Chapter 32: This is my little secret

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It was already late at night. Xie You hung up the phone and drew messy lines on the white paper with the tip of his pen. The suit on his body was still meticulously worn, and he habitually kept his back straight, thinking about the information he just got——three hours ago, Song Ke transferred a large sum of money to a foreign foundation through a hidden account, and the night before, he and Ding Zhaoxian had an argument at the dinner.

And at this morning’s regular meeting, Song Ke uncharacteristically rejected Ding Zhaoxian’s proposal in person, leaving no room for anything.

Ding Zhaoxian’s complexion was not very good at that time.

At this moment, there were three knocks on the door of the study. Xie You put the pen in his hand on the table, “Come in.”

When he saw who came, he didn’t show it on his face, but he felt a little apprehensive in his heart, “How was it?”

He Shan’s was indifferent, and he answered Xie You’s question, “He accept it.”

Xie You’s tense lips relaxed. Controlling the expression on his face, he continued to ask indifferently, “Did he say anything?”

He Shan replied truthfully, “Yes.”


“Return the thermos next time.”

Xie You’s fingers on the table shrank slightly, “What?”

He Shan thought that Xie You didn’t hear clearly and repeated again, “Return the thermos next time.”

Xie You fell silent—

It was already given to him, so why did he want to get it back again?

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After thinking for a long time, Xie You told He Shan, “You go to do something tomorrow.”

Before Yu Nian went to class the next day, he took the elevator upstairs and went to Meng Yuan’s office.

In the office, Meng Yuan was holding a cup of coffee and was looking at his phone. Seeing Yu Nian coming in, he pointed to the sofa chair opposite him, “You’re here so early?”

When Yu Nian sat down, he shook the phone screen and said, ” What do you think of my Weibo post about bubble tea last night?” 

“At that time, I happened to make some tea, and remembered that you said that I should post more on Weibo, so I took a picture and posted it.” Yu Nian was puzzled, “Is this okay?”

“Of course, it’s okay. You can post more Weibo like this in the future, it will be very helpful in shaping your personal image and temperament.” Meng Yuan pressed on the screen with his finger and scrolled down, and a lot of comments came out.

[NianNian can make tea! Aaaaahhhhh, my cub is so good, mom is so happy!]

[NianNian’s hands really look good! It’s decided, my next wallpaper will be you!]

[It’s so elegant to make a pot of tea at home in your spare time! What kind of treasure am I chasing??]

Meng Yuan looked at it comfortably, and just about to turn off his phone when he saw something from the corner of his eye and he suddenly froze. His gaze was fixed on Yu Nian’s wrist.

He looked at it very carefully, and said hesitantly, “The pair of cufflinks you are wearing today, why do they look…so familiar?”

Yu Nian also looked at his own wrists, and smiled with the corners of his lips curled up, his eyes seemed to be full of light, “It’s pretty, isn’t it?”

“It’s pretty, it matches your temperament, it’s just—” Meng Yuan always felt that the cufflinks looked familiar, and after thinking about it for a long time, he suddenly slapped his thigh, “I remembered! The Widgery family collection! It used to belong to the European royal family. When the royal princess was married, this was one of the dowries. It was put up for auction and bought by the Widgery family for collection! I thought why it looks so familiar, when I was researching collectible jewelry, I saw a picture of them!”

After he finished speaking, he thought about it and felt something was wrong. How could this kind of thing be worn in Yu Nian’s hands so lightly?

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“Is it fake?”

Yu Nian nodded, “Well, it’s fake. My friend bought it for me as a gift for two hundred yuan.” As he spoke with a hint of smile flashing past in his eyes, like a sparkling lake.

Meng Yuan didn’t notice his expression, and took another look, “The imitation is pretty good, at least it’s not different from the picture. Your friend’s aesthetic level is also quite good.” A few pieces of paper were handed over to Yu Nian, “Look, this is the endorsement I mentioned to you two days ago.” 

“Florence’s makeup endorsement?” Yu Nian stretched out his hand and listened to Meng Yuan’s words while looking at it.

Meng Yuan sat upright and introduced to Yu Nian earnestly, “Behind this brand is the old luxury brand ‘Hersey’. Florence is a new line launched last year, and the price is affordable. It has a high level of market coverage and good quality. It has a good reputation abroad, and is now preparing to enter the domestic market.” 

Yu Nian looked at the contract, “Well, I’ve heard of the Hersey brand, which is very expensive.” He remembered that Yu Qing liked the bag and silk scarf perfume of this brand.

“That’s right, under the banner of an old luxury brand, at least there will be no quality problems or other things, or if that does happen, we will also get into trouble.” Meng Yuan pointed at the contract, “Florence’s Illusion Ocean lipstick spokesperson, if you think it’s okay, we’ll sign it.”

Meng Yuan was very careful, and attached all the relevant information about the Florence brand to the back of the contract, including the overall evaluation of foreign brands and other data. Yu Nian spent six or seven minutes reading it, nodded, and made a quick decision, “Let’s sign it.”

Meng Yuan couldn’t help but mutter a few more words, “Okay, let’s choose this endorsement then. It’s not too much. Although you can’t make much money in the early stages, it’s very stable, and the road ahead won’t collapse.”

He liked working with Yu Nian more and more—he was clear in his heart and didn’t demean himself and doubt himself, and he also wasn’t over confident. He could trust others and talk about it. His reasoning also makes sense, the point was that he had good talent and worked hard, so he was simply worry free!

But thinking of the call he received in the morning, the smile on Meng Yuan’s face faded a little, “I have something to tell you first.”

Yu Nian asked speculatively, “About the movie promotion song?”

“That’s right.” Meng Yuan notices that he was right at the first guess, which meant that he must be thinking about it, and said carefully, “The result has not been officially announced yet, but from the information I got, nine out of ten this promotion song is likely to fall into the hands of You You.”

Yu Nian had already mentally prepared himelf before, “I understand. Compared to me, he made his debut earlier, and his popularity is much higher than mine, so it is reasonable to choose him in the end.” 

Meng Yuan also knew that this circle was cruel. But seeing that Yu Nian wasn’t depressed or sad, nor was he angry or unwilling, he felt a little distressed, and comforted him, “Director Xu is very optimistic about you, and said that you sang this song the best. So NianNian, it’s not that you lack talent and strength, it’s just that the opportunity hasn’t come yet.” 

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“Thank you, Brother Meng,” Yu Nian said with a smile on his face, “I’m really not unhappy. It’s okay, you don’t need to comfort me.”

Meng Yuan carefully observed his expression, and after making sure it wasn’t just an act, he let go of his worries.

Worrying about the unforeseen, Meng Yuan considered that all the previous matters had been dealt with, and all that was left was to make a final decision and sign. He simply took Yu Nian in the afternoon and signed the contract with Florence first—if the matter had been settled on the paper, nothing would go wrong.

On the way to send Yu Nian home, there was an evening rush hour, and the traffic was slow. Meng Yuan patted the steering wheel and discussed, “I’ve calculated, your exposure rate has to keep up. You haven’t broadcast live for a long time, if you have nothing to do tonight, how about broadcasting live for half an hour “

Yu Nian had no objection, “I’m fine.”

“Well, it’s settled then.”

After dinner, Yu Nian paid attention to the time, and the live broadcast started on time at nine o’clock.

As soon as Yu Nian’s face appeared in the camera, the barrage instantly exploded, almost becoming stuck in a mosaic.

“Good evening, everyone. Long time no see, how are you all?”

The bullet screen was full of “Hello”, with occasional greetings like “How are you NianNian?”. Yu Nian was about to answer when the screen suddenly went dark.

With the previous experience, Yu Nian quickly realized that someone had given him diamonds.

Sure enough, soon, a line of familiar colored characters jumped five times in a row: “Users Nian Nian You Yu give the streamer Yu Nian Diamond X 100 as a gift.”

In less than a second, the barrage exploded again.

[Holy sh!t, the 990,000 local tyrant fan who confessed his love before appeared again! I’m so excited!]

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[Aaaahhhhhh, I’m making a guess again today, will he smash another 990,000 diamonds again this time? My little heart!]

[Aww, I’m so lucky to be able to see it! Take a look! It’s really 990,000 again! It’s true love!]

Yu Nian thanked with a smile, and was about to continue talking, when he suddenly heard the doorbell.

He paused and apologized to the camera, “Sorry, I’m going to get something, will be back soon. Please wait for me for a minute.” Opening the door, just as he thought, the person standing at the door was indeed an acquaintance.

Yu Nian greeted with a smile, “Good evening.”

He Shan handed over the gray thermos in his hand.

Yu Nian continued, “Did you come here on purpose today to return the thermos?”

He Shan nodded.

“I’m sorry to trouble you.”

After the person left, Yu Nian closed the door and was about to put the thermos back into the kitchen when he suddenly realized——something seemed wrong?

He remembered very clearly that the thermos he bought was accidentally rubbed when it was being cleaned, leaving a not-so-obvious scratch.

The returned thermos was brand new, with no scratches at all.

 Yu Nian stood where he was and couldn’t help laughing again.

Sitting back in front of the camera, seeing that the screen was full of people asking him what he was doing just now, Yu Nian smiled and said, “This is my little secret. I can’t tell you guys.”

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