beforehand, knowing that Yu Nian was sensitive about the topic of his parents, so she hadn’t expected him to answer the question so openly. She paused for a moment before continuing, “Yes, my mother has been sick and hospitalized recently. I truly understand your feelings.”

After recording the show, Yu Nian returned to the backstage area, with Shi Rou following behind him, whispering, “The program team didn’t even indicate that this question would come up. They probably did it for the sake of creating buzz and catching you off guard!”

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Yu Nian nodded, “It’s okay. Brother Meng already warned me that Lin Sha might ask related questions. But it’s also a good opportunity; by mentioning it, the various speculations online might decrease.”

Worriedly, Shi Rou looked at Yu Nian and asked, “Nian Nian, do you feel… quite tired?”

Knowing what Shi Rou was referring to, Yu Nian smiled and replied, “When I decided to pursue this career, I was mentally prepared. If you want to gain something, like fame or profit, you will undoubtedly have to sacrifice something in return. When you receive love and support from some people, you will naturally face criticism and hatred from others.”

Shi Rou nodded, about to say something, when Yu Nian’s phone started ringing.

Seeing that it was He Xiao’s number displayed on the screen, Yu Nian answered the call.

“Are you busy?” 

Yu Nian replied with a smile, “No, just finished recording the show, so I have nothing else to do.”

“Well, I wanted to tell you that there’s progress with the bamboo slips. My people have contacted the seller, and they are eager to sell and get the money, so the negotiations went smoothly. I’ll buy the item in my name, and you’ll handle the transaction for me. The item will be handed over to you directly, and there should be no problem.”

Yu Nian understood that the process probably wouldn’t be as smooth as He Xiao made it sound, but he didn’t inquire further and simply said, “Okay, I’ll follow your arrangements.”

A soft laugh came from the receiver, and He Xiao playfully said, “Hmm, quite obedient.”

Yu Nian lowered his gaze, looking at the faint shadow on the ground, “Not obedient. You reminded me to wear more clothes, but I still caught a cold. When I was singing on stage during the show, my nose was blocked, and the cold medicine didn’t work at all. It feels awful.”

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Hearing Yu Nian’s quiet complaint, He Xiao’s voice became even gentler, “Mm, it’s not that you’re not obedient, it’s the cold’s fault, and the medicine doesn’t work well either.” He lightly coughed twice, “The doctor is here. I’ll hang up now, okay?”

Yu Nian wanted to say, can I come and see you? but the words got stuck in his throat, and he softly replied, “Okay, rest well.”

When Yu Nian returned home, Luoisen had just sent the detailed transaction time and location of the “Guo Shu” bamboo slips. Sitting beside them, Xie You heard the place name that Yu Nian read out and was briefly lost in thought. “I know this place.”

Yu Nian typed a “thank you” in reply and curiously asked, “Have you been there before?”

“Yes, Leto Music Conservatory is not far from there. When I was studying there, I used to enjoy going to the riverside to feed pigeons and swans on weekends.”

Surprised to learn this, Yu Nian held Xie You’s hand, gazing into their eyes with a cheerful smile. “Would you like to go with me? If we have enough time, we can feed the pigeons and swans by the river and then visit Leto together?”

Upon asking this question, Yu Nian could sense a brief pause in Xie You’s breathing. After what felt like a long time, Xie You finally replied, “Sure.”

The next day, Yu Nian arrived at the recording studio early in the morning. The album’s production had entered the vocal overdubbing stage. Seeing Meng Yuan was already there, Yu Nian greeted, “Good morning, Brother Meng!”

“Feeling alright today?” Yu Nian was relaxed, and that put Meng Yuan at ease too. He had gotten used to being busy, and now came every day to supervise Yu Nian’s recording. Holding a paper cup of hot coffee, Meng Yuan recalled, “By the way, Rou Rou told me about the show yesterday. I especially watched the recorded footage. Your answers were all fine, no need to worry.”

He only knew that Yu Nian had met his biological father recently and had been going to the hospital frequently before. But he didn’t delve into the details, and Yu Nian didn’t elaborate either.

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“Okay,” Yu Nian nodded and smiled, “I need to take a few more days off; I have to fly to Austria.”

Meng Yuan’s coffee-drinking motion paused, and he realized, “Is there news about the bamboo slip again?”

“Yes, there’s news. If all goes well, I should be able to bring it back this time, but it will delay me for a few days.”

Meng Yuan waved his hand, “You have so much free time these days that flowers might bloom on your head. Flying to Austria is nothing. Even if you go to the North and South Poles for a few rounds, you have the time for it! You manage your own schedule; I’m hands-off from now on.”

According to Luosen’s information, the transaction for the bamboo slips would take place in the afternoon of the 23rd local time. After finishing recording a song in the morning, Yu Nian and Xie You took a flight to Austria in the afternoon.

Upon landing at 5 p.m. local time, Yu Nian’s internal clock was precise. He had been dozing off on Xie You’s shoulder since getting on the plane, then forced himself to stay alert, speaking in a drowsy manner, “When you were studying in Leto, did you live outside the school?”

The warm golden light of the setting sun shone through the car window, casting a clear amber reflection in Yu Nian’s eyes. Xie You gently touched the light-filled eyelashes of Yu Nian and replied, “Hmm, at that time, I didn’t like getting too close to people or socializing too much. Leto’s dormitories were shared by two people, so I moved off-campus. My father decided to buy a small building near the river for me to live in and practice the piano.”

Yu Nian squinted his eyes in the sunlight, like a sunbathing cat, his tone lazy, “Will we also live there?”

“Yes, downstairs, there was a place that sold delicious fried pork cutlets. The sauce was made by the owner. The apple rolls in the shop were also very tasty, and slightly sour. For a while, after morning piano practice, I would buy apple rolls for breakfast, just in time for school.”

“What time do you usually get up to practice the piano?”

“At six o’clock, practice for an hour, have breakfast at half-past seven, and be in class by eight.”

The soft and hoarse voice of Xie You induced even more drowsiness in Yu Nian. He reluctantly opened his eyes and looked at the white, ancient buildings outside the window, as if he could see a young Xie You, wearing Leto’s black and white tailcoat-style school uniform, holding music scores, full of dreams, wandering through the intersecting streets and alleys at the break of dawn.

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