Chapter 124: If you ever want to play the piano, I’ll be your listener

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The place where Xie You lived when he was studying was a three-story small building by the river. Both the exterior and interior decorations were very old.

The house was regularly cleaned, and when the owner was expected to come, a new tablecloth and napkins were laid on the rectangular mahogany dining table, with vibrant flowers in the vase. The window glass was clean and bright, offering a view of the beautiful sunset on the horizon at a glance.

In the small living room, several thick music theory books were scattered on the sofa, and a few pages of musical scores and an ink-green fountain pen were placed on the coffee table—after a few years, everything remained the same as when Xie You left, as if time in the room had frozen.

Standing at the entrance, Xie You seemed a bit hesitant, not daring to step inside as if taking half a step forward would uncover the tightly sealed old memories.

The driver brought the luggage inside, and after thanking him, Yu Nian stepped inside and closed the door. Seeing Xie You standing still in a daze, he took a couple of steps forward and stood side by side with Xie You, confidently holding his hand, and said with a smile, “When I entered, I saw the roses outside the windowsill, very beautiful.”

Turning his hand and interlocking his fingers with Yu Nian’s, as if drawing strength and courage, Xie You led Yu Nian to the window side, “You can also see it from inside,” he added a few more words, “When the sun rises in the morning, the sunlight will cast the shadow of the roses onto the tabletop, very beautiful.”

Yu Nian pushed open the window and touched the white petals of the rose, then turned to Xie You with a smile, “This rose is so lush!”

Influenced by Yuan’s smile, Xie You’s gaze softened, “Yes, you can also see the roses from the study upstairs.”

One after the other, they walked on the narrow wooden stairs. When they reached the second floor, Xie You first took Yu Nian into the study, and indeed, there were several blooming roses outside the window.

Coming out of the study, Xie You hesitated for a few seconds but still led Yu Nian to the door of another room, introducing, “This is the… piano room.”

The piano room was not very large, with a window facing the river, and the evening breeze was gentle. The most prominent feature of the room was a Steinway upright piano made of mahogany. Yu Nian didn’t rush in but asked, “Did you practice the piano here before?”

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Xie You nodded, “Yes, in the morning, I would practice for an hour before going out, and in the evening, I would practice for three hours when I came back. On weekends, if there were no other arrangements, I would practice from morning till night.” He looked intently at the closed piano lid and spoke softly, “I love the feeling of my fingers pressing on the black and white keys; it makes me very happy.”

Looking at Xie You’s profile, Yu Nian suddenly felt a subtle sense of heartache. From childhood to adulthood, countless days and nights were spent repeating practice, without lively socializing or various entertainments. Xie You dedicated all his time for over a decade to the piano keys. But fate took a sharp turn, shattering all expectations.

Unable to bear it, Yu Nian gently tugged at Xie You’s hand, waiting for their eyes to meet before he smiled and said, “We can’t sleep now, should we go out for a walk?”

The afterglow of the setting sun had already dissipated, and the night fell, with the streetlights by the river gradually lighting up. The wind was a bit strong, and Yuan reached out to button up Xie You’s windbreaker, then tidied up his own.

Not long after they started walking, Yu Nian was chattering about the progress of his album production, complaining that one song was too difficult to write, and he had dug himself into a hole, recording it several times but still not satisfied. At this moment, an uncertain voice sounded from behind them, “Is that… Xie You?”

The pronunciation of “Xie You” was very standard.

Yu Nian keenly noticed that when Xie You heard this sentence, his pupils slightly contracted, as if he had mentally prepared himself before slowly turning around.

An elderly man with gray hair was looking at them with a hesitant expression. He was dressed in a three-piece plaid suit and wearing glasses on the bridge of his nose. He was neat and formal. When he saw Xie You’s appearance, his face lit up with joy, “Oh my, it really is you!”

As the man walked quickly towards them, Xie You nervously hid his right hand behind his back and clenched it tightly. His voice was hoarse, “Professor Brendel, it’s been a long time.”

After the joy, Brendel looked Xie You up and down, with a sense of satisfaction in his eyes, “I thought I would never see you near Lato again.” He laughed loudly, “Meeting you here makes me feel like I’ve gone back a few years. But compared to the past, you have changed a lot. I couldn’t even be sure if you were my talented student!”

He then raised his wrist to check the time, “Oh, dear, time is running out. At 8 o’clock, there’s a concert by the youth symphony orchestra that I really like in the music hall.”

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Xie You instinctively responded, “The Youth Symphony Orchestra?”

“Do you still remember?” Brendel nodded repeatedly, “Yes, it’s them. I remember you used to like them too.” He then invited, “I have some extra tickets. Would you and your friend like to go together?”

His lips moved, but Xie You quickly declined, “We have something to do, sorry.”

Though disappointed, Brendel didn’t insist. He was in a hurry and chatted for a couple more sentences before hurriedly leaving.

Xie You held Yuan’s hand, slipping it into the pocket of his windbreaker, and explained, “He was my music theory teacher.”

