Chapter 37: Coveting the Beauty as well as Appreciating the Personality

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By noon, #Yu Qing and Yu Nian’s midnight outing# This topic had been pushed to the top five of the hot searches. The trend of comments on the topic was almost one-sided. One after another everyone was complaining for You You, #Feeling sorry for You You# was squeezed into the top ten position.

Shi Rou said angrily, “You You’s fans are really difficult to deal with. They belong to fighting-type loyal fans. I remember that at the beginning of the year, a male artist collided with You You and wore the same spring new style as him. It wasn’t a big deal at all, but what happened was that the artist was besieged by You You’s fans for a long time, and finally the dresser of the other party was forced to come out and apologize in person; only then was this matter considered over.”

Yu Nian was thinking about his lines, and after listening to Shi Rou’s words, he was a little surprised, “There was such a situation?”

“Of course! And because they won before, they won’t be satisfied with just an apology and will become even more unscrupulous later!” Shi Rou glanced at the white cotton T-shirt Yu Nian was wearing, and said with a smile, “But NianNian, in the entire entertainment industry, it is impossible for anyone to wear the same outfit as you!”

Yu Nian pulled the neckline to justify his T-shirt, “It’s really comfortable to wear!”

Shi Rou nodded with a serious expression, saying, “Yeah, yeah, as long as you are happy! Anyway, if you wear it, others will think that the clothes cost a thousand, if not ten thousand.” 

Not long after, Shi Rou, who had been paying attention to the latest situation, raised her head and said excitedly, “NianNian, it came out!”

Yu Nian put down the script, which was rough-edged due to frequent flipping, and leaned over to look, only to find that it was an article written by a big V. The title was very straightforward, and it was called “Popular Science: The Top Three Gold Agents” in China.

After clicking on the article, Meng Yuan was on the list, tied for first place with a person named Fang Li.

The article popularized the information about the artists Meng Yuan had brought to the industry since he entered it. Every one of them was well-known. Lastly, it was also mentioned that Meng Yuan only had one artist with him now, and that was Yu Nian.

[Awesome! Brother Meng and Sister Li, these two people have taken over half of the big bosses in the entertainment industry!]

[If you have resources in your hands, people will be popular. If you have popular people in your hands, you will have more resources! The role of the agent is really great! I hope that after my family’s son terminate the contract, he could find a good agent.]

[I just found out that Yu Nian’s agent is actually Meng Yuan! From this point of view, for a program like “Sound of Nature”, it must be easy for Agent Meng to easily insert people into it, right?]

 Shi Rou smiled while watching and kept pointing at the comments, “Aren’t the comments of these sailors that Brother Meng found too blunt? It’s really embarrassing, hahaha!” She scrolled down the comments again, “However, many people said that with an agent like Brother Meng, you really don’t need to rely on Yu Qing to get to the top.”

Yu Nian was also amused by the embarrassment in the comments, “Well, in fact, most people have their own judgment, and they will make decisions based on the information and logic they have decided to believe in. And the existing information will also expand and extend brain supplements.”

Soon, the article about this agent ranking was reposted by several marketing accounts. Seeing that it was almost done, Meng Yuan’s personal Weibo directly reposted A Big V’s Weibo mocking Yu Nian for sleeping and wrote, “I also want to have a name!!”

It didn’t take long for this Weibo to be full of hahaha.

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[Suddenly I feel sorry for Brother Meng. Hahaha, okay, this fairy has already remembered your name! I will never forget it in this life.]

[Brother Meng must be thinking, Laozi worked so hard to make an artist popular; how did it become him relying on the gold master to get to the top just as he woke up? Laozi won’t accept it! Laozi also want to have a name!] 

[So cute! I fully support Brother Meng’s C debut!]

[I feel distressed for those who believe what other people say. With such a manager here, as long as Yu Nian is not a crooked melon, he will be 100% popular. Does he still need unspoken rules to sell himself?]

In a temporary chat group, Meng Yuan posted a screenshot and circled the red line on the C debut, “Hahaha from today on, Fang Li would hate me to death. I’m about to kill her instantly in terms of popularity!” 

Within two seconds, Yu Qing responded with a rolling eye, which strongly curbed Meng Yuan’s smugness.

The wind and rain on the Internet did not affect the progress of the crew. After lunch, Yu Nian listened carefully to Xu Xianglan’s talk about the upcoming scene.

“You are the noble son of a noble family from the Eastern Capital. You have always been surrounded by countless people. This time you came all the way to the frontier to report to the female general, telling her that she can’t go back to the Eastern Capital; otherwise, she will be sentenced to death as soon as she goes back. But because of your family, she doesn’t believe you.”

Yu Nian held on to the folding fan and tapped his palm rhythmically, “I must let her believe me; otherwise, it would be completely useless to run this trip in the wind and sand. And if she really returns to the Eastern Capital, she will never come back, and the hearts of her soldiers will also be shaken, which won’t be good and will be harmful to the country.” 

Seeing that Yu Nian got a little better, Xu Xianglan patted him on the shoulder with a smile, “Act well in a while. You have been in a good state for the past two days.” He asked again, “Are you really not going to go to the big screen? With your face, acting in TV dramas is wasteful; the big screen is very suitable for you. Although your performance is not like that of a person with professional training, you’ve got the aura, and you will become a master after two more years.”

Yu Nian recovered from the character’s thinking, shook his head, and said, “Thank you, Director Xu, but compared with acting, I still like music more. I like writing lyrics, composing, and singing.”

Xu Xianglan said with emotion, “Yes, in this life, if you can take what you like as your life’s work and pursuit and devote yourself to it, it is indeed a very beautiful thing.”

He patted Yu Nian on the shoulder again, “Then work hard, and when I have a chance in the future, I will ask you to sing the theme song for my movie!”

Yu Nian smiled, “Director Xu, can you say this sentence again? I’ll take out my phone and record this sentence!”

Xu Xianglan laughed loudly, “Your brat!” saying that he really pulled out a pen from his pocket, took a piece of paper, wrote a voucher, and handed it to Yu Nian.

Yu Nian folded the note neatly, put it in his pocket, and said with a smile, “I’m relieved!” He thanked him again, saying, “Thank you, Director Xu, for being willing to speak for me.”

Xu Xianglan waved his hand, “It’s not just for you; look at what they say on the Internet. I’m not a puppet at the mercy of others. Some people really think that Yu Qing wants to put you in the group and wants you to sing a promotional song. Will I agree without saying a word? Nonsense! If Yu Qing is the father of the sponsor, I can still consider it!” 

Initially, it was still righteous, but then, in the end, it suddenly changed, and Yu Nian couldn’t help but hold the table and laugh again.

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Towards the evening, Xu Xianglan uploaded a 20-second clip on his personal Weibo, along with a very tactful sentence, “I’m not deaf or blind; I can listen and see.

[Ahhh, thank you, Director Xu, for speaking out for NianNian! Weeping! NianNian will definitely sing the promotion song with all his strength!]

[I’m going to die!!! Died!! Who was that immortal noble son in the video? That sentence, ‘Gu Xuanning from East Capital’ is so amazing! I can repeat these twenty seconds a hundred times!]

[Is that NianNian? It’s him, right? Yes! It’s NianNian! Exploded! And I was still wondering why NianNian went to the set to meet Yu Qing, but now I know that Nian Nian actually participated in Director Xu’s movie! Oh my god! What kind of immortal resource is this?]

[Kneeling down, this face value, this temperament, is the living ancient white-clothed and light-haired nole son who beat the horse to the capital. If I were the director, I would also want him!]

At first, it was Meng Yuan who spent money and asked someone to repost it to make it popular. But before eight o’clock in the evening, this clip was like an explosion, slaughtering the homepage and quickly rushing to the trending searches.

Seeing #Gu Xuanning from East Capital# #Yu Nian Noble Son# #Director Xu corrected Yu Nian’s name# three hot searches neatly ranked in the top ten, even Meng Yuan was speechless, “Sure enough, there are still so many face-cons in the world! NianNian, you said that if we develop on the road of filming, will we become popular very quickly?”

Yu Nian was very sober, “Brother Meng, first, I am not an acting major. Although I have put in a lot of effort into filming, I can barely meet Director Xu’s passing mark. Second, the role of Gu Xuanning will be brilliant because my appearance and temperament are in line with the setting of this role. But I believe that a good actor should act like what he plays, not what he looks like. I am not suitable for acting.” 

“Yes, yes, other agents remind their artists not to bloat all the time, but we’re the other way around; you’re the one who reminded me not to bloat!” Meng Yuan laughed, “We’ll make music, release albums, and hold concerts, and we can’t be half-hearted scumbags!”

Yu Nian also laughed, “En, yes. A person’s energy is very limited, and they can only concentrate on doing one thing well. And in the future, I also want to become a person who speaks through work.” 

“Okay, let’s not mention this anymore.” Meng Yuan said again, “You can film your scene with peace of mind; I will watch over here.” 

“Okay, with Brother Meng here, of course I can rest assured.”

After ten o’clock in the evening, Yu Nian, wrapped in a down jacket, sat on a camp chair and watched Xu Xianglan shoot. The temperature difference between day and night in the Gobi Desert was huge. Shi Rou was careful and even filled a hot water bottle for Yu Nian to hug, but after a short time, it was snatched away by Yu Qing, who was temporarily taking a break.

Yu Qing smashed the machete used for props to the ground with a bang, held the hot water bottle that she had snatched from Yu Nian, and nodded to the side with her chin, “Holding this big machete every day, the muscles that I have managed to lose have grown up again. When I go back, my physique teacher will definitely be angry!”

Yu Nian put his hands in his pockets, “But the filming was so good, it was worth it!” 

“That’s for sure! If it’s not worth it, will I waste time here with them? It would have been better to accept variety shows and endorsements to make quick money!” Yu Qing sat down next to Yu Nian and asked him, “How’s the situation?”

Yu Nian was stopped by the question—he didn’t know and turned to look at Shi Rou.

Shi Rou was inexplicably afraid of Yu Qing and hurriedly said, “There are already more and more people who feel that the statement that you rely on sister Yu to win the championship on the show, sing the promotional song, and even join the filming group is problematic and can’t stand scrutiny. And there was no official announcement before NianNian joined the filming group. After Director Xu posted the video, the popularity was very high.” 

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Yu Qing was proud, “Can’t you see whose brother he is?!” 

Yu Nian tried hard to hold back his laugh.

Shi Rou nodded again and again, “Yes!”

Yu Qing turned his head to teach Yu Nian again, “This time we will seize the opportunity to help you make another wave of enthusiasm, and it happens that you don’t have any news these days.
Wait for those squid shreds to find that even though they were busy for a long time, you still gained fans. They’ll definitely vomit blood! Before that, I will endure it and wait for the time to come when I will appear on stage. Anyway, the signal from the crew is so bad, how could I have clarified it immediately? The reason is ready-made!”

Yu Nian was taught, “This reason is very good!”

At eleven o’clock, a marketing account released a long picture of a nine-square grid, which was a screenshot of the You You fan group, and the provider typed a thick code.

It showed in detail how fans discussed taking advantage of the fact that Yu Nian was photographed going out late at night with Yu Qing to confirm that Yu Nian snatched the qualification to sing the promotion song by relying on relationships and that Yu Nian’s arrogance must be killed. It was best to ask Yu Nian to apologize. Anyway, Yu Nian was a newcomer, so there was no need to be afraid that they would not be able to hold his head down. This way, they could regain the face that was swept away.

There were also specific details on how to control and criticize, how to attack Yu Nian, how to create black spots, and how to abuse fans and brainwash them, step by step, in great detail.

[Passers-by expressed shock! After reading it, I just felt chills on my back! Let alone whether the affair is true or not, these people are full of maliciousness. Just for the sake of their so-called face, they have to force others to apologize, and splashing dirty water makes black material. Do you really think you are a god?]

[Stink! I really have seen it! Compared with this vicious face, looking at Yu Nian is so refreshing!]

[The marketing account went out two hundred yards! I am Squid Shreds, and the screenshots are all fake! Moreover, Yu Nian and Yu Qing were taken when they went out in the middle of the night. Can there be a fake? The lonely man and woman, did they go out to practice lines?]

[What is Yu Nian, a newcomer, so there is no need to be afraid that they will not be able to press his head down? If this Nian Gao doesn’t make you call him dad, I won’t sleep!]

Soon, it became a quarrel in the middle of the night, and all kinds of popular public accounts and news came out quickly, and the screen was full of keywords such as “Yu Nian”, “Fan circle”, “Movie”, and “Resource grabbing”.

Xu Xianglan was talking to the field workers, so Yu Qing could rest for two minutes. Trembling with cold, she ate a sweet potato, opened her own Weibo, and typed. She also asked leisurely, “Speaking of which, if your certain someone sees the overwhelming news about the two of us, will they be unhappy? Then they won’t talk to you anymore.” 

Yu Nian corrected again, “Sister, there is really no such person!”

Yu Qing stopped typing and echoed with a smile, “Yes, yes, there is none.” She leaned closer again, gossiping, “NianNian, just tell your sister? Otherwise, I’ll be so curious that I won’t be able to sleep tonight! I will never tell anyone!”

Yu Nian lowered his eyelashes, and after a while, he whispered, “Maybe I have a crush.” ​​After speaking, he immediately turned his head away.

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Crush? Yu Qing regained his energy, “What do you mean you might have a crush? Say it clearly!”

 Yu Nian thought carefully and organized his words, “He1…is very good-looking and looks cold on the surface, but his personality is actually quite…cute. And he has been in a very bad and difficult situation in the past few years, but he has worked hard, step by step. I admire him very much.”

“Gee, I understand; you are not only coveting the other person’s beauty, but you’re also appreciating the other’s personality!”

Yu Nian was amused and clenched his fists tightly to cover the smile on his lips, “Well, it’s about the same.”

Yu Qing asked again, “Since you are coveting beauty, how good-looking is it?”

Thinking of the first time they met in the elevator, Yu Nian replied truthfully, “Well, I was amazed when I first saw him.” 

“So good-looking?” Yu Qing was surprised and became more interested, “Then how tall is she?”

Yu Nian recalled what he saw on the internet, “1.86 meters.”

“……” Yu Qing cautiously said, “Taller than you?”

She said thoughtfully, “1.86, this height is as tall as a model. Ah! But that’s okay, as long as there is love! Height is not a problem!”

But, “Is she robust?”

 “She’s pretty thin, and she seems to have lost a little weight recently.”

“That’s okay!”

But remembering that Yu Nian was only 1.79 meters tall, it was a seven-centimeter difference! Yu Qing couldn’t help worrying again——Although this future sister-in-law was not robust, she was so tall. When they are together in the future, would she be able to press NianNian against the wall with one hand to kiss him?

The picture is so beautiful, I dare not think about it!

At the same time, Yu Qing finally sent out the Weibo that she had been working on for a long time.

“Yu Qing: In your eyes, am I so unqualified? If Yu Nian is really the one I like, the championship of singing and dancing will by default be his! I can just throw money without thinking and choose the resources as I want! But it would at least be a popular variety show! A small supporting role like Gu Xuanning? I would be too embarrassed to do it! Understand?”

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