I Heard That I Am Poor

Chapter 33.2

Chapter 33.2: May you be safe

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Meng Yuan knocked on the table with a corner of his phone and asked Yu Nian, “What do you think?”

Yu Nian turned to ask, “Brother Meng, what do you think?”

Meng Yuan analyzed, “Director Xu has a high position in the circle. He has been a famous director for 20 or 30 years, and the movies he comes out with have several layers, let alone a movie like this one, where a lot of money and energy has been invested.” 

“So this film, even if it doesn’t become popular, will definitely not be a flop, right?”

“Yes, Yu Qing is the heroine, and she is very popular anyway, so there is still some appeal.” Meng Yuan was uncertain about Yu Nian’s attitude and didn’t directly make a decision, “My suggestion is that you should act. Anyway, the shooting time is short, and there are not many shots. You can also change your name and sing the promotional song, justifiably.
And Director Xu’s movie, even if it’s a small supporting role, can outshine the others by a few streets if played well.”

Yu Nian gave his bottom line, “I prefer to sing.”

Meng Yuan smiled and said, “I know; I won’t push you down the road of acting. It’s a pity not to sing with your talent.”

Yu Nian smiled and answered, “Well, let’s do it then.”

In the afternoon, the official blog of the crew of “Ancient Road” updated the new news about the singing of the promotional song and directly circled Yu Nian.

You You’s fans were already ready to celebrate the official announcement, You You got good resources after all. But they didn’t expect that, after taking a closer look, the circled one wasn’t You You.

[Holy shit, hahaha! I suddenly felt sorry for these squid shreds. After working and dancing for so long, they were slapped in the face by the official blog in a blink of an eye! They must be dumbfounded!] 

[Wow, Xian Nian Gao1 can’t believe it! Don’t our NianNian get trampled on the ground and be crushed twice?]

[I’m not a fan of the two, but I just wanted to say that yesterday I saw the squid shreds jumping so happily that I thought it had been officially announced. So it wasn’t? But you were pulling on the protagonist and stepping on him like that. What an awesome operation! You can brag for half a year.]

[Bursting into tears! F*ck, why was Nian Nian trampled on, despised, and slandered by you so casually? I feel sorry for Nian Nian!]

For a moment, You You’s fans were ridiculed by the crowd.

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After scrolling through Weibo, Shi Rou was refreshed, with a smile all over her face, “In order to save their dignity, You You’s fans have gone to the crew’s official blog and swiped the screen, claiming that the official must give an explanation. Temporarily changing people in the end, is there something shady behind it?”

She was speechless, “How can they give an explanation? If the official announcement was You You at the beginning and then it was forcibly changed to NianNian, it is still reasonable to ask for an explanation in this situation. They are messing around like this now, quite like touching porcelain2.”

Meng Yuan sneered from the side, “Still using dirty tricks, really shameful. They are so sure that this is a temporary change? Can’t they open their eyes?” 

At this time, a news feed suddenly came into view. Shi Rou didn’t pay attention, but Yu Nian, who was sitting next to her, said, “Sister RouRou, can you show me your phone?”

Shi Rou handed over the phone, took the tablet, and continued to swipe.

Yu Nian clicked on the news that was just pushed out, and after only reading the first two lines, the relaxed smile on his face was subconsciously suppressed.

Shi Rou swiped the homepage and then glanced sideways, “…Board director Song Ke, the car accident… rescue failed, and he died at the scene?” 

Seeing that the lines on Yu Nian’s side face were tense, even showing a little not too obviously coldness, she asked carefully, “NianNian, is this someone you know?”

Yu Nian bent his lips and shook his head, “I don’t know.”

He returned the phone to Shi Rou, took his mobile phone out, and searched for related news.

Just this afternoon, Song Ke’s car’s brakes failed. His car broke the guardrail and drove into the river. None of the passengers, including the driver and assistant, could escape. When they were rescued, they were already dead.

Yu Nian stared at the screen, tightening his fingers.

At the same time, Qu Xiaoran rushed into Xie You’s office, closed the door with a “bang”, and shut the assistant out.     

Standing behind the door, he looked at Xie You who was sitting straight behind the desk. The tip of his nose was sore, his adam’s apple moved up and down, and he asked cautiously, “Xie Xiaoyou, are you… all right?”

When he said these words, his heart felt like it was about to jump out of his chest.

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He couldn’t remember clearly. Xie You’s brother, it was also like this with him back then. His car’s brakes failed during the rain, and after breaking the guardrail, the whole car fell into the river. Including the driver and secretary, they were all dead, and there was no possibility of rescue.

But because no evidence was found, it could only be judged as an accident.

But how can there be so many accidents?