Yuan narrowed his eyes with a smile, “After several years, he still remembers you.”

“Yes,” Xie You smiled with nostalgia, “During class, I always sat in the front row. He loved asking me difficult questions, but I managed to answer them correctly every time. He said I made him feel frustrated.”

Yu Nian chuckled, “I had a similar experience with one of my teachers when I was studying. He gave a very challenging quiz and proudly said that no one in the class would be able to answer it, but I got it right.”

They strolled to a small restaurant by the river for dinner and enjoyed the night view along the way. When they returned home, Xie You was walking ahead, and after a few steps, Yu Nian stopped at the corner of the stairs, hesitated for two seconds, and called out, “Xie You.”

Xie You turned around, lowering his head from the slightly elevated step, “What?”

Gripping the railing with five fingers tightening, Yu Nian smiled, his voice not heavy but firm, “I just wanted to tell you that if, and I mean if, you ever want to play the piano, I’ll be your most loyal listener.”

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After the words fell, the surroundings quieted down. It took a while before Xie You responded with a hesitant voice, “Okay.”

Once again in the music room, Xie You took two steps toward the piano’s position, then stopped and looked at Yu Nian. Yu Nian smiled reassuringly, “It’s okay.” Saying that, he reached out and held Xie You’s wrist, guiding him to the piano bench.

Once Xie You sat down, Yu Nian found a spot on a small sofa near the window, propping his chin with his hand, and stared at Xie You’s profile, lost in thought.

He understood Xie You’s uneasiness and caution—piano and music were sacred entities in his heart, requiring the utmost respect and dedication to touch. If he couldn’t fully immerse himself, if he could only play flawed melodies, it would be a desecration.

In his line of sight, Xie You cautiously lifted the wooden piano lid, revealing the simple black and white keys before him. Straightening his back, he took a gentle breath before placing his slightly trembling fingers on the keys but hesitated for a long time before pressing down.

It wasn’t until Yu Nian stood behind Xie You, covering his slightly cold hand with his own and gently guiding it downward, that a clear and resonant note filled the air.

Yu Nian sat back on the small sofa, propping his chin again, watching Xie You intently.

Not long after, the piano sounds flowed like gently rippling water, with Xie You sitting on the piano bench, eyes closed. His fingertips seemed to hold memories as he pressed the keys, accurately embedding the notes into the melody.

Yu Nian lazily curled up on the sofa, listening to the music as if the sparkling stars were right before his eyes.

As the piece ended, the lingering notes dissipated, and Xie You opened his eyes, instinctively glancing at Yu Nian, unable to conceal his nervousness and unease. He didn’t even dare to ask, “How did I play?”

Yu Nian sat up straight and clapped gently, his eyes shimmering like stars, “You played exceptionally well, and throughout the entire Nocturne, not a single note was wrong or missing. It was truly wonderful.”

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Only then did the tense posture relax, and Xie You felt a bit embarrassed, “I’ve been reviewing all this time.”

Hearing that, Yu Nian’s nose tingled with emotion. For these years, Xie You hadn’t touched the piano, and this “reviewing” could only be imagined as closing his eyes, pressing the air with his fingers, playing and practicing repeatedly in fear that one day, he might forget the correct melody.

Barefoot on the soft carpet, Yuan hugged Xie You from behind, resting his chin on his shoulder, and softly said, “Xie You, let’s collaborate on a song.”

“You play the piano, and I’ll sing. It’ll be just the two of us in the entire song, okay?”

Gazing at the black and white piano keys, Xie You finally responded, “Okay.”

During their two days in the small building, Yu Nian cooked while Xie You washed the dishes. When Xie You was handling work in the study remotely, Yu Nian would sit on the carpet, holding a pen and writing songs on paper. However, after discarding seven or eight drafts, he still couldn’t come up with a satisfactory melody.

Closing the laptop, Xie You stood up, bending down to pick up the absent-minded Yu Nian from the ground. They walked to the wardrobe before he finally set Yu Nian down, leaning down to kiss his forehead. “Nian Nian, it’s time to change and get ready to go out.”

Yu Nian was still a bit dazed, and it took him a few seconds to react before quickly responding, “Okay.”

Xie You put on a long black trench coat, paired with a handmade black shirt that accentuated his deep eye sockets and stern features. Yu Nian rummaged around and decided to wear a white hoodie, adding a simple casual denim jacket on top. As it was raining outside, Xie You opened the door, held a black umbrella, and embraced Yu Nian, walking out together.

They drove all the way to the floating restaurant, and He Xiao had already arranged for a private area. The restaurant had glass walls on all sides, offering an unobstructed 360-degree view of the city. Sitting by the window with Xie You, Yu Nian absentmindedly hummed an informal tune. Suddenly, he raised his hand to signal the waiter to bring some paper and a pen.

Messily, he wrote a series of notes on the paper, holding the pen and smiling at Xie You, who was silently watching him. “Let’s call the song we collaborate on ‘Nocturne!'”

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