Chapter 38: Yu Nian likes a——

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[Mama asked me why I’m kneeling so standardly! I’m going to change my mind now! Sister Qing, do you think I can catch your eyes?]

[The one who questioned whether Sister Qing was bragging earlier, you wait! Let me give you some knowledge! When Sister Qing first debuted, she drove luxury cars one by one every day and was questioned by countless dirty-minded people! It turned out that Sister Qing’s own family was rich, with mines and land! So throwing money away and choosing resources at random is not just bragging!]

[Don’t shift the focus! Do you dare to answer what exactly you two did when you drove out with Yu Nian for more than an hour in the middle of the night?]

[Come on, stop talking, and kneel down!]

Not long after, the official blog of “Sound of Nature” and He Qiubai’s personal homepage both reposted Yu Qing’s Weibo.

“Sound of Nature: Yes. //@HeQiubai: Shady deals? Bragging, don’t involve me! //@YuQing: ……”

Immediately afterward, Xu Xianglan also reposted Yu Qing’s Weibo, “Believe it or not, I will let you NG nine tomorrow. //@YuQing: ……”

Their respective comment areas burst into laughter, and they were directly swiped by “hahaha”. #Yu Qing’s domineering response# was also amazingly popular, within half an hour, and dozens of sets of emojis came out.

Yu Nian clicked into the topic comment area and carefully saved all the newly released emoji packs, preparing to chat with Yu Qing in the future by relaying on them.

At this time, Xu Xianglan’s voice came over: “It’s time to call it a day! Everyone has worked hard!”

After greeting everyone, Yu Nian also carried his camp chair back to the room, and just as he finished washing up, he received a call from Meng Yuan.

“Brother Meng?”

Meng Yuan asked tentatively, “NianNian, is it possible that your emotional state has… changed recently?”

Yu Nian was taken aback and quickly realized, “What did my sister say?”

“No, no!” Meng Yuan quickly denied it and then explained, “Yu Qing threatened and lured Rou Rou to ask about the person you have a crush on. Rou Rou was at a loss, so she called to ask me, and I was also confused. I might as well just ask you directly!”

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Yu Nian thought of what Yu Qing said, “I will never tell anyone”, and thought to himself, It really was all fake! He sat on the edge of the bed and cleared his mind, “I haven’t figured out my feelings yet—” 

“Is it just a feeling of affection?”

“Yes, it’s just a state of affection, and the real contact I’ve had with the other party…is not too much.” Yu Nian fixed his eyes on a certain point in the air, thought about Xie You’s expression for a while, and then smiled, “Brother Meng, don’t worry. I will be very cautious anyway.” 

There was still a bit of trust between Meng Yuan and Yu Nian. The other party didn’t say anything else and just muttered a few words as usual: “I know you will definitely not mess around, and when there is something real, you must remember to say it!” After that, he was curious again: “However, is she really 1.86 meters tall?”

“En,” Yu Nian emphasized again, “Although I’m only 1.79 meters now, I’m still growing! I’ve measured it before, I was 1.795 meters tall and will soon be able to be 1.80 meters tall!”

Meng Yuan thought that he had accidentally hurt Yu Nian’s male self-esteem and hurriedly said, “What age is this? Height is not a problem! As long as the relationship is good, even the earth’s rotation can stop!” 

After saying that he couldn’t stop laughing, he confirmed, “Also, is she really good-looking? How does she compare to you?” 

“Well, he’s really good-looking, even better than me.” Yu Nian thought about it and added a description: “It’s a face that people will never forget.”

Meng Yuan suffered from an occupational disease, “According to what you said, the conditions are very good! Does she have any plans to enter the entertainment industry?”

Yu Nian thought of Xie You’s appearance with a suit and leather shoes, an assistant, and bodyguards; he shook his head and smiled, “No.” 

“It’s a pity,” Meng Yuan rested his thoughts, “Then you go to sleep, you have to film tomorrow. Take a good rest; filming is important.”

But just as Yu Nian lay on the bed and covered himself with a quilt to warm up, Meng Yuan called again, and the voice almost shook the earpiece loose, “Holy sh*t, this rhythm won’t allow people to sleep. We haven’t even continued to do anything, and the other side is infighting itself! NianNian, you go to Weibo. You You’s fans and You You’s agent are suddenly tearing each other up!”