Xie You felt that the air in his lungs had been drawn away, and he felt a sense of suffocation that he didn’t know whether was real or not. He lowered his eyelashes, his eyes fell on the specimen made of rose petals, and he spoke after a long time; his voice was a little hoarse, “He is warning me.” 


Qu Xiaoran walked a few steps closer, licked his dry lips, and clenched his fist, “You mean… Ding Zhaoxian?”

“Yeah.” Xie You’s expression was like a deep pool, without the slightest ripple, and his tone was extremely calm, “My side has started to move. Song Ke’s side was cut to pieces by me before. The older he gets, the less courageous he becomes. He is afraid and doesn’t want to help Ding Zhaoxian anymore. Ding Zhaoxian didn’t want to let him go. The two had conflicts and even quarreled at the dinner.”

Qu Xiaoran didn’t know that there was such a thing going on, and goosebumps appeared on his arms, “Well…and then?” “

“Song Ke was afraid of me and Ding Zhaoxian, so he wanted to get out of this muddy water. While expressing his attitude and drawing a clear line with Ding Zhaoxian, he transferred his assets and prepared to go abroad. But obviously, he failed to hide the truth from Ding Zhaoxian, and Ding Zhaoxian was not going to let him go.” 

“So…with today’s car accident?”


Xie You’s eyes were so cold that he spoke slowly, “He copied my brother’s death method to warn me. He wanted to tell me that it wouldn’t be difficult for him to kill me.”

Qu Xiaoran did not dare to speak.

He suddenly felt that Xie You at this moment was like a bow full of murderous aura.

He was familiar but also unfamiliar.

Xie You clenched his five fingers until they turned white, then loosened them little by little and closed his eyes.

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After opening them, a few seconds later, all the hatred and coldness were hidden in the deepest part, invisible to prying eyes. He looked up at Qu Xiaoran, who was at a loss, and said, “I’m fine.”

Qu Xiaoran nodded slowly, “Yeah.” He said softly again, “If—”

“I’m fine.” Xie You emphasized again, “Really, it’s okay.”

Qu Xiaoran knew that Xie You was suffering, but he knew even more that the current Xie You was no longer the sad Xie Xiaoyou in the past, who would practice the piano for twelve hours straight and then go to see the starry sky in a daze.

He didn’t come any closer and said with a hoarse voice, “Call me if you have anything to do.”

Xie You said in a low voice, “Okay.”

Yu Nian had always been a little restless. Rejecting Meng Yuan’s suggestion to eat supper, he went home directly, sat on the sofa, and couldn’t help but search for news related to the Xie family in recent years.

Some hidden and unknown contexts were faintly emerging.

After posting for a while, Yu Nian put the phone aside, took out the ingredients from the refrigerator, cleaned them up, and stewed a pot of soup.

It was nearly eleven o’clock when the doorbell rang.

He almost walked to the door quickly, grabbed the cold doorknob, and opened the door.

He Shan was still standing outside the door.

He Shan repeated the words clearly, “He said, sorry, he won’t be able to send food temporarily during this time.” After speaking, he handed over the small box in his hand.

Yu Nian took the box, and at the same time his guess was confirmed by this sentence, his heart hung high again.

He wanted to ask, is Xie You safe? Did something happen? But when the words came to his lips, he swallowed again.

“Please wait a moment.”

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While walking inside, Yu Nian opened the box and found a few egg tarts inside. The meringue was slightly burnt, but the smell was very fragrant.

He put down the box, took out the brand-new thermos from the cupboard, filled it with chicken soup, and tightened the lid. After thinking about it, he went to the study again, found a piece of plain paper, dipped a pen into the ink, and wrote four words.

After drying the ink, he folded the paper and hurried to the door again.

Passing the thermos and the note to the visitor, Yu Nian said, “Sorry for the trouble.”

He Shan nodded and left with the things.

In the study room, the curtains were closed, and only a small lamp on the table was turned on.

In the silent air, Yu Nian’s youthful but extremely clear voice circulated. Xie You sat at the table, and the dim light created a dark silhouette for his outline. His expression was unclear.

He Shan entered the study, the carpet sucked in the sound of footsteps.

Xie You didn’t look up, “Brought a message?”

“Yes.” He Shan put the thermos bucket and paper on the table, “This is what he asked me to bring back for you.” 

“Got it.”

The door of the study was closed again. Xie You stared at the gray thermos for a long time, then slightly raised the corners of his mouth and smiled.

After a while, he raised his hand, took the thin paper, and opened it carefully.

There were four smooth and flawless words written in ink on it.

“May you be safe.”

Xie You didn’t know how long it took him to look at it before he folded it carefully and put it into his inner pocket — the position closest to his heart.

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