I Heard That I Am Poor

Chapter 33.1

The barrage on the screen was flashing fast. Yu Nian was looking carefully, but his eyes suddenly stopped for a moment — he could clearly see what the barrage that had just been passed by read, “NianNian someone says you are competing with You You for the theme song of a movie, is it true?”

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And not only this one, but several similar comments appeared one after another. Yu Nian continued to chat with his usual expression without giving an answer.

Twenty minutes later, the live broadcast ended, and Yu Nian called Meng Yuan, “Brother Meng, is there something wrong with the matter of the promotional song?”

 Meng Yuan was surprised, “You know?”

“Yeah, I saw it on the barrage during the live broadcast just now. Someone was asking me if I was competing with You You for resources.” Yu Nian asked, “Isn’t the final result from the crew not out yet?” 

“Yes, the final candidate should be announced tomorrow or the day after. On our side, I just want to mention to you that you must be mentally prepared to not be able to win against You You. I haven’t even mentioned anything to Shi Rou yet. Don’t worry, I’ll check the situation and get back to you later.”

Yu Nian opened Weibo and looked at it, and he found that under his Weibo, fans of You You had come to leave messages, and the words were not much different. His own fans also responded and quickly posted hundreds of replies.

Ten minutes later, Meng Yuan called back and cut straight to the point, “It’s because of the news from You You’s.”

Yu Nian didn’t understand, “Is it because they have already gotten the confirmed result?”

“No, it’s probably just like me. Similarly, relying on the rumors they heard from their contacts and making sure you won’t compete against You You. But I just don’t understand how a few fans over there also know the news. After knowing it, they joined the fan group and talked about it, and even told everyone not to spread the word.”

Meng Yuan was a little speechless, “But as long as one person can’t hold back and spread this kind of thing, it will be impossible to stop it later. But maybe You You also think it’s all settled; one day earlier, one day later, it doesn’t make any difference, so they didn’t stop it at all.”

Yu Nian understood, then recalled the contents of the barrage and some of the comments he saw and said strangely, “So they are…pushing?”

“That’s right.” Meng Yuan affirmed, “I don’t know if it was the instruction of You You’s team, but his fans are really stepping on your hype and even ignored He Junyu directly. Saying that if you compete with You You for resources, you won’t even be able to survive a round and will be crushed.”

Yu Nian was not angry but laughed when he heard it, “Have I already reached this level?”

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Meng Yuan also laughed, saying, “Yo, are you feeling a little proud? But you have indeed reached this level. Among the newcomers, You You’s fans didn’t even care about He Junyu, and they didn’t mention other people’s names. They only push you, which proves that you are popular.” 

The two laughed together. Meng Yuan smiled and warned, “You don’t have to do anything now; just pretend you don’t know anything. You You’s fans are blind; if you come out and say something, you will be dragged to give them free heat.”

Yu Nian agreed to stay low, hung up the phone, and after knowing what was going on, he didn’t take it to heart, prepared a pen, ink, paper, and inkstone, and wrote a few pages seriously.

However, the speed of matter’s development was much faster than they imagined.

Before Yu Nian went to sleep, Xia Mingxi sent several links, followed by a series of exclamation marks and called.

“What’s wrong with this You You? Buying the manuscript to drag you down and imply that you are not as good as him? These words almost made the news headline! Who the hell does such shameful things?”

Yu Nian looked at the time , “Mingxi, don’t you have sooting?” He remembered that Xia Mingxi had mentioned yesterday that he would be shooting night scenes these two days.

“No. It wasn’t my turn to shoot yet, so I found a corner to play with my phone, but as soon as I turned it on, I was so full of anger from You You’s garbage operation, I can hardly eat supper!” 

Yu Nian wasn’t angry when he heard him, but smiled and comforted, “It’s true that I couldn’t compete with him. Don’t be angry, if you get angry too much, you will become ugly.”

Hearing Yu Nian’s tone, Xia Mingxi calmed down a little, “Okay, then remember to talk to Brother Meng to see if you want to control the wind direction. I’m so angry; his team brought up the topic to stir up the heat smoothly, and his fans also have a sense of superiority as if they’re gods, and this time they actually targeted you!”

Realizing that Xia Mingxi was about to blow up again while talking, Yu Nian hurriedly said, “Hurry up to film or memorize the script. Don’t use your phone tonight.”

Xia Mingxi snorted twice, “Okay, I’ll try to control my hands.”

It hadn’t even been two minutes since Xia Mingxi hung up the phone when Meng Yuan called.

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Yu Nian said first, “Brother Meng, I saw the news.”