Yu Nian was surprised, “Tearing each other up?”

But the signal from the crew was very unstable. He tried for half a day but couldn’t find the key information on Weibo. Meng Yuan was impatient, so he simply became the class representative and began to summarize.

“This time, the internal group chat of the fan group leader was exposed, causing You You fans to be ridiculed and scolded. Some fans thought it was the group leader’s fault, not theirs, so they should not be chased and scolded, so they went to the group leader to make trouble. The old account about the promotion of the song before was also turned over, so the fans were accused of having a problem with the news released, and an apology was demanded from fans.”

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Meng Yuan did not stop to breathe and continued quickly, “It seems that the matter turned even more fiery, and the fan leader got angry and said, “Why are you scolding me? I always listen to You You and his agent. If you have any questions, you can go to them.
Of course, the fans didn’t believe him and scolded him even more fiercely. Saying that it was slander and asking for evidence. That fan leader also broke the pot. He was merciless and directly took a lot of pictures and threw them out.” 

Yu Nian wrapped himself in a quilt and asked, “Is it a screenshot of his chat with You You and his manager?”

“Yes, You You is okay. He doesn’t come out much, and most of it is done through his manager. That manager is also unscrupulous; in the incident of wearing the same outfit, he let the fan group leader command the fans to force the people to apologize. When it came to promoting the song, they also swore and told the fans that the one selected was You You, so you must be pushed to the ground and stomped on, such that you can never turn over again.” 

“What about this time?”

“This time is also great,” Meng Yuan laughed angrily, “The manager said that You You himself said that no matter whether you and Yu Qing went to read the script in the moonlight or did something else, this basin of dirty water must be pinned on your head and it will be with you for the rest of your life, otherwise he won’t be able to swallow the breath of being robbed of resources!”

Yu Nian raised the corners of his mouth and was not angry, but said, “They may have some misunderstandings about themselves.”

Meng Yuan snorted, “Who said they didn’t? The misunderstanding is too deep. Those two people thought that they could dispatch troops and take the enemy’s head from thousands of miles away? As soon as the screenshot came out, the tall and bright image of their idol in their eyes vanished in seconds. Fans couldn’t stand the blow and hung up with a tearful backhand! Didn’t you see that the number of fans on Weibo that was as high as the wall fell straight away?!” 

Meng Yuan sighed, “So people should be kinder.” After sighing, he repeated what he said before, “Okay, okay, there shouldn’t be any new melons in the middle of the night. You go to bed. We will talk about the matter when you wake up tomorrow. The state of filming is the most important.” 

Yu Nian hmmed, “Then good night, Brother Meng. Don’t go to bed too late, your body can’t take it anymore.”

It felt good to be cared for, Meng Yuan smiled, “Okay, good night.”

The next day, Yu Qing woke up in a good mood, “Fighting the risk of getting scolded by the makeup artist for wrinkles and dark circles, I also stayed up late and ate melons! That You You really used his life to enrich my crew’s life.” 

Yu Nian handed her another cup of hot milk. After careful observation, he commented, “Sister, your eye circles are really dark!”

“Get out!”

Shi Rou covered her mouth and laughed quietly.

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Yu Qing drank half a glass of milk, touched Yu Nian’s with his elbow, and said in a low voice, “I thought about it last night before going to bed. If you like that person, it doesn’t matter if they’re taller than 1.9 meters. Anyway, they will live with you for a lifetime; tall, short, fat, and thin—as long as you like them!”

Yu Nian held the cup of hot milk and smiled with his eyes bent, “Really?”

“Or am I faking it? Anyway, you can do it if you like it!” Yu Qing waved his hand and changed the topic, “That You You is also really annoying. He might be thinking that the fact that he started losing fans and is being ridiculed is all because of our matter. In the middle of the night, he paid for the water army to insist on asking us what our relationship was and why we drove out!”

She sneered, “If I satisfy his curiosity and tell the truth that I took you all the way to find a signal in the middle of the night, tell me, will it lower his joy of life?”

“No, he would only believe what he wanted to believe.” Yu Nian wiped off the milk foam around his lips with a tissue and handed the script in his hand to Yu Qing, “Sister, let’s not talk about this. The morning is so beautiful, good for playing, right?”

“Okay, I’ll accompany you!”

