Chapter 62: Can’t afford takeout

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As Yu Nian reminisced about the expanse of fireworks he saw through the glass wall of the restaurant, a smile stretched across his face.

“Hey, Nian Nian, do you think it’s the same person as the one who organized the LED light show on the building and the fireworks last time?”

“It should be,” thinking of that mysterious person, he should probably be asleep by now, right?

After discussing it, Yu Qing continued, “But leaving that aside, Nian Nian, your album sales are exceptional in recent years. Even my album ‘Nothing to Lose’ couldn’t match your success. It dominated the charts at the time, but it didn’t have the same strong physical sales as yours. Winning awards would be a sure thing for you.”

Yu Nian leaned against the wall, his hands naturally in his pockets. “It’s somewhat beyond my expectations, better than what Brother Meng and I predicted.”

“Regardless of whether it’s expected or not, the sales data speaks for itself. You don’t know this, but people around me refer to your album as the ‘Godly Album.’ It’s an album like no other, haha!”

Yu Nian felt a bit embarrassed. “They’re exaggerating.”

“They’re not praising you enough!” Yu Qing proudly said. “In just ten days, you sold two hundred thousand physical albums at one hundred yuan each. Do you know how much revenue that is? Those people who used to belittle you must be crying in the face of these numbers. Qu Xiaoran is probably waking up from his dreams laughing!”

“Well, I don’t know about President Qu, but Brother Meng indeed woke up laughing from a dream. He said he dreamt he was counting money, and his fingers were fractured from counting so much.”

Yu Qing burst into laughter. “Haha, if I were him, I’d wake up laughing too!” Then she added, “Nian Nian, you have talent and ability. You can write lyrics, compose, and arrange music on your own. Just solidify your position as a talented all-round singer. Your fans love your songs and your talent more than your face. Even if you have a flash marriage in the future, it won’t matter. If you choose to go the route of a popular idol, even dating someone will result in a crazy loss of fans. You already have someone you like, so plan ahead.”

“I and Brother Meng have the same plan. I want to be like my grandmother and write timeless songs. Not the kind that becomes popular for a year or two and then disappears, but the kind that people will still sing decades later.”

“That’s good. Keep working hard. By the way, the movie ‘Ancient Road’ will be submitted for the Golden Pine Award. If it wins, you will have more confidence in the promotion. The theme song will be released soon, so let Meng Yuan pay attention. We don’t want You You to cause any trouble during the promotion and disgust people.”

After speaking, Yu Qing added to herself, “With an internationally renowned director, an excellent leading actress like me, and the current popular you, we already have a lot of confidence!”

I couldn’t help but laugh at her self-praise. “Siser, do you have such high self-esteem?”

“I’ll praise myself. What’s wrong with that? Are you going to hit me?” Yu Qing teased. “Enough talking, the director called someone. We’ll chat next time.”

When Nian Nian hung up the phone, Shi Rou asked, “Nian Nian, do you already know about the plane thing?”

“Yeah, my sister told me.” Yu Nian contemplated that he needed to find the right time to talk to Yu Qing about Xie You’s matter. Otherwise, with his sister’s protective and hotheaded nature, she might kick Xie You as soon as she sees him.

Shi Rou exclaimed excitedly, “I’m really curious about who has such a grand plan! It’s so extravagant! I saw the photos from the scene, and there was a long line of airplanes parked at the airport, all with your album covers! It’s so cool!”

Yu Nian tried to be honest, “It’s Xie You.”

“Huh?” Shi Rou blinked and reached out to touch Nian Nian’s forehead, concerned. “Nian Nian, have you been too tired lately? I hope President Xie stops causing trouble for you. I would be so grateful!”

Yu Nian sighed—this was the expected reaction.

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At that moment, the door to the dressing room was knocked open, and the host, Shen Yang, walked in with a smile on his face. “Nian Nian, would you like to have a meal together?”

Yu Nian smiled back. “Sure!”

Shen Yang made a “shh” gesture and whispered, “Let’s keep it a secret. We ordered barbecue—a large platter!”

“Barbecue?” Yu Nian whispered back, playing along. “I’ll be right there!”