Meng Yuan was also not angry, “Didn’t I say how did his fan know about it? Most likely it was ‘accidentally’ revealed on purpose, then they let the fan lead it, and as soon as the fans got excited, they just jumped around. Seeing that the heat has picked up a bit, they quickly brought up the topic and posted four posts! They really don’t miss any chance to mess around!” 

Yu Nian’s smile faded a little, “They should even be ready for trending searches, right?”

“Ninety-nine percent! There must be more than one position!”

Lying on the bed, Yu Nian stared at the white ceiling in a daze for two seconds, and said, “I will become very powerful in the future.”

Meng Yuan understood, “Yeah, if you become very powerful, you won’t be trampled on again.”

Meng Yuan immediately changed his tone, “Don’t worry about it, sleep well. I’ll keep an eye on the situation, don’t worry.”

Yu Nian should have agreed, but he couldn’t fall asleep, so he just continued to read the news on his phone.

He clicked on the link that Xia Mingxi sent him. It was a discussion in a forum.

[Disgusting! Whoever wants to publicize it should do it, but can you stop bringing NianNian? Are you sick?]

[Pure passer-by, don’t blame me for saying it, but Yu Nian was popular a few days ago because of the “Sound of Nature” , and when the show ended, he became completely cold! How many people still know who he is now? Besides about You You, at least my mother knows that there is such a person.]

[Is it very fun to pretend to be a passer-by upstairs? Can you be more professional and change your profile picture first? Don’t make me feel like you have x in your head!]

[Let Niannian go, who did our NianNian provoke by singing quietly? And, Youyou company is already finished, and there is nothing to wash away! I believe in karma! Relaying on stepping on others, are you not afraid of falling to death?]

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[Okay okay okay, your You You’s popularity is out of the solar system, so just entertain yourself and don’t get involved with our family, understand?]

The heat of this matter was not to the point of explosion, but it continued until noon the next day.

When Meng Yuan and Yu Nian had lunch together, their faces were still dark. But after answering a phone call, Meng Yuan sat on the chair for a few seconds and suddenly laughed out loud.

Yu Nian put down his chopsticks, “Brother Meng, what’s the matter?”

Shi Rou held the spoon and looked at him strangely.

Meng Yuan threw the phone on the table with a “snap” sound and with a cheerful expression on his face, “Their father Meng is dying of laughter! Director Xu called just now, saying that their promotional song will be sung by you.”

“Ah?” Yu Nian was also surprised, “Didn’t you say that You You was chosen?” 

“The internal sources said so, but there was no official announcement. No one can be sure who they’ll choose in the end. At that time, producer Ming seemed to be optimistic about You You, and Director Xu was even more optimistic about you.” Meng Yuan reminded Yu Nian, “Remember to call Director Xu later.” 

After lunch, Yu Nian was in Meng Yuan’s office, looking at the business card. Then he called Xu Xianglan.

Xu Xianglan answered quickly, “Yu Nian?”

Yu Nian said with a smile, “Sorry to bother, Director Xu.”

Xu Xianglan found a quieter place and said in a relaxed voice, “I know why you called. You really have to thank me for the promotional song. Old Ning wanted You You to sing the song, but I didn’t agree.”

 He seemed to be smoking a cigarette and then said, “I bet you will be more popular than You You in four months.”

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 Yu Nian’s eyes moved slightly, and he couldn’t answer the words for a while.

“I made a bet,” Xu Xianglan said with a smile, “So, Yu Nian, work hard and don’t let me lose the bet.” 

Yu Nian’s eyes glowed a little, and his tone was firm, “I will definitely not let you lose.”

“Okay, young man, you just need to have this spirit!” Xu Xianglan changed the subject, “By the way, is your manager by your side?”

Yu Nian glanced at Meng Yuan and saw Meng Yuan make a gesture before responding, “Yes.”

“Then turn on the speaker, let’s chat.”

Yu Nian opened it, as he was told.     

“I just want to ask, Yu Nian, are you interested in acting?”

“What do you mean?”

Xu Xianglan said lightly, “There is a character in my play, a young nobleman from a noble family who came from the imperial city, young and proud, with a relaxed attitude.
On the day of the audition, Producer Ning and I talked about how I think Yu Nian is very suitable for this role, both in terms of temperament and appearance. But I didn’t dare make a decision right away, and I have been thinking about it for the past few days.
There are not many scenes for this role, and the shooting time is short. It’s really hard to find actors. So, today I’ll ask directly, do you have any intentions to do it?”

Meng Yuan didn’t make a decision right away but expressed that he needed time to think about it.

Xu Xianglan was not in such a hurry and hung up the phone after exchanging a few more pleasantries.

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