Several related topics were still firmly in the top 20 until noon. People who eat melons said that they were so excited to eat this melon, and just like peeling an onion, there was no telling what exciting thing would come out next.

You You’s fan group leader revealed all of You You’s black material without reservation. Maybe they had already had a fall-out. The screenshots were thrown out one after another, and they still directly said on Weibo, “To be honest, I can’t stand you too much. In your eyes, maybe fans are some stupid and brain-damaged people who move themselves every day, fight wherever they want, and can be blamed? You don’t have to say anything. Laozi have money, and it was originally just to make sparks of love. My heart is cold now. When this wave is over, I’ll retreat and go home, and just think I’ve blindly fallen in love with a scumbag!” 

Yu Qing hugged her phone, watched the excitement happily, and expressed her thoughts, “How do you say that sentence? Water can carry a boat, but it can also overturn it? Yes, that’s it!” She clicked her tongue twice, “So people shouldn’t treat others as fools.” 

She caught a glimpse of Yu Nian concentrating on the script, “NianNian.”

Yu Nian tilted his head, “Huh?”

Yu Qing put on a serious expression, “Come on, come on, get ready! I posted on Weibo; remember to forward it!”

Yu Nian knowing Yu Qing’s temperament took out his phone obediently, “Well, I’m ready.”

After more than ten hours, Yu Qing posted another Weibo. The accompanying picture was an old photo. In a garden with lush vegetation, a little girl with a pink bow tie and a white princess dress smiled at the camera, holding a delicate-looking little boy about two or three years old with her right hand.

 The accompanying text was, “Let me introduce, my younger brother @YuNian, who is related to me by blood. His grandmother was my grandpa’s sister. I’m sorry to disappoint everyone!”

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Yu Nian quickly reposted, “Driving out in the middle of the night was not to memorize the script in the moonlight, but to look for the signal to check Weibo. The signal in the crew is really bad.” 

As soon as the two Weibo posts were posted, there was an instant uproar.

[Hahaha, I just burst out laughing! You You found out that Yu Nian and Yu Qing were driving out in the middle of the night and thought he had caught the handle, so he ordered the fans to take revenge by holding the dirty water basin. Unexpectedly, the fans didn’t want to put up with him any longer, so they just hung up with their backhand. When facing a precipitous drop of fans, he suddenly learned that Yu Qing and Yu Nian are actually brother and sister, and they drove out to find a signal! This slap in the face; his face swollen, right?]

[Hahahaha, maybe it never occurred to You You that Yu Nian could obviously hold thighs, but he relied on his own talent! To be honest, I didn’t expect it either, and it seems that if it wasn’t for this incident, they would never have thought of revealing this relationship, right?]

[Holy shit! NianNian is actually Sister Qing’s younger brother? Sister, isn’t it discrimination! Our Nian also wants to experience the feeling of champion detemination, throwing money, selecting resources at random, appointing in variety shows, and choosing roles at will!]

[Hahaha Niannian is so cute. They drove out in the middle of the night to find the signal to check Weibo? But truly, NianNian was so good-looking when he was child! So delicate and extravagant! Like a little prince. He really looks good since childhood to aduthood! Exploded!]

[Want to ask about You You’s psychological shadow area! The people who eat melons are satisfied, and they’re full even if they don’t eat lunch!]

In the office.

Xie You saved the photo posted by Yu Qing on Weibo on his mobile phone, printed another one, cut it carefully with small scissors, leaving only the half with Yu Nian, and finally put it in his wallet properly.

He looked at Yu Nian when he was a child. He was short, with facial features carring the shadow of the present, big and dark eyes, fair skin, and chubby cheeks. Facing the camera, his eyes were a little dazed, but he still stood obediently, waiting in place to take pictures.

So cute.

The door of the office was knocked open. Assistant Qin brought in the hurried Qu Xiaoran, then exited and closed the door.

Qu Xiaoran saw the photo in front of Xie You at a glance. His heart twitched, and he began to hesitate whether to say it or not.

Xie You didn’t notice his entanglement. He carefully put away his wallet, raised his head, and asked Qu Xiaoran, “What’s the matter?” 

Qu Xiaoran inhaled and exhaled, paced in place, finally made up his mind, took a few steps closer, and quickly said the news he had just received.

“Yu Nian fell in love with a female model who is taller than him, has a very good-looking appearance, and can kiss him with her one hand against the wall!”

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