After removing my makeup, Yu Nian entered Shen Yang’s resting room. As expected, Wei Lu and Feng Yiyang, who had recorded a program together before, were already there. Without hesitation, after sitting down, he reached for a skewer of roasted dried tofu and took a bite, only to inhale sharply because it was too hot.

Wei Lu put down his empty skewer and spoke in a gentler tone when he saw Yu Nian not being pretentious. “Xiao Yu, my daughter knew I was coming to record the show and asked me to ask you a question.”

After taking a sip of cold tea, Yu Nian quickly replied, “What is it, Brother Wei?”

“When you returned from Ye City, didn’t you wear a pair of suede short boots at the airport? My daughter wants to buy the same pair, but even the poor quality knockoffs are sold out online. She wanted me to help ask what brand those shoes are so she can try to get them.”

Shen Yang smiled and interjected, “That’s right, our planning team’s young girl is infatuated with you, Nian Nian. She’s even set her sights on those shoes!”

Yu Nian was puzzled, “But can’t girls wear them, right?”

Shen Yang toyed with the barbecue skewer and said, “In their words, if they can’t have Nian Nian, they should at least have Nian Nian’s shoes!”

Everyone burst into laughter.

“The stylist picked those boots, and I remember the brand name.” Yu Nian wrote the brand name on a memo and handed it to Wei Lu.

Feng Yiyang, who was next to me, took a sip of his cola and chuckled, “Nian Nian, you’ve become a little prince of endorsements lately. Every time you’re seen at the airport, from hats to socks, they all become bestsellers. Even the drinks and yogurt you’re seen with have become top-selling items.”

Shen Yang was curious, “How do you know all this, Brother Feng?”

Feng Yiyang sighed, “It’s my son, who keeps singing ‘Elegant’ and ‘Mountain Snow’ in my ears all the time, even though he’s going through a voice changing period. His voice sounds like a duck with a broken gong—so piercing!”

Everyone burst into laughter again.

When they got on the car, Shi Rou whispered, “Nian Nian, while you were eating barbecue inside, the assistant of Wei Lu and the others and I were in another room. They…” She paused to find a description. “They were especially doting on me!”

She sighed again, “The entertainment industry is such a practical place. When you were still a newcomer, I would usually play on my phone by myself on the side, and no one would pay attention. But now I’m so busy, I don’t even have time to play on my phone.”

Yu Nian chuckled at her exaggerated tone. “Well, it’s indeed hard work.”

“Yeah,” Shi Rou counted on her fingers, “They even subtly asked me about your schedule, the endorsements you signed, and the commercials you’ll be shooting. I gave them vague answers. Did they really think I’m stupid enough to spill everything?”

Seeing that Yu Nian was extremely tired, Shi Rou stopped talking and turned up the heater in the car. “Nian Nian, get some sleep. If you can sleep for an extra half an hour, do it. You’ve been so busy lately.”

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Yu Nian nodded and closed his eyes, drifting off to sleep in a matter of seconds.

The next morning, a little past seven, Yu Nian was still groggy when Xu Xianglan called, discussing the submission of “Ancient Road” for the Golden Pine Award.

“You’re a supporting actor in the film, as well as the singer of the promotional song and the composer of the theme song. You’ll definitely walk the red carpet together,” Xu Xianglan chuckled. “I have good taste. I bet correctly! I said before that you would be even more popular than You You, and look!”

Yu Nian got out of bed, and pulled open the curtains, squinting at the sunlight that almost stung his eyes. He smiled and replied, “I’ve always been grateful to Director Xu for giving me these two opportunities.”

“Don’t say those formal words. You have to be able to stand on your own. Also, I’ll be counting on you for the next song in my upcoming film.”

Yu Nian agreed, “It’s my honor.”

After discussing business matters, Xu Xianglan couldn’t help but gossip a bit. “Nian Nian, I heard your dad is Yu He?”

Yu Nian was taken aback. “Who is Yu He?”

Xu Xianglan realized he had misunderstood and laughed, “Ah, there are all sorts of detailed analyses written out there, and I believed them! Yu He is a wealthy businessman who emigrated abroad in his early years. He’s living overseas now. Enough of that. You’re busy.”

Yu Nian looked at his darkened phone, thought for a moment, and decided to search the internet. The results were all over the place.

Some said he was the illegitimate child of a wealthy family and changed his surname because of the illegitimacy, concealing his identity to enter the entertainment industry. Others claimed that his father was a wealthy Chinese businessman who wanted to experience a commoner’s life, so he came alone to China to attend university. There were even rumors that his father was a high-ranking official and had concealed his family background to avoid suspicion. Each speculation came with a detailed analysis, and after reading them, Yu Nian himself almost believed them.

When he saw Meng Yuan, Yu Nian brought up the matter. “Brother Meng, did the team send those articles?”

“No, we didn’t send them. You’re extremely popular right now, and those marketing tabloids want to ride on your coattails and hitch a ride on your popularity. They’re coming at you from all angles, analyzing everything. If it weren’t for the fact that you’re only twenty-two, you probably would have had four or five illegitimate children by now.”

Meng Yuan then mysteriously said, “Now, guess what I have in my hands!”

Yu Nian thought for a moment as he looked at Meng Yuan’s hands behind his back. “It should be something small and not heavy. Is it a contract?”

Meng Yuan couldn’t contain his excitement and immediately brought out the item. “It’s not a contract; it’s an invitation to the Hersey Spring & Summer Show! The brand invited three people, and you’re the only male artist among them!”

Shi Rou became excited, propping herself up on the back of the seat. “Does that mean there’s a chance for endorsement?”

“You guessed it right!” Meng Yuan handed the invitation to Yu Nian. “You’re invited to the fashion show, which means you’re already on the list of potential brand ambassadors. From now on, when we attend events, we’ll wear Hersey. The brand hinted at it, and we should reciprocate.”

Yu Nian glanced at the invitation and smiled. “Sure, I’ll listen to Brother Meng.”

The nanny car stopped outside the venue of the Oumu Watch brand event, where many reporters were waiting. Meng Yuan got out of the car first, but when Yu Nian stepped out, countless microphones were instantly thrust in his face.

“Your senior from the same university revealed that when you graduated, you couldn’t even afford takeout. Is that true?”

“For what’s being said online, even your senior couldn’t stand the way they’re hyping your image. What do you think?”

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“Is it true that you were so poor that you couldn’t afford takeout? Did you give up your major and enter the entertainment industry just to make money?”

“Is it true what they say online, that you have a gambling addiction and lost most of the money you earned from songwriting?”

Realizing that something was off, Meng Yuan handed Yu Nian a mask he had brought along and, together with the security personnel on-site, struggled to make their way through the pushing reporters and into the venue.

After closing the door to the dressing room and locking it, Shi Rou couldn’t help but exclaim, “I almost got squashed! But what on earth happened? Those reporters were going crazy! I only caught fragments like ‘couldn’t afford takeout’ and ‘senior.'”

Meng Yuan quickly searched for the news and found it. “The video was just posted, judging by the timing, it should have happened while we were in the car.”

Shi Rou also took out her phone and read the headline aloud, “Image Collapse? Senior from the same university reveals Yu Nian Nian couldn’t afford takeout when he graduated!” She exclaimed, “In such a short amount of time, the number of shares has reached a hundred thousand!”

Meng Yuan paid no attention to Shi Rou’s astonishment and turned to Nian Nian. “I know the person who exposed you. It’s Qi Zhe, and he really is your senior. Back when he was interning at Xingyao, he showed me your photo and recommended you to me.”

Yu Nian hadn’t said a word since entering the dressing room, but upon hearing Meng Yuan speak, he replied, “Yes.”

“Did you have a good relationship with him before?”

“Yes,” Yu Nian responded two seconds late. “We had a good relationship. I helped him out twice, and he said he owed me a favor, so he recommended me to you.” He chuckled. “But he wasn’t entirely wrong. I was almost unable to afford takeout during that period. I even asked Brother Meng for an advance on my salary.”

Shi Rou was puzzled. “That doesn’t make sense! Why would he suddenly come forward with this information? Did you offend him recently?”

“No, we weren’t that close to begin with. After I entered the industry, we haven’t been in contact for a long time. During Chinese New Year and Lantern Festival, I sent him congratulatory messages, and he replied.”

“That’s strange. Could it be for fame? Or money?” Meng Yuan stroked his chin and continued, “But honestly, the point he exposed doesn’t really matter. When you debuted, I planned to give you the image of a wealthy young master. On one hand, it matched your natural demeanor, and on the other hand, it was to attract endorsements. But in reality, we didn’t really focus on cultivating that image. We hardly even published any press releases.”

“Most importantly, your talent is like breaking the rules. Even if all the walls in your house leaked and you couldn’t afford takeout, your fans and followers might appreciate you even more. A talented, impoverished young man striving for success and becoming a new generation of popular singer. Look, I’ve even come up with the headline!”

After hearing Meng Yuan’s explanation, Shi Rou also felt relieved. “Yes, you’re right. It’s not a big problem!”

At that moment, Yu Nian’s phone rang, and he answered it. “Senior Qiu?”

Without much small talk, Qiu Chuyue went straight to the point. “It’s about Qi Zhe. I know a bit about the reason.”

Yu Nian gripped his phone and asked, “Can I put it on speaker? My manager is here too.”

“Sure, no problem.”

Qiu Chuyue continued, “Qi Zhe is one year ahead of you. He came from a poor background and worked diligently while studying at the university, which I admired about him. The reason I have a deep impression of him is that he wanted to pursue research with the professor and had contacted me several times about it.”

Yu Nian’s eyelashes trembled slightly. “But the professor stopped accepting research students a long time ago.”

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“That’s right. Qi Zhe wanted to formally apprentice under the professor. But you know, the professor didn’t want any more disciples and hadn’t accepted any in the past decade, except for you. The professor even made it clear that you were his last disciple. But Qi Zhe insisted, thinking that if you can do it, why can’t he?”

Yu Nian lowered his eyelashes and said, “So,” but he couldn’t continue. 

“So, during our undergraduate years, you would always bump into him at the library, even at the cafeteria. He deliberately got close to you, wanting to imitate you,” Qiu Chuyue sighed. “Later, when you entered the entertainment industry as a singer, he went to see our teacher, saying that you had let down the teacher’s expectations by entering the entertainment industry for money. But he wouldn’t be like you.”

Meng Yuan heard this and couldn’t bear to look at Yu Nian’s expression.

He recalled that Qi Zhe appeared honest and sincere, but he was crafty in his actions, both manipulating people’s emotions and pushing aside obstacles in his path.

“But our teacher is very picky and didn’t like Qi Zhe. When he heard him badmouthing you, he immediately blew his mustache and stared him down, kicking him out. He even said that no matter what, you were his disciple,” Qiu Chuyue analyzed. “This time, our teacher fiercely defended his favorite disciple and directly confronted Ji Chaode. It may have triggered Qi Zhe.”

Yu Nian lowered his gaze. “Thank you, Professor.”

Qi Chuyue wanted to say a few words of comfort but remembered the personality of his junior and didn’t say more. “I have a seminar to attend soon, so let’s not talk further for now. You can handle this matter on your own.”

“Okay, thank you. Take care, Senior.”

After hanging up the phone, Meng Yuan looked at Yu Nian’s expression and cautiously asked, “Nian Nian, do you want to rest for a few minutes?”

Yu Nian stayed silent for a moment, shook his head, and smiled. “No need. Although it’s a bit upsetting, it’s nothing major. It can’t delay my work.”

Meng Yuan patted Yu Nian’s shoulder. “Focus on your work. I know how to handle the public opinion.”

Brand events followed a predetermined process: photoshoots, interviews, autographs, and lucky draws. Everything went smoothly. When they came off the stage, Yu Nian saw Meng Yuan rushing over with a worried expression. “Brother Meng, what’s wrong?”

Meng Yuan’s expression was a bit awkward. “Your devoted fan with grand gestures caused some trouble again.”

Xie You?

Yu Nian’s emotional turmoil was diluted, and he curiously asked, “What happened?”

Meng Yuan showed Yu Nian the pictures. “Look, just now, on the LED screen of a building in the financial center, several large characters appeared.”

Yu Nian focused and read what was written: “Nian Nian, don’t be unhappy.” The background was filled with ever-changing colorful balloons.

At that moment, a message came in. Yu Nian opened it, and it was from Xie You. “Feeling better now?”

Is he trying to cheer me up?

Yu Nian smiled and replied, “Yes, I’m feeling much better. But doesn’t it cost a lot of money to do this?”

This time, Xie You replied instantly, “It didn’t cost anything. The building is mine.”